Regarding GSoC

2021-04-13 Thread Aman Kapoor
Hello mentors,

I have submitted my final proposal to the GSoC portal.
I have a query that can we know the statistics of FreeType's GSoC, in
simple words can we know that how many students have submitted their
proposal and for what what project somewhere, or this information will be
anonymous till the results will announced.
If it is not like that i am eager to know the stats.

Aman Kapoor

Re: testing framework GSOC

2021-04-08 Thread Aman Kapoor
> Thanks Sarthak for the help

> It is not clear what problems arise for you because of the local
> vs. remote thing.  Please elaborate.  Maybe I don't understand you
> correctly.

When I am trying to run it locally it simply generates blank html report of
the comparison and blank images, i am doing everything what there is
specified in the project and what have described, at first when i haven't
changed the filename to freetypte2 it was not even processing and showing
errors but now it processing well but generating only blank pages. And i am
not getting the differences.
I need some help and i request someone to try this out locally on your end,
and tell me is it working because i have tried several times it is
not working for me...


Re: testing framework GSOC

2021-04-05 Thread Aman Kapoor
Hi all,

 i wanna ask that can we run this framework in any other way than running
locally or not? Please do share the process because i got nothing related
to this related on readme..and is process of running locally is written
clearly in the documentation because there is difference between
instructions given in readme and report given to mailing list by Greg

And Alexei can you tell that what is the thing you want to improve in image
generation and what is inside the demo programs? That can be useful

Aman Kapoor


Re: GSoC

2021-04-02 Thread Aman Kapoor
On Fri, Apr 2, 2021, 16:47 Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> >> [...]  Thanks to the similar GSoC project last year, there should
> >> only be incremental improvements necessary and not the need to
> >> start from scratch.  As far as I can see, the migration of the CI
> >> to the gitlab instance at is 100 to 200 lines of
> >> code, improving the UI is basically a few hundred lines of CSS.
> >> This can be done over a weekend.
> >
> > Adding a frontend framework or using bootstrap will definitely take
> > some more time
> Of course.  Multiple solutions are possible!
> >> Basically I don't mind if there are two students who want to split
> >> a suggested project into two subprojects.  Note, however, that GSoC
> >> doesn't allow real collaboration: The students must write separate
> >> proposals that must *not* refer to each other, must code by
> >> themselves, etc., etc.  It is a non-trivial task to cleanly define
> >> such non-interfering subprojects.
> >
> > If i am not getting it wrong you mean to say that we should make
> > different different proposals mentioning separate jobs but related
> > to the same framework improvement, like we have to divide the tasks
> > in such primary level and will give it to our proposal, that means
> > that this project can be divided and we have to mention only those
> > things in our proposal that is earlier assigned to us to do under
> > this project, half-half.
> Yes.  However, I don't say you *should* do this.  What I say is that
> two students *might* share a project in a 'friendly' way as two
> completely separate subprojects, with no official collaboration
> between them.

Ok I got your point, so as per the thing we should write the proposal for
some separate sub-project from this whole project for the betterment of
this framework, as i don't know about his opinion so i don't want to him
edit or omit the thing he wanted to do earlier if he will be ok with my
idea that the niche of migration of CI tool , improving UI and betterment
of comparison tool and other testing parts will be all his area of work,

while as Alexei suggested working on image generation and then improvement
of the documetation and adding test case collection and other things which
are to be needed should be mine.

If he is  ok with that we can do this type of thing it will be like doing
different different subproject under same projects name , and no
collaboration to be done like this as you have mentioned earlier.
Is this alright , or should we have to write proposal for the whole project
covering each and every aspect individually.

Ps i have not confirmed the thing from his side till now but i think i
would be good for both of us, i am also expecting his opinion on the list.

Aman kapoor


Re: GSoC

2021-04-02 Thread Aman Kapoor
Thanks for the clarification.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2021, 15:35 Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> Hello Aman,
> > I have read archive on orgs. Mailing list.  I have some doubts, as
> > this year's GSoC time is reduced to half, which implies that project
> > should be smaller, and what sarthak have stated in his earlier mail
> > (four or five points), is quite tough to be completed in such a
> > short span of time, that is migrating CI, improving UI and
> > comparison sol. apart from that if one will approach towards what
> > one of the mentors have suggested i.e image generation it will be
> > quite hectic to manage in only 10 weeks and also to adjust in your
> > proposal's timeline.
> I assume that you are talking about the project
>   Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output
> right?  If this is the case, I disagree with your conclusions.  Thanks
> to the similar GSoC project last year, there should only be
> incremental improvements necessary and not the need to start from
> scratch.  As far as I can see, the migration of the CI to the gitlab
> instance at is 100 to 200 lines of code, improving the
> UI is basically a few hundred lines of CSS.  This can be done over a
> weekend.
- Adding a frontend framework or using bootstrap will definitely take some
more time and i can't say about migration ci tool, its totally depends on
the student though, thanks for the clarification.


> Note also that it is up to the student to write a proposal that fits
> his or her capabilities, possibly selecting only a subset of the
> project as described on our GSoC page.  It's part of GSoC that
> students estimate the necessary time for something – as in real life
> projects, if you are going to work for a company, say.
> > Or is there any probability that for a single project there can be
> > more than one students in GSoC(many orgs do so).  I think this can
> > create some good condition to work on, as for rest of the projects
> > stated in the list, i haven't seen too many students approaching so
> > far.  That will be beneficial for the smooth process.
> Basically I don't mind if there are two students who want to split a
> suggested project into two subprojects.  Note, however, that GSoC
> doesn't allow real collaboration: The students must write separate
> proposals that must *not* refer to each other, must code by
> themselves, etc., etc.  It is a non-trivial task to cleanly define
> such non-interfering subprojects.

If i am not getting it wrong you mean to say that we should make different
different proposals mentioning separate jobs but related to the same
framework improvement, like we have to divide the tasks in such primary
level and will give it to our proposal, that means that this project can be
divided and we have to mention only those things in our proposal that is
earlier assigned to us to do under this project, half-half.

As i can see GSoC is not about competitive spirit it's about collaborative
spirit so it might be possible that we can do it better somehow in a team
sense.and i have seen many orgs going the same and it is suggestion by me
in my humble opinion, Am i taking your point right?
So that i can make him aware of that...

> > P.S- I have not seen his proposal yet but i am assuming he have
> > mentioned it all that he have stated in his mails for freetype.
> >
> > And i will also be sharing my proposal draft very soon.
> Thanks!
> Werner


2021-04-02 Thread Aman Kapoor
I have read archive on orgs. Mailing list. I have some doubts, as this
year's GSoC time is reduced to half, which implies that project should be
smaller, and what sarthak have stated in his earlier mail(four or five
points), is quite tough to be completed in such a short span of time, that
is migrating CI, improving UI and comparison sol. apart from that if one
will approach towards what one of the mentors have suggested i.e image
generation it will be quite hectic to manage in only 10 weeks and also to
adjust in your proposal's timeline.

Or is there any probability that for a single project there can be more
than one students in GSoC(many orgs do so). I think this can create some
good condition to work on, as for rest of the projects  stated in the list
,i haven't seen too many students approaching so far. That will be
beneficial for the smooth process.

P.S- I have not seen his proposal yet but i am assuming he have mentioned
it all that he have stated in his mails for freetype.

And i will also be sharing my proposal draft very soon.


Re: GSOC Project

2021-03-18 Thread Aman Kapoor
Ok git it thanks werner and one more thing that i want to ask is for
getting well in work with freetype i need to study whole documentation of
freetype or i just need to have the intro and build it to the system,
Inshorts i am asking you to suggest that what are the topics in which i
should be acquaint so that i will not find any hurdle.


On Thu, Mar 18, 2021, 12:02 Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> Hello Aman,
> > I am interested in the project -_"Develop a test framework for
> > checking Freetype's rendering output"
> Great!
> > 1. What signifies the meaning of word "font corpora" as i haven't
> > found anything about by googling it.
> A good and valid question.
> 'Corpora' is the plural form of the Latin word 'corpus'.  A 'font
> corpus' is a set of fonts that kind-of belong together, or have been
> collected for a common purpose.  For example, each time the FreeType
> fuzzer finds a problem, the offending fuzzed font gets added to such a
> corpus.
> For the problem of checking the rendering output, collecting fonts for
> a similar corpus is necessary.  Ideally, the elements of this corpus
> should be tiny fonts of various font formats that either
> (1) increase the code coverage of the FreeType (mainly to check error
> handling)
> or
> (2) test all aspects of the rendering pipeline, covering as much
> features as possible.
> For the GSoC task at hand, (1) can be ignored more or less, since it
> doesn't contribute to visual differences.
> A serious problem is that many important fonts are commercial fonts,
> which can't be directly added to a freely available corpus.  Most
> fonts, however, allow subsetting, and collecting subsetted fonts is
> similar to collecting PDF files that contain them and thus legally
> allowed.[*]
> Let's assume that glyph 'foo' of font 'bar' causes a rendering
> problem.  A logical step would be to create a subsetted font of 'bar'
> that contains just this single 'foo' glyph (more or less).
> > 2. Where can i find instructions to build free type
> Well, as with almost all source code package you should start with the
> `README` file :-)
> Werner
> [*] At least this is what I think.  It should be otherwise possible to
> construct a minimum PDF file around a subsetted font.

GSOC Project

2021-03-17 Thread Aman Kapoor
Hello all,
Myself Aman kapoor , I am a sophomore at Thapar University India.
I have some experience of coding with C and C++
I am interested in the project -_"Develop a test framework for checking
Freetype's rendering output"

After reading the basic project overview i got some queries hope i will
find my solutions

1. What signifies the meaning of word "font corpora" as i haven't found
anything about by googling it.

2. Where can i find instructions to build free type

Hope i will get my solutions to my small doubts, looking forward to
