[FRIAM] The DEL hilarity continues

2015-12-13 Thread Gillian Densmore
Ray I think you called it  that damn thing crashed yesterday.

Crashed (noun and adjective):
Common accurence with windwos.  Symptoms: Unresponsive programs, a blue
colored screen,  mouse and keybored ignored, and otherwise describing doom.

Now it won't even boot.

As I am now in the market for a new desktop because I've put about at least
300 into the DEL (see also doom, crash, and crappy computers, highblood
preasure, and general dystopic state with a yen to crush the world)

I'm disinclined to much more, if any into it.

I'd prefer a computer that rocks.  For me that meens can play games, kick
ass parts so as it's not in the damn shop costing as much or more than I
initially payed for.
Based on my now soured taste twards this dell  and having replaced the hard
drive 3 times, It'd be preferable to have one with two  seperate hardrives
so as backup is simple and easy.

I saw a green tank one Amazon for 900. (with free prime shipping) from
CyberPowerPC with 16gigs of ram and Nvidia of some sort that sported 2 gigs
of ram

In in the interest of transparency: I might prefer to replace this DEL
because it, or windows iritiates me. I'd prefer to Keep the Hard drive it
has (If it's still good)
It's power converter and motivators are bad then that's likely at least 30,
and it doesn't feel like it's aging gracefully. It might make a good little
linux box, provided I can put in a new hard drive

What others do if they were in my place?

New computer? (newer parts meen less wear and tear and other issues)

Replace the failed part (god knows where to even get one in santafe)?

Both? (Might buy a small amount of time till new computer) :

What kind of computer would people recomend? I've used and enjoyed Apples
in the past. If there's a PC brand that rocks by all meens sugest some.

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[FRIAM] [ SPAM ] Re: The DEL hilarity continues

2015-12-13 Thread Russell Standish
On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 01:35:39PM -0700, Owen Densmore wrote:
> Here's an idea:
> 1 - Backup all your files
> 2 - Re-install Windows. Dell has a good reputation for helping with this.
> 3 - If all goes well, reinstall the files you want.
> (all this is a pain but is becoming easier with Dropbox, AppStores, etc.
> Keep good notes!)
> 4 - If it fails and continues to have problems, get a new computer,
> possibly using the old one for a home server. If you still like Dell, they
> can help with "migration" .. i.e. pulling over your existing files and apps.
> BTW: Windows has a bad reputation but then so does Mac and Linux. Just pick
> your battles:
> - Windows: was horrid but getting better & doing open source. Soon to be
> have the best browser, and open source JS engine! Think node with an
> alternative to V8. And mainstream.
> - Mac: *nix with a pretty face and kinda a jerk if you fall outside their
> design/market center. Seems to be the dev preference nowadays.
> - Linux: great if you like DIY & being a system admin. Has most the apps
> most folks need. Again, great for devs.

+1 What you say is so true. Which is why it is Linux for me.

I also build my own machine, or use a custom box builder - buy the
parts you need, have it delivered with those parts already assembled,
then add you own bits. Main advantage is getting more powerful
hardware for your money. 

Windows Xp => Windows 7 => Windows 10 seems to be definitely moving
in the right direction, but even Windows 10 still feels clunky to me
compared with Linux. Windows releases in between (Vista and 8) were
definite missteps.

Incidently, I run Windows 10 on a virtual machine which I found works
pretty flawlessly. I've heard people have had some problems running it
on real hardware, though.


Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics  hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
University of New South Wales  http://www.hpcoders.com.au

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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