Re: [FRIAM] the role of metaphor in scientific thought

2017-07-17 Thread Vladimyr
To Nick Thompson,


I may have made an error when trying to reply with my Outlook email software 

so unusual in this heat and with my condition. I apologize for confusion.

I have been wrestling with your questions. Honestly.


I asked myself essentially the same some time ago so I seem to have struck off 
on my own.

Not my first time in the wilderness feeling naked.


The  congregation ruckus has rekindled the fire under my arse. So here is my 

mixture of math and hidden philosophy!AjdC7pqwzaUUkybexnPVUncB5kt8


you may have to wait for a moment to download . I would like to volunteer to 
help you

with your efforts but can no longer travel. Glen Ropella most assuredly plays a 
major role in asking 

difficult questions which act as pivot points to redirect lines of inquiry. My 
own efforts are seemingly 

at some distance but when forced to think philosophically. I see we have much 
in common, I have even

provided some evidence of layers or levels in another guise. Name as of yet 
unknown… You both appear to have been

correct in some ways.


The object I work with is convenient but in no way obligated/entitled to 
importance. I could just as easily work with

a section of a millipede or a wind turbine. 

This thread should be maintained even though it seems to be rather dormant.

I am well aware that my offer also hides self interest but we can discuss that 
after this heat passes.




From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Nick Thompson
Sent: June-23-17 4:31 PM
To: 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group'
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] the role of metaphor in scientific thought


Thank you, Frank.  A really important point.


So bachelor implies unmarried, but unmarried does not imply bachelor.  Your 
message also contained some additional correspondence which, for some reason, I 
have never seen.  I have no quick answer to any of it.  I still think that 
there is an important peril in explanations of the form “A is the explanation 
for A” but I am way less confident of my ability to identify pernicious 
extensions of that form.  And it still seems significant to me that you 
complexitists have not identified and agreed upon a target for your explanatory 
efforts.  (Please remind me, I if I am wrong about that).  So, unless I have 
gone dozy, we have two outstanding questions:


1.   When complexitists speak of complexity, to what phenomenon are they 

2.   What are the conditions that predict the occurrence of such phenomena. 

3.   Does anybody on this list believe that it is fair to include parts of 
your answer to question #1 in your answer to question #2


One more thing.  Back in the email midden several days ago, I said something to 
Glen that was inadvertently tactless and overtly stupid.  Glen responded with 
kindness, generosity,  and indefatigable focus on the main issues.   This is to 
announce my gratitude to Glen for being … well … Glen.  I am honored that 
you-guys let me sit on the edge of your pool and dangle my feet in it.  That’s 
a metaphor.  



Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University


From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Frank Wimberly
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 9:52 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] the role of metaphor in scientific thought


Has anybody mentioned that there are lot of unmarried men that you usually 
wouldn't call bachelors?  There are widowers, priests, and nineteen year-olds, 
for example.  I learned the word because my father's brother was a thirty-five 
year old Major in the Air Force with no wife. He eventually got married and had 
children. Late bloomer?



Frank Wimberly
Phone (505) 670-9918


On Jun 22, 2017 11:34 PM, "gepr ⛧"  wrote:

But the difference isn't merely rhetorical. If we take the setup seriously, 
that the unmarried patient really doesn't know the other names by which his 
condition is known, then there are all sorts of different side effects that 
might obtain. E.g. if the doctor tells him he's a bachelor, he might google 
that and discover bachelor parties. But if the doctor tells him he is "single", 
he might discover single's night at the local pub.

My point was not only the evocation of various ideas, but also the side effects 
of various (computational) paths.

On June 22, 2017 7:00:55 PM PDT, Eric Charles  
>Glen said: "So, the loop of unmarried <=> bachelor has information in
>even if the only information is (as in your example), the guy learns
>because the condition has another name, perhaps there are other ways of
>thinking about it ... other _circles_ to use."
>This reminds me that, in another context, Nick complained to me quite a

Re: [FRIAM] the role of metaphor in scientific thought

2017-07-17 Thread Vladimyr


This thread seems to have stalled out and just at a time when I have started to 
make some progress

toward answering Nick Thompson’s carefully crafted petition aimed at the 
Oracles of Delphi.


I have been on the look-out for anything that may prove helpful.

What I now have may seem as inscrutable as those ancient responses.


First Nick has so defined metaphor , that it seems only a literary concept. 
This may in itself be an accidental layer obscuring

the essential target of interest. The way we think creatively. It may be that 
many use literary elements for their

art, but in my peculiar case that is not true. Whether or not I am typical is 
unknown , perhaps not even important.


I recently re-discovered old worksheets of mine at solving a problem with mixed 
results. However there was a peculiar subroutine that

did work at projecting a Self Avoiding Walk in 3 space. At the time that I 
constructed this routine I had no idea what a self avoiding walk

actually was capable of doing or its relationship to anything remotely related 
to my own interests. In simple language this was a line growing

out in a path appearing quite random seeming to have no destination. Using some 
patience I waited and watched as it wiggled about resembling a worm writhing 

on a sidewalk after a downpour. It eventually found it’s origin and formed a 
closed loop only to repeat exactly the same gyrations and return to the start 


This may be a defect of my mind but I was mesmerized as when as a child I 
discovered a rattlesnake in the woods behind our summer house.


Nick’s questions appear to be searching for a structure to support his desire 
to Understand Complexity and write that down. A most worthy if not dangerous 

Nick is familiar with words and even comfortable in their presence, while I 
find images and math more reassuring. 


However, I may actually have on my desktop sufficient material to answer a 
substantial part of these ominous questions. Knowing that my cleverness

is untested in this arena I have been slow to jump into the melee. My own 
hesitancy comes from the fear that Complexity may be an artifact of mind as well

as reality and unravelling the knot will require more cleverness than my own. 
The Neurology Research suggests this is imminent.


Many of the arguments tossed back and forth in the congregation contain 
Circularity as one important article of contention. So too does the notion 
present itself in my

work on re-circulant matrices. I can’t escape this property so I must 
accommodate it somehow, usually in graphic animations. Glen’s arguments are 
often very astute even if 

 momentarily infuriating and he must be given much credit for herding the geese 
on the long walk to the market.


In 1992 I was given a copy of Artificial Life edited by C.G.Langton while still 
a student and was much impressed but preoccupied and very remote.


It is time for new effort , a quarter century has been long enough.


So Gentlemen where do we start …


I placed a video essay of sorts on my cloud site you are invited to comment , 
criticise but please no insincere flattery.

The point is to demonstrate some of the difficulties we can expect using New 
Media to convey ideas to a new audience.

It is my start and wholly inadequate, but that is as good a way as any to begin 
an adventure, my style is to start on the wrong foot,

then fix things later…!AjdC7pqwzaUUkyVxZJic6mnolcr1





If possible text should be accompanied with video and presented as open 
material on the web.

I am sure that many of you can help guide/assemble such a work, 

Well its not like building an building an Alaska  Highway







From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Nick Thompson
Sent: June-23-17 4:31 PM
To: 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group'
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] the role of metaphor in scientific thought


Thank you, Frank.  A really important point.


So bachelor implies unmarried, but unmarried does not imply bachelor.  Your 
message also contained some additional correspondence which, for some reason, I 
have never seen.  I have no quick answer to any of it.  I still think that 
there is an important peril in explanations of the form “A is the explanation 
for A” but I am way less confident of my ability to identify pernicious 
extensions of that form.  And it still seems significant to me that you 
complexitists have not identified and agreed upon a target for your explanatory 
efforts.  (Please remind me, I if I am wrong about that).  So, unless I have 
gone dozy, we have two outstanding questions:


1.   When complexitists speak of complexity, to what phenomenon are they 

2.   What are the conditions that predict the occurrence of such phenomena. 

3.   Does anybody on this list believe that it is fair to include parts of 
your answer to questio