[FRIAM] A few weeks with blender vs a student copy of Cinema 4D

2022-10-08 Thread Gillian Densmore
Cinema 4D might win in the important Undue button. And if this derp can
find a button and make a very basic thing. People better with 3D
definitely could...maybe. It's...nooo way, it's the WordPress of Modeling
and motion graphics? wowza just thought about that. But it is! If you don't
mind. Or can work with very cookie cutter workflow. You might like it for
taking all your complicated things to turn into something mere mortals can
(literally) see and get. But unfortunately for me that was where the wall
is. Just for trying to convert sketches into 3D or at least get to where I
could? as sexy as it's layer scheme, and Maxon's attempt to keep it
nondestructive is really cool. The UX and UI is...weird compared to even
blenders: what kind of fudge did they eat? UI and UX. Mirror a Object? much
less it's data? it might exist. make that a symmetrical virtual object?
sure NP. do even my basic level of texturing? The UV unwrap? sexy? the
adding a texture? Not so much.
And the other issues with things that ya'all know way more about than I do,
man it's something begging for love from adobe or something...because. It
almost but not quite: project map a premade very detailed texture? Well,
yeah, about that the UI for doing so is..weird and kind of clunkly
Even basic transforms get frustrating.

>From what I recall steve knows all about this both elegant and cluster, er
um fudge recipe mess. Oh btw: Fudge: because in the world of the Friam mail
list no one says angry words. They eat fudge instead since no one actually
gets mad or upset about something. Off list you might, can say what you
actually want to say to stuff.
Anyway: blender 3.1 is surprising me I hadn't touched blender since 2.2 or
something and it was awful then. I am now seeing why people might like it:
tutorials! lots of them. And a certain kind of honesty from users. Like:
this thing it does, actually is weird, bad, or just sucks. Sufficed to say
the new to me UI and UX is...growing on me.  Don't get me wrong, some of
the stuff you *can * do with it's  procderial, node thingy, graph plug one
set of commands into another long string ala Modo or Designer is really
neet. and once you get the lane its in almost makes sense, but somethings.
Like Blender Guru, and somethers ask: how are you going to know to use: map
to actually meen a collision object for 'geometry' nodes or generators to
meen: pls make something that creates this other thing?
It falls flat on it's face for undue. it just does. save, save save.legacy
things also makes no fudge eating sense either. a origin cursor to meen:
the data of this mesh promitive or nurbe is still here, but you see it here
instead is...clunky.
On the other hand? Modifiers? OMG fantastic! wicked cool
And what i bet steve is curious about:
Yes Eevee is fast it's only raster data and objects rendering a scene or
animation? fast like  hyper kids fast.
Cycles it's engine for  Raytrace and Vecter renders is horribly slow.  I
don't know why either. I know RayTracing is how to abuse your CPU and GPU.
and that it can use CUDA or other performant systems and still be slow.
Even by raytrace and vector data standandars is super frustrating.
As a test I took a simple scene i made: it's eta? tomorrow, eventually. and
that's just 250 frames of animation with almost nothing going on.
Evee and Workbench or rockets by comparison because they cheat. Evee can do
glows, and reflections and some other things that I'd need to look up.
Which Cycles can't...yet but if you need absolutely everything rendered it
might not be a good choice.
the UI and UX 200 times better than the 2.x days.
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[FRIAM] Mice being unusually invassive, anyone else?

2022-10-08 Thread Gillian Densmore
Unless Steve has a different take, then I totally respect it and etc.

OmFG. This year they keep coming. It's been years since I've had a full on
mouse invasion. And wonder: what the fudge chocolates causes it (clean
house) and what folks do about it..beyond 999 mice traps.
Easily 10 yeated out of the house just this last week alone. Do mice
migrate? Get together and decide who to drive up the wall? How does this
work? and how do I convince them: enter, and die.? (barf).
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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Fridays 9a-12p Friday St. Johns Cafe   /   Thursdays 9a-12p Zoom 
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  1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/