Re: [Full-disclosure] Making waves on Twitter!

2014-01-27 Thread Brandon Perry
I think the only way to solve this debate is a Celebrity Deathmatch-style
stand off.

I will get the petition ready on
Stay tuned.

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 9:05 AM, David Kennedy wrote:

 Y, whats up. This dude is crazy and probably Waylon Krush (can't
 confirm that). He's been tweeting each news organization in an attempt to
 throw a bunch of crap out there. Make your own determination, but I'm not
 the only one that's found it. First it was I absolutely had access to 70k
 and I'm the next Weev and should be arrested, now it's I've morphed myself
 into a media whore. Regardless, when its fixed, I'll post as I've always
 said. Even did a full writeup and updates explaining everything:

 Dude keeps changing and morphing the story into a bunch of different
 things and changing the story. Happy to explain whenever and I'm not the
 only one who came to the same damn conclusion, 7 others did as well that
 were under NDA.

 Make your own determination, I've always done things on ethics and being
 up front, not hiding in the shadows and claiming insane things behind cloak
 and daggers.

 -Dave via Jan 22 (2 days ago) to
 root, full-disclosure This site is making waves on twitter: So what say you? Has our dear sweet
 Lord of the SET hacked Or did
 he lie about what is really going on to get close to his hero's at Fox
 News? Has the spotlight turned him into another Gregory Evans? Desperate
 and willing to do anything for his next hit of the spotlight? Or did he
 find a way to have Google let him do 70,000 searches in four mins like he

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

-- -- blog -- website
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Making waves on Twitter!

2014-01-27 Thread David Kennedy
As long as it involves the death star creation we may have a chance..
On Jan 26, 2014 9:57 PM, Brandon Perry wrote:

 I think the only way to solve this debate is a Celebrity Deathmatch-style
 stand off.

 I will get the petition ready on
 Stay tuned.

 On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 9:05 AM, David Kennedy wrote:

 Y, whats up. This dude is crazy and probably Waylon Krush (can't
 confirm that). He's been tweeting each news organization in an attempt to
 throw a bunch of crap out there. Make your own determination, but I'm not
 the only one that's found it. First it was I absolutely had access to 70k
 and I'm the next Weev and should be arrested, now it's I've morphed myself
 into a media whore. Regardless, when its fixed, I'll post as I've always
 said. Even did a full writeup and updates explaining everything:

 Dude keeps changing and morphing the story into a bunch of different
 things and changing the story. Happy to explain whenever and I'm not the
 only one who came to the same damn conclusion, 7 others did as well that
 were under NDA.

 Make your own determination, I've always done things on ethics and being
 up front, not hiding in the shadows and claiming insane things behind cloak
 and daggers.

 -Dave via Jan 22 (2 days ago)
 to root, full-disclosure This site is making waves on twitter: So what say you? Has our dear sweet
 Lord of the SET hacked Or did
 he lie about what is really going on to get close to his hero's at Fox
 News? Has the spotlight turned him into another Gregory Evans? Desperate
 and willing to do anything for his next hit of the spotlight? Or did he
 find a way to have Google let him do 70,000 searches in four mins like he

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

 -- -- blog -- website

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Making waves on Twitter!

2014-01-27 Thread Brandon Perry
So, here are the problems I have with both sides of this debate right now.
I wouldn't normally play along with politics like this, but it's a nice
Sunday afternoon, and I am feeling saucy.

I post this is an open forum because I believe this debate is useful in an
open forum and I don't believe that Dave should be going up against
polidiots in Congress alone.

Let's think about what is happening. Our claim is that is is
insecure. We are the ones making that claim, and so the burden of proof is
on us. They have effectively proven that they had some sort of pen tests
done (who knows the scope, or how much risk was simply accepted).
However, the only way to prove that the website is truly insecure is to
break the law. They know this (and let's not forget there is extreme bias
here). You need to look at this from the point of view of the people you
are trying to convince.

I hate this term passive reconnoissance because the people you are trying
to convince have *no* idea what this means. You are either using the
website in the way it was intended or you are not (their POV, not mine).
That paints a black and white picture that could fall under the CFAA. In
fact, passive recon sounds like something the NSA does to collect metadata.
Just saying.

Krush obviously has no idea how software development works. Yes, let's
build honeypots into our extremely time-crunched multi-million dollar web
application instead of actually building security measures in. That makes
perfect sense. However, he is playing the political game that Dave is not.
He knows exactly who is audience is, and plays straight into their hand. He
is telling them anything vaguely technical that backs up the story that
everything is secure. And you can't prove that what he is saying isn't true.

The fact that no real data is stored permanently (a point that both the
Congress people and Krush make repeatedly) is no point at all. TJX and
Target both had all their data stolen in transit (memory scanning malware).
Nieman Marcus and Michaels are now likely in that boat as well. This is the
perfect time to refute their point since it is fresh on everyone's mind.
Any data existing on those servers at any given point in time should be
considered at risk.

There needs to be a solid story on the 70,000 number. Is there source code
available for these scripts? Dave is going to get clobbered on this if he
can't show exactly what this means. Anyone that is technical probably
understands what is happening, but to anyone who doesn't know what an HTTP
request is, the explanations are very soft and confusing (most media
outlets?). This doesn't work in favor of the arguments because it makes it
seem like something is being hidden.

In the end, this is a political problem. Not a technical problem. You can
throw out hard numbers (hell, they might even be correct), and they can put
words in your mouth and twist what you say to discredit you and you lose.
Politicking is all about 10 second sound bites. That is their game right
now. Not to prove Dave wrong, but to discredit him.

Let's recap: we can't prove the website is insecure without breaking the
law, and our politichildren are not concerned about proving it is secure.
They probably don't even know what secure means when it comes to
technical systems like I believe Dave is approaching this
as a technical problem, when this is actually a political problem.

For the hell of it, I will drop a Reaganism[1]: Trust, but verify. We are
effectively being told trust us, it is secure. We should be saying,
Fine, we trust you. Let us verify. Our tax dollars built the system.
Maybe we should be allowed to view the source code.

I don't really expect any replies, but I love to eat crow. Feel free to
teach me something.

/me grabs some popcorn

[1]. I believe Reagan stole this from the Russians.

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 3:03 PM, David Kennedy wrote:

 As long as it involves the death star creation we may have a chance..
 On Jan 26, 2014 9:57 PM, Brandon Perry

 I think the only way to solve this debate is a Celebrity Deathmatch-style
 stand off.

 I will get the petition ready on
 Stay tuned.

 On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 9:05 AM, David Kennedy da...@derbycon.comwrote:

 Y, whats up. This dude is crazy and probably Waylon Krush (can't
 confirm that). He's been tweeting each news organization in an attempt to
 throw a bunch of crap out there. Make your own determination, but I'm not
 the only one that's found it. First it was I absolutely had access to 70k
 and I'm the next Weev and should be arrested, now it's I've morphed myself
 into a media whore. Regardless, when its fixed, I'll post as I've always
 said. Even did a full writeup and updates explaining everything:

 Dude keeps changing and morphing the story into a bunch 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Making waves on Twitter!

2014-01-27 Thread David Kennedy
Good points on all of those. I've been trying to keep it on track as a
security issue and I think it is actually getting there. I had a
conversation with the CISO over HHS which just took over the
infrastructure. He seems pretty awesome and wanting to do the right things
to get the things addressed and wants to understand them all. So on that
front, I think it's gotten the light that it's needed to do change. My hope
was that it would be not just but the federal government as a whole.
FISMA + 800-53 != security in any shape or form and we're seeing the
ramifications of that now on an entire federal/state level. FISMA has
messed us up for the next 10 years to come. Instead of proactive type
solutions, its how do we get the check box and skirt around the NIST
guidelines - same thing goes for any other regulatory/compliance standard -
SOX/PCI no different.

I may have been too ambitious to think we could change the larger problem
as it become a political show instead of the focus on security. Regardless
- lots of good done on that front and lots of things have changed since the
last testimony.

Regarding the script, its an embarrassing urllib2 request - happy to
release it as soon as its fixed (still open as far as I know). Tickets #'s
have been submitted to the devs.

On the getting blasted front - it's actually been quite light except for
Waylon/NoBiasInfosec crazy talk. For the most part, it's been received well
and seems like a lot of folks interested in addressing it.  To the point Let's
recap: we can't prove the website is insecure without breaking the law, and
our politichildren are not concerned about proving it is secure.

I agree - I tried using the analogy that if I was a mechanic instead and
had 14 years of working on cars and a car drove past me with the engine
making clanking sounds, blue smoke everywhere and leaking oil, chances are
it's probably got an engine issue, either that or its fine and just a
honeypot. I can't say that the internal guts are insecure, but based on
doing this type of testing for years and years, there's much more
symptomatic problems out under the hood. I could be wrong, but I would be
blown away if everything looked great on the inside.

That's why I grabbed 7 other security folks to provide their opinion on it,
most are application security folks and do this as a profession - same
conclusion. Regardless, I have to say that I'm pretty finished on the
politics stuff - at least for now. I'm not a political person, I stay away
from it as a practice. I was hoping that it would be a focus on bringing
awareness and light to a pretty bad situation. It's such a
hostile environment where folks are more bent on winning their political
views than it is about doing the right thing. Unfortunate but the world we
live in.

All good points Brandon - appreciate the responses.


On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 11:39 PM, Brandon Perry

 So, here are the problems I have with both sides of this debate right now.
 I wouldn't normally play along with politics like this, but it's a nice
 Sunday afternoon, and I am feeling saucy.

 I post this is an open forum because I believe this debate is useful in an
 open forum and I don't believe that Dave should be going up against
 polidiots in Congress alone.

 Let's think about what is happening. Our claim is that is
 is insecure. We are the ones making that claim, and so the burden of proof
 is on us. They have effectively proven that they had some sort of pen tests
 done (who knows the scope, or how much risk was simply accepted).
 However, the only way to prove that the website is truly insecure is to
 break the law. They know this (and let's not forget there is extreme bias
 here). You need to look at this from the point of view of the people you
 are trying to convince.

 I hate this term passive reconnoissance because the people you are
 trying to convince have *no* idea what this means. You are either using the
 website in the way it was intended or you are not (their POV, not mine).
 That paints a black and white picture that could fall under the CFAA. In
 fact, passive recon sounds like something the NSA does to collect metadata.
 Just saying.

 Krush obviously has no idea how software development works. Yes, let's
 build honeypots into our extremely time-crunched multi-million dollar web
 application instead of actually building security measures in. That makes
 perfect sense. However, he is playing the political game that Dave is not.
 He knows exactly who is audience is, and plays straight into their hand. He
 is telling them anything vaguely technical that backs up the story that
 everything is secure. And you can't prove that what he is saying isn't true.

 The fact that no real data is stored permanently (a point that both the
 Congress people and Krush make repeatedly) is no point at all. TJX and
 Target both had all their data stolen in transit (memory scanning malware).

[Full-disclosure] DC4420 - London DEFCON - January meet - Tuesday 28th January 2014

2014-01-27 Thread Major Malfunction

Well here we go again...

It's a new year, but we're still in the same place and still going 
strong! Last year we continued to grow and to host many fantastic and 
interesting talks, as well as performing the more important tasks such 
as drinking beer and drinking more beer... This year we hope to do the 
same, and to this end we are kicking off with an 'open mic' evening, as 
well as launching a couple of competitions...

The first is the international 2014 DEF CON Groups Challenge:

we will discuss how we can participate, and provide resources to those 
that wish to do so...

Secondly, it's about time we had a new t-shirt! In the very early days 
we produced a limited number of shirts, and, frankly, mine is worn out 
and I need a new one, so WTF? Why hasn't someone come up with a nifty 
design? Get to it!

Finally, open mic/lightning talks... This is your forum, and your 
opportunity to speak to your peers in London and shape the meetings to 
come... Have your say and/or tell us about the cool shit you did over 


Venue: The Phoenix, Cavendish Square

Date: Tuesday 28th January, 2014

Time: 17:30 till kicking out - talk starts at 19:30


Dates for the rest of the year and other info:


See you there!

In DEFCON, we have no names... errr... well, we do... but silly ones...

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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] Mozilla Bug Bounty #5 - WireTap Remote Web Vulnerability

2014-01-27 Thread Vulnerability Lab
Document Title:
Mozilla Bug Bounty #5 - WireTap Remote Web Vulnerability

References (Source):

Mozilla Bug Tracking ID: 875818


Partner News (Softpedia):

Release Date:

Vulnerability Laboratory ID (VL-ID):


Common Vulnerability Scoring System:


Product  Service Introduction:
Thunderbird is a free, open-source, cross-platform application for managing 
email and news feeds. It is a 
local (rather than a web-based) email application that is powerful yet 
easy-to-use. Thunderbird has lots of cool features. 
Thunderbird gives you control and ownership over your email. There are lots of 
add-ons available for Thunderbird that 
enable you to extend and customize your email experience. Thunderbird is part 
of the Mozilla Manifesto, a pledge that 
describes Mozilla`s commitment to an open, accessible, egalitarian Internet.

( Copy of the Vendor Homepage: )
( Copy of the Product Homepage: )

Abstract Advisory Information:
The Vulnerability Laboratory Research Team discovered a critical validation and 
filter bypass vulnerability in the official Mozilla Thunderbird 17.0.6 email 

Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:
2013-05-10: Researcher Notification  Coordination (Ateeq ur Rehman Khan)
2013-05-11: Vendor Notification (Mozilla Security Incident Team)
2013-05-21: Vendor Response/Feedback (Mozilla Security Incident Team)
2014-01-18: Vendor Fix/Patch (Mozilla Developer Team - Reward 1.500$ SWB)
2014-01-27: Public Disclosure (Vulnerability Laboratory)

Discovery Status:

Affected Product(s):

Product: Thunderbird - EMail Application 17.0.6

Exploitation Technique:

Severity Level:

Technical Details  Description:

It has been discovered that the security controls / filters currently being 
used in Mozilla Thunderbird application can be easily 
evaded if an attacker decides to encrypt the payloads with base64 encryption 
and combine it with the object tag. During the testing,
it was initially noticed that malicious javascript tags were being filtered / 
blocked in the Thunderbird application however, Attaching 
a debugger with the Thunderbird .exe file revealed some very interesting 
information and gave much better insight behind the actual 
working of the application. Most of the information revealed is Javascript 
errors which gave the researcher much hope in believing that
the application might actually be vulnerable.

By default, HTML tags like script and iframe are blocked in Thunderbird and 
get filtered immediately upon insertion however, 
While drafting a new email message, attackers can easily bypass the current 
input filters by encoding their payloads
with base64 encryption and using the object tag and insert malicious scripts 
/ code eg. (script / frame) within the emails 
and send it to the victims. The exploit gets triggered once the victim decides 
to reply back and clicks on the `Reply` or `Forward` Buttons.

After successfully bypassing the input filters, an attacker can inject 
persistent script code while writing a new email and send it to victims.
Interestingly the payload gets filtered during the initial viewing mode however 
if the victim clicks on Reply or Forward, the exploit gets executed
successfully. For a POC i will be including multiple examples in this advisory 
for your review. I was able to run multiple scripts generating strange
behaviour on the application which can be seen in the debugging errors which I 
have attached along with this report.

These sort of vulnerabilities can result in multiple attack vectors on the 
client end which may eventually result in complete
compromise of the end user system. The persistent code injection vulnerability 
is located within the main application.

Exploitation of this persistent application vulnerability requires a low or 
medium user interaction. Successful exploitation of
the vulnerability may result in malicious script code being executed in the 
victims browser resulting in script code injection, 
persistent phishing, Client side redirects and similar client side attacks.

Vulnerable Service(s):
[+] Mozilla Thunderbird 17.0.6 - Latest Release 

Vulnerable Section(s):
[+] Write (Create a new message)
[+] Email Signature (Account Settings)
[+] Attach File 

[Full-disclosure] RVAsec 2014 CFP

2014-01-27 Thread Sullo
What: RVAsec 3
When: June 5-6th, 2014
Where: Richmond, VA, on the Virginia Commonwealth University campus
CFP Deadline: 2/14

RVAsec is a Richmond, VA based security convention that brings top industry
speakers to the midatlantic region.

For 2014, the conference is a two day and dual-track format, with a mixed
focus on technical and management/business presentations.

All talks must be 55 minutes in length and can be on any security/privacy
related topic. Note that we will not accept submissions which are

RVAsec has many speaker perks, including con admission (and half-off for a
friend), speaker party, shirt/swag, awesome badges, and the opportunity to
be the recipient of the RVAsec STFU sign!

RVAsec has a limited travel budget, but speakers who request travel
assistance may be eligible for:
- Travel allotment up to $300
- 3 nights hotel at the Crowne Plaza Richmond Downtown

For more information or to submit, please see:

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[Full-disclosure] Sentinel beta version released

2014-01-27 Thread Nicolas A. Economou
Sentinel is a new 32 bit exploit mitigation tool developed in
ASM/C/C++ able to protect Windows 32 bit programs against binary 
exploits targeted by attackers or viruses. It can protect your programs
against 0-day attacks or publicly known bugs.

The tool's page is:

Blogpost and demos:

The Ekoparty presentation:

Note: Remember that Sentinel is in beta version, so there may be some
bugs, if you find one, please send me an email to

Enjoy it !

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] [CVE-2014-1673] Check Point Session Authentication Agent vulnerability

2014-01-27 Thread Jakub Jozwiak
Hash: SHA1

Product Information
- ---

Check Point Session Authentication agent is a service that is installed on
endpoint system in order to communicate with security gateway and allow it to
request and obtain user's credentials. Session Authentication is a part of
Legacy Authentication suite which provides different authentication methods to
allow or deny access to network resources.

R76 Security Gateway Technical Administration Guide[1] defines typical Session
Authentication operation in the following way:

1. The user initiates a connection directly to the server
2. The Security Gateway intercepts the connection
3. The Session Authentication agent challenges the user for authentication
   data and returns this information to the gateway
4. If the authentication is successful, the Security Gateway allows the
   connection to pass through the gateway and continue to the target server

Issue description
- -

Check Point Session Authentication agent version 4.1 and higher contains a flaw
which is caused by lack of peer authentication in SSL communication. Encrypted
communication between agent and security gateway has been introduced due to
several issues (e.g. [2], [3]) which were revealed in the previous versions
(4.0 and lower) of the product. Research showed that it is still possible to
exploit previously known vulnerabilities - gateway impersonation and credential
stealing - even though communication between agent and security gateway is
utilizing SSL.

Communication between Session Authentication agent and security gateway is
performed using proprietary protocol. Since version 4.1 this communication
scheme uses SSL as an underlying protocol to enable encryption of both protocol
commands and user provided data. When SSL communication is negotiated between
gateway and agent following cipher suites are visible in SSL Client Hello
message as supported by Session Authentication agent:


RFC2246 refers to listed cipher suites:

The following cipher suites are used for completely anonymous
Diffie-Hellman communications in which neither party is
authenticated. Note that this mode is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle
attacks and is therefore deprecated.

Taking into account above information it's possible to connect to Session
Authentication agent from attacker's machine, initiate SSL-based communication,
pass SSL handshake without being authenticated and use encrypted channel to
control agent (e.g. prompt user for login and password).

For attack to be successful attacker's machine must be allowed to connect to
machine on which agent is running. Newer versions of Session Authentication
agent include option to define three IP addresses which are allowed to issue
authentication requests to agent. When this option is used it limits possibility
of exploitation. Agent software has also Allow any IP option - when enabled
attacker doesn't need to take additional measures in order to be able to connect
to agent.

Proof of Concept

Attached PoC script simulates security gateway and allows credential stealing to
be performed over encrypted communication channel against Session Authentication
agent version 4.1 or higher.

Affected versions
- -

Check Point Session Authentication agent, version 4.1 and higher

Vendor response
- ---

Vendor has been informed about the issue on 8/8/2013. On 14/8/2013 vendor
informed about expected fix date: 15/10/2013. On 28/10/2013 vendor informed that
due to small user base and introduction of the Identity Awareness Software
Blade[4] legacy session authentication will be deprecated in the major release
of 2014.

Additionally vendor published SecureKnowledge article[5].

- ---

It should be noted that this finding is partially based on work of
individuals who reported issues in the previous versions of Session
Authentication agent as referenced in [2] and [3].

- --

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.20 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
