Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Google vulnerabilities with PoC

2014-03-15 Thread Michal Zalewski
> The thread read Google vulnerabilities with PoC. From my understanding  it 
> was a RFI vulnerability on YouTube, and I voiced my support that this is a 
> vulnerability.

I don't think this is accurate, at least based on the standard
definition of RFI: a server-side scripting language - usually PHP -
accidentally executing a script fetched from a remote server because
it passed an attacker-controlled string to an API that allows both
local file paths and remote URLs.

The report talks about a different behavior: the ability for users to
upload video and non-video content using legitimate functionality of
the site, without a way to make the server do anything interesting
with the received data. This may or may not be interesting on its own
merit, but I think it's pretty far from RFI.

> I also explained a JSON Hijacking case as a follow up, and you said you 
> didn't follow.

Yup, I am genuinely not familiar with the attack vector that *I think*
you are describing, or why it would matter in this context. My earlier
message in this thread explains my reasoning (in essence, there are
certain conditions that have to be met for a typical XSSI bug, and I
don't think they are met here), but if my understanding is wrong, I'd
really like to learn about the proposed attack.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Google vulnerabilities with PoC

2014-03-15 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Is this treated with the same way that says that Remote File Inclusion is not 
> a security issue ?

I'm not sure how RFI came into play on this thread - the original
report wasn't about RFI.

I don't have an agenda here; I'm just trying to get to the bottom of
it and make sure that we converge on a common understanding of the
issue. As in any argument, it's fairly likely that one of us is wrong,
and I accept that it could very well be me - I have been wrong quite a
few times in my life, and it's always a valuable learning opportunity.

I think it's unfortunate that the thread has devolved into various
accusations and credential-slinging, because it reduces the likelihood
of such a productive outcome. Please feel free to ping me directly any
time, though - I'm happy to chat.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Google vulnerabilities with PoC

2014-03-15 Thread Michal Zalewski
> A hacker exploits a JSON (javascript) object that has information of interest 
> for example holding some values for cookies. A lot of times that exploits the 
> same policy origin. The JSON object returned from a server can be forged over 
> writing javascript function that create the object. This happens because of 
> the same origin policy problem in browsers that cannot say if js execution it 
> different for two different sites.

To be honest, I'm not sure I follow, but I'm fairly confident that my
original point stands. If you believe that well-formed JSON objects
without padding can be read across origins within the browser, I would
love to see more information about that. (In this particular case, it
still wouldn't matter because the response doesn't contain secrets,
but it would certainly break a good chunk of the Internet.) JSONP is a
different animal.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Google vulnerabilities with PoC

2014-03-15 Thread Michal Zalewski
> As a professional penetration tester, [...]
> The JSON service responds to GET requests , and there is a good chance that
> the service is also vulnerable to JSON Hijacking attacks.

That's... not how XSSI works.

To have a script inclusion vulnerability, you need to have a vanilla
GET response that contains some user-specific secrets that are
returned to the caller based on HTTP cookies (or, less likely, other
"ambient" credentials). For example, a script response that discloses
the contents of your mailbox or the list of private contacts would be
of concern.

Further, the response must be in a format that can be not only loaded,
but also inspected by another site opened in your browser; most types
of JSONP fall into this category, but JSON generally does not,
essentially because of how the meaning of "{" is overloaded in JS
depending on where it appears in a block of code.

Last but not least, the final piece of the puzzle is that the response
must be served at a URL that can be guessed by third parties who don't
have access to your account.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Google vulnerabilities with PoC

2014-03-14 Thread Michal Zalewski
Oh, wow :-)

To put things in perspective, it probably helps to understand that
virtually all video hosting sites perform batch, queue-based
conversions of uploaded content. There is a good reason for this
design: video conversions are extremely CPU-intensive - and an
orderly, capped-throughput queue gives you much better resilience to
DoS attacks.

Alas, this model is not very user-friendly: it may take good 20
minutes to upload a clip to Vimeo over my lowly DSL connection, and
then another 40 to wait my turn in the conversion queue. If the video
I uploaded turns out to be in an unsupported format (I'm still using
MS-CRAM), I have just wasted an hour of my time. A simple workaround
would be for Vimeo to have a client-side check that flags obvious
problems before sending any data to the server. It's not a security
feature, but it minimizes my pain.

Does it make sense to duplicate this check on the server, too? You
could, but I don't think it adds real value: after all, the converter
will sooner or later perform the same check anyway. And for users who
want to take Vimeo down, uploading tons of cat videos makes more
sense: after all, converting them will cost more than just bailing out
early on an invalid file. As for other attacks you mention: it's
fairly easy to construct valid videos that also work as file archives,
HTML documents, or shell scripts.

Ultimately, sites that deal with user-supplied content often have to
make tough decisions that don't fit in the neat defitions of ISO
standards or academic papers of the old. Mechanisms such as quotas,
various abuse-detection heuristics, rapid scalability - and even user
education and good UX design - go hand-in-hand with more traditional
approaches to minimizing risk.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google vulnerabilities with PoC

2014-03-13 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Zakewski,
> Thank you for your e-mail. I welcome all opinions, that are backed up by 
> evidences.
> I am not just a security researcher, I am also an academic in the field and 
> lecturer.

All right :-) Thank you for the overview of CIA triad. I don't think
there's a good probability that our thinking about this report will
converge - but if you see demand for the approach you are advocating
(be it in the academia or in the consulting business), I think that's


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google vulnerabilities with PoC

2014-03-13 Thread Michal Zalewski

I remember my early years in the infosec community - and sadly, so do
some of the more seasoned readers of this list :-) Back then, I
thought that the only thing that mattered is the ability to find bugs.
But after some 18 years in the industry, I now know that there's an
even more important and elusive skill.

That skill boils down to having a robust mental model of what
constitutes a security flaw - and being able to explain your thinking
to others in a precise and internally consistent manner that convinces
others to act. We need this because the security of a system can't be
usefully described using abstract terms: even the academic definitions
ultimately boil down to saying "the system is secure if it doesn't do
the things we *really* don't want it to do".

In this spirit, the term "vulnerability" is generally reserved for
behaviors that meet all of the following criteria:

1) The behavior must have negative consequences for at least one of
the legitimate stakeholders (users, service owners, etc),

2) The consequences must be widely seen as unexpected and unacceptable,

3) There must be a realistic chance of such a negative outcome,

4) The behavior must introduce substantial new risks that go beyond
the previously accepted trade-offs.

If we don't have that, we usually don't have a case, no matter how
clever the bug is.

Cheers (and happy hunting!),

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google vulnerabilities with PoC

2014-03-13 Thread Michal Zalewski
> If you were evil, you could upload huge blobs and just take up space on the 
> google servers.

Keep in mind that the upload functionality is there legitimately: you
can upload gigabytes of data to Youtube, Drive, Gmail, etc.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google vulnerabilities with PoC

2014-03-13 Thread Michal Zalewski
> The only reasonable way to 'exploit' the bug is using youtube as a
> "personal storage" uploading non-video files to your own profile: so what?

That would require a way to retrieve the stored data, which - as I
understand - isn't possible here (although the report seems a bit
hard-to-parse). From what I recall, you can just upload a blob of data
and essentially see it disappear.

We do have quite a few services where you can legitimately upload and
share nearly-arbitrary content, though. Google Drive is a good


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Re: [Full-disclosure] [OT] pls ignore

2014-02-23 Thread Michal Zalewski
>> Looks like root and intermediate certificate hashes to me
> I was guessing it was hashes to either one pre-compiled exploit with two
> architectures

No, if you look closely, it's pretty clear that it's a hash of
Gaurang's upcoming novel. A touching story of love between a vampire
and a small-town girl.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Clickjacking (?) on (Question)

2013-12-12 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Doesn't Google always send JSON with Content-Disposition: attachment or so
> because of that?

One of the reasons (there's also content sniffing, etc). But then,
consider view-source:, too - you can use it in Firefox to render the
source of a HTML page in a frame (Chrome no longer lets you use
view-source within frames).


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Clickjacking (?) on (Question)

2013-12-12 Thread Michal Zalewski
>> But I wouldn't consider it a failing on part of the targeted website -
>> you'd need to put essentially everything behind XFO to fix this
>> problem on application level, which is not feasible for a good number
>> of websites (including FB, because they have a variety of gadgets that
>> are meant to be framed).
> Or use JS to make it impossible to select text or so.

Doesn't work for non-HTML content, such as JSON responses, images, etc :-)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Clickjacking (?) on (Question)

2013-12-12 Thread Michal Zalewski
> That page allows drag-and-drop of the user's name. If you can convince the 
> user
> to select his name with a triple-click and then do a drag-and-drop of that 
> name to
> some place outside the iframe, you can find out his name, so I'd say it's a 
> privacy
> leak.

I had something to do with Chrome, Safari, and Firefox disallowing
cross-domain drag-and-drop:

We have pinged Microsoft long time ago about this, too - and hopefully
this will be resolved on their end (at that rate, somewhere by year

But I wouldn't consider it a failing on part of the targeted website -
you'd need to put essentially everything behind XFO to fix this
problem on application level, which is not feasible for a good number
of websites (including FB, because they have a variety of gadgets that
are meant to be framed).

> Yeah, Chromium has protections against that, but they're not exactly
> bulletproof – they become useless as soon as there's a single page on the
> victim domain that is framable and somehow lets the user publish data.

Well, honestly, that becomes a bit of a stretch - if there's a good
PoC you can put together for Facebook specifically, I suspect it may
convince them to fix this, though.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Clickjacking (?) on (Question)

2013-12-12 Thread Michal Zalewski
What is your exact concern?

One should obviously not enter their Facebook credentials while the
address bar shows; after all, instead of framing
Facebook, you could just create a fake login form that looks just like

Clickjacking is a distinct concern, but generally only in cases where
a UI action with serious consequences (e.g., deleting your account,
sharing something with a stranger) can be accomplished in one or
several clicks. The pages you are framing don't seem to fall into this
category. It's worth noting that XFO doesn't fully eliminate the risk:

An interesting consequence of pages that show your login or other
personal information, and can be framed, is that they make phishing a
bit easier: you can cleverly arrange them to imply that the top-level
page knows who you are. But the gain here probably isn't dramatic.


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[Full-disclosure] bugs in IJG jpeg6b & libjpeg-turbo

2013-11-12 Thread Michal Zalewski
Dearly beloved,

So, for one reason or another, the IJG jpeg library has gained some
notoriety as one of the most robust pieces of complex,
security-critical C code. Despite countless fuzzing efforts, I don't
recall any reports of serious vulnerabilities at least since the
release of jpeg6b in 1998 (that's still the most commonly-used version
of that library). Compared to the track record of libraries such as
libpng or libtiff, that's quite a feat.

Well, as it happens, jpeg6b and some of its optimized clones (e.g.,
libjpeg-turbo) will use uninitialized memory when decoding images with
missing SOS data for the luminance component (Y) in presence of valid
chroma data (Cr, Cb). Here's a nice PoC for Chrome, Firefox & Safari,
with fixes shipping as we speak (CVE-2013-6629):

Funnily enough, as we were investigating this finding, we noticed that
the problem has been independently spotted back in 2003, but not
recognized as a security issue:

The patch developed by Ghotscript folks to fix rendering problems with
a particular document apparently ended up in limbo until 2013, at
which point it was incorporated into a relatively little-used version
9 of IJG jpeg. As far as I can tell, there are no changelog entries
associated with this fix.

Anyway, if you're using libjpeg-turbo, jpeg6b, or any derived code,
you probably want to backport the changes to get_sos() in jdmarker.c.
Look for the section that talks about checking for unique component
IDs. A new version of libjpeg-turbo will probably fix this upstream
soon. I wouldn't expect upstream fixes to jpeg6b itself.


While we're on the topic of JPEG libraries... a bit less
interestingly, there is also a separate but similar issue in the
handling of Huffman tables in libjpeg-turbo. This one apparently does
not affect IJG jpeg, and doesn't such a colorful history to go with
it. A raw image illustrating the problem (CVE-2013-6630) is here:

A simple fix for this is to locate get_dht in jdmarker.c and make sure
that the huffval[] table is zeroed before use.


Well, that's it. As far as the impact goes, similar info leaks have
been previously shown to allow a variety of things in the browser
environment, including cookie theft or bypassing ASLR; see for one cool example.

The general case of code that performs one-shot image conversions in a
separate process is of minimal concern; in-process or multi-shot
conversions can be problematic. Converters that do not directly decode
user-supplied JPEGs should be OK.

PS. If you're interested about the tool used to generate and isolate
these inputs, check out


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Any particular reason why MS is scanning me for port 80?

2013-10-21 Thread Michal Zalewski
To answer your question, yes.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Serious Yahoo bug discovered. Researchers rewarded with $12.50

2013-10-03 Thread Michal Zalewski
If you are sending in an unsolicited vulnerability report, I think
it's fair to expect the vendor to fix the issue promptly and play

Beyond that, you are willfully making a gamble with your own time.
Nobody is forcing you to do that. If you are lucky, perhaps the vendor
will be impressed with your work and perhaps will contract you in the
future. Or, perhaps they will give you a hefty reward. Another
perfectly acceptable outcome is that they will just thank you and
maybe send you a t-shirt. A coupon to a corporate store seems a bit
impersonal, but you know, gift horse, mouth...

In the end, vulnerability reward programs have their pros and cons,
compared to building in-house talent, commissioning traditional
third-party security assessments, and so on; companies that favor one
approach over the other aren't necessarily incompetent or evil. And
you know, I'm saying this as a guy who recently bumped our own rewards
for XSS to as much as $7.5k...


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache suEXEC privilege elevation / information disclosure

2013-08-11 Thread Michal Zalewski
> for doing this features in httpd.conf you can use AllowOverride None instead
> of AllowOverride all

AllowSymlinks is a red herring here (hardlinks should do, unless you
have stuff partitioned in a very thoughtful way, which most don't),
similarly to suexec.

In general, sharing web hosting providers that allow shell access or
scripting are pretty much boned in a myriad of ways.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Denial of Service in WordPress

2013-06-29 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I.e. this is 21 times / infinite times more effective for attack.

Not really, in terms of the bandwidth you can use up / the number of
requests you can create. You're essentially trading this:

for (var i = 0; i < whatever; i++) {
   var x = new XMLHttpRequest(); /* or new Image() or whatever */

...for this:

for (var i = 0; i < whatever / redirect_limit; i++) {
  for (var j = 0; j < redirect_limit; j++) { /* implicit loop */

...and it shouldn't matter.

You can generate a ton of expensive traffic from within JS these days.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Denial of Service in WordPress

2013-06-27 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Attack exactly overload web sites presented in endless loop of redirects. As
> I showed in all cases of Looped DoS vulnerabilities in web sites and web
> applications, which I wrote about during 2008 (when I created this type of
> attacks) - 2013.

You do realize that any browser can be made to issue a *lot* of
requests to any other destination on the web - say, by instantiating a
bunch of images, leveraging CORS, navigating iframes, etc?

Browsers detect redirect loops to prevent accidental mishaps and
simplify troubleshooting, not to stop malicious attacks.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Paypal Bug Bounty #31 - Mail Encoding Web Vulnerability

2013-05-12 Thread Michal Zalewski
Total word count: ~1065
Words that provide relevant information about the bug: ~95

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[Full-disclosure] Using CSS :visited to steal your history (again, zzzz...)

2013-05-05 Thread Michal Zalewski
I guess this may be somewhat amusing...

As you probably know, most browser vendors have fixed the ability to
enumerate your browsing history through the CSS :visited
pseudo-selector. The fix severely constraints the styling possible for
visited links, and hides it from APIs such as
window.getComputedStyle() [1].

The fix does not prevent attackers from extracting similar information
through cache timing [2], or by examining onerror / onload events for
scripts and images loaded from sites to which you may be logged in.
Nevertheless, the :visited attack is particularly versatile and
reliable, so several people have tried to circumvent the fix by
showing the user a set of hyperlinked snippets of text that, depending
on the browsing history, will blend with the background or remain
visible on the screen. Their visibility can be then indirectly
measured by seeing how the user interacts with the page.

The problem with these attacks is that they are either unrealistic, or
extremely low-throughput. So, here is a slightly more interesting
entry for this contest. The PoC works in Chrome and Firefox, but
should be easily portable to other browsers:

The basic idea behind this inferior clone of Asteroids is that we hurl
a lot of link-based "asteroids" toward your spaceship, but you only
see (and take down) the ones that correspond to the sites you have
visited. There are several tricks to maintain immersion, including
some proportion of "real" asteroids that the application is sure are
visible to you. The approach is easily scalable to hundreds or
thousands of URLs that can be tested very quickly, as discussed here:

Captain Obvious signing off,


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Re: [Full-disclosure] XSS [0-day]

2013-04-14 Thread Michal Zalewski
> CVSS2 define a standard XSS ~4.3/10, more critical are CSRF ~6.8 or Open
Redirect ~5.8

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Exploiting sibling domains cookie isolation policy to DoS CDN users

2013-04-11 Thread Michal Zalewski
This is fairly well-known, I think; for example, there's a mention of this
here (search for

I think it's also covered in "The Tangled Web"; it's also why you see
domains such as and in PSL:

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [0 Day] XSS Persistent in Blogspot of Google

2013-01-28 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Sorry, getting a bit tired of these.

Well, the world is changing. You can probably do a lot more direct damage
with a (legit) XSS in a high-value site than with a local privilege
escalation in sudo.

XSS reports are less actionable for the average reader, but full disclosure
is probably still beneficial, in that it provides data points about the
types of flaws a particular vendor happens to have, and the speed and
quality of the deployed fixes.

Of course, many of the XSS reports in and similarly exciting
destinations are zz...

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Re: [Full-disclosure] OT Google raises sploit bounties

2012-11-28 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I would be interested what bounties they would pay
> for operation Аврора or for a botnet of say 1M host.

Reward amounts are public; for example, here are the rules for the web
app program:

Neither malware on user machines nor attacking employees is within
scope, though: the program is mostly about recognizing original
research into potential design and implementation flaws in our code.

We occasionally decide to extend rewards of some sort to people who
report very interesting or sensitive issues that fall outside the
scope of the existing programs, but we don't offer Microsoft-style
bounties for identifying malware authors, etc.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] OT Google raises sploit bounties

2012-11-25 Thread Michal Zalewski
> His question seemed pretty clear to me. As indicated in the article he
> linked to, Google apparently raised their bounty/reward. He's asking if
> something happened to one of their products to cause that, or if they're
> just paranoid (and maybe expecting something to happen to one of their
> products).

FWIW, these choices seem weird... for any announcement of that sort,
it seems more rational to assume any of the following:

1) It's getting harder to find bugs. Reward amounts correspond to the
average time needed to locate a vuln.

2) More reward programs are competing for a fixed pool of skilled
researchers. Reward amounts are just "bids" for their time.

3) Incoming reports are surprisingly good. Reward amounts are set to
recognize high quality work.

4) The vendor thinks that their product is bulletproof, and uses
increasing reward amounts as a publicity stunt.

As far as I know, all reward increases for Google VRPs were driven by
a combination of factors 1 through 3.

I am not sure how "being paranoid" factors in - complex products have
bugs, browsers doubly so. Similarly, malware seems like a weird reason
to bump up rewards.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] TTY handling when executing code in lower-privileged context (su, virt containers)

2012-11-11 Thread Michal Zalewski
The only thing I am saying is that when you have a choice between
direct root logins and using sudo / su, telling people to use the
latter option for "security reasons" actually makes them worse off.

Poor corporate security practices, schizophrenic account lockout
policies, or dealing with "hundreds of administrators" on a single box
are completely tangential to that (though you can have as many uid 0
accounts as you want).


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Re: [Full-disclosure] TTY handling when executing code in lower-privileged context (su, virt containers)

2012-11-10 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I think you've taken that far too literaly. My understanding of it is to
> protect against a) brute force retardation b) dumb attackers.

The advice weakens the security of your system, because it means I
just need to compromise your unprivileged account (in which you run
your browser, mail client, and so on) to own the entire box.

As for the benefits, care to elaborate? I'm not sure what a) and b)
really mean. If you're worried about brute-force, don't use trivial
passwords. If you worry about opportunistic attacks, do that and then
patch your stuff every now and then.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] TTY handling when executing code in lower-privileged context (su, virt containers)

2012-11-10 Thread Michal Zalewski
> "Using su to execute commands as an untrusted user from an interactive
> shell may allow the untrusted user to escalate privileges to the user
> running the shell."

If you have the ability to execute code on that terminal before the
user executes su, it is also possible to simply never allow the real
su application to run until you've already captured the credentials and
escalated to root. For example, you could define an alias or
change PATH in the shell; ptrace the shell or use LD_PRELOAD to change
its semantics; or simply never return to the shell at all, and simply
fake all the subsequent interactions with it (not particularly hard to
do this in a convincing way).

This is why I find the standard security mantra of "disable root
logins and use su / sudo" to be extremely silly.

In general, very few OSes are designed to handle such scenarios gracefully.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] How much time is appropriate for fixing a bug?

2012-07-08 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Wikipedia says 5 months:

Well, the encyclopedia has spoken. So it's settled then.


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[Full-disclosure] things you can do with downloads

2012-05-30 Thread Michal Zalewski
Another moderately interesting tidbit, I guess...

It is an important and little-known property of web browsers that one
document can always navigate other, non-same-origin windows to
arbitrary URLs. Perhaps more interestingly, you can also navigate
third-party documents to resources served with Content-Disposition:
attachment, in which case, you get the original contents of the
address bar, plus a rogue download prompt attached to an unsuspecting
page that never wanted you to download that file.


More info:

It's closely related to many other fundamental, open issues with
browser UI design - but I guess it's an interesting highlight.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Vulnerability research and exploit writing

2012-04-24 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Our interest is exploits which run over Windows 7, Snow Leopard with
> applications such MS Office, Adobe, Browsers, Media Player , Notepad etc

Well, good thing I have a stash of Notepad 0-days.

Most of them involve you saving a snippet of text as evil.bat and
clicking on it, though.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] We're now paying up to $20, 000 for web vulns in our services

2012-04-24 Thread Michal Zalewski
> A you-only-get-it-when-successful 20,000$ budget from Google is
> insulting, considering the perhaps massive time investment from
> the researcher. [...] and yet they only pay a nice researcher 20
> grand? You can't even live on that. Researchers aren't just kids
> with no responsibilities, they have mortgages and families

People who want to make a living helping to improve Google security
are welcome to apply for a job :-) We have a remarkably large and
interesting security team.

The program simply serves to complement that (and some other,
contract-driven efforts), and it works for quite a few people who see
it as a way to do something useful on the side, and get compensated
for it, too.

Now, I have done a fair amount of vulnerability research in my life, I
do have a family and a mortgage - and I still wouldn't see $20k as an
insult; but I know that this is subjective. In that spirit, you are at
liberty to determine whether to participate, and how much time to
invest into the pursuit :-)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] We're now paying up to $20, 000 for web vulns in our services

2012-04-24 Thread Michal Zalewski
> IMHO, anyone who willingly, knowingly places customer data at risk by 
> inviting attacks on their production systems is playing a very dangerous 
> game. There is no guarantee that a vuln discovered by a truly honest 
> researcher couldn't become a weapon for the dishonest "researcher" through 
> secondary discovery

I'm not sure I follow. Are you saying that the dishonest researcher
will not try to find vulnerabilities if there is no reward program for
the honest ones?


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[Full-disclosure] FYI: We're now paying up to $20, 000 for web vulns in our services

2012-04-23 Thread Michal Zalewski

Hopefully this won't offend the moderators:

I suspect I know how the debate will be shaped - and I think I can
offer a personal insight. I helped shape our vulnerability reward
program from the start (November 2010), and I was surprised to see
that simply having an honest, no-nonsense, and highly responsive
process like this... well, it works for a surprisingly high number of
skilled researchers, even if you start with relatively modest rewards.

This puts an interesting spin on the conundrum of the black / gray
market vulnerability trade: you can't realistically outcompete all
buyers of weaponized exploits, but you can make the issue a lot less
relevant. By having several orders of magnitude more people reporting
bugs through a "white hat" channel, you are probably making
"underground" vulnerabilities a lot harder to find, and fairly


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apple IOS security issue pre-advisory record

2012-03-23 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I find it very unfortunate that 300 supposed security professionals clicked
> on a hidden link like that without first checking what it was, or if not
> simply ignoring it like I did!!!

So how do you meaningfully "check what it is" without actually
requesting the document?

And what's the difference between that post and a hidden  or
 included on a less obvious website?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fw: Earth to Facebook

2012-03-19 Thread Michal Zalewski
> The only other people that see the vulnerability are the select few in
> upSploit.

OK. You should probably document that, and make it clear that this
policy will not change without the reporter's explicit consent.

It's an interesting project - but you guys are working for security
software vendors and security consultancies, so I think it's important
to clarify.

> Use it once for something you may not care about to much and see how it
> works for you.

Well, that's not the point - the real question is what happens with
valuable vulnerabilities. But really, I'm not criticizing.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fw: Earth to Facebook

2012-03-18 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Without meaning to advertise, that is one of the reasons upSploit was
> created - so that you could submit a vulnerability and then upSploit
> automatically sends to the vendor. This way you and your friend don't have
> to do any of the work on the disclosure.

I clicked around and don't see any obvious explanation; other than the
reporter and the vendor, who else gets to see the submissions and
under what circumstances?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Pros and cons of 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header?

2012-02-22 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Does 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header provide any benefits in
> defending against cross site scripting attacks?

No. It's a mechanism to control cross-origin XMLHttpRequests (and some
other peripheral things), and adding it does not reduce the likelihood
or exploitability of XSS bugs.

If you use it incorrectly, you may end up removing most of the
security assurances provided by the same-origin policy, but that's a
separate topic.

> Doesn't 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header make any XSS flaw
> trivially exploitable? For example, if an attacker finds an XSS flaw
> in a web application, he can now inject a JavaScript with
> XMLHttpRequest that sends a request to attacker's web server which
> serves resources with the HTTP header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
> *". The browser would see this header and fetch the resource from the
> attacker's web server.

If you have an XSS vulnerability, there are many simpler ways to relay
data to an attacker-controlled site without the need to use CORS.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] p0f3 release candidate

2012-01-16 Thread Michal Zalewski
So just for the record, version 3.00 is now officially out: Many thanks to countless people who
submitted signatures and bug fixes, including:

  Phil Ames
  Jason DePriest
  Dalibor Dukic
  Mark Martinec
  Damien Miller
  Bernhard Rabe
  Chris John Riley
  Sebastian Roschke
  Peter Valchev
  Jeff Weisberg

I won't be spamming the list with any further updates on p0f, but this
being a major rewrite after ~6 years, I thought it makes sense to let
people know - especially since the previous version is used in quite a
few abuse detection / monitoring / pentesting frameworks.


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[Full-disclosure] p0f3 release candidate

2012-01-10 Thread Michal Zalewski
Hi folks,

I wanted to share the news of p0f v3, a complete rewrite and redesign
of my passive fingerprinting tool.

== Synopsis ==

P0f is a tool that utilizes an array of sophisticated, purely passive
traffic fingerprinting mechanisms to identify the players behind any
incidental TCP/IP communications (often as little as a single normal
SYN) without interfering in any way. Some of its capabilities include:

- Scalable and fast identification of the operating system and
software on both endpoints of a vanilla TCP connection - especially in
settings where NMap probes are blocked, too slow, unreliable, or would
simply set off alarms.

- Measurement of system uptime and network hookup, distance (including
topology behind NAT or packet filters), user language preferences, and
so on.

- Automated detection of connection sharing / NAT, load balancing, and
application-level proxying setups,

- Detection of dishonest clients / servers that forge declarative
statements such as X-Mailer or User-Agent.

The tool can be operated in the foreground or as a daemon, and offers
a simple real-time API for third-party components that wish to obtain
additional information about the actors they are talking to.

Common uses for p0f include reconnaissance during penetration tests;
routine network monitoring; detection of unauthorized network
interconnects in corporate environments; providing signals for abuse
prevention tools; and miscellaneous forensics.

== What's new ==

Version 3 is a complete rewrite, bringing you much improved SYN and
SYN+ACK fingerprinting capabilities, auto-calibrated uptime
measurements, completely redone databases and signatures, new API
design, IPv6 support (who knows, maybe it even works?), stateful
traffic inspection with thorough cross-correlation of collected data,
application-level fingerprinting modules (for HTTP now, more to come),
and a lot more.

== Download / demo ==

Please visit:

This is a "release candidate", and my hope is to get folks to
contribute signatures and help squash bugs. If all goes according to
plan, this should progress to a final release in a week or two. Some
issues are expected, so please report problems off-the-list.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] OT: Firefox question / poll

2011-12-22 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Do you think that the Firefox "warning: unresponsive script" is meant
> as a security feature or a usability feature?

More seriously, though, it's a bit of an oddly-phrased question. Only
the author of the code knows the true intent; you can look up the
mention of this text in the code, and see what the text accompanying
that change was, or contact whoever made it.

What I can tell you is that there is no concerted effort by any of the
browser vendors to make DoS attacks on the browser difficult; and that
this particular prompt is trivially bypassable, too. Moreover, some of
the previously introduced CPU and memory restrictions on the
JavaScript engine have been removed in the past few years, and many of
the new APIs (such as history.pushState, window.postMessage, or
Worker) are specified and implemented with no particular DoS

And no, it's very unlikely for this prompt to reliably prevent any
practical attempts to exploit non-DoS vulnerabilities in the browser.


PS. The usual plug: If you are curious, I have a whole chapter on this
and other perhaps more interesting issues related to malicious scripts
in "The Tangled Web".

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Re: [Full-disclosure] OT: Firefox question / poll

2011-12-22 Thread Michal Zalewski

>From while (1); to APT in 10 posts. Good job :-)


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[Full-disclosure] post-XSS landscape

2011-12-20 Thread Michal Zalewski
With the growing enthusiasm about CSP and other script containment
frameworks, I tried to put down some rough notes about the fundamental
exploitation vectors that would be available in absence of the ability
to execute scripts - and tried to see how these attacks correspond to
what XSS attacks are trying to achieve today.

So... this may be of some interest to the list:

[ More background: ]


PS. Cue snarky remarks from Tavis ;-)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] silly PoCs continue: X-Frame-Options give you less than expected

2011-12-11 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Sure thing. Complaining about patches that don't do anything is
> a plus to your reputation, I guess, right? Finding tangible solutions
> to your problems means that eventually you'll loose the job.

Cool story, bro.

>> Why?
> It's harder to predict how much it would take for a page to load,
> as well as your caching concept will fail when the target in question
> can only be invoked by the user. Also, there's the situation where
> a simple click won't get you anywhere, for instance, in cases where
> a user has to enter his credentials as well as to confirm the action.

You seem to be serious in this part of your mail, but I still don't follow.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] silly PoCs continue: X-Frame-Options give you less than expected

2011-12-10 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Interesting stuff indeed. However, I don't see you talk about a solution.
> Why is that?

Because it's bugtraq / full-disclosure, where people generally talk
about vulnerabilities...

I'm not sure I follow your drift about Firefox, I don't believe it's
mentioned anywhere.

> Anyhow, correct me if I'm wrong, but this concept won't work when the
> attacked site requires multiple user interaction, right? As in, the user
> will notice something amiss the second time.



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[Full-disclosure] silly PoCs continue: X-Frame-Options give you less than expected

2011-12-10 Thread Michal Zalewski
At the risk of annoying everyone...

I think we greatly underappreciate the extent to which JavaScript
allows you to exploit the limits of human perception. On modern
high-performance systems, windows can be opened, positioned, and
closed; and documents loaded and then navigated away from; so quickly
that we can't even reliably notice that, let alone react consciously.

The PoC I posted here earlier this week
( demonstrates one example of page
transitions occurring so fast that you don't register it; and some of
my earlier posts outlined the exploitation of page switching to
exploit browser UIs (e.g. Today,
I wanted to share this brief demonstration of an attack that should
hopefully illustrate why our current way of thinking about
clickjacking (and the possible defenses, such as X-Frame-Options) is

The basic idea here is that instead of placing the UI you want to
tamper with in an invisible or only partly-visible , you can
achieve a similar effect simply by predicting the time of a
premeditated click (which is fairly easy if you look at mouse velocity
and distance to the expected destination), and then either destroying
the current window, or navigating to a different document (in this
case, a cheesy banking site).

While everything about this exploit is extremely goofy, and I put no
effort into making the transitions less obvious, it should still
demonstrate the issue neatly.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google open redirect

2011-12-09 Thread Michal Zalewski
> They may be in the minority, but there *are* users out there who know how to
> look at the address bar. The security researcher knows this because he is
> one of them. I call this group the "competent and contentious users".

Sure. And that group is sort of safe when faced with open redirectors,
mouseover tooltips, etc - well, modulo funny corner cases like this:


I have seen the "most users don't understand X anyway" as an argument
against fixing X in the browser several times before, and I think
that's wrong; but I'm not sure this is applicable here.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google open redirect

2011-12-08 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Granted, but I know that vulnerability research can take a huge chunk
> of time out of a person's life, and without getting in to "monetary 
> philosophy",
> I feel that in our current system, a person should be compensated for their
> time if they've done something useful for society.

Is this an existential discussion now?:-)

As the world is structured today, you are not automatically entitled
to compensation because you are doing something that, in your opinion,
helps the world. That said, you can often find other people who share
your sentiment, and are willing to support your cause.

As it happens, Google has a vulnerability reward programs that rewards
the effort of external security researchers with rewards typically
ranging from $500 to $3133.7 per bug. There are contributors earning a
decent living off of this program alone. You may view it cynically,
but the reason for having it isn't to suppress non-compliant
disclosure, but just to make the Internet a safer place - and to
compensate people in function of the difficulty of finding a flaw, and
the utility of that finding. The problem resulted in a *huge* spike of
privately reported vulnerabilities that nobody would be even bothered
to try to find before, and hasn't really affected the number of public
disclosures much.

If you don't like it, let us know how to improve it. You also always
have the option of not researching vulnerabilities in these platforms;
going with the full-disclosure approach; or selling the flaws to a
willing third party.


PS. I'm speaking on my own behalf, and trying to be as open as
possible, so let's not make it overly political.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google open redirect

2011-12-08 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I run with no script. So the links showed on the initial pages and when 
> clicked.

Yes, well, congrats ;-)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google open redirect

2011-12-08 Thread Michal Zalewski
> For example: did you know that if you click on a link from
> to and it opens in a new window, then a second or two
> later, that in the background can change the URL of the
> window, and point it to Heck, can
> even wait until you navigate further down the website -
> and detect that event programmatically. That behavior is enshrined
> within the current design of the same-origin policy, and browser
> vendors seem hesitant to touch it.

Here's a tiny PoC:


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google open redirect

2011-12-07 Thread Michal Zalewski
> As for minimal risk I personally don't agree. I have leveraged Unvalidated
> URL Redirections in the past to attack clients of sites all the time. It's
> highly trivial to point to a site with a metasploit browser bug patiently
> waiting and amass quite a large number of sessions in a short period of time
> should your spam campaign be efficient and actually draw users to the
> vulnerable site.

The problem is that the current contents of the address bar are about
the only security indicator you have in the browser. It's unfortunate,
and many users don't truly grasp this; and even if they do, they don't
understand the intricacies of the URL syntax - but still, that's what
we have to live with. The security community should try to fix this
huge problem - but the progress on this and many other fundamental
challenges in browser security is often hindered by the dynamics of
vendor-researcher interactions.

For time being, if you make security decisions based on onmouseover
tooltips, link text, or anything along these lines, and do not examine
the address bar of the site you are ultimately interacting with, there
is very little any particular web application can do to save you: you
are just at a significant risk wherever you go. If you take away open
redirectors, a myriad of other, comparable ways to fool you remain,
and can't be fixed easily.

For example: did you know that if you click on a link from
to and it opens in a new window, then a second or two
later, that in the background can change the URL of the window, and point it to Heck, can
even wait until you navigate further down the website -
and detect that event programmatically. That behavior is enshrined
within the current design of the same-origin policy, and browser
vendors seem hesitant to touch it.

I posted a brief rant about it about two years ago:

I've been in the community for a while, and I hope it goes without
saying that I'm not here to be a mouthpiece for my current employer; I
just genuinely think it's a complicated problem, and we need to pick
our battles carefully. Redirectors are not particularly desirable, but
the big picture is less obvious than it seems.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google open redirect

2011-12-07 Thread Michal Zalewski
> _Open_ URL redirectors are trivially prevented by any vaguely sentient
> web developer as URL redirectors have NO legitimate use from outside
> one's own site so should ALWAYS be implemented with Referer checking

There are decent solutions to lock down some classes of open
redirectors (and replace others with direct linking), but "Referer"
checking isn't one of them. It has several subtle problems that render
it largely useless in real-world apps.

There are also some classes of redirection / content proxying problems
that you can't quite eliminate until you give up on offering certain
functionality to users (e.g. page translation, cached document views,
embeddable  gadgets) - and that's actually an interesting
conceptual struggle.

> Apparently Google's web developers are so stubbornly unable to absorb
> this simple notion that it has become company policy that officially
> Google does not care about open redirectors:

I actually wrote that bit, and as far as I remember, it's not a
half-assed attempt to justify incompetence ;-)

We have a vulnerability reward program, and it's just about not paying
$500 for reports of that vulnerability - along with not paying for
many other minimal-risk problems such as path disclosure.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] fast and somewhat reliable cache timing

2011-12-04 Thread Michal Zalewski

OK, just for the record: I improved the original PoC quite a bit, and
added experimental variants for other browsers. I will shut up now.


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[Full-disclosure] fast and somewhat reliable cache timing

2011-12-02 Thread Michal Zalewski

This party trick is not particularly exciting, but hopefully
highlights a vaguely interesting point:

In essence, in the past few years, browser vendors have severely
crippled CSS :visited selectors in order to prevent CSS-based history
snooping that made the headlines not long ago (see, for example,  Although it's fairly obvious that other privacy
side channels, such as cache timing, theoretically disclose comparable
data, the attacks demonstrated so far offered, at best, vaguely
probabilistic results (say, On top of that,
cache probing was considered destructive, which significantly limited
its usability.

Consequently, an argument was made that CSS :visited offered unique
performance and reliability benefits and needed to be addressed
separately, while no serious work takes place on the remaining

My PoC exploits cache timing in Firefox in what appears to be a fairly
fast and reliable way. It is a crude hack, so it will probably fail
for some of you - but it's probably still interesting. The key point
is that to probe for cached content without immediately polluting the
cache, we abort navigation before the HTTP request is made. We also
work around setTimeout / setInterval clamps by leveraging event

PS. If this is even remotely interesting, you may also enjoy


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Re: [Full-disclosure] FreeBSD ftpd and ProFTPd on FreeBSD remote r00t exploit

2011-12-01 Thread Michal Zalewski
> If you want to respect the license of this code you cannot include the
> exploit in your software.

And don't get me started about my patent on NOP sleds!


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft Windows vulnerability in TCP/IP Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2588516)

2011-11-11 Thread Michal Zalewski
> next time, i wont say shit, and, believe it.

Well it's just that the attack you are describing will be thwarted by
setting a sticky bit on /tmp, and you have not demonstrated otherwise.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Symlink vulnerabilities

2011-10-25 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I think someone fed bugtraq archives into scigen.

I thought we're doing Twilight fanfic instead?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Symlink vulnerabilities

2011-10-25 Thread Michal Zalewski
> You can make it bypass Aslr ?

No, you are absolutely correct, this vulnerability can't be used to
bypass ASLR. Score one for address space randomization.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Symlink vulnerabilities

2011-10-22 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Actually, no; per user /tmp could only be accomplished, without a major 
> redesign and without breaking almost every application

[citation needed] ;-)

Only a fraction of apps uses /tmp... vendors can fix their own
distros: grepping for "/tmp" isn't complicated, and almost every
package usually ships with a handful of vendor-specific diffs anyway.

You will break some third-party stuff people download from the
Internet, but that's a self-correcting problem, and not exactly a
horrible prospect: Linux distros break crappy software with almost
every major release anyway, often due to far more fundamental changes
(e.g. different /dev or /proc semantics, or moving libraries and
includes around).

The namespace / pseudo-fs approach is fairly ancient and works, but
it's sort of ugly: it makes the filesystem behave counterintuitively
in the rare case somebody actually has a legit use for /tmp. Not a big
deal, but seems like an overcomplicated solution IMO.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Symlink vulnerabilities

2011-10-21 Thread Michal Zalewski
> In any case, the *right* answer isn't to play whack-a-mole fixing /tmp races,
> what you should be doing is using pam_namespace or similar so each user gets
> their own /tmp namespace.

That would result in counterintuitive behavior, I suppose... /tmp is a
fairly stupid and largely unnecessary artifact of the old.

If you are in charge of a distro, it would not hurt to nuke it
altogether and change all packages in your control to use per-user
$TMPDIR. Some third-party stuff will break - but it breaks every now
and then anyway.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Some hash values

2011-10-09 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I believe that this is the best place to post the following hash values:
> MD5Sum:a762a3b9cbfb3d63034646087680b254
> SHA1sum:6f25d72bd693b52de25c36d04f9e17f945420580
> SHA256sum:d5886dd14f3eac029d771da6bcc6d49bc2e50c79159e5390c9c0776c725243a5

No, for these specific hash values, I believe the appropriate place to
post them would be deviantArt.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache Killer

2011-08-24 Thread Michal Zalewski
> just for the record I have the impression that this not the same vulnerability
> you outlined in your advisory a while back. It is more that the idea
> for this vulnerability originated from your advisory, not the same bug.

I don't think this even matters, and I really don't disagree...

In 2007, I noticed that their Range handling is silly, and may prompt
them to generate very large responses.

I casually proposed a window scaling-based attack back then, and
nothing happened.

My understanding is that your exploit is based on the same principle
(I don't think they fixed this in any way), but combines it with
protocol-level compression to force the server to waste some memory
and CPU resources to compress the response beforehand.

But in any case, life goes on, it's just a DoS. Good that they're fixing it...


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache Killer

2011-08-24 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Good catch, but you didn't provide for a working exploit at the time.
> Now I only see your name on the press. Why?

I don't know why this is in the news at all, let alone with any
specific attribution. Perhaps you wanted to ask the journalists?;-)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache Killer

2011-08-23 Thread Michal Zalewski

FWIW, I pointed out the DoS-iness of their Range handling a while ago:


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Re: [Full-disclosure] URL Spoofing vulnerability in different browsers

2011-07-22 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Just ignore Mustlive. The rest of the list does.

Well, sadly, it leads to things like this:


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Ubuntu: reseed(8),, and HTTP request

2011-07-06 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Ubuntu's reseed(8) can be used to seed the PRNG state of a host. The
> script is run when the package installed, and anytime su executes the
> script.
> reseed(8) performs a unsecured HTTP request to for its
> bits, despite offering HTTPS services.

This resulted in a couple of discussions elsewhere, but as weird the
idea of retrieving a seed from the Internet is (over HTTPS or not),
this particular use is probably (unintentionally) harmless.

Writing to /dev/[u]random does not replace the existing entropy pool,
and merely mixes some new data in. Therefore, the script does not
reduce the quality of the kernel PRNG if you already have some entropy
collected, even if the returned payload is completely bogus. The only
effect it may have is improving entropy if you don't have any, or not
doing anything useful (if connection fails, or predictable data is

I initially thought this is still bad news, because you don't want the
kernel to think it has more entropy than in reality (thus not blocking
/dev/random reads, etc) - but the write() performed by this code also
does not affect the entropy estimate by the virtue of not doing
RNDADDTOENTCNT or RNDADDENTROPY ioctls. So, it should be OK.

The use of HTTPS is a red herring (and establishing HTTPS without any
real entropy available is tricky anyway). A more significant concern
is that the ownership or quality of may change. But in this
case, it simply renders this effort a nominally harmless no-op.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Ubuntu: reseed(8),, and HTTP request

2011-07-06 Thread Michal Zalewski
[ But for what it's worth, I am willing to bet that the script was
added without analyzing these subtle considerations, and that makes it
somewhat scary on its own accord. ]


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Re: [Full-disclosure] (fractal-Self__) : A theoretical introduction to Universe, Conscious Machines and Programming Ur-cells !!!

2011-06-12 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Paradox are way of life... Hence, the goal here is to question every
> knowledge with reasoning and trying-not to build a static opinion on
> anything.

But have you tried contacting the vendor first?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Got an iPhone or 3G iPad? Apple is recording your moves

2011-04-21 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Cool. I got an Iphone 3GS. Consider me ex-user. GG Apple. Let me guess,
> co-operation deal with NSA and the U.S goverment paid them some billion
> dollars for that.

Totally. A vast conspiracy is the only possible explanation.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Announcement posts and the charter (was Re: INSECT Pro 2.5.1 released)

2011-04-12 Thread Michal Zalewski
> It's whatever, un-moderated means exactly that. No-one can tell anyone else 
> what to release/write. Period.

Of course you can. That's what the charter is for. Unmoderated means
simply that the charter is usually not proactively enforced (but even
that is hardly an absolute guarantee).


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Re: [Full-disclosure] INSECT Pro 2.5.1 released

2011-04-12 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I would like to suggest that advertising for products and tools (free or
> otherwise) be limited to just an initial announcement to tell people about
> the tool.

Meh. Most authors keep the volume of their announcements low, and only
highlight genuinely interesting updates. I think it's beneficial to
allow this.

Maybe highlighting the importance of these two qualities is the way to go?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] SSL Capable NetCat and more

2011-03-28 Thread Michal Zalewski
> This one is from command line, maybe the next will be in
> the server mode or whatever.

Man, I hope you never find out what Perl is written in...


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Re: [Full-disclosure] III World War. - Broadcast Request.

2011-02-28 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I believe that the IIIWorld War conflict might start in 10 months or
> more from now.

It's hard to disagree.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] What the f*** is going on?

2011-02-24 Thread Michal Zalewski
>> this is only true for remote attackers hitting network service auth.
> Mhmm, and runas, su et al couldn't benefit from this?

Not a whole lot. You can likely tell a successful login from a failed
one within several miliseconds by watching /proc or so.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] What the f*** is going on?

2011-02-22 Thread Michal Zalewski
> all apologies, that was not my intent in the least-- referencing the public 
> portion of the aurora stuff, which is part of the myth I thought you were 
> referencing.

Sure. The moment the discussion strays toward these topics, I am
obviously not at liberty to discuss them freely.

In general, I simply think that framing the problems that the industry
is facing in terms of dealing with a new, sophisticated adversary is
kind of meaningless and destructive, even if the risk is fundamentally
true. The idea that AV + IDS + a prepackaged PCI / SOX / BS7799 audit
was a legitimate response to the threats faced 5-10 years ago is about
as misguided as the notion that $2M botnet monitoring or an IV drip of
0-day vulns will do the trick this time around.

(Even if you need offensive capabilities - and most parties don't -
nurturing a free market of 0-days sold to the highest bidder for
exorbitant fees does not seem like a particularly good long-term


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Re: [Full-disclosure] What the f*** is going on?

2011-02-22 Thread Michal Zalewski
> You can't be high profile Google employees one minute and switch off as
> personal entities the next, its pretty basic.

Thank you for pointing this out to me. Your concern has been noted.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] What the f*** is going on?

2011-02-22 Thread Michal Zalewski
> You and Ormandy have a lot to learn, still.

Oh, hai.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] What the f*** is going on?

2011-02-22 Thread Michal Zalewski
> If it did for Google, you're either mistaken, [...]

Huh, what? Where did that come from?

I would generally appreciate if we refrain from dragging it employers,
business contacts, etc, into what amounts to an exchange of personal

> However, calling it an all out myth is misleading, and saying it's because 
> contractors are pushing a myth is just wrong.

My point is roughly this:


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Re: [Full-disclosure] What the f*** is going on?

2011-02-22 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Also, I would say that even though randomly prodding exec arguments
> with As isn't so elite, the space of "the non-web" is much more deep
> and much more complex than the space of "the web"..

I think that sentiment made sense 8-10 years ago, but today, it's
increasingly difficult to defend. I mean, we are at a point where
casual users can do without any "real" applications, beyond just
having a browser. And in terms of complexity, the browser itself is
approaching the kernel, and is growing more rapidly.

Yes, web app vulnerabilities are easier to discover. That's partly
because of horrible design decisions back in the 1990s, and partly
because we're dealing with greater diversity, more complex
interactions, and a much younger codebase. Plus, we had much less time
to develop systemic defenses.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] What the f*** is going on?

2011-02-22 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I mean, if these are the security industry's geniuses, why, what would the
> writers of Stuxnet be?


> Disclosing how their epic story simply involved SQLi, well, what about the
> guys discovering 0days in native code?

Totally. I have long postulated that perl -e '{print "A"x1000}' is
considerably more l33t than alert(1) or ' OR '1' ==

I don't understand the point you are getting at. I think that the more
interesting aspect of this story are the egregious practices revealed
in that write-up (and elsewhere):


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Re: [Full-disclosure] xss vulnerability Using mhtml

2011-01-28 Thread Michal Zalewski
FYI, here's a provisional advisory from Microsoft acknowledging this issue:


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Re: [Full-disclosure] xss vulnerability Using mhtml

2011-01-26 Thread Michal Zalewski
> app don't filter the CRLF

This is not strictly required; there are other scenarios where this
vulnerability is exploitable.

> 2.IE support mhtml protocol handler to render the mhtml file format,
> and this is the why mhtml: is designed

The real problem is that when mhtml: is used to fetch the container
over an underlying protocol, it does not honor Content-Type and
related headers (or even "nosniff").


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Re: [Full-disclosure] xss vulnerability Using mhtml

2011-01-26 Thread Michal Zalewski
> I woudn't like to discourage ppl submitting vulns to vendors but this is the
> response you'll most likely to get from those kind of vendors no matter what
> you found in their system. I had more than a dozen similar experience like
> yours. Now it's public + fixed and you gotta get nothing beside these
> replies (:

I think you'd be surprised. Our reward panel consists solely of people
you would recognize from this list, BUGTRAQ, or vendor advisories; and
we are very consistent, timely, and pretty generous in rewarding a
large proportion of all incoming reports. Ask around :-)

In this particular case, though, the underlying problem is clearly a
browser-side flaw that is nearly impossible to fully address on web
application side - and one that first surfaced in 2004, then wasn't
fully fixed in 2007:

Even in cases like this, we sometimes reward the reporter when we are
given advance notice, and there are clear ways we can protect our
users. But in this instance, the report is already public, we are
already aware it, and we are trying to deploy basic workarounds in a
number of exposed spots; and as noted, realistically, there is a
limited recourse any web app provider will have.


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[Full-disclosure] Announcing cross_fuzz, a potential 0-day in circulation, and more

2011-01-01 Thread Michal Zalewski
Hi list,


I am happy to announce the availability of cross_fuzz - an amazingly
effective but notoriously annoying cross-document DOM binding fuzzer that
helped identify about one hundred bugs in all browsers on the market - many
of said bugs exploitable - and is still finding more.

The fuzzer owes some of its efficiency to dynamically generating extremely
long-winding sequences of DOM operations across multiple documents,
inspecting returned objects, recursing into them, and creating circular node
references that stress-test garbage collection algorithms. More info about
the exact algorithm used is given here:

The design of the fuzzer makes it unexpectedly difficult to get clean,
deterministic repros; to that effect, in the current versions of all the
affected browsers, we are still seeing a collection of elusive problems when
running the tool - and some not-so-elusive ones. I believe that at this
point, a broader community involvement may be instrumental to tracking down
and resolving these bugs.

*** I also believe that at least one of the vulnerabilities discovered by
cross_fuzz may be known to third parties - which makes getting this tool
out a priority. ***


* Internet Explorer: MSRC notified in July 2010. Fuzzer observed to trigger
  several exploitable crashes - e.g.: well as some security-relevant GDI corruption issues.

  *** Reproducible, exploitable faults still present in current versions of
  the browser. I have reasons to believe that one of these vulnerabilities
  is known to third parties: ***

  Comment: Vendor has acknowledged receiving the report in July (case
  10205jr), but has not contacted me again until my final ping in December.
  Following that contact attempt, they were able to quickly reproduce
  multiple exploitable crashes, and asked for the release of this tool to be
  postponed indefinitely. Since they have not provided an explanation as
  to why these issues could not be investigated earlier, I refused;
  more info here:

* All WebKit browsers: WebKit project notified in July 2010. About two dozen
  crashes identified and addressed in bug 42959 and related efforts by
  several volunteers. Relevant patches generally released with attribution
  in security bulletins. Some extremely hard-to-debug memory corruption
  problems still occurring on trunk.

* Firefox: Mozilla notified in July 2010. Around 10 crashes addressed in bug
  581539, with attribution in security bulletins where appropriate. Fuzzing
  approach subsequently rolled into Jesse Ruderman's fuzzing infrastructure
  under bug 594645 in September; from that point on, about fifty additional
  bugs identified (generally with no specific attribution at patch time).
  Several tricky crashes still occurring on trunk.

  Note: Flash-related (npswf32.dll) bad read/write offset crashes are also
  common if the plugin is installed.

* Opera: vendor notified in July 2010. Update provided in December stated
  that Opera 11 fixes all the frequent crashes, and that a proper security
  advisory will be released at a later date. Release notes state: "Fixed a
  high severity issue; details will be disclosed at a later date". Several
  hard-to-debug crashes reportedly still waiting to be resolved.

  Note that with Opera, the fuzzer needs to be restarted frequently due
  to OOM conditions.


Please see:


Cross_fuzz can be easily extended to fuzz any DOM-enabled documents
or browser plugins simply by providing new target documents. This may
be an interesting area for future research.

I believe that releasing the tool at this point is considerably more prudent
than the approach taken with ref_fuzz in 2008-2010:

For updates, you can actually follow me on Twitter (gasp):

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Default SSL Keys in Multiple Routers

2010-12-20 Thread Michal Zalewski
> These manufacturers use the same key on each of their models?  That seems
> ridiculous to me...

As a person who had a Siemens AP / router with a hardcoded, hidden
"management" account on it, I find your surprise entertaining ;-)

Craig, cool project.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] OpenBSD Paradox

2010-12-15 Thread Michal Zalewski
> sci.crypt would probably be the best place to ask. I imagine there's a
> discussion already, but have not visited lately.

Have you been to the Usenet recently?;-)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Allegations regarding OpenBSD IPSEC

2010-12-15 Thread Michal Zalewski
> So for 10 years IPSEC has had a backdoor in it and not one person examining
> the code has noticed it?  Or even questioned it?  That's a bit hard to
> believe.

Yeah, this totally never happens in the FOSS world.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] minor browser UI nitpicking

2010-12-14 Thread Michal Zalewski
> 1) Yup, pretty unconvincing. Though one could separate window shadows,

I'm guessing you have your window manager configured to render window
shadows. In this case, this is less plausible, yup, unless you do the
inverted gradient trick.

> 2) Where is "here"? :)

I tried to dig something up, but couldn't. But we definitely had these
around 2001-2003, culminating in browsers removing the ability to do
location=no in


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[Full-disclosure] minor browser UI nitpicking

2010-12-14 Thread Michal Zalewski
Hi folks,

Two minor things that do not deserve a lengthy discussion, but are
probably mildly interesting and worth mentioning for the record:

1) Chrome browser is an interesting example of the perils of using
minimalistic window chrome, allowing multiple windows to be spliced
seamlessly to confuse the user as to the origin of the displayed
content. An unconvincing Windows-specific proof-of-concept:

2) I reported this to the vendor long time ago, and could not get them
to commit to a specific fix: Safari allows windows without the address
bar and other essential chrome, akin to the behavior of other browsers
circa 10 years ago. This essentially makes all other address spoofing
vulnerabilities redundant, as the attacker has the ability to decorate
windows arbitrarily (you can look up ancient proof-of-concept exploits
for Netscape or MSIE here).


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[Full-disclosure] Firefox 3.6.13 pseudo-URL SOP check bug (CVE-2010-3774)

2010-12-09 Thread Michal Zalewski
Hi folks,

Firefox 3.6.13 fixes an interesting bug in their same-origin policy
logic for pseudo-URLs that do not have any inherent origin associated
with them. These documents are normally expected to inherit the
context from their parent, or be assigned a unique one. This didn't
work as expected in Firefox, apparently due to a code refactoring in
2008. The vulnerability permits malicious websites to access and
modify the contents of special pages such as about:neterror or
about:config, which has consequences ranging from content spoofing to
complete subversion of the browser security model.

More info:
Whimsical PoC:

PS. I posted a couple of probably interesting browser security
write-ups on my blog of recent, recapping the status quo in areas such
as HTTP cookie security. Some readers might find them interesting /
useful - say:


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Re: [Full-disclosure] New Source Code Vulnerability Scanner (Free 30 Day Trial)

2010-12-03 Thread Michal Zalewski
> grep -r ACIDBITCHES *

This code has two very obvious detection bypass vulnerabilities:

1) It fails to scan dotfiles in the starting directory,

2) It can be tricked into not producing any output by creating a file
named "-q" in the starting dir.

Let me fire up my vulnerability research whitepaper generator.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] some ooold Juniper bugs (was: ZDI-10-231: Juniper Secure Access Series meeting_testjava.cgi XSS Vulnerability)

2010-11-07 Thread Michal Zalewski
> And the political spin: companies get away with shipping broken
> software and residing in (1) and (2) above because there are no
> software liability laws, even though software enjoys intellectual
> property protection. Reason: In America, corporate America bribes the
> legislature (err, makes 'PAC contributions').

Good thing we have excellent software liability laws in the EU, then ;-)


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[Full-disclosure] some ooold Juniper bugs (was: ZDI-10-231: Juniper Secure Access Series meeting_testjava.cgi XSS Vulnerability)

2010-11-07 Thread Michal Zalewski
This reminded me of a bunch of problems I spotted in Juniper SSL VPN a
while ago; they are apparently fixed, but I don't recall seeing any
public vendor advisory / credit for reporting them - so here you go,
even if just for the record...

These were fixed by Juniper in IVE 6.3R1, 6.2R3, 6.1R5, 6.0R8, and 5.5
R7.1 over a year ago.

1) Auth bypass - IVE permitted just about any script on the box to be
invoked without authentication by going through a
/dana-na/download/?url= hop, for example:


2) XSS flaws (which are pretty bad in SSL VPN appliances, because they
completely trash the security model of this access mode):

This worked in IVE 6.2:

This worked with IVE 5.5 & Firefox:

This worked with IVE 5.5 & MSIE:

XSS + response splitting:


And some more vanilla XSSes:




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Re: [Full-disclosure] 0-day "vulnerability"

2010-10-28 Thread Michal Zalewski
> For once and for all: There is no such thing as a "zero-day
> vulnerability" (quoted), only a 0-day exploit...

Cool story, bro.

Any thoughts on the use of the term "hacker"?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Advisory: Oracle JRE - class - Same-of-Origin (SOP) Policy Bypass

2010-10-20 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Eh, you can see where it came from though. Design bugs like this are 
> absolutely miserable to fix (see how we'll never get rebinding out of the 
> browser) and letting identical IP's script against eachother lets an awful 
> lot of legitimate traffic through while blocking almost all attacks.
> I'm not saying it's a preferred design, but let's reserve "horrible" for 
> things that don't have quite the obvious thought process behind them.

"Horrible" in the sense it had significant consequences for the safety
of all Internet users, for at least a decade (ever since HTTP vhosts
became reasonably popular, which must be what, late 90s).

I don't really question the thought process - although it's
interesting to see that almost all attempts to redefine / reinvent SOP
led to significant issues over the years. This is not merely the fault
of plugin vendors, by the way - the incompatibility between DOM SOP
and cookie "SOP" pose some very interesting and underappreciated
problems for many classes modern web apps. And it's certainly not
unique to SOP, too:



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Re: [Full-disclosure] Advisory: Oracle JRE - class - Same-of-Origin (SOP) Policy Bypass

2010-10-20 Thread Michal Zalewski
> follows responsible disclosure
> and promptly contacted Oracle after discovering
> the issue. Oracle was contacted on August 1,
> 2010.

My understanding is that Stefano Di Paola of Minded Security reported
this back in April; and further, the feature was a part of reasonably
well-documented functionality of Java pretty much ever since:

"Two hosts are considered equivalent if both host names can be
resolved into the same IP addresses"

This was a pretty horrible design, so it's good to see it gone, though.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Nmap NOT VULNERABLE to Windows DLL Hijacking Vulnerability

2010-09-09 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Please, try to figure out the difference b/w exploitability and vulnerability.

Here's my definition

Exploitable vulnerability = vulnerability
Non-exploitable "vulnerability" = mental masturbation


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Geolocation spoofing and other UI woes

2010-08-17 Thread Michal Zalewski
Err, the subject should read "hijacking", not "spoofing". Sorry, not
very awake today.


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