Re: [Full-disclosure] Think Drupal was FLOSS and non-profit? Think again.

2009-09-01 Thread BMF wrote:
> Thought Drupal was open source and non-profit? Not anymore.

This seems like a relatively minor issue. I thought the fact that it is
written by newbs in PHP (if they weren't newbs they wouldn't still be coding
php) and therefore a remote root server would be enough to keep people away
from it, much less any trademark issues.

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[Full-disclosure] Think Drupal was FLOSS and non-profit? Think again.

2009-09-01 Thread Drupal is under attack
Thought Drupal was open source and non-profit? Not anymore.

This brings back memories of when Mambo and Joomla split.

If you want to build a website based around this GPL+MIT framework, 
you should read the fine print. For your convenience of course, 
it's governed by the laws and regulations of Belgium.

Someone has dollar signs in their eyes.


All I need is this euro putz putting his ugly mug on a big 
projector like we should take it. He's freaking using us like 
pawns. He shows us pictures of his god damn babies on his blog like 
he's God or we care.

Enough. Hand power of the trademark to Drupal Association and stop 
killing the project. People don't want Dries, they want Drupal.

Policy Attached.

1. Background information

The Drupal trademark — i.e. the word "Drupal", whether or not in 
capitals — is owned and controlled by Dries Buytaert, who 
cooperates with the Drupal Association and local non-profit 
associations to foster the use of the Drupal software.

Although you are encouraged to use the Drupal trademark (and the 
official Drupal logo (official link to be included when released by 
the Drupal Association), which is itself a use of the Drupal 
trademark) for your own purposes, you must first obtain a license. 
You can either obtain this license automatically, or through a 
license grant procedure, as further explained below in this policy.

This policy therefore first explains whether you receive an 
automatic license, or whether you need to obtain a license through 
the license grant procedure. In addition, this policy explains 
which "rules of use" apply when you use the Drupal trademark 
(whether you obtained the license automatically, or through the 
license grant procedure).
2. Why this policy was created

This policy is based on the questions received by Dries Buytaert 
from various persons and companies, and tries to cover the most 
typical use cases for the Drupal trademark. By imposing simple 
rules, this policy aims to create a level playing field for 
everyone interested in using the Drupal trademark.
3. Limitations of this policy

Do not assume that this policy will answer every question you may 
have about the use of the Drupal trademark. There will be scenarios 
where your intended use of the Drupal trademark is not entirely 
covered by this policy, or where you have doubts as to whether or 
not a specific rule applies. In all these cases, you should contact 
Dries Buytaert.

Please also note that, while the use of the official Drupal logo is 
covered by this trademark policy, the use of the Drupal icon 
(druplicon) is not. Any use of the Drupal icon is subject to 
separate licensing. Contact the Drupal Association for details.


This section explains whether you are entitled to an automatic 
license (in which case you can use the Drupal trademark without 
having to complete or receive any document), or whether you need to 
follow the license grant procedure. You will only be entitled to an 
automatic license when you are in any of the situations described 
under subsection A below, and not simultaneously in any of the 
situations described under subsection B below.
A. You receive an automatic license when:

   1. You exclusively use the Drupal trademark to either extend or 
improve the Drupal software, or to encourage the use of the Drupal 
software (in short "foster the Drupal software" ).
  Examples of "fostering the Drupal software":
  * a course entitled "How to use Drupal in your business" 
organized by a local non-profit organization;
  * an open access monthly journal called "Drupal Coding 
  * an open source Apache plugin "JIT Compiler for Drupal";
  * a freely distributed homebrew Drupal theme "John's 
Drupal Christmas Theme";
  * a website "" with pictures of 
famous Drupal contributors;
  * administering a database with Drupal bugs and 
corresponding workarounds.
  Examples which do not qualify as "fostering the Drupal 
  * creating a Drupal fork "ImprovedDrupal";
  * publishing a website "" with 
pictures of infamous Drupal contributors.
  Examples of not "exclusively to foster the Drupal software":
  * a charitable organisation selling t-shirts with the 
Drupal trademark to sponsor its fight against global warming;
  * a company selling t-shirts with the Drupal trademark, 
while donating 25% of the profits to the Drupal Association.
  "Exclusively" means that any direct profits generated by 
using the Drupal trademark, must also be exclusively used to foster 
the Drupal software.
  * A high-traffic website "" containing 
sponsored ads, qualifies for an automatic license when the profits 
generated from these ads (minus hosting costs and othe