[Full-disclosure] Andrew Aurenheimer aka weev gets tree'd

2009-09-14 Thread GOBBLES
  ___  ___  _  
| __ |  | |__] |__] ||___ [__  
|__] |__| |__] |__] |___ |___ ___] 

 _  _ ___  _ ___  _
|__| |\ | |  \ | |  \ |
|  | | \| |__/_| |__/ |___ 


Meet the exposed Andrew Aurenheimer. Also known as "weev", 
"weevlos", "wbeelsoi". Former bantown member and a sysop at
encyclopediadramatica. He is a failed man. Loyalty to him shall 
you no benefit. See for yourself:

Law enforcement authorities reportedly have identified a 21-year-
old Vancouver man as the individual who made two threatening 
telephone calls to Congregation Beth Israel on the night of June 16.

Jewish Federation of Greater Portland Community Relations Director 
Robert Horenstein said the suspect, whose name was not made public, 
“admitted making the calls and the FBI is now working with the U.S. 
Attorney’s office to determine if a crime has been committed.”

The alleged caller, whom authorities described to Horenstein as 
having “low intelligence and no means to carry out any threats,” 
reportedly said over the phone, “The Nazis are coming to get you; 
there will be another Holocaust” and “You killed my Lord. You will 

The calls were left on the CBI’s voice mail system and were first 
heard the next morning by Rabbi Michael Cahana.

Cahana said, “I was very, very pleased at the responsiveness of the 
Portland Police and FBI. They gave us a strong sense that they were 
taking this seriously and we were in very good hands.”

The rabbi declined to elaborate on the incident.

Portland FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele said her office could not 
comment on an ongoing investigation but that the FBI was “working 
closely with the folks at the temple as well as the Portland Police 

Prior to police identification of the Vancouver man, Horenstein 
said in an e-mail alert that law enforcement officials had 
speculated the caller may have been a 24-year-old Los Angeles man 
who operates the Web site theiprophet.blip.tv/ (since taken 
offline) on which Jews have been vilified.

Horenstein identified that man as Andrew Auernheimer. In a video 
that was on Auernheimer’s Web site he said, “I’ve got to skip town. 
There are some big Jews that want to hand me a summons. …On the 
16th (of June) I am taking a pilgrimage northward to Portland.”

Auernheimer was detained and questioned by members of the FBI and 
the Portland Police Bureau, first in Grants Pass and later in 
Wilsonville, according to Horenstein.

Horenstein said, “Portland police now believe him to be a much 
lower-level threat than was believed previously, but stress that 
they will continue to monitor him.”

Auernheimer reportedly was warned not to go near any Jewish 
congregation or agency. Horenstein said he was told that 
Auernheimer had no plans to do so and that he claimed “he has no 
violent intentions.”

Horenstein said Auernheimer drives a 2000 silver Honda Civic with 
California license plate 6EFJ814 and was traveling with a Native 
American woman. He said that if Auernheimer is seen near any Jewish 
facility, authorities should be notified immediately by calling 911.

Horenstein expressed gratitude for the work of the law enforcement 
personnel: “We should all be deeply grateful to the FBI and 
Portland police, especially officers Brian Hughes and Tony Cavalli, 
for their commitment to keeping us all safe.”

Hughes referred inquiries to PPB spokeswoman Det. Mary Weed who did 
not return telephone calls before the Jewish Review’s press time.

Source: http://www.jewishreview.org/local/Police-question-two-men-
Archival: http://www.webcitation.org/5jnPBPyHG

Weev's response:
"look at these fucking kikes how they fucking don't name the person 
who made the threats, but name me instead. it looks like i was 
responsible for it unless you read the article real hard.

i've been informed that the person who called in the synagogue 
threats was someone being blackmailed by a rabbi, and that he was 
assured immunity. this was a setup from the beginning to get me on 
the counterterrorism map so they could have my assets stolen and me 
criminally harassed.

seriously, there has to be something fucking libelous in the fact 
that i am the sole person named in this article when i had 
absolutely no involvement in it, and was not charged with any crime.

there is no fucking freedom of speech left in this country. if 
saying anything the establishment doesn't like results in attacks 
on someone's livelihood, noone will speak up against the criminal 

Source: http://weev.livejournal.com/368013.html
Archival: http://www.webcitation.org/5jnP71qsD

Also weev posts his IRL name+handle on 
me.php. Archival: http://www.webcitation.org/5jnPc0pNy

I suppose crime doesn't pay.

If you've had any issues with weev / Andrew Aurenheimer, feel free 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Andrew Aurenheimer aka weev gets tree'd

2009-09-14 Thread GOBBLES
*grins like chesire cat*
*spins you around*

Oh weev, you try too hard.

You hold on to vanity like a 13 year old girl. That's what your
friends say. Or at least people who think are your friend.

I've been in contact with hep, sherrod degrippo, oclet and
tehdely about what a flatout nutter you are. And btw, last I
heard your vehicles bugged for sound and GPS. Those dudes
handed over your logs. You got a mountain of people ready
to testify against you. Most will play buddy with you until
you get the iron cuffs slapped on. They gone el mariachi
on you bud. You think you can make a living off ads and
selling t-shirts? Use your fucking brain. Idiot.

You know your worlds spinning before you why don't you just give up.

Enjoy ^_^

Sorry about that. The JDL/GOBBLES team takes mispellings very

Meet the exposed Andrew Auernheimer. Former bantown member and a
sysop at encyclopediadramatica.

 - weev
 - weevlar
 - weevlos
 - the iprophet
 - wbeelsoi

He is a failed man. Loyalty to him shall bring you no benefit. See for yourself:

Law enforcement authorities reportedly have identified a 21-year-
old Vancouver man as the individual who made two threatening
telephone calls to Congregation Beth Israel on the night of June 16.

Jewish Federation of Greater Portland Community Relations Director
Robert Horenstein said the suspect, whose name was not made public,
“admitted making the calls and the FBI is now working with the U.S.
Attorney’s office to determine if a crime has been committed.”

The alleged caller, whom authorities described to Horenstein as
having “low intelligence and no means to carry out any threats,”
reportedly said over the phone, “The Nazis are coming to get you;
there will be another Holocaust” and “You killed my Lord. You will

The calls were left on the CBI’s voice mail system and were first
heard the next morning by Rabbi Michael Cahana.

Cahana said, “I was very, very pleased at the responsiveness of the
Portland Police and FBI. They gave us a strong sense that they were
taking this seriously and we were in very good hands.”

The rabbi declined to elaborate on the incident.

Portland FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele said her office could not
comment on an ongoing investigation but that the FBI was “working
closely with the folks at the temple as well as the Portland Police

Prior to police identification of the Vancouver man, Horenstein
said in an e-mail alert that law enforcement officials had
speculated the caller may have been a 24-year-old Los Angeles man
who operates the Web site theiprophet.blip.tv/ (since taken
offline) on which Jews have been vilified.

Horenstein identified that man as Andrew Auernheimer. In a video
that was on Auernheimer’s Web site he said, “I’ve got to skip town.
There are some big Jews that want to hand me a summons. …On the
16th (of June) I am taking a pilgrimage northward to Portland.”

Auernheimer was detained and questioned by members of the FBI and
the Portland Police Bureau, first in Grants Pass and later in
Wilsonville, according to Horenstein.

Horenstein said, “Portland police now believe him to be a much
lower-level threat than was believed previously, but stress that
they will continue to monitor him.”

Auernheimer reportedly was warned not to go near any Jewish
congregation or agency. Horenstein said he was told that
Auernheimer had no plans to do so and that he claimed “he has no
violent intentions.”

Horenstein said Auernheimer drives a 2000 silver Honda Civic with
California license plate 6EFJ814 and was traveling with a Native
American woman. He said that if Auernheimer is seen near any Jewish
facility, authorities should be notified immediately by calling 911.

Horenstein expressed gratitude for the work of the law enforcement
personnel: “We should all be deeply grateful to the FBI and
Portland police, especially officers Brian Hughes and Tony Cavalli,
for their commitment to keeping us all safe.”

Hughes referred inquiries to PPB spokeswoman Det. Mary Weed who did
not return telephone calls before the Jewish Review’s press time.

Source: http://www.jewishreview.org/local/Police-question-two-men-
Archival: http://www.webcitation.org/5jnPBPyHG

Weev's response:
"look at these fucking kikes how they fucking don't name the person
who made the threats, but name me instead. it looks like i was
responsible for it unless you read the article real hard.

i've been informed that the person who called in the synagogue
threats was someone being blackmailed by a rabbi, and that he was
assured immunity. this was a setup from the beginning to get me on
the counterterrorism map so they could have my assets stolen and me
criminally harassed.

seriously, there has to be something fucking libelous in the fact
that i am the sole person named in this article when i had
absolutely no involvement in it, and was not charged with any crime.


[Full-disclosure] Andrew Auernheimer aka weev gets tree'd

2009-09-14 Thread GOBBLES
  ___  ___  _  
| __ |  | |__] |__] ||___ [__  
|__] |__| |__] |__] |___ |___ ___] 

 _  _ ___  _ ___  _
|__| |\ | |  \ | |  \ |
|  | | \| |__/_| |__/ |___ 

Sorry about that. The JDL/GOBBLES team takes mispellings very

Meet the exposed Andrew Auernheimer. Former bantown member and a
sysop at encyclopediadramatica.

 - weev
 - weevlar
 - weevlos
 - the iprophet
 - wbeelsoi

He is a failed man. Loyalty to him shall bring you no benefit. See for yourself:

Law enforcement authorities reportedly have identified a 21-year-
old Vancouver man as the individual who made two threatening 
telephone calls to Congregation Beth Israel on the night of June 16.

Jewish Federation of Greater Portland Community Relations Director 
Robert Horenstein said the suspect, whose name was not made public, 
“admitted making the calls and the FBI is now working with the U.S. 
Attorney’s office to determine if a crime has been committed.”

The alleged caller, whom authorities described to Horenstein as 
having “low intelligence and no means to carry out any threats,” 
reportedly said over the phone, “The Nazis are coming to get you; 
there will be another Holocaust” and “You killed my Lord. You will 

The calls were left on the CBI’s voice mail system and were first 
heard the next morning by Rabbi Michael Cahana.

Cahana said, “I was very, very pleased at the responsiveness of the 
Portland Police and FBI. They gave us a strong sense that they were 
taking this seriously and we were in very good hands.”

The rabbi declined to elaborate on the incident.

Portland FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele said her office could not 
comment on an ongoing investigation but that the FBI was “working 
closely with the folks at the temple as well as the Portland Police 

Prior to police identification of the Vancouver man, Horenstein 
said in an e-mail alert that law enforcement officials had 
speculated the caller may have been a 24-year-old Los Angeles man 
who operates the Web site theiprophet.blip.tv/ (since taken 
offline) on which Jews have been vilified.

Horenstein identified that man as Andrew Auernheimer. In a video 
that was on Auernheimer’s Web site he said, “I’ve got to skip town. 
There are some big Jews that want to hand me a summons. …On the 
16th (of June) I am taking a pilgrimage northward to Portland.”

Auernheimer was detained and questioned by members of the FBI and 
the Portland Police Bureau, first in Grants Pass and later in 
Wilsonville, according to Horenstein.

Horenstein said, “Portland police now believe him to be a much 
lower-level threat than was believed previously, but stress that 
they will continue to monitor him.”

Auernheimer reportedly was warned not to go near any Jewish 
congregation or agency. Horenstein said he was told that 
Auernheimer had no plans to do so and that he claimed “he has no 
violent intentions.”

Horenstein said Auernheimer drives a 2000 silver Honda Civic with 
California license plate 6EFJ814 and was traveling with a Native 
American woman. He said that if Auernheimer is seen near any Jewish 
facility, authorities should be notified immediately by calling 911.

Horenstein expressed gratitude for the work of the law enforcement 
personnel: “We should all be deeply grateful to the FBI and 
Portland police, especially officers Brian Hughes and Tony Cavalli, 
for their commitment to keeping us all safe.”

Hughes referred inquiries to PPB spokeswoman Det. Mary Weed who did 
not return telephone calls before the Jewish Review’s press time.

Source: http://www.jewishreview.org/local/Police-question-two-men-
Archival: http://www.webcitation.org/5jnPBPyHG

Weev's response:
"look at these fucking kikes how they fucking don't name the person 
who made the threats, but name me instead. it looks like i was 
responsible for it unless you read the article real hard.

i've been informed that the person who called in the synagogue 
threats was someone being blackmailed by a rabbi, and that he was 
assured immunity. this was a setup from the beginning to get me on 
the counterterrorism map so they could have my assets stolen and me 
criminally harassed.

seriously, there has to be something fucking libelous in the fact 
that i am the sole person named in this article when i had 
absolutely no involvement in it, and was not charged with any crime.

there is no fucking freedom of speech left in this country. if 
saying anything the establishment doesn't like results in attacks 
on someone's livelihood, noone will speak up against the criminal 

Source: http://weev.livejournal.com/368013.html
Archival: http://www.webcitation.org/5jnP71qsD

Also weev posts his IRL name+handle on 
me.php. Archival: http://www.webc

Re: [Full-disclosure] Andrew Aurenheimer aka weev gets tree'd

2009-09-16 Thread GOBBLES
What do you mean Sherrod *was* a fed?

Obviously the point wasn't to ruin. The point was to salt the earth by filling 
google with your real name.

I can now officially say the (Google) Earth has been salted for you. You'll 
never be able to live a real life again. You'll always be hiding in the shadows 
for the rest of your life now.

In may not hit you now, but eventually you'll feeling suffering and despair.

I'm the one who helped in the process of clipping your wings to keep your 
grounded. To leave you in the world where mediocrity will never come.

You are a monster for what you did to Kathy... She's a great UX designer and a 
beautiful woman...


Tim O'Reilly

Btw all dogs go to heaven was awesome you fucking faggot

 Original Message ----
From: Andrew A 
Cc: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Andrew Aurenheimer aka weev gets tree'd
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 23:52:42 -0500

> Okay. You've been in contact with Hep? She's handed over her logs? Oh
> man, the FBI now has hundreds of megs of me scrolling ansi on IRC,
> telling her she's a sickly withered ghoul, calling her fat, and making
> fun of her Springeresque living situation of having 3 different kids
> by 3 different dads (seriously hep is basically the hip web2.0 version
> of used up trailer trash whore).
> Oclet's handed over his logs? Wow, the FBI now has records of all the
> times I've told him to stop doing cocaine and drinking and clean up
> his act.
> Sherrod DeGrippo was indeed a fed. If she's turned against me, the FBI
> now has all the records of me posting the information of people with
> autism to Encyclopedia Dramatica! I'm goin' down!
> Tehdely, the gay San Francisco Jew who works for blogging house Six
> Apart will be able to tell a jury that I, in the haze of a 5-balloon
> dose of nitrous oxide, did a "sieg heil" salute and shouted "heil
> hitler" while giggling hysterically. I, clearly, will be screwed by
> this revelation of SECRET KNOWLEDGE in the grand jury proceedings.
> And actually, you can make your living off of advertising and selling
> t-shirts. I made high sfigs off of direct marketing alone for several
> years.
> You antis are pathetic. You think you got one up on me by pasting some
> fuckin info I put in my fuckin LIVEJOURNAL? Is this what hackin is
> these days? Are you gonna start syndicating emo rants from 14 year old
> girls into f-d posts with ascii banners at the top, acting like you
> owned people?
> See, for a doxdrop to be proper, you have to do info that is not
> already public, and you have to tie it together in a way that reveals
> something about their lives that they did not want people to know.
> For example, when some clever soul revealed that Rob Levin of freenode
> didn't actually live in a trailer, had all sorts of welfare and was
> still using people's donations to supplement his income, that was a
> pretty sweet doxdrop:
> http://antisec.wordpress.com/2006/06/27/eyeballing-rob-levin/
> Or when somebody pieced together Kathy Sierra's sordid history of dick
> sucking, that was pretty fuckin' awesome:
> http://www.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Full-Disclosure/2007-03/msg00507.html
> You, sir, are a fucking amateur. You haven't uncovered anything new
> (the most well funded law enforcement organization in the world had to
> do that for you in their organized campaign, and you copied it from my
> livejournal), and it is certainly not anything I tried to hide, as I
> put it in my fucking blog. No secrets uncovered, no dark past
> revealed, just shit you copied from my livejournal to full-disclosure.
> Doxdrop is not copy and paste. You are the failure here, and your
> hilarious attempt to poorly emulate a sacred tradition of the
> hackscene in a D- fashion is regrettable.
> If you want to be impressive, figure out the name (Hint hint: France!)
> i actually do business under. Find out what fucking country I
> emigrated to. Find out SOMETHING yourself.
> My world ain't spinnin, I've been playing lolling it up for ages
> buddy, and I ain't gonna stop anytime soon.
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:39 PM, GOBBLES  wrote:
> > *grins like chesire cat*
> > *spins you around*
> >
> > Oh weev, you try too hard.
> >
> > You hold on to vanity like a 13 year old girl. That's what your
> > friends say. Or at least people who think are your friend.
> >
> > I've been in contact with hep, sherrod degrippo, oclet and
> > tehdely about what a flatout nutter you are. And btw, last I
> > heard your vehicles bugged for sound and GP

Re: [Full-disclosure] Andrew Auerenheimer aka weev gets tree'd

2009-09-19 Thread GOBBLES
You sound like a person who walked into the wrong room. David Kernell?

I think you meant to get off at the 4chan floor.

Zewbiechan. Very professional.

 Original Message 
From: "zewb" 
Apparently from: full-disclosure-boun...@lists.grok.org.uk
To: "BMF" , 
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Andrew Auerenheimer aka weev gets tree'd
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 00:06:02 -0500

> Same here. I wanted to learn about security flaws  and instead it's just all 
> these dumb fags pretending they've doxed  some big important person. What the 
> fuck is this, 4chan or something? It's full  disclosure of security holes, 
> not full disclosure of the full names of people  because they trolled the ux 
> designer you have a crush on or  something.
> Stop trying to impress everyone by saying  you found some guy's dox. Even if 
> you really did find them, I still don't  really care. Apparently you think 
> this weev guy is some kind of celebrity or  something, but I've never heard 
> of him and I don't care about the little  grudge you have against him, so 
> stop filling my inbox with you're dumb autistic  retardery. Seriously, just 
> get a fucking blogspot account or something and post  all the shit there so I 
> can go to my fucking inbox and not have to sift through  all this shit.
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From:BMF
> > To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:27PM
> > Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] AndrewAuerenheimer aka weev gets tree'd
> >
> > WTF is up with this mailing list? Isigned up a few weeks ago expecting 
> > "full disclosure" of security exploits orat least good security 
> > discussion. Instead what I got was full disclosure ofhow idiotic skr1p7 
> > k1dd13z can be.
> >
> > BMF
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Full-Disclosure - Webelieve in it.
> > Charter:http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> > Hosted and sponsoredby Secunia - http://secunia.com/
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Andrew Aurenheimer aka weev gets tree'd

2009-09-19 Thread GOBBLES

 Original Message 
From: T Biehn 
To: "zewbiec...@gmail.com" 
Cc: GOBBLES , full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Andrew Aurenheimer aka weev gets tree'd
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 12:19:09 -0400

> Mapping weev->IRL has no real impact, as he has either an entirely
> different identity or a DBA, if this was a fictional account on weev's
> part it would be certainly easy, effective, and feasible for him to
> change a single letter in his name.
> For the next part, you might want to grab some calming tea or something...
> If you've achieved anything it's angering his online persona, these
> typically only become a bit more malicious and difficult to catch.
> You've succeeded only in creating an even larger 'weev.'
> Try posting a home address next time.
> For bonus points engineer some sort of scheme where the hive becomes
> enraged and R4L's him.
> It's been done before, and will be done again by those with real 'talent.'
> Given that weev has demonstrated competency in all the above I think
> it prudent that you not associate this "disclosure" to any of your
> other online identities. (Brag on IRC already? Who did you work with?
> You seem to be somewhat close to weev, enough to have a personal
> vendetta against him, do you know that everyone you've talked with
> actually hates the guy enough not to drop your pseudonym?)
> -Travis
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:52 PM, zewbiec...@gmail.com
>  wrote:
> > what does google earth have to do with any of this?
> >
> > On 9/16/09, GOBBLES  wrote:
> >> What do you mean Sherrod *was* a fed?
> >>
> >> Obviously the point wasn't to ruin. The point was to salt the earth by
> >> filling google with your real name.
> >>
> >> I can now officially say the (Google) Earth has been salted for you. You'll
> >> never be able to live a real life again. You'll always be hiding in the
> >> shadows for the rest of your life now.
> >>
> >> In may not hit you now, but eventually you'll feeling suffering and 
> >> despair.
> >>
> >> I'm the one who helped in the process of clipping your wings to keep your
> >> grounded. To leave you in the world where mediocrity will never come.
> >>
> >> You are a monster for what you did to Kathy... She's a great UX designer 
> >> and
> >> a beautiful woman...
> >>
> >> Sincerely,
> >>
> >> Tim O'Reilly
> >>
> >> Btw all dogs go to heaven was awesome you fucking faggot
> >>
> >>  Original Message 
> >> From: Andrew A 
> >> To: GOBBLES 
> >> Cc: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
> >> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Andrew Aurenheimer aka weev gets tree'd
> >> Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 23:52:42 -0500
> >>
> >>> Okay. You've been in contact with Hep? She's handed over her logs? Oh
> >>> man, the FBI now has hundreds of megs of me scrolling ansi on IRC,
> >>> telling her she's a sickly withered ghoul, calling her fat, and making
> >>> fun of her Springeresque living situation of having 3 different kids
> >>> by 3 different dads (seriously hep is basically the hip web2.0 version
> >>> of used up trailer trash whore).
> >>>
> >>> Oclet's handed over his logs? Wow, the FBI now has records of all the
> >>> times I've told him to stop doing cocaine and drinking and clean up
> >>> his act.
> >>>
> >>> Sherrod DeGrippo was indeed a fed. If she's turned against me, the FBI
> >>> now has all the records of me posting the information of people with
> >>> autism to Encyclopedia Dramatica! I'm goin' down!
> >>>
> >>> Tehdely, the gay San Francisco Jew who works for blogging house Six
> >>> Apart will be able to tell a jury that I, in the haze of a 5-balloon
> >>> dose of nitrous oxide, did a "sieg heil" salute and shouted "heil
> >>> hitler" while giggling hysterically. I, clearly, will be screwed by
> >>> this revelation of SECRET KNOWLEDGE in the grand jury proceedings.
> >>>
> >>> And actually, you can make your living off of advertising and selling
> >>> t-shirts. I made high sfigs off of direct marketing alone for several
> >>> years.
> >>>
> >>> You antis are pathetic. You think you got one up on me by pasting some

Re: [Full-disclosure] So weev...

2009-10-01 Thread GOBBLES

I'd like to chime in here and mirror this.

Crime is bad. So is the subversive rhetoric that is drains the resources of law 
enforcement, and in actuality, because of it's abusive nature increases the 
likely we'll lose our liberties if you do something stupid.

You have any idea the harassment I've faced because of you, idiot?

You are doing bad things, Andrew.

Mirror #1 (http://www.webcitation.org/5kD6O0OEd)

Chelsea Auernheimer
Mirror #1 (http://www.webcitation.org/5kD6PnDyk)

Mirror #1 (http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/1253/23447816e.jpg) 
Mirror #2 

Anthony Auernheimer
Mirror #1 (http://www.webcitation.org/5kD6SestP)

Mirror #1 (http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4606/23447820e.jpg)
Mirror #2 

Mommy Auernheimer
Mirror #1 (http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1967/aqpsd.jpg)
Mirror #2 

Daddy Auernhiemer (SealPac CEO)
Mirror #1 (http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4673/ceanx.jpg) 
Mirror #2 

I hate to bring family into this, but weev, you've shown no more regard for the 
families of others. You have been senseless toward others.

And also remember to submit any pertinent evidence or testimony to your local 
FBI office or http://tips.fbi.gov


P.S. Yes I'm Jewish. No, I didn't buy my way into Christianity. Liar.

 Original Message 
From: "Wintermute" 
Apparently from: full-disclosure-boun...@lists.grok.org.uk
To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: [Full-disclosure] So weev...
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 12:14:49 -0500

> Hash: SHA1
> How does it feel to be a hypocrite? And we quote:
> 22:02  im all for white people cleaning up the nigger problem
> 22:03  i hate niggers
> 22:03  i hate niggers.
> Now besides the fact that weev is an annoying little bitch who
> cannot seem to find better things to do with his time than augment
> his racist troll persona, there is a larger irony here: he has two
> younger siblings who are black. Not that we the undersigned have a
> problem with this, but our spidey sense tells us that weev does not
> want you to know. Thus, let us present...
> Chelsea and Anthony Auernheimer! Chelsea started as a college
> freshman this year. She is smart and she loves animals. More about
> Chelsea:
> http://www.zinch.com/z/Nouchii
> http://timesdispatch.mycapture.com/mycapture/enlarge.asp?image=23447
> 816&event=745571&CategoryID=20789 (pic)
> Anthony is a 9th grader. You can follow him on Twitter here:
> http://twitter.com/Antsauercool. As a picture is also in order for
> him:
> http://timesdispatch.mycapture.com/mycapture/enlarge.asp?image=23447
> 820&event=745571&CategoryID=20789
> Now, we would love to know what these two think of their racist
> asshole brother, but have had the common courtesy not to bother
> them with our query. We did, however, more than momentarily
> entertain the idea of getting in touch with weev's parents to
> attempt to discover what has made him the way he is. Weev's mother
> (http://imgur.com/AQpSd.jpg) is a board member of the Richmond PTA
> and made contributions to the Democratic Party last year. She seems
> like a nice person. His father (http://imgur.com/CEaNX.jpg), on the
> other hand, is in his mid 40's, has been CEO of Sealpac USA for the
> last two years, and is by all accounts a great guy. Either parent
> is available for comment at (804) 355-2889. If you would prefer
> postal correspondence, letters can be mailed to:
> 2038 W Grace St
> Richmond, VA 23220
> Now, being the troll that he is, weev has no problem with living a
> lie. His recent claim,
> > As I said, I haven't ever committed a crime. I am a truly sinless
> man.
> ...is humorous when compared with this admission, delivered while
> smoking moonrocks:
> 15:05  does anybody know these russians
> 15:06  that they are buying up hacked macs for 43 cents an
> install
> 15:26  i have access to like
> 15:26  8k rooted macs
> 15:26  right now
> 15:26  and i would like to make a quick $3500
> But we cannot really blame the guy. Our hearts goes out to him when
> we see admissions such as this:
> 09:50  i gotta get some money
> 09:50  my cashflow sucks
> 09:51  whores
> 09:51  lavish cars
> 09:51  gigantic places to live

Re: [Full-disclosure] So weev...

2009-10-01 Thread GOBBLES
She's gorgeous and looks like a great mother.

I'm totally surprised, he sounds like he has the nicest family in the world.

http://imgur.com/AQpSd.jpg / (http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1967/aqpsd.jpg) 
 / (http://hosting11.imagecross.com/image-hosting-th-16/953aqpsd.jpg) / 
(http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/af64fe986f.jpg) / 
(http://www.uploadgeek.com/thumb-CA81_4AC55843.jpg) / 
(http://www.imagehuge.com/out.php/t16155_aqpsd.jpg) / 
(http://images.imagenonline.com/img_a190867.jpg) / 

http://imgur.com/CEaNX.jpg / (http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4673/ceanx.jpg) 
 / (http://www.uploadgeek.com/thumb-A304_4AC5594B.jpg) / 
(http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/6db22e9e83.jpg) / 
(http://hosting11.imagecross.com/image-hosting-th-16/6430dad.jpg) / 
(http://www.desiupload.com/out.php/t325734_dad.jpg) / 
(http://www.imagehuge.com/out.php/i16156_dad.jpg) / 

Look how Andrew Auernheimer has his dad's lip and mom's eyes and cheeks:
Mirror #1: 
Mirror #2: http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/7586/569pxinternetbusiness.jpg
Mirror #3: http://imgur.com/V5hkG.jpg

That's a popular image of weev.

The only psychological explanation I have for it is weev felt jealous of the 
connection between his dad on his mom because dad loved mom so much... And 
Andrew perceived himself as being neglected. Hell, can you blame him? His mom 
is so beautiful.

 Original Message ----
From: BMF 
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] So weev...
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 18:46:25 -0700

> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 4:54 PM, GOBBLES  wrote:
> > Mommy Auernheimer
> > ==
> > http://imgur.com/AQpSd.jpg
> Dude...I would totally hit dat...Anyone know when Daddy Auernheimer
> works? Cuz I wanna call up mommy  Auernheimer at (804) 355-2889 and
> make an appointment.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] So weev...

2009-10-01 Thread GOBBLES
I posted on here earlier as netdev.doctor questioning weev on how
he feels psychologically.

*spins weev around*

I feel such invigorating justice seeing your real identity
mirrored. Redundancy. Freedom of information.

I hypothesize weev may possibly kill himself, unfortunately. I'm
unsure how to approach it because I hear he may have left the
United States. If not, he'll cling on like a Michael Crook kinda
guy (which he is closely emulating nowadays).

These kids are like mean infants.

If I were in your shoes, I would intellectually be considering
ending my life. However that's just me.

I don't think you should. However, if it were me, it would stop the
pain, and my life path that I really couldn't ever fix now.

This is purity. This is what happens when you become arrogant,
come down here with orders from God. You get crucified bitch.
Just like Jesus. Your hung on a cross the same place you ruined
people's lives.

plz advz

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Re: [Full-disclosure] So weev...

2009-10-02 Thread GOBBLES

There is a strong likelihood chance we can get Andrew into prison for his 
criminal activity.

Weev's affect hasn't just harassed innocents, but also came to the dismay of 
his former associates, who casted suspicion on due to his poor choices.

If you have been victimized by Weev and no legal efforts or requests have 
worked, please submit any evidence you have to http://tips.fbi.gov.

Also, if you have any personal information that is of any value including:

- his secrets
- personality
- pictures
- locations
- methods of alluding law enforcement
- your story of him harasses you or your friends
- et cetera

please mail them to me personally (or on this list).

Thank you, and remember that n3td3v and Gary McKinnon always has the finest in 

 Original Message 
From: Nobody Special 
Apparently from: full-disclosure-boun...@lists.grok.org.uk
To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: [Full-disclosure] So weev...
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 07:24:35 -0700 (PDT)

> Enjoy. He's been using this IP address for awhile.
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[Full-disclosure] So weev...

2009-10-02 Thread GOBBLES

I think there is a good chance we can get Andrew into prison for his criminal 

Weev's affect hasn't just harassed innocents, but also came to the dismay of 
his former associates, who casted suspicion on due to his poor choices.

If you have been victimized by Weev and no legal efforts or requests have 
worked, please submit any evidence you have to http://tips.fbi.gov.

Also, if you have any personal information that is of any value including:

- his secrets
- personality
- pictures
- locations
- methods of alluding law enforcement
- et cetera

please mail them to me personally (or on this list).

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] So weev...

2009-10-02 Thread GOBBLES
This is about fighting crime. Not about putting your stuff into the alleged 
suspect's mother.

Please have some sense of courtesy and professionalism.

Internet Sleuth, Richard Anderson,
Electronic Lawyer

 Original Message 
From: BMF 
Cc: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] So weev...
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 17:08:40 -0700

> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 4:57 PM, GOBBLES  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > There is a strong likelihood chance we can get Andrew into prison for his 
> > criminal activity.
> > 
> Sweet! I love to send people to Federal "Pound me in the ass" Prison! While 
> Bubba is fudgin' this "weev" character I can be fudgin' his momma!
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Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v mentioned in a book?

2009-10-04 Thread GOBBLES
For your information, my client n3td3v is a trusted security researcher.

He's cited in f0b1dd3n -- A qualified, peer-reviewed source for infosec data.

 Original Message 
From: Gichuki John Chuksjonia 
Apparently from: full-disclosure-boun...@lists.grok.org.uk
To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v mentioned in a book?
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 10:37:54 +0300

> Maybe its not a Ban, maybe its a burn notice!
> On 10/4/09, full-censors...@hushmail.com  wrote:
> > if this guy is mentioned in a book and we banned him?
> >
> > http://f0rb1dd3n.com/links.php
> >
> > i'm calling for a serious review of whats going on with the ban
> > list.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
> >
> -- 
> -- 
> Gichuki John Ndirangu, C.E.H , C.P.T.P, O.S.C.P
> I.T Security Analyst and Penetration Tester
> infosig...@inbox.com
> {FORUM}http://lists.my.co.ke/pipermail/security/
> http://nspkenya.blogspot.com/
> http://chuksjonia.blogspot.com/
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Take it from weev's mom.

2009-10-04 Thread GOBBLES
Remember, n3td3v always has the absolute finest in intelligence.

 Original Message 
From: Alyse Auernheimer 
To: fyo...@insecure.org, gobbles1...@safe-mail.net
Subject: RE: So Weev...
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 02:28:54 -0400

Mr. Lyon, Paul

There is a thread on your website referencing my son Andrew Auernheimer. I am 
totally sympathetic with those posting as my son is guilty of horrible 
behavior. We are ashamed of him and wish we could find him ourselves. Sadly, 
your contributors felt the need to "Out" our family, Andrew's parents and 
siblings. There are links to our younger children, one of whom is only 14, our 
address  and phone numbers are available, photos of the children and one 
reference by one poster as to a desire to rape me. The truth is everyone we 
know already knows we have a mentally ill child. We have made no secret of 

We too are victims of Andrew. The hardest part for all of us is that he used to 
be normal. He loved us and was sweet and kind to his siblings. Several years 
ago he developed a relationship with a girl with a serious drug problem. He 
began by using xtc regularly and eventually graduated to LSD and heroin. About 
three years ago he had a mental breakdown and began hearing voices and talking 
to himself. He vanished from our lives. My children would log into AIM to see 
if he was still alive; if he was logged on too long  or not recently they would 
worry something had happened to him. There are references to his lavish 
lifestyle on this thread but the sad truth is he is paranoid schizophrenic and 
has been homeless a number of times. I am not excusing his pathetic behavior. 
My husband and I contacted law enforcement in Southern California almost a year 
ago as we wanted to try to "catch him" and have him forcibly committed; he 
needs help. Unfortunately we were told that the likely outcome would be 72 
hours in a mental facility and they would let him go and since we are in no 
financial position to pay for mental health care for him we should just pray 
and forget it. I cried every night for a year but I am done crying. I can only 
worry about things that I can change and I really have NO information about 
Andrew. He never once gave us a phone number or address where we could reach 
him. When he left here he did not have a car or a license. I don't even know 
what state he might be in and frankly, I don't know if I want to anymore. 

I don't know if any of you have ever had a mentally ill family member. It is 
torture. For it to be your child is indescribably painful.  I sometimes wonder 
if  because our lives as a family have been dedicated to diversity and 
inclusion, that he may have chosen his weapons to purposely hurt us. We are 
tough though and committed to each other and making the most positive 
contributions to our world as we are able. 

I hope you all can find it in your hearts to please take down our personal 
information. If your goal is to hurt US then you have succeeded. Other than 
that I am not sure what the purpose of all this was. I don't cry over Andrew 
anymore but I found this thread when I googled my daughter looking for a school 
picture for her dorm room and I sobbed. She has never said an unkind word to 
anyone and I knew she would be devastated. We are not responsible for Andrew's 
totally screwed up life, he is. I was contacted erroneously on my Facebook page 
by someone named Anton Garcia posing as a Dreamworks Animation Employee trying 
to find Andrew because he was hacking Dreamworks. I suspected it was fake but I 
answered anyway, truthfully. I too want him to own up to his stupid behavior 
and take the consequences like a man. I'm sure I will be disappointed. The 
worst part about this is you ONLY hurt us. Andrew probably thought it was 
hilarious. He doesn't care what you say or do to us, he only cares about 
himself. He, in the past, has even made up a variety of ugly lies about us, but 
he is always found out.

Many of the postings referred to our family as nice. This is accurate. Our 
other children are everything Andrew rejected, kind, smart, hard-working, 
dedicated to making a difference through public service, and we have left 
Andrew behind. There is so much need in this world and so little time that 
spending it on tears and regret is a colossal waste. Don't get me wrong we will 
always love Andrew and our hearts will forever be broken where he is concerned 
but what else can we do but move on. It's like the Andrew we knew died long 
ago. Hope does spring eternal and sometimes I dream the real Andrew is home and 
we are all together, but my hopes are waning.  Who knows, the future is never 
certain. I have been referred to an FBI agent who is involved with the cyber 
crimes division. I will forward this email to her tomorrow.

Again, please don't make my younger children suffer any more. Do what you will 
with Andrew, he's earned it, but please let our family try to move on. We have 
been dealing wit

Re: [Full-disclosure] Weev, AKA Andrew Auernheimer [Fullinfo Doc(TM) revision #1]

2009-10-04 Thread GOBBLES
Mr. Auernheimer,

That's true. I'm not a hacker.

Also, sorry for not clarifying that I use mrxisaplant too.

Here is more correspondance received from your mom (added paragraph breaks):

Actually, Andrew has no relationship to designadventures or sealpac. Years
ago before sealpac came the US market, Andrew grabbed the domain name
(before we knew anything about his mental issues). We want it back. We
didn't even remember until this week that his name was on it as we paid for
several years in advance and the recent renewal was paid by credit card.
Design Adventures is my little interior design business-never had a thing to
do with Andrew. Design Adventures and Sealpac have nothing to do with Andrew
and have never done business with Andrew. In fact, even as parents we have
never financially supported him since he left home. Years ago our
communication with him was come home, get help, go to school and we will
then and only then support you. He refused.

 Andrew was never abused or neglected. When he lived with us he was a
totally different person, prior to his substance abuse issues. He became a
different person in Cal. He had to get as far away from us as he could to
participate in this kind of behavior because we would have called the cops
and kicked his ass to the curb.

 From his postings he is deranged and a drug addict. We are not asking for
sympathy for him. Andrew has been detained by the FBI twice this year? They
didn't do anythin...@#!!! I don't know what the strategy should be for you
or I if the FBI won't do anything to stop him and we can't find him.
You don't want to call the FBI and we don't care if you do, if they need to
they will contact you. Andrew's name has been available online for years so
it never even occurred to me to disclose his name but I also spoke to law
enforcement a year ago so even they knew.

There are so many crazies on the
web just like Andrew and we simply stopped trying with him when he went to
California years ago. He would not give us his address or location.
Truthfully, until about a year ago we didn't even know about this ugly,
racist rhetoric because we weren't wasting our days looking.

Many years ago
he was online railing against Bill O'Reilly and the far right and saying
anything to inflame. He used to be a radical liberal. I think he is so crazy
now that he might be convinced that martians are ruining his life, not Jews.
He's nuts. Sadly he is not alone. I could not believe, when I finally got
wind of his livejournal, how many people were posting horrible things in
agreement. I felt physically sick. All of those people are also a danger and
who knows who those people are. They were smart enough to not post their own
photos and link their real names to their ugly words. They may be more of a
danger because we don't know who they are.

 Original Message 
From: Andrew A 
Cc: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Weev, AKA Andrew Auernheimer [Fullinfo Doc(TM) 
revision #1]
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 12:33:13 -0500

> Mr. Learner,
> You really are hilarious. I can infer one thing from your posts: you aren't a 
> hacker, and you find this really awkward and aren't sure how this whole ruin 
> thing works.
> You have no access to data that I have not made public. Once again, the only 
> thing you found out was my name, which I put on my livejournal. Big deal. The 
> rest was google-able. You really don't have anything. You also don't 
> understand how to make this whole doxdrop deal effective and dramatic. You 
> save up everything you can until you find a piece of data which is 
> psychologically damaging to the target. You have to essentially find them 
> guilty of wrongdoing, like using a nonprofit to defraud people, or sucking 
> dicks for money. This whole thing where you post somebody's parents address, 
> big deal. Everybody's got parents unless they're orphaned. Those parents 
> inevitably live somewhere. If I were a basement dwelling loser, this tactic 
> might be effective. Unfortunately I live on 60 acres in the sticks and have 
> hungry dogs and guns. Not much you can do to me.
> Since you are so fucking inept that you can't even find my birthday: 
> September 1st, 1985
> My former school: James Madison University
> Protip: Nobody in the FBI takes internet submitted tips seriously. If you 
> want to go submit leads to the FBI, you can do it directly to the FBI agent 
> out to get me.
> Craig G. Mueller
> Special Agent
> Ph: (503) 552 5473
> Fa: (503) 552 5327
> craig.muel...@ic.fbi.gov
> I have attached a photo of his business card as well, for your personal 
> verification and convenience.
> Earlier you called for my "methods of alluding law enforcement." (s

[Full-disclosure] [Full-censorship]: Tarik Maliq and Michael Faulkner

2009-10-14 Thread GOBBLES
Subject: Tarik Maliq

Topic: "Telephone Terrorist" per SmokingGun.com

BTW: The owner of this list is blocking and filtering mail on this 
list. You can't make new emails. I hope this gets lifted. Sorry for 
earlier this month JohnC...

  zf0   ~ royal antisec ~zf0
  F U L LC E N S O R S H I P
  100%  D I S C L O S U RE  100%

n3td3v takes full responsibility for the information mentioned
herein.Everyone in this document is innocent until proven
guilty. If you have any disagreement you're free to waive your
right to attorney and confess. Whatever the case, you will be
at a loss. And enjoy btw.

Name: Tarik Maliq
Race: Middle Eastern, Pakistan
Country of location: Canada
Age: 25 (of 2009)

Known troll group: Pranknet
Job: Jobless, lives with mom
Fail: Failed hosting business

Former Address:
1637 Assumption Street Apt B
Windsor, Ontario, Canada


Smoking Gun TinyURL: http://tinyurl.com/pranknet-smokinggun

Tarik Maliq the troll, you have been defeated and subsequently
memorialized on the internet by FULL-CENSORSHIP. Permanence.

We are a movement to rid the security intelligence community of


I'd also like to go ahead here and publish information regards
Michael Faulkner.

He is the warez downloading guy from Dallas, Texas. Crydon, CygonX.
He has a pretty big melt down. And we at n3td3v are laughing,
because we hate criminals.

You know this guy is guilty as hell and he's squirming...
The FBI "played dirty" with him so he would go into verbal
vomit mode. Now the US Attorney get his juicy statements. :)

Michael Faulkner. Faulkner fakes death, criticizes informant who
narc'd on him. 2009-10-14. URL:http://uwwwb.com/. Accessed: 2009-10-
(Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5kVy0YMCl)

Michael Faulkner. FBI Raid. . 2009-10-14.
URL:http://uwwwb.com/FBIRaid.html. Accessed: 2009-10-14.
(Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5kVy60fG6)

Michael Faulkner. FBI Raid update. . 2009-10-14.
URL:http://uwwwb.com/update.html. Accessed: 2009-10-14.
(Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5kVy8kEOb)

Michael Faulkner. FBI / Government rant. . 2009-10-14.
URL:http://uwwwb.com/rant.html. Accessed: 2009-10-14.
(Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5kVyAii7u



 F U L L  C E N S O R S H I P
   (The movement, By Beethoven)
 n3td3v intel underground
  Winners don't do drugs

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] [US-1984-1] JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force) and Fusion Center. Common Sense.

2009-10-24 Thread GOBBLES
Ladies and gentlemen,

The PATRIOT act is a bill that has been rushed through congress. 
Our impulse reactions to a single attack caused up to jump and hug 
the leg of an explosively intrusive government who feels they have 
the right to judge, sift through and develop conspiracy theories on 
people. Because of the lack of oversight, it's difficult to uncover 
the abuses done. And who do you hold accountable when the 
government harasses you?

How on Earth can a local cop possibly understand the rigid 
complexities of being a domestic intelligence officer? How can we 
hold them accountable when they're mistakes, inefficiencies and 
malice is secret?

66 JTTF's in the US proactively harassing and profiling innocent 
people. We know full well  this is an unnecessary force that 
undermines democracy and free though. This isn't about thwarting 
terrorism to them, because that's rarely the affect, it's about 
concentration of power and diluting the constituion and having 
hitlists on innocent people.

I have a colleague of mine who works in the California Highway 
Patrol intelligence division and he says when they find child porn, 
they keep it in there as "evidence". And since the police are 
fraternal and protect each other (code of silence) they make no 
effort to log each other's views or accessing documents. It quite 
literally is cryptoanarchy mixed with pedophilia in the government.

They use fusion centers to store child pornography and rape videos 
without protecting the children or catching real criminals. Since 
their is no oversight, pedophiles with security clearances damage 
innocent children unfettered under the pretext of national 
security. Pretty amazing.

It's all too familiar. Department of Justice political playbook for 
increasing their political power share. On CNN they tout it as 
heroism in JTTF, but this is a veneer of settings up schizos and 
radicals. Oh no, we're under attack. Hello? We have criminals! Very 
bad people! But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

To the FBI/JTTF: Stop using fusion centers to horde child 
pornography. Please.

They use fusion centers to store child pornography and rape videos 
without protecting the children or catching real criminals. Since 
their is no oversight, pedophiles with security clearances damage 
innocent children unfettered under the pretext of national 
security. Pretty amazing.

A little bit of common sense could go a long way.

- Andrew Wallace
  Senior Security Researcher

  Intelligence. Globally (TM)
  Open Source INT: www.twitter.com/n3td3v
  Hypertext Home Page: http://sites.google.com/site/n3td3v/ -

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] When will Matasano stop the retarded commentary?

2007-11-18 Thread Gobbles is back

New year is about to come and no one become man enough to question
matasanos retarded commentary on over the last year or so .. this
include talk on retarded virtualization, good old humble hacker name
dropping .. finger pointing and over all ridiculous security debate
them carry out on poor unsuspecting people .. .. Let gobble and one
decent English speaking friend explain to media about the whole

First there was Scut, Jimjones and Gobbles by far the very best ass
kickers from 2001 to 2005. (Please not the exact time lines as
Matasano retards love showing off there knowledge about the scene with
rough time estimates and good old name dropping) This become evident
with pointing Danny Dulia, Tim Newshman and Nergal in retarded blog.
Before he stray, It was fun to watch everyone love these guys talking
shots at security researcher who think listening to R&B music and
security research go hand in hand.

A classic example from 2003, was by Zen-parse aka Gregg McManus, now
working in idefense. (matasano plz note respected security member name
in diary. Gobble also advice to hang out on irc for better name
throwing of mysterious hacker community like above). However Gobble
also think that name throwing to public about old school hacker
history dont allow rise in sales figures. Infact it make Dino leave to
Investment banks in East USA for better money and overall well being
in day to day life.

Anyways, Zen parse  do  good job of shooting fat HD moor in his fat
Achillis bitch tits  about his  dumb turkey like telnet AYT exploit
discussions in public

Now HD work hard, porting buffer overflow code from C to Perl and Perl
to Ruby in metasploit. He do this to help hacker community from
emerging country earn decent living. He lie in bed and wonder like
Forest Gump, that one day, metasploit have all nice API feature of
Core Impact, and Dave Aitels special CDE double free exploit. He beg
lorian for 7350fun source as php_mime_slit() function confuse his
straight thinking brain. It also cause hurt when he don't understand
why memchr() function allow buffer overflow, but not always
exploitable. However HD's first priority remain to reduce drastic
weight after marriage first !!!

Gobble suggestion: Hi HD, If one feels that he cant cope with the
pressures of tracking lots of variables in C code function for buffer
overflow analyses, one should hang on #c or eat some fruit. This is
better than resigning to ones fate and copy core impact exploit code
scavenged from limwire and emule!!! Gobble also give HD a small tip on
code analysis ..  don't just stare at C code if you don't understand.
Paste complex code on #c once again under proxy name .. it allow quick
relief and avoid brain damage of Texan breast face !!

Now Gobble feel that being a matasano hate mail , oneself should not
stray from point of focus and continue writing about main subject of
this electronic e-mail's intention.

As I feel strong feelings about matasano, I see Lot of people see
there blog and get back onto doing better things like finishing OWASP
executive summaries and recommendation tables for fun filled reports.
This is because security consultants get paid for report writing, and
not reading retarded blogs about security related pillow fights from
matasano lemon boys ..

Let gobble enlighten security community about various matasano profile
.. It decide to start with Dave Gold smith .. the grumpy old idiot of
matasano .. sorry dave, sad you make no money on @stake buyout .. His
bio on matasano says the following

Dave Goldsmith co-invented fire walking, Yes David, thanks for
co-inventing fire walking, what else did you CO invent, oh yes you CO
wrote the first i386 buffer overflow paper too eh ??? Oh wait a
minute!!! Why not just CO SHUTUP for a change 

-- Gobble interruption in email --

Dave, he feel hiring portal- from security.is allow Matasano for
better PR and give chance for original content that's not CO written.
See Dave, portal write first format string paper, it known as
"art.txt". This tactic allow better boasting of Matasano. Further, it
increase drastic fan following level, in turn making Dave chuckle and
cream his nappy at same time - Self Thanks for giving Dave good

Jeremy Rauch, F33r the B33r!! Jeremy come with "ORIGINAL" member dog
tag of ISS ex-force. This is what he claim on matasano biographies. He
become first hacker interior decorator and make ISS lab look cool with
pet tarantula and DMZ LAN diagram. He co find bug in "Super" package
in Debian and reproduce hidden SNMP community in HP OpenView ( Kidding
Jeremy, we know you are the best ) Thanks to magnificent finding, Mark
Dowd, Neel Mehta , Caddis take notice and get inspiration to join
Jeremy's cute dream team. Sadly young members with bright mind make
idiot Jeremy redundant. ISS then decide to rename ex-force to X 

[Full-disclosure] Matasano watchdog blog opening shortly ..

2007-11-30 Thread Gobbles is back
Hello .. lol

Following our last post about Matasanos retarded commentary on the security
scene .. We like all our fans to know that our blog is about to go live. For
those who missed our earlier email .. This blog cover the following

1) Every time Matasano/Dave decide to talk from his/there ass, we shoot him

2) Every time a senseless topic unrelated to security such as "turbo bits"
is discussed we shoot him down

3) Whenever they discuss on virtualized rootkit and herbal pills by Joana

4) Any name throwing we slap them a bit

Tip for matasano - Keep your blog clean, dont act Jesus, don't abuse
securityfous nexus power to dictate scene.. and always remember .. He make
you look like Jobe from ADM if u act funny ..

Having said that, lets start the fireworks .. we are still waiting for one
of these jokers to post some new stuff .. once they do .. he post official
blog link on FD.



PS –  [EMAIL PROTECTED], spam the idiot !!
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Phioust gets all emotional to gobbles and friends ...

2007-12-01 Thread Gobbles is back
Phioust means business with his real name and all those philosopher (H),
CISSP and MCSE (lol) degrees ... see for urself in his dangerously sexy
email ... in response to our spam threat :)

-- Forwarded message --
From: phioust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Nov 30, 2007 9:33 PM
Subject: spam?

i suggest you do not make anymore threats, belive me, i have lots of
contacts to track you down ..

Lionel Phioust


o f33r the b33r, he owns 100 TOR nodes, 1 wireless hotspots and one
lesbian gmail server admin to track our IP's .. wu 

Spammers - We got Phiousts real name for yaall, self pat on the back for
good work. ohhh wait wait .. lets make him a bit more jobless by the oath of

Lionel Phioust, security, exploits, bugtraq, scriptkiddie, lamer, idiot,
bisexual, Phioust. ROFL

Note - Some of our concerned fans suspect us not to be gobbles. I will save
all those online forensic retards the time to analyse our emails and come
straight to the point .. in w00w00 style .. 10 europeans, 15 asians, 11
americans and one hell of a funny little turkey .. 5 member required to not
f33r w00w00 might .. and no .. Shok dont look like Marilyn Mansons gimp boy
!!! .. well the gimp suite was stiched by us ..
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Phioust is now getting really emotional ...

2007-12-01 Thread Gobbles is back
Phioust, we love you .. google your name for the christmas gift !!!

-- Forwarded message --
From: phioust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 1, 2007 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: spam?
To: Gobbles is back <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Why are you doing this ? i dont even know you. i would appriciate if you
really stop doing this. incase i have offended anyone of you in the past in
any way , i did not mean to .. Infact i think its quite cool what you guys
are doing to matasano .. so please stop this .. its a honest request, sorry.

 On Dec 1, 2007 4:32 AM, Gobbles is back < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You lil fucking idiot !!! now this mail of yours will be on Full D too,
> sadly with your dumb turky name and those useless degrees ... lol
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Phioust is now getting really emotional ...

2007-12-01 Thread Gobbles is back
Phioust, we love you .. google your name for the christmas gift !!!

-- Forwarded message --
From: phioust < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 1, 2007 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: spam?
To: Gobbles is back <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

why are you doing this ? i dont even know you. i would appreciate if you
really stop doing this. incase i have offended anyone of you in the past in
any way , i did not mean to. infact i think its quite cool what you guys are
doing to matasano. so please stop this, its a honest request, sorry.

 On Dec 1, 2007 4:32 AM, Gobbles is back < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You lil idiot !!! now this mail of yours will be on Full D too, sadly with
> your dumb turkey name and those useless degrees ... lol
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Phioust is dead, long live Matasano !!!

2007-12-03 Thread Gobbles is back

Thanks to decent people and support on Full Disclosure, Lionel *Phioust *the
lovable idiot is history now !!!

Neways, time for some new updates. Our blog
http://isbackgobbles.blogspot.com will be up shortly. Yes our  team is
really working hard to upload funny replies to Turbo codes, pills, moron
research and all that ..


Gunnery Sargent
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] GOBBLE ALERT FOR PEOPLES !!

2007-12-06 Thread Gobbles is back

Gobble decide to make one quick post to sex up the Matasano gate scandle ..

The Link for our blog is http://turkeychargen.blogspot.com/ ..

PS - We donot condone the recent DDoS on their website ...
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] more gobbles ..

2007-12-14 Thread Gobbles is back
Oh yes, please give much needed feedback on
http://turkeychargen.blogspot.com .. GOBBLES need your support to calm
these idiots down ..
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Thomas Ptacek and Wikipedia

2007-12-15 Thread Gobbles is back

Quick cheeky posting by unknown gobble member staff over Thomas Ptacek's
latest Wikipedia absurdness. lol ... Finally Symantec has taken notice, and
started to add there own stuff to SF .. FINALLY !!!

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/