Re: [Full-Disclosure] I'm calling for LycosEU heads and team to resign or be sacked

2004-12-03 Thread Micah McNelly
 And if the spammers don't like my packets being sent to their system,
 all they have to do is send me a polite e-mail asking to be removed
 from my flood-list. It is really quite simple!

Wow.  Obviously you are not responsible for authorizing payment to transit
providers and have no idea how much bandwidth actually might cost an
organization on a perMonth/perMeg basis.  This would have never had any
SERIOUS effect on backbone providers but many of their customers who don't
even KNOW they  have someone generating spam from their network would
unfortunately see a great deal of money lost.

Why don't you go physically assault a spammer.  Do you physically assault
door-to-door solicitors or do you have a sign on your front porch.

Obviously spam costs all of us $ in some form or another but incurring
rapidly generated expenses for non-responsible parties to me seems a bit
cruel.  Do you assault the mailman for delivering junkmail that companies
actually pay the USPS to deliver?


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] I'm calling for LycosEU heads and team to
resign or be sacked

  I think heads should roll over this. I think its the worst act a
corporation has ever undertaken in the history of the internet.

 So speaketh n3td3v, prohpet, visionary, lord and leader of Full

 The Internet has always been about vigilante justice. Aside from
 exceptionally egregious cases of wrongdoing, like sexually explicit
 material with children, fraud, or flagrant piracy, the Internet exists
 and operates beyond the boundaries of any one nation's laws. It is up
 to the people to self regulate.

 We have tried politely reasoning with spammers, we have tried ignoring
 spammers, we have tried _suing_ spammers. We've leisurely worked our
 way down the tree and are well past any sort of rational recourse. Now
 people are willing to resort to brute retaliation.

 When you sign on to the Internet, you accept this implicitly, to some
 degree or another.  If you screw up, people will blackhole you, flood
 you, or isolate you. Spammers have been  lapping us in the face for
 too long, and now the Internet reacts and fights back.

 Everyone who downloaded that screensaver did so intentionally, this
 wasn't a trojan operating behind the scenes. The participants were
 willing combatants. The engine for the battle happened to come from
 Lycos this time, but there have been other efforts in the past as

 And if the spammers don't like my packets being sent to their system,
 all they have to do is send me a polite e-mail asking to be removed
 from my flood-list. It is really quite simple!


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Re: FW: [Full-Disclosure] Shadowcrew Grand Jury Indictment

2004-11-17 Thread Micah McNelly
Without web defacing teenagers this industry wouldn't have gained the
momentum it has.  Yin/Yang.  Without your so called cybercriminals your life
would be meaningless.


Len rose is a muppet.

Stop moderating my mail.

- Original Message -
From: n3td3v [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: FW: [Full-Disclosure] Shadowcrew Grand Jury Indictment

 On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 13:29:19 -0700 (MST), Bruce Ediger
  Unfortunately, the US Government operates under the auspices of a small
  document called The Constitution, and a little concept called Common
  Now, I know that you trendy kids call things like that quaint (I
  that's what our new Attorney general calls things like the Geneva
  but fortunately for the rest of us, presumption of innocence remains
  the standard of the land.
  If you small-minded totalitarians don't like that sacred principle, get
  the hell out of the US.  We don't need your kind. Move to some Banana
  Republic where they change the rules all the time in the face of 1000
  years of tradition and philosophy and the Blood of Patriots who died to
  protect these rights.
  Zero tollerence.  What will these doofuses think of next?  I bet they
  start up a cult of personality around the nation's leader, including a
  new salute borrowed from the Romans.

 I don't live in the U.S thankfully, I live in a sane country called the

 Would you agree with closing down a site that was letting child
 abusers to post links to illegal child porn photographs? Would the
 site owner be able to say, we aren't involved with any of these links,
 we just provide the site for the criminals to do it, so other child
 abusers can get links easy to child porn photos.

 But no, when we move onto online malicious hacker crimes, its ok for
 sites, such as zone-h, which allows malicious hackers to post links
 for other hackers to get a kick over, just like a child abuser would
 by visiting a child porn photo.

 Imagine a child abuse site which also kept a score board of the
 biggest amount of child porn photo posters. Yet again we move onto
 malicious hacker online crimes, it seems to be different for zone-h to
 keep scores of the biggest malicious hacker defacement posters.

 Why one rule for one online crime promotion site and not the same rule
 for another online crime promotion site? I guess you would allow a
 child porn promotion site, like you think its ok for zone-h to be
 online promoting online malicious hacking and not closed down.


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Re: OT[Full-Disclosure] Re: U.S. 2004 Election Fraud.

2004-11-11 Thread Micah McNelly
Half this list subcontract for halliburton.  Please stop feeding the


- Original Message -
From: Dennis Heaton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 2:12 PM
Subject: RE: OT[Full-Disclosure] Re: U.S. 2004 Election Fraud.

 Pinch me, I thought this was a technical security list, not a voting

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Randall Perry
 Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 2:08 PM
 Subject: Re: OT[Full-Disclosure] Re: U.S. 2004 Election Fraud.

 Quoting Exibar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Let me challenge YOU.  Prove that my vote did not count.  Show me
  absolute, proof beyond a doubt that my vote did not count.
If you cannot prove that my vote did not count, then you STFU.

 I don't know about _your_ vote specifically, but I do know for fact of
 votes that did _not_ get tallied.  Pretty easy to know when you see
 precincts that show a complete tally with 0 votes for the libertarian
 (Nader or
 Badnarik) when you and colleagues are part of that geographic region and
 'pulled the lever' for the libertarians.

 Also happened in the 2000 election in the Florida 'recount'.

 There will always be voter fraud no matter chad, MS access or scantron
 fill-in-the-bubble.  And there is plenty of deception around registering

   Randall Perry
   Domain Logic Technology Solutions
 Every problem has a solution. If there is no solution, there is no


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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Severe exploit found, all UNIX are affected!

2004-09-16 Thread Micah McNelly
Don't feed the animals.


- Original Message -
From: Billy B. Bilano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 12:54 PM
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Severe exploit found, all UNIX are affected!


 Bad news today. Oh my goodness! I am in a tizzy-fit over this! I am such
 an expert at system administrating but even the best of us fall from
 glory now and then. And let me tell you, this is one time I believe
 somebody got the best of me... and that somebody is a fellow named

 It all started when my big OpenBSD box took a dumper and I got paged. So
 I get into the bank and start to look around and I poke and prod the box
 and then I log into it and run the appropriate debug tools (ls, ps, top,
 cut, etc. -- pun not intended). I notice, at long last, that the console
 messages were not lying... the hard drive was indeed full! (you can
 never be too sure about that sort of thing as everybody will agree)

 The offending file was the previous administrator (Stan, who got fired
 when I became IT director because he was a puss and always joked about
 beer and had a picture of some baby looking at teats saying lunch on
 his cube wall -- that offended me as a larger man). So his old
 administrator account has a huge mail spoolball that is taking up 80% of
 the drive! Holy crappers! So I logged in as stan and used his password
 he gave me in exchange for his severance package. I typed mail hoping
 to see if this would let me view his mail and it did -- thankgod! What I
 saw scared the holy mole dickens out of me...

 Thousands of emails! As I started reading them, I realized the full
 extent of what is, without a doubt, going to become known as the biggest
 and most notorious hack in the history of the Internet!

 Northcutt better take out that section about the Mitnik attack in that
 terrible book he is always rehasing with only a spit-shine and fancy new
 cover because here comes something leaner and meaner! (I have re-bought
 that nut's book eight times and it is always the same old cruft over and
 over but there wont be a ninth purchase, you bet your pink pajamas!)
 Someone needs to tell him that SANS is not the MANS! LOL!

 This is BIG, folks! The mails... there were big ones and small ones and
 they all had one thing in common: they were from a person who would soon
 be determined to be a master hacker who has obviously infiltrated the
 bank's system long ago, before I even canned Stan (he was such a chump
 and always lost his wallet because he wore those baggy hacker pants).

 It seems that this black head hacker, named Charlie Root, has been busy
 alright... Every night, like clockwork, he sends me a few emails that
 contain the most intimate of details about the server! Drive space,
 logins, users I've created and removed, and more! I think he is trying
 to extort money from the bank!

 I was scared to hell to raise any red alarms at the bank so I started to
 look around and I believe I found out who this Charlie Root person
 really is:

 It seems that old Chinski used to play baseball for the Brown Cubs back
 in his youth. Clearly, from reading about his shoddy career, he was
 washed up as his stats are terrible by modern standards and he retired
 from the game in 1970! Now, as is abundantly clear, he has reached a
 desperate point in his life and is now devoting his time to taking over
 the world's infrastructure and trying to do phishy things and extort
 money from gallant administrators like myself.

 I looked into the front directory on my server and saw a folder called
 root! OMGF! I dove into his folder and saw all kinds of hacker files
 (like some thinger called .bash_history which seems to contain a list
 of commands he uses to take over the system, and .forward which
 contains Stan's email address). There were also tarballers for other
 things that look like old log backups! Incredible! I tried to delete
 some of these trojan files but it said I could not! I did some more
 looking around and found another startling fact: Charlie Root has
 changed my shell! It is not sh like it should be, it has been set to
 stsh which it certainly some kind of backdoor hacker tool to capture
 my strokes!

 Normally I would just reboot the server but this time, since I was at
 lunch, I decided to play around with my EMACKS script on my new Sun
 6800's and, by chance, I saw that almost every file on the system was
 already owned by the root fellow! He has the guile to call himself
 Super-User! when I fingered (LOL) his account! We have only had these
 systems for a little over a month and this Charlie Root has already
 taken over every UNIX server in the bank!

 This may be the end of our company if I cannot get this hacker out of
 our systems and expunge the network of this wretched root Chinski
 thing. I will not bow to his extortion attempts!

 Someone please tell me what I 

Re: [Full-Disclosure] Defcon spelled half backwards is Fedcon and you dumfucks walked into a trap

2004-08-04 Thread Micah McNelly
Agreed.  Please take your blackhat paranoia and your 0-day, and go root 
a garbage can.  Defcon's main purpose is to consume massive amounts of 
alchohol and throw money at strippers.  Down with the bartenders!

Aditya, ALD [Aditya Lalit Deshmukh] wrote:
:Down with kiddies, down with admins, down with ppl
:trying to make security better. Down with everyone
:profiting off publicity.

please do your shouting somewhere else 

:Why people so inconsistent?

maybe it is time to increase the minimum age of list 18 maybe 

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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Defcon spelled half backwards is Fedcon and you dumfucks walked into a trap

2004-08-04 Thread Micah McNelly
On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 09:17:04 PDT, Micah McNelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]  said:

Agreed.  Please take your blackhat paranoia and your 0-day, and go root 
a garbage can.  Defcon's main purpose is to consume massive amounts of 
alchohol and throw money at strippers.  Down with the bartenders!

If you didn't have bartenders, who would serve the alcohol once you're too
drunk to get the cap off the bottle by yourself? ;)

the strippers.
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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Possible First Crypto Virus Definitely Discovered!

2004-06-08 Thread Micah McNelly
Greatest post of all time.

/me claps.

- Original Message -
From: Goudie, Derek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 1:54 PM
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] Possible First Crypto Virus Definitely

 Thanks!  I needed that

 -Original Message-
 From: Jakob Jünger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 1:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Possible First Crypto Virus Definitely


 I just can admit to what Billy wrote. The Firewall of my PDA is getting
 hot. It plays Yellow Submarine everytime I press the escape-key. It
 has to be something like this crypto-thing. I don't know what crypto
 means but it seems to be encrypted with EnglishLanguageProtocol.
 Believe me, I have been the administrator of my PDA since I was three
 years old.


  Whatever ssl is, I don't know but it's using the so-called ssl
  port on the web servers.

  But this port 443 is not SSH! Why should it be encrypted? And what
  is this ssl thing? I've been in IT for many years and I am now IT
  Director here at the bank... I would think that I would know what
  ssl would be. I don't think this worm has anything to do with
  whatever ssl is. Does anybody even still use ssl? That's probably
  why the hackers chose it.

 Sorry to say but it is not! I checked my incoming traffic again this
 and the attack on port 443 is still coming in full steam ahead! I
 don't know
 what's going on, but I am about to block that port on my firewall.
 nitwit (probably the idiot that was here before I became IT Director)
 somehow, for some reason, deliberately opened port 443 on the

 I am beginning to think that this is the first wave of the new coming

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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Support the Sasser-author fund started

2004-05-13 Thread Micah McNelly
I wonder if people forget the liability that any organization inherits if
they do NOT maintain a above standard protection scheme for their
network/hosts.  Misconfiguration of network hosts/machines after being
NOTIFIED of a OS flaw or other should deem that organization responsible.
Smurf was a great example.  Following the postings of actual usable
broadcast hosts, most organizations did NOT fix the problem.  The vendors
were left to deal with the issue.   Maybe companies should start hiring
clueful people that care about not only their internal infrastructure but
the last mile facing their own customers.  IE.  All last mile providers.
You can't expect end users to maintain their own machines.  They want



- Original Message -
From: Aaron Gee-Clough [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Full Disclosure List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Support the Sasser-author fund started

 Duquette, John wrote:
  Why not punish all the admins/users who failed to patch their systems in
  time as well.

 Because they didn't break the law.  It's really that simple.  If you're
 saying that you think there should be a law to force people to patch
 their systems in a timely manner, that's a different issue.  (and one
 that will lead to all sorts of unintended problems...think about it for
 a while.)


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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Google Private IP is !!!!!!

2003-08-24 Thread micah mcnelly

someone personally believed that this was valuable and now because you
obviously take yourself to be a judge of valuable information why not
enlighten us on something worthwhile.


len rose is a muppet.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 5:36 AM
Subject: R: [Full-Disclosure] Google Private IP is !!

 This is google private ip address.

 Wow! Scary!

 Message also signed, so we can trust that valuable info!

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 This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs Email
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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Subject prefix changing! READ THIS! SURVEY!!

2003-08-21 Thread micah mcnelly
len will moderate your a$$.

- Original Message -
From: Raj Mathur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 5:57 PM
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] Subject prefix changing! READ THIS! SURVEY!!

  Jonathan == Jonathan Grotegut [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jonathan My vote is for number two, to shorten to HD or to have
 Jonathan nothing at all...  Are two votes allowed???


 *Running before Len really sends goons to maim me this time!*

GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
   It is the mind that moves

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Re: [Full-Disclosure] TO: Anthony Aykut

2003-07-18 Thread micah mcnelly
yar dumerer.

- Original Message -
From: Donnie Weiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 11:49 AM
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] TO: Anthony Aykut

 shutup yar dum.

 Christ almighty. For all your bikkering, wit and inventiveness, if you
 people put the same energy and will into educating
 people or arguing in a civil manner over what you are not agreeing to,
 list would be a much better place. Wood at least
 tries, even though some of you may or may not agree to what or how he is
 doing it.
 But no, of course you won't do that, you'll have to show off and be
 arrogant - because lets face it we just love
 oneupmanship and love to mock people. That way we can REALLY show them
 that we are better.

 Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

Re: [Full-Disclosure] RE:

2003-07-18 Thread micah mcnelly
Len Rose is a muppet.


- Original Message -
To: 'Jeremiah Cornelius' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 4:29 PM
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] RE:

 I can't help it.  I'm going to have to comment to a comment about my own
 comments about commenting about the list, seriously it just HAS to be
 Who has a comment? Any takers?


 The Professional

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeremiah
 Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 6:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] RE:

  I was never under the impression that this was more than a social
  setup for Len's amusement.
 Christ!  Out of another lame, flame-thread, comes the most accurate and
 insightful comment about the list!

 Pity that meta-threads are more common here than actual contents.  Hey
 look, I'm commenting about commenting about the list!

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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Credit card numbers

2003-07-17 Thread micah mcnelly
i used to card during high school all the time.


- Original Message -
To: 'northern snowfall' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Nick Jacobsen'
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 3:18 PM
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] Credit card numbers

 Carding is for hackers who enjoy prison.  If you are considering illegal
 activity that involves theft or the possibly involvement of the secret
 service, I suggest you first ask yourself whether or not you enjoyed high
 school cafeteria food and then imagine eating that for the next 20-30

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of northern
 Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 6:59 PM
 To: Nick Jacobsen
 Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Credit card numbers

 This is a professional list - would you go up to someone at a computer
 security conference and tell em oh yeah, I used to card during
 highschool all the time?
 Oh grow up


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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Invaded by morons..

2003-07-17 Thread micah mcnelly



- Original Message - 
From: Dortmunder Lethman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 3:33 PM
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Invaded by morons..

 Ever since Donnie Werner showed up all we see
 is Windows crap, and stupid xss tricks.
 We don't need 50 millions me-too posts about 
 lame ie crashing.
 We don't need 50 millions slash-dot lamers
 flooding this list with crap.
 We don't need 50 millions whiners complaining
 about standart services that are in inherently
 insekure which is an oxymoronic position since
 windows is inherently insekure, and none of it
 is news to anyone with .01% kluon.
 For instance, no one even responded to *Hobbit*
 points about secure practices, and I bet not
 even 10% of you windows lamers even know who
 he is.
 All you windows lamers join Werner's 0-day
 lamers list and the rest of us will be here,
 I won't respond to anyone who didn't use unix
 to send mail to me.
 Lethman returns, phear me.
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