Re: Meadows on Smart Growth and Sprawl

1999-03-27 Thread John McLaughlin

Thank you, Rudy -- this supplements Steve's earlier posting very well, if
it's called upon.


On Sat, 27 Mar 1999, Rudy Rogalsky wrote:

> Meadow's source for the 12 Big Myth's of Growth is Eben Fodor's 1999 big
> little book called Better not Bigger:How to Take Control of  Urban Growth
> and Improve Your Community. The whole book is excellent. Other chapter
> titles include
> Meet the Urban Growth Machine
> The Truth About Jobs, Housing and Growth
> Discovering the Real Costs of Growth in Your Community
> Putting the Brakes on Growth--What Works
> Also, Fodor has appended a bibliography Urban Growth Management sources
> and an extensive listing of mainly U.S. organizations concerned with land
> use.
> A gold mine of examples to back up your discussions with the growth-mania
> types.
> Rudy Rogalsky

Re: Meadows on Smart Growth and Sprawl

1999-03-27 Thread Rudy Rogalsky

Meadow's source for the 12 Big Myth's of Growth is Eben Fodor's 1999 big
little book called Better not Bigger:How to Take Control of  Urban
Growth and Improve Your Community. The whole book is excellent. Other
chapter titles include
Meet the Urban Growth Machine
The Truth About Jobs, Housing and Growth
Discovering the Real Costs of Growth in Your Community
Putting the Brakes on Growth--What Works
Also, Fodor has appended a bibliography Urban Growth Management sources
and an extensive listing of mainly U.S. organizations concerned with land
A gold mine of examples to back up your discussions with the growth-mania
Rudy Rogalsky

Re: Meadows on Smart Growth and Sprawl

1999-03-27 Thread John McLaughlin

I'm keeping it on file, thanks. There's a right nasty lot around here.
Plus pro-gambling casino operators, to whom many of the same arguments 


Meadows on Smart Growth and Sprawl

1999-03-18 Thread Steve Kurtz

I suggest you keep this on file for the times you would like to rebut land
speculators, developers, pro-growth politicians, and unwitting supporters. 


> Pro-Growth Argument: Myth or Propaganda

>> >* * * * **
>Urban Growth Means Lower Taxes -- and Other Myths
>By Donella H. Meadows
>We need to bring in business to bring down taxes.  This development will
>give us jobs.  Environmental protection will hurt the economy. Growth is
>good for us.
>If we've heard those arguments once, we've heard them a thousand times,
>stated with utmost certainty and without the slightest evidence. That's
>because there is no evidence.  Or rather, there is plenty of evidence,
>most of which disproves these deeply held pro-growth beliefs.
>Here is a short summary of some of the evidence.  For more, see Eben
>Fodor's new book "Better, Not Bigger," which lists and debunks the
>following "Twelve Big Myths of Growth."
>Myth 1: Growth provides needed tax revenues.  Check out the tax rates of
>cities larger than yours.  There are a few exceptions but the general
>rule is: the larger the city, the higher the taxes.  That's because
>development requires water, sewage treatment, road maintenance, police and
>fire protection, garbage pickup -- a host of public services.  Almost never
>the new taxes cover the new costs.  Fodor says, "the bottom line on urban
>growth is that it rarely pays its own way."
>Myth 2: We have to grow to provide jobs.  But there's no guarantee that
>new jobs will go to local folks.  In fact they rarely do.  If you compare
>25 fastest growing cities in the U.S. to the 25 slowest growing, you find
>no significant difference in unemployment rates.  Says Fodor: "Creating
>more local jobs ends up attracting more people, who require more jobs."
>Myth 3: We must stimulate and subsidize business growth to have good
>jobs.  A "good business climate" is one with little regulation, low business
>taxes, and various public subsidies to business.  A study of areas with
>good and bad business climates (as ranked by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
>and the business press) showed that states with the best business ratings
>actually have lower growth in per capita incomes than those with the
>worst.   Fodor: "This surprising outcome may be due to the emphasis placed
>good-business-climate states on investing resources in businesses rather
>than directly in people."
>Myth 4: If we try to limit growth, housing prices will shoot up.  Sounds
>logical, but it isn't so.  A 1992 study of 14 California cities, half   with
>strong growth controls, half with none, showed no difference in average
>housing prices.  Some of the cities with strong growth controls had the
>most affordable housing, because they had active low-cost housing
>programs.  Fodor says the important factor in housing affordability is not
>so much house cost as income level, so development that provides mainly
>low-paying  retail jobs makes housing unaffordable.
>Myth 5: Environmental protection hurts the economy.  According to a Bank
>of America study the economies of states with high environmental standards
>grew consistently faster than those with weak regulations. The Institute
>of Southern Studies ranked all states according to 20 indicators of economic
>prosperity (gold) and environmental health (green) and found that they
>rise and fall together.  Vermont ranked 3rd on the gold scale and first on
>green, while Louisiana ranked 50th on both.
>Myth 6: Growth is inevitable.  There are constitutional limits to the
>ability of any community to put walls around itself.  But dozens of
>municipalities have capped their population size or rate of growth by
>legal  regulations based on real environmental limits and the real costs of
>growth to the community.
>Myth 7: If you don't like growth, you're a NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) or
>an ANTI (against everything) or a gangplank-puller (right after you get
>aboard). These accusations are meant more to shut people up than to
>examine their real motives.  Says Fodor, "A NIMBY is more likely to be
>someone  who cares enough about the future of his or her community to get
>out and protect it."
>Myth 8: Most people don't support environmental protection.  Polls and
>surveys have disproved this belief for decades; Fodor cites examples from
>Oregon, Los Angeles, Colorado, and the U.S. as a whole.  The fraction of
>respondents who say environmental quality is more important than further
>economic growth almost always tops 70 percent.
>Myth 9: We have to grow or die.  This statement is tossed around lightly
>and often, but if you hold it still and look at it, you wonder what it
>means. Fodor points out, quoting several economic studies, that many
>kinds of growth cost more than the benefits they bring.  So the more growth,
>the poorer we get. That kind of growth will kill us.
>Myth 10: Vacant land is just going to waste.  Studies from