Re: FW: Re Krystallnacht in Seattle

1999-12-13 Thread Mike Hollinshead

You are not paranoid, those people really are out to get you :-)

But seriously, who can forget that during the FLQ crisis, the RCMP were
planting bombs and burning down barns in order to establish their bona
fides with the revolutionaries and to influence public opinion against them
?  They have been at it again in their work against enivironmentalists who
have been blowing up oil company property to protest their complete
disregard for human and environmental health.  The RCMP blew things up too,
to establish their bona fides and stir up public opinion.  It worked in
Quebec, why not in Alberta ?


> Mike Hollinshead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I don't think I am a conspiracy theorist, but I know enough about the role
>>of agents provocateurs in history to wonder if the vandals in Seattle were
>>all that people assume them to be.
>So does that make me paranoid when that was my first thought about it?
>I guess it's a result of hearing in passing somewhere that almost all
>`revolutionary' political groups in north america in the sixties were
>penetrated by agents provocateur in the pay of one or another US govt
>agency, even the goofball Vancouver Maoist faction.
> -Pete Vincent

Re: FW: Re Krystallnacht in Seattle(?)

1999-12-13 Thread Victor Milne

> Is "Krystallnacht" really an appropriate word to apply
> to what happened in Seattle?  Of course I wasn't
> there, so maybe it *is* entirely apposite.  But
> my guess, so far, is it isn't.
No, not particularly, as far as I know. Ed Weick said the broken windows
made him think of Krystallnacht, and I picked it up as an image of what
could happen if revolutionary fervour went astray as has been known to
happen in the past.
