On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 09:00:37PM -0400, Tamas Hegedus wrote:
> Hi,
> I just started to use fvwm. I like it very much.
> I have some problems/questions that I could not figure out.
> I am using fvwm-2.4.20 on Fedora 9.
I would strongly suggest using fvwm-2.5.x unless you have a real paticular 
reason to use fvwm-2.4.x. I do know that it is usually best to avoid 'unstable' 
software but in the case of fvwm there has been a lot of improvment and change 
that lots of functionality you may want will not be in fvwm-2.4 and most of the 
help you will find with google will also not apply to fvwm-2.4.

> ****
> 1. Start X11
> I setup .xinit and .xsession:
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 hegedus hegedus 63 2008-09-10 10:04 .xinitrc
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 hegedus hegedus  8 2008-09-09 10:03 .xsession -> .xinitrc
> content:
> #!/bin/sh
> exec /usr/local/bin/fvwm > $HOME/.fvwm/fvwm.log 2>&1
> If I use startx, fvwm starts fine. No problem, only
> "abs 0.9.0 appVersion= mTB3=0" in my log file.
> However, if I want to log from the graphical login screen (gdm, I suspect),
> there is a black screen for a few seconds then I get the login screen back.
> If I switch to a console to check out the login files then my characters
> starts to disappear: like a virus under windows.
> A few weeks ago I setup fvwm on a RedHat EL4 and I did not have any problem.
> Any idea?

Not really, I know gdm usually requires you to configure each session in its 
own fassion and sometimes has trouble with the .xsession / .xinitrc. I would 
check the gdm documation.

> ****
> 2. Iconize Firefox
> I have the following definitions:
> Style "Firefox" Icon $[fvwm_icons]/mozicon50.xpm, MiniIcon 
> $[fvwm_icons]/mozicon16.xpm
> Style "Thunderbird-bin" Icon $[fvwm_icons]/thunderbird48.xpm, MiniIcon 
> $[fvwm_icons]/thunderbird16.xpm
> No problem with Thunderbird. But If I iconize Firefox to the desktop, 
> most of the time
> I get the 16pixel icon and not the 50pixel one. If I have the 16px icon 
> on the desktop
> and do an "Fvwm Restart", most of the time the Firefox icon size changes 
> to the
> expected 50px.

Some notes, first I would suggest away from using $[fvwm_icons] and just use 
the ImagePath so you can just do "Icon mozicon50.xpm" as in it a waste of the 
envorment space. I do know my guide suggested this before I was explained the 
situation and have since started to avoid over use of env vars.

I cannot really see why it is getting the behivour you try, but I would double 
check with FvwmIdent that your matching the Firefox correctly (for I thought it 
too was now firefox-bin) and also that you do not have any other style 
definitions for firefox after this one that is changing the expected behaviour.

> ****
> 3. Color definitions
> I use the 'simple' window style definition (downloaded from the fvwm 
> website).
> So the colouring seems to work. But if I define a new colorset and want 
> to apply
> it on something, like on the pager, it does not work. I do not get any 
> error
> message in the log file.
> # I created this color set to see notice change after FvwmRestart
> Colorset 41 fg blue, hi yellow, sh white, bg red
> # FvwmPager
> Style "FvwmPager" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, 
> StaysOnTop, \
> FixedPosition
> DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
> *FvwmPager: Geometry 150x320-0+0
> *FvwmPager: Rows 2
> *FvwmPager: Colorset * 41
> *FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 41
> *FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 41
> *FvwmPager: WindowColorsets 41 41
> ****
> Small question: I have the default mini-icon on the pager's icon in the 
> pager.
> How to set it 'none'?

Unforntally I am not able to see what is wrong with your config, it could be a 
conflict with things defined before or after this.

in fvwm-2.5 the miniicons are off by default and you have to use a FvwmPager 
option to turn them on. "*FvwmPager: MiniIcons". One suggestion could be define 
the MiniIcon to be nothing for all windows using the Style "*" option, and also 
include the MiniIconOverride for the built in MiniIcons on some apps.

> Many thanks for your help and suggestion in advance,
> Tamas

I am unforntally not able to be of more help at this time as I'm not able to 
see why you have certain things acting as they do. My suggestion would be to 
first find an fvwm-2.5 package and use that instead of fvwm-2.4, and then visit 
the webpage fvwm.org for a faq and links to useful documation to help you 
figure things out.

Also realize that a lot of the time the part that is causing you trouble may 
not be in the code you are looking at but something else hiding in your config 
file causing a conflict and not the desired effect.


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