On Thu, 3 Sep 2020 02:06:10 +0100
Thomas Adam <tho...@fvwm.org> wrote:

> It's not without its rough edges, but that's true of any software.
> Even though I've called those out in the release notes, I consider
> Fvwm3 now good enough for every day use.

I just want to report that virtual desktops still have the scrolling
problem (at least on my system).

Using the mouse, I can change VDs by scrolling right-to-left and
up/down but moving left-to-right the scroll is broken.

I can use the mouse to move an entire window left-to-right
but simple scrolling left-to-right down not change the VD.

For me at least, this is a show stopper since I switch VDs

I am not using multiple monitors but only a single monitor and
VDs.  My config file is unaltered from fvwm-2.

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