Jaimos Skriletz wrote (Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 12:45:34PM -0700):
> Yes, you can have different resolutions. I think you may run into
> issues using DesktopConfiguration shared with different resolutions,
> but DesktopConfiguration per-monitor will work just fine.

FVWM3 installation went without a hitch (I'm on Manjaro and just installed the 
AUR package). My existing .fvwm2rc also works without any problems. 

The default config bundled in the package uses "DesktopConfiguration global". 
Could someone please point me to / share an example config file that uses 
"DesktopConfiguration per-monitor"? I couldn't find a starting point for this 
on the forums / wiki. 

I'd like to create a Desktop-default (laptop's own monitor, always available) 
and a Desktop-external-monitor, which can be used when the external monitor is 
plugged in. Afterwards, I think I can use move-to-desk, starts-on-desk and 
similar functions to complete the rest of my setup.

Also, I'm sure there are more elegant ways to achieve this, but I suppose 
restarting fvwm after plugging in the external monitor will take care of 
detecting it, activating per-monitor DesktopConfiguration, and setting up the 
second Desktop on the external monitor?


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