Hi there,

I would like to create a panel for X-Chat using FvwmButtons, but i seem
to have some problems. When X-chat is started, it gets the title
    "X-Chat [1.8.9]: my_nick @ irc.myserver.org / #mychannel"
So, i define a panel
    *FvwmButtons: (Icon mini.xchat.xpm, \
                    Panel(position top,right,delay 0,UseOld,NoClose) \
                    "X-Chat*" Nop)
However, X-chat doesnt seem to hang itself on the button. The wildcard
should be correct, because
    Style "X-Chat*" NoTitle
removes the title from the X-Chat window. Is there a solution to this
problem ?

A second problem i have with the FvwmButtons module is the following: i
define a button just identical to the one above (i.e. with UseOld and 
NoClose). When i restart FVWM with the application of the button visible, 
everything is ok: i can still click the button to show/hide the application. 
But, after i restart FVWM when the application is in the hidden state, 
clicking the button doesnt do anything. The application is still running 
however, but i can't get a hold of it anymore. Is this normal ?

Thanks a lot,
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