PM G4 933  10.4.11  iTunes 9.2.1

Hi everyone. iTunes plays fine but if I go to burn a cd, I get "The application iTunes quit unexpectedly". Tried a few times. This is something new but I have not changed much on the Mac recently. My Superdrive is new but have used it plenty over the past few months with no problems so far.
I see this in system log:
"May 5 08:15:28 Baldassare-Guzzos-Computer crashdump[846]: iTunes crashed" "May 5 08:13:21 Baldassare-Guzzos-Computer /Applications/ Contents/MacOS/iTunes: CGSImageCreateWithDevice: Invalid device image" "May 5 08:13:21 Baldassare-Guzzos-Computer /Applications/ Contents/MacOS/iTunes: ripc_DrawWindowContents - Cannot acquire window image"

Any idea's?

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