The upgrade went very well. My machine came with Leopard on  
it,Leopard 10.5.7. I'm not sure how the original owner got that on.  
Eventually  I may install 10.5.8 but only after I get a Leopard dvd  
and after some of the bugs have been ironed out of 10.5.8.
      I do know my quicksilver doesn't have it's original 40 gig hard  
drive but has 30 gig Quantom Fireball. Maybe that is how the owner  
installed Leopard.
On Aug 9, 2009, at 3:18 PM, Mac User #330250 wrote:

> On Monday, 3rd of August 2009, ll wrote:
>>    I have a Powermac Quick Silver 733 with a 30 gig hard drive and
>> 1.3 gig ram. I just purchased a 933 processor for this on ebay for
>> $40.
> How did the upgrade go?

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