Re: MDD G4 Power Supply variations

2010-10-08 Thread kyhardhead
I bought a used dual-1.25 MDD about a year-and-a-half ago from a
college in Washington state, and it arrived with a dead PSU. After
checking prices for replacement PSUs (from $150-$500, at the time), I
did a lot of googling and reading about the situation. Among other
things, I learned that the 400-watt PSU was the original PSU for this
CPU, and the 360-watter was the replacement offered by Apple when the
original started dying like flies; as it turns out, the 360 wasn't
much of an improvement. The real problem was (is) just a very bad
original design, probably forced by trying to fit two GHz+ processors
into a case designed for one 350 MHz chip.

To cut to the chase, and as Dan and Ted suggest, I decided to invest
in a very-good quality 350-watt ATX PC PSU ($50 from Newegg), though
it took a bit of looking to find one that would fit the MDD case. I
rewired the harness myself - all it requires is patience and minimal
soldering skills. True enough, if you go this route, you'll not be
able to use Apple displays (unless you add a separate 28-volt PSU
brick) - but as I have no Apple displays nor plan to get any, it's not
an issue for me. So far, I've had not one second of trouble from this
arrangement - none of the very common power-up problems endemic to the
MDDs. I strongly urge anyone who experiences PSU problems with their
MDDs to just bite the bullet and replace the Apple PSU with a generic
PC ATX PSU: Much cheaper and much more reliable than the Apple-only

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Re: Switching to an LCD

2008-11-14 Thread kyhardhead

I had the same problem with my BW. The LCD monitor also refused to
work when booting into OSX from 8.6 or 9.x. Zapping the PRAM fixed the
problem, but only for one boot cycle.

Check your monitor cable - some VGA cables are missing the sync-on-
green pin, as did mine. When I replaced the cable with one having a
full complement of pins, problem went away.

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