W. Neal Lewis wrote:
> I need to back up my 9600 running 9.2.2 to my G3 running 10.3.9.

> I want to get a bootable backup for the 9600.

I don't see why the second requires the first. You want to burn a
bootable cd on the g3 ?

>The 9600 has a Sonnet G4
> processor and a Seagate Barracuda SCSI hard disk.
> The two computers are connected on a local ethernet network. The G3 can
> see the 9600. The 9600 can not log on to the G3 (the password is always
> invalid, or some similar thing).

You have to use tcp ip. you turn off apple talk for that. Making the
g3 the server then you can "log in" that is get the shared drive on
9600 by clicking on chooser -> AppleShare -> connect and typing the
numerical adress of the g3 and then your password (you will not see g3
in the window when apple talk is off)
> I could take the hard disk out of the 9600 and put it into an enclosure
> and install a PCI to SCSI card in the G3. Hopefully that would let me
> use O.S. 10.3.9's disk image software to make an image of the 9600.

you can connect the drive to the 9600 if you get a new drive. you can
get a pci card for ide or whatever in there.
> Or I could try to find some software that would let me back up the 9600
> to the G3 and make a bootable backup.

I reccomend working at the 9600 even if you use g3 server and burn as
above. because osx not so good with os9. you can use os9 util to make
> I can bring the 9600 over to the desktop of the G3. However, when I try
> to do a large backup, it only goes about 700 Mb and the 9600 locks up.

well on my systems that happens around 100MB, not too mention that the
newer computer hangs on smaller transfers until they complete.

> The 9600 needs to be backed up, wiped clean and start over. I am trying
> to get it to the place where I can run 9.2.2 on it and 10.3.9. I need
> both systems due to some older software I have to run.

If you are going to keep the 9600 you need a backup drive you can
connect to it directly... (or a second internal hard drive)
> The G3 is not stable with system 9.2.2, system 10.3.9 and the larger
> (500 Gb) hard disk I put in it. I installed the Speed Tools Suite in
> hopes (with the Hi-Cap driver) of allowing the large disk to run with
> both operating systems. However, the G3's bus is not stable (a problem I
> find that some of the G3 series has) and the large disk can only be seen
> and used under system 10.3.9.

 anyway, which g3 is it ? if it is a blue+white (turquoise) you may be
able upgrade the motherboard. I got one of the yikes! (original and
compatible) g4 on ebay for $25.

same  thing goes for that as to the backup drive.
> I think I may have to replace the Seagate drive on the 9600, and
> possibly the CD drive to get OS 10.3.9 to load on it. But that is the
> next step in the process. Right now I just want to back up the 9600 and
> get it more stable.

use the new drive to back up once then reformat the old drive and use
that for future backups.

you need to use some cautions about what kinds of external drives /
card combinations will be bootable.

> Any thoughts, comments, suggestions are welcome. My time for this
> project is somewhat limited by my regular job and church commitments
> (Thursday, Friday and Saturday (sometimes) are the only times I have to
> work on it). I will be happy to get any technical information to answer
> questions.
> Neal Lewis
> wnle...@southwind.net
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