Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-17 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Dec 16, 2008, at 7:37 PM, D Stubbs wrote:

 OK , I opened up disk utility,  clicked on verify permissions, holy  
 what a pile of 'should be'  files.  So I clicked 'repair  

Which did...absolutely nada. You would need to run Repair Disk to fix  
this sort of problem if it's fixable.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread MIKO ..

On Dec 15, 2008, at 11:06 PM, Clark Martin wrote:

 Hunter Fuller wrote:
 You can't rename a folder to . - it is definitely the root of the  

 / is the root of the drive.  . represents the current directory.
 And no, you should not be able to rename/name something ..  But it
 might not be ., it might be .  or  ..

A rose by any other name is a lost mount point

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Dec 16, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Clark Martin wrote:

 This file was called simply . which you can't name a file to.  Yes,
 you can add a . to the beginning of a filename but you can't make it
 just ..

Or it was called .  which is a common trick for hiding files, and  
easily typoed.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Dec 15, 2008, at 5:08 PM, D Stubbs wrote:

 Through Inventory X I see a folder in my 10.3.9 partition that has  
 no more
 name than a 'period'.  thats all   [ . ]
 It has 4.3 gigs of duplicated user and administrator stuff - good  

This will take some terminal work.

Find the full name of the folder holding this file (if it is a partion  
separate from your boot partition, this will start with /Volumes/...).  
Inventory X should be able to show you this.

Start /Applications/Utilities/Terminal and type:

cd /Volumes/rest of the name

Be EXACT. Spelling, case, and spaces count! Include the  marks and  
substitute the rest of the name for rest of the name

Once you've done that hit enter.

Now type:

ls -al

and hit enter.

Copy and paste everything that shows up and send it to us here. It  
will take a bit of detective work to determine the exact name of this  
folder (It only looks like it's called ., the most likely suspect is  
that it's called .  a period followed by a space.)

Then we can give you the terminal command to safely delete it.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Dec 16, 2008, at 9:25 AM, D Stubbs wrote:

 OK, I have never opened Terminal App, interesting, it opened with a  

 On this page it has 3 lines of text, but the cursor is not active on  
 page to enter anything,

The cursor is active, just not visible:

Here's what it looks like on mine:

Last login: Mon Dec 15 16:38:32 on ttys002
dbdev2:~ johnson$

Since I have my cursor set (via preferences) to an unblinking block  
there's a block sitting at the end of the line 'dbdev2:~ johnson$'

If that window is active, simply typing will put the command text in  
the window. This is the infamous 'command-line interface', and that  
last line is called a 'command prompt'. What it shows can be changed,  
but it shows me some useful information. Here's the various parts and  
their meaning:

dbdev2  This is the name of the computer I'm using. While this may  
seem nonsensical (of course I know what computer I'm using!) it's very  
useful, since I can connect to other computers in terminal, using  
various commands, so It's VERY useful to know what computer you're  
dealing with...)

:~ This shows the current directory and a unix shortcut. a tilde ~  
is shorthand for 'the logged on user's home directory' (Which explains  
the tee shirt I have that says There's no place like ~ :-)

johnson This shows the current user name. Since I can change to  
other users, on the same computer, this is again, very useful  

Finally there's $ which is just an arbitrary symbol being used to  
delineate the end of the prompt from whatever commands you may type.

All the action takes place in the window, not via menus.

You said The folder is within my boot OS10.3.9 partition which I'm  
not entirely clear what you mean. This requires a short side trip into  
How Unix is Organized so we can start talking the same language.

Conceptually, no matter how many disks or partitions you have, your  
Mac organizes it's files as a single, large tree. Branches are  
separated by '/' symbols and can either  be directories (== folders in  
the finder)  or files.

Everything starts at the root (as trees do :-) which is always on the  
boot partition, and everything is linked, so you can work out a single  
route (called a 'path') from the root to any file or directory on the  

For example, I have a file called photo.jpg in my documents folder. If  
you click on the your boot drive in the finder, you'll see a folder  
that lists a number of folders System, Library, Users, etc.

Your user directory is in Users, and in the finder you would click on  
your home directory and then documents to get to the folder holding  
that file photo.jpg.

To get there in Terminal I type cd (change directory) followed by  
the names of the folders enclosing it in a list, separated by '/'s:

cd /Users/johnson/Documents

And hit return.

dbdev2:~ johnson$ cd /Users/johnson/Documents
dbdev2:Documents johnson$

The command completes, but notice, the part befor 'johnson$' now says  
Documents, which is the name of the current folder.

Since the command is done, and completed without error, I'm just left  
again at a command prompt.

If I do the ls command ('list') It lists the names of those files:

dbdev2:Documents johnson$ ls
A Brief History of Doubt.dvdprojcamo drumstick II.s3d
Acrobat camo drumstick cx.jpg
Address Book - 8:13:07.abbu clarks list.xls
Adobe Readercomic_art.html
Advising Sheet.pdf  comic_art_files
ArcSoft cop_email_totals.xls


And drops me back to a command prompt again.

If I type:

cd /

That takes me to the root of my whole system, and if I type ls, you'll  
see some interesting things:

dbdev2:/ johnson$ ls
Desktop (Mac OS 9)  Volumes
Desktop DB  automount
Desktop DF  bin
Desktop Folder  cores
DesktopPrinters DB  dev
Developer   doc
Fetch   etc
Installation Loghome
Library iWork '08 Install CD.dmg
Microsoft Office 2004.dmg   mach
Network mach_kernel
OpenFolderListDF?   mach_kernel.ctfsys
Perl_Bookshelf  mds-crash-state
Presentation1.ppt   net
Previous Systems.localized  opt
StuffIt STD 703 Classic Install sbin
System  tmp
TheVolumeSettingsFolder usr
Trash   var
User Guides And Information

Some of these things (Applications, USers, System, etc) correspond to  
things that you see in the Finder, some don't show, like etc, net,  
usr, var

As you've probably guessed by now, unix was desinged to read like a  
'if u cn rd ths, u cn mk gd mny' ad from the 

Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Clark Martin

D Stubbs wrote:
 OK, I have never opened Terminal App, interesting, it opened with a page 
 On this page it has 3 lines of text, but the cursor is not active on 
 this page to enter anything,
 so I looked under Files menu and see something called New Shell and New 
 Command, are one of these where I enter ?  cd /Volumes/rest of 
 the name   
 The folder is within my boot OS10.3.9 partition, and looking at its 
 contents I see it has iTunes and iPhoto material from last year I would 
 like to re-capture - rather than just trash
 thanks  much, Del

You don't get the flashing vertical line cursor because you are not 
entering text as in a text editor.  You get a block cursor for typing in 
commands.  The cursor comes from old style terminals.

Just go ahead and type in the commands, the characters will appear and 
the cursor will advance.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread D Stubbs
Whew, to think this stuff is translatable!  But then some of my metallurgy 
horticulture discussions aren't much better... here goes...( rocky was our
pet racoon of course)

Last login: Tue Dec 16 10:12:20 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
Rocky-Woodys-Computer:~ rockywoody$ cd /
Rocky-Woodys-Computer:/ rockywoody$ ls -al
total 10729
drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 .
drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 .
drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin   6148 29 Oct  2003 .DS_Store
drw---   7 root  admin238 31 Mar  2008 .Spotlight-V100
d-wx-wx-wt   2 root  admin 68  6 Apr  2008 .Trashes
-r--r--r--   1 root  wheel156 12 Sep  2003 .hidden
-rw---   1 root  admin 131072 12 May  2007 .hotfiles.btree
dr--r--r--   2 root  wheel256 16 Dec 08:34 .vol
drwxrwxr-x  78 root  admin   2652 16 Dec 10:04 Applications
-rw-r--r--   1 rockywoo  admin  0 31 Dec  1969 Desktop
-rwxr-xr-x   1 rockywoo  unknown   245760  8 Dec 07:51 Desktop DB
-rwxr-xr-x   1 rockywoo  unknown   557682 22 Aug 07:43 Desktop DF
drwxr-xr-x   2 rockywoo  unknown   68 31 Mar  2006 Desktop Folder
-rw-r--r--   1 rockywoo  admin  18800 21 Dec  2006 Installer Log File
drwxrwxr-t  41 root  admin   1394  5 Aug 20:36 Library
drwxrwxr-x   3 root  admin102  1 Jun  2006
drwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel512 16 Dec 12:13 Network
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel136 27 May  2008 System
drwxr-xr-x   2 rockywoo  admin 68  6 Apr  2008 Temporary Items
drwxr-xr-x   2 rockywoo  unknown   68  1 Apr  2006
drwxr-xr-x   4 rockywoo  unknown  136  3 Sep  2006
drwxr-xr-x   2 rockywoo  unknown   68 31 Mar  2006 Trash
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  admin136 28 Mar  2008 Users
drwxrwxrwt  10 root  admin340 16 Dec 10:27 Volumes
-rw-r--r--   1 rockywoo  admin  0 14 Dec 18:20 Widgets
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  admin136 31 Dec  1969 automount
drwxr-xr-x  35 root  wheel   1190 14 Nov  2007 bin
drwxrwxr-t   2 root  admin 68 12 Sep  2003 cores
dr-xr-xr-x   2 root  wheel512 16 Dec 08:34 dev
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 11  1 Jun  2006 etc - private/etc
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin  9 16 Dec 08:34 mach - /mach.sym
-r--r--r--   1 root  admin 571184 16 Dec 08:34 mach.sym
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel3872560 30 Mar  2005 mach_kernel
drwxr-xr-x   5 root  wheel170 16 Dec 08:34 private
drwxr-xr-x  62 root  wheel   2108 14 Nov  2007 sbin
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 11  1 Jun  2006 tmp - private/tmp
drwxr-xr-x  11 root  wheel374 18 Dec  2007 usr
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 11  1 Jun  2006 var - private/var
Rocky-Woodys-Computer:/ rockywoody$

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Dec 16, 2008, at 11:18 AM, D Stubbs wrote:

 Last login: Tue Dec 16 10:12:20 on ttyp1
 Welcome to Darwin!
 Rocky-Woodys-Computer:~ rockywoody$ cd /
 Rocky-Woodys-Computer:/ rockywoody$ ls -al
 total 10729
 drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 .
 drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 .
 drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 ..

Holy crap...this is going to be a bit more difficult than I thought.

You do seem to have two identical '.' directories at the root of the  
drive; no additional characters showed up.

They have to have different inode numbers or they would not (in  
theory) show up twice, but this is getting into Let me repair myself  
to Google for a while before I come up with an answer.

I'll have to see how Inventory X shows things, and see if that offers  
a clue.

Long story short, I think something went 'kablooey' in your disk  
directory at one point.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Dec 16, 2008, at 11:47 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

 On Dec 16, 2008, at 11:18 AM, D Stubbs wrote:

 Last login: Tue Dec 16 10:12:20 on ttyp1
 Welcome to Darwin!
 Rocky-Woodys-Computer:~ rockywoody$ cd /
 Rocky-Woodys-Computer:/ rockywoody$ ls -al
 total 10729
 drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 .
 drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 .
 drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 ..

 Holy crap...this is going to be a bit more difficult than I thought.

 You do seem to have two identical '.' directories at the root of the
 drive; no additional characters showed up.

Do this in the same directory:

ls -ai

and just send the part corresponding to the above section...

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Dan

At 11:47 AM -0700 12/16/2008, Bruce Johnson wrote:
On Dec 16, 2008, at 11:18 AM, D Stubbs wrote:

  Last login: Tue Dec 16 10:12:20 on ttyp1
  Welcome to Darwin!
  Rocky-Woodys-Computer:~ rockywoody$ cd /
  Rocky-Woodys-Computer:/ rockywoody$ ls -al
  total 10729
  drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 .
  drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 .
   drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 ..

Holy crap...this is going to be a bit more difficult than I thought.

whoa.  yea.  What he said.  I've never seen that before!

You do seem to have two identical '.' directories at the root of the 
drive; no additional characters showed up.

They have to have different inode numbers or they would not (in 
theory) show up twice, but this is getting into Let me repair myself 
to Google for a while before I come up with an answer.

Unless you find something simple, my instinct is to go for the 
sledgehammer.  That volume cannot be trusted, so back up the user 
files, nuke, and repave.  Do it NOW before the xtra .sinkhole 
swallows the universe.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Dec 16, 2008, at 10:59 AM, Dan wrote:

 At 10:14 AM -0700 12/16/2008, Bruce Johnson wrote:

 dbdev2  This is the name of the computer I'm using. While this may
 seem nonsensical

 and totally unimaginative.  ug.  Fix it.

Unfortunately, if I rename it I have to fix a metric crapload of other  
stuff, and still put a cname entry for dbdev2 in our DNS hosts file.  
Besides it dates from pre-me here...when they got that 486/66 back in  
the day for the new database guy, they didn't know it was going to be  
me. It's got Tevve Traditin!/Tevve :-)

I settle for naming my drives...Das Boot, Tardis (system and Time  
Machine drives respectively), and so forthat one point all my  
drives were named for Toho monsters (with icons to match)...I don't  
think I've EVER had a computer with Macintosh as the name of the  
drive :-)

My home computers are called Swamp Thing and Jones (it started life as  
a Pismo, and well, I'd lived close to Long Island for a while...)

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Dec 16, 2008, at 12:55 PM, D Stubbs wrote:

 I hope this is what you wanted...don't know what you mean by  
 I'm in awe, are you folks really from planet earth? Me thinks I'm a  

we-are-from-planet-geek. :-)

 (a lovely Minus 26F here in MN on this piece of mortal earth)

Ah yes my wife was chortling over seeing Duluth's temps this morning.  
(Her family is originally from there)

It's a mild fall day here 8-P

 Rocky-Woodys-Computer:/ rockywoody$ ls -ai
  2 .202615 TheFindByContentFolder
  2 .202475 TheVolumeSettingsFolder
  2 ..   202479 Trash
 409379 .DS_Store   1630453 Users
 1810078 .Spotlight-V1007090 Volumes
 19 .Trashes 707196 Widgets

At this point, I'm going to go with Dan's suggestion. I think  
something's seriously wrong with your file system, and backing up your  
user data (alas, it means abandoning the stuff in that 'lost'  
directory, but I'm not sure you can actually get to it.) would be the  
way to go.

If you have (or have access to) the utility Disk Warrior, I'd give it  
a shot, but your system is NOT supposed to look like that.

Back up your stuff, pull out the 10.3 disk and boot from it,  
reformatting the drive (the last option in the options after you  
choose the install disk,they call it 'Erase and install') as you go.  
If you use OS 9, don't forget to check the 'Include OS 9 drivers' when  
you reformat.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread D Stubbs
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Bruce Johnson

 On Dec 16, 2008, at 11:47 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

  On Dec 16, 2008, at 11:18 AM, D Stubbs wrote:
  Last login: Tue Dec 16 10:12:20 on ttyp1
  Welcome to Darwin!
  Rocky-Woodys-Computer:~ rockywoody$ cd /
  Rocky-Woodys-Computer:/ rockywoody$ ls -al
  total 10729
  drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 .
  drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 .
  drwxrwxr-t  42 root  admin   1428 16 Dec 08:34 ..
  Holy crap...this is going to be a bit more difficult than I thought.
  You do seem to have two identical '.' directories at the root of the
  drive; no additional characters showed up.

 Do this in the same directory:

 ls -ai

 and just send the part corresponding to the above section...


I hope this is what you wanted...don't know what you mean by 'corresponding
I'm in awe, are you folks really from planet earth? Me thinks I'm a mere
(a lovely Minus 26F here in MN on this piece of mortal earth)

Rocky-Woodys-Computer:/ rockywoody$ ls -ai
  2 .202615 TheFindByContentFolder
  2 .202475 TheVolumeSettingsFolder
  2 ..   202479 Trash
 409379 .DS_Store   1630453 Users
1810078 .Spotlight-V1007090 Volumes
 19 .Trashes 707196 Widgets
 214812 .hidden  206414 automount
  45768 .hotfiles.btree  214387 bin
  0 .vol 214813 cores
862 Applications  2 dev
 408631 Desktop  214424 etc
 521358 Desktop DB  2281599 mach
 521357 Desktop DF  2281598 mach.sym
 202480 Desktop Folder   833996 mach_kernel
 734291 Installer Log File   21 private
   2555 Library  214529 sbin
 224151 214592 tmp
  3 Network  214593 usr
 209876 System   214805 var
1817721 Temporary Items
Rocky-Woodys-Computer:/ rockywoody$

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
Power Macs.
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For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread D Stubbs

 Holy crap...this is going to be a bit more difficult than I thought.

 whoa.  yea.  What he said.  I've never seen that before!

 You do seem to have two identical '.' directories at the root of the
 drive; no additional characters showed up.
 They have to have different inode numbers or they would not (in
 theory) show up twice, but this is getting into Let me repair myself
 to Google for a while before I come up with an answer.

 Unless you find something simple, my instinct is to go for the
 sledgehammer.  That volume cannot be trusted, so back up the user
 files, nuke, and repave.  Do it NOW before the xtra .sinkhole
 swallows the universe.

 - Dan.
 - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth


   Nuke and re-pave , Oh No!
This funny folder has some old iPhoto .jpg's and iTunes mp3's I'd sure like
to salvage, Then I'll let Trash swallow the universe now.
(This is why I am so timid about upgrading to Tiger  my new 160 GB HD -
Ignorance aint always bliss - it took my ignorant hands to create this tiny
dot sized mess! )

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
Power Macs.
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Charles Davis

On Dec 16, 2008, at 3:09 PM, D Stubbs wrote:

 Holy crap...this is going to be a bit more difficult than I thought.

 whoa.  yea.  What he said.  I've never seen that before!

 You do seem to have two identical '.' directories at the root of the
 drive; no additional characters showed up.
 They have to have different inode numbers or they would not (in
 theory) show up twice, but this is getting into Let me repair myself
 to Google for a while before I come up with an answer.

 Unless you find something simple, my instinct is to go for the
 sledgehammer.  That volume cannot be trusted, so back up the user
 files, nuke, and repave.  Do it NOW before the xtra .sinkhole
 swallows the universe.

 - Dan.
 - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

 Nuke and re-pave , Oh No!
 This funny folder has some old iPhoto .jpg's and iTunes mp3's I'd  
 sure like to salvage, Then I'll let Trash swallow the universe now.
 (This is why I am so timid about upgrading to Tiger  my new 160 GB  
 HD - Ignorance aint always bliss - it took my ignorant hands to  
 create this tiny dot sized mess! )

  Well, COPY the stupid things then.   DO IT NOW, as a part of  
backing everything up.

If you really want and need those files, take the time to get them.  
Don't just dither about and not do anything productive because the  
won't retrieve easily, you can either get them, or they are gone, and  
the entries you are slathering about are useless/ meaningless.

Chuck D.

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Dan

At 2:09 PM -0600 12/16/2008, D Stubbs wrote:
Nuke and re-pave , Oh No!

I know.  But at this point you cannot trust your file system.  And if 
you can't trust that foundation, you can't trust the installed OS on 
it either.  So grab what you can of your user data then ...

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Dan

At 1:55 PM -0600 12/16/2008, D Stubbs wrote:
I'm in awe, are you folks really from planet earth? Me thinks I'm a 
mere mortal.
(a lovely Minus 26F here in MN on this piece of mortal earth)

But there is a price for such knowledge.  Unix has been around since 
1968.  Long ago, the tomes overwrote socially relevant data in our 
brains - you know, those books we read in grade school, whole bible 
passages, advertising jingles, our first memories, last week's plot 
details of Lost  Heroes  BSG  what was I saying?  Oh yea.  The 
good news is that because OS X has this ancient but stable 
underbelly, we can figure things out, hopefully.  Sometimes.

Unix _is_ user-friendly... it's just selective about who its friends are.

There are two major products that came out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.

Bruce - I have a NIL-Shirt.

...The sleet is blowing at the house almost horizontally now, but 
it's only 34F.  Just thinking of your -26 has me putting on a 
sweat-shirt.  I need a warm cat.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread D Stubbs

   Well, COPY the stupid things then.   DO IT NOW, as a part of
 backing everything up.

Of course I have ccc'd the entire partition already

 If you really want and need those files, take the time to get them.

That is part what this discusson is , some folk helping me find how  to get
them, (sans slathering.)
Simply ignore this thread from now on, you'll breathe easier, thanks

 Don't just dither about and not do anything productive because the
 won't retrieve easily, you can either get them, or they are gone, and
 the entries you are slathering about are useless/ meaningless.

 Chuck D.

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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Hunter Fuller

2008/12/15 Steve R

 At 9:58 PM -0600 12/15/08, Hunter Fuller posted:
  You can't rename a folder to . - it is definitely the root of the drive.

 Yes. You can rename a folder with the leading (.)  There is even an
 app that makes it easy to (.) and un(.) for those who want to add
 invisibility to files and folders they prefer nosy folk not casually

But you still can't rename something to .

 Steve R
Reopen NAFTA. Reclaim our sovereignty.



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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread Hunter Fuller

2008/12/16 MIKO ..

 On Dec 16, 2008, at 1:11 PM, Charles Davis wrote:

 You do seem to have two identical '.' directories at the root of the
 drive; no additional characters showed up.

 What confuses me is why this problem wasn't found clearly and
 obviously with Disk Utility using verify?

No clue but I've never trusted that program.



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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread D Stubbs

  You do seem to have two identical '.' directories at the root of the
  drive; no additional characters showed up.

 What confuses me is why this problem wasn't found clearly and
 obviously with Disk Utility using verify?

OK , I opened up disk utility,  clicked on verify permissions, holy smokers
what a pile of 'should be'  files.  So I clicked 'repair permissions', took
10 minutes,
Then I went back to Disk Inventory X, but see no differences, still have a
lost 40 acres of hard drive hiding under a period.

Next, for fun I tried Disk Inventory X on the backup (made by CCC) of said
partition and - Lo Behold!, the mystery '.' folder is gone and it is now
down to 9 gig from 14.
So good 'ol CCC seemed to have come to the rescue. I still would like to get
my hands on whatever is inside that 5  gigs ( the jpgs in particular - to be
sure that I have backups of them) before I dump this monster.
You folks are de besta

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-16 Thread MIKO ..

On Dec 16, 2008, at 6:37 PM, D Stubbs wrote:

 OK , I opened up disk utility,  clicked on verify permissions, holy  
 smokers what a pile of 'should be'  files.  So I clicked 'repair  
 permissions', took 10 minutes,
 Then I went back to Disk Inventory X, but see no differences, still  
 have a lost 40 acres of hard drive hiding under a period.

 Next, for fun I tried Disk Inventory X on the backup (made by CCC)  
 of said partition and - Lo Behold!, the mystery '.' folder is  
 gone and it is now down to 9 gig from 14.
 So good 'ol CCC seemed to have come to the rescue. I still would  
 like to get my hands on whatever is inside that 5  gigs ( the jpgs  
 in particular - to be sure that I have backups of them) before I  
 dump this monster.
 You folks are de besta

Well you repaired permissions but did you verify your disk?  I'm  
thinking about Catalog B Trees, cross-linking, volume bitmaps- these  
kids of issues.

I would not try a repair without a full backup but merely looking at  
permissions won't do much.  Everyone always also recommends  
DiskWarrior but that costs $99.

I'm also beginning to think that you may have fond evidence that dark  
matter exists- maybe your drive has somehow tapped into gravitational  
space outside the future cone of light!

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-15 Thread D Stubbs
Thankyou everyone!
Thanks to Tony mentioning Inventory X - now I can see 6 gigs I dont need
bloating space, wahoo!
But for a little clarification...
I am a blacksmith, not a puter xpert, so some of your sincere replies are a
bit over my head, would it be helpful to have new members give a 1-10 rating
of their computer saviness? I'd say 2 or 3 for me.
Through Inventory X I see a folder in my 10.3.9 partition that has no more
name than a 'period'.  thats all   [ . ]
It has 4.3 gigs of duplicated user and administrator stuff - good grief.
it must have happened a year back when I tried doing some updating after my
puter guru friend got too sick to come out  help anymore. I am confident
this folder can be dumped ( thanks to you folks I have made a ccc backup
However this 4.3 gig folder does not show up in the normal osx folder - how
do I locate it so it can be trashed?
I have more of your emails to reply to yet but think to just send this for
now because it is the biggest problem
thanks so much again,

( I still run our family biz website on Pagemill 3.  I have installed a new
seagate 160 GB hard drive inside our Sawtooth, but am waiting on the time to
learn how to move over to it and upgrade to Tiger - as a handcraftsman in
the sticks I'm a bit short on time to self learn puter stuff)

 On 15-Dec-08, at 12:32 PM, MIKO .. wrote:

  On Dec 15, 2008, at 9:05 AM, MnDel wrote:
  Since I keep getting 'startup disc is out of room' messages when I do
  a  few pics in Photoshop, I totalled up everyting in my 15 GB 10.3.9
  partition:   (4 folders - Apps, Users, Library, System) and it came
  only 8.2GB.
  However when I click 'get info' on this partition is shows less than
  1GB free space with no apps running.
  I sure need to free up some HD space, where else should I look?
  Thanks!, Del
  G4 Sawtooth 500MHz
  768 MB

 I use a program called Disk Inventory X ( )
 that's great at giving a graphical representation of where my HD space
 is being used up.  It shows everything, including hidden folders.

  - Tony

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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-15 Thread Hunter Fuller

'.' indicates the root of the drive, i.e., open up the hard drive
viewer and you are looking at '.' -- you can't delete that. You need
some program that cleans temporary files, someone on the list maybe
can suggest one?

2008/12/15 D Stubbs
 Thankyou everyone!
 Thanks to Tony mentioning Inventory X - now I can see 6 gigs I dont need
 bloating space, wahoo!
 But for a little clarification...
 I am a blacksmith, not a puter xpert, so some of your sincere replies are a
 bit over my head, would it be helpful to have new members give a 1-10 rating
 of their computer saviness? I'd say 2 or 3 for me.
 Through Inventory X I see a folder in my 10.3.9 partition that has no more
 name than a 'period'.  thats all   [ . ]
 It has 4.3 gigs of duplicated user and administrator stuff - good grief.
 it must have happened a year back when I tried doing some updating after my
 puter guru friend got too sick to come out  help anymore. I am confident
 this folder can be dumped ( thanks to you folks I have made a ccc backup
 However this 4.3 gig folder does not show up in the normal osx folder - how
 do I locate it so it can be trashed?
 I have more of your emails to reply to yet but think to just send this for
 now because it is the biggest problem
 thanks so much again,

 ( I still run our family biz website on Pagemill 3.  I have installed a new
 seagate 160 GB hard drive inside our Sawtooth, but am waiting on the time to
 learn how to move over to it and upgrade to Tiger - as a handcraftsman in
 the sticks I'm a bit short on time to self learn puter stuff)

 On 15-Dec-08, at 12:32 PM, MIKO .. wrote:

  On Dec 15, 2008, at 9:05 AM, MnDel wrote:
  Since I keep getting 'startup disc is out of room' messages when I do
  a  few pics in Photoshop, I totalled up everyting in my 15 GB 10.3.9
  partition:   (4 folders - Apps, Users, Library, System) and it came
  only 8.2GB.
  However when I click 'get info' on this partition is shows less than
  1GB free space with no apps running.
  I sure need to free up some HD space, where else should I look?
  Thanks!, Del
  G4 Sawtooth 500MHz
  768 MB

 I use a program called Disk Inventory X ( )
 that's great at giving a graphical representation of where my HD space
 is being used up.  It shows everything, including hidden folders.

  - Tony



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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-15 Thread D Stubbs
For clarity, it *may* be that this is not the normal situation for the '.'
root of the drive. That it was a folder accidently renamed by me instead
(farbeit for me to know about roots of drives though)
Below is what is listed in Disk Inventory X about this folder :

Kind: folder (4)
modified 6/16/06
created: 9/12/03
Permission: drwx..
Path: /.
Application: Disk Inventory X
Format: HFS+
Mount Point/
Device: /dev/disk0s 10

I tried to trash it from Inventory X but it said I did not have permission
thanks, Del

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 8:22 PM, Hunter Fuller hackmies...@gmail.comwrote:

 '.' indicates the root of the drive, i.e., open up the hard drive
 viewer and you are looking at '.' -- you can't delete that. You need
 some program that cleans temporary files, someone on the list maybe
 can suggest one?

 2008/12/15 D Stubbs
  Thankyou everyone!
  Thanks to Tony mentioning Inventory X - now I can see 6 gigs I dont need
  bloating space, wahoo!
  But for a little clarification...
  I am a blacksmith, not a puter xpert, so some of your sincere replies are
  bit over my head, would it be helpful to have new members give a 1-10
  of their computer saviness? I'd say 2 or 3 for me.
  Through Inventory X I see a folder in my 10.3.9 partition that has no
  name than a 'period'.  thats all   [ . ]
  It has 4.3 gigs of duplicated user and administrator stuff - good grief.
  it must have happened a year back when I tried doing some updating after
  puter guru friend got too sick to come out  help anymore. I am confident
  this folder can be dumped ( thanks to you folks I have made a ccc backup
  However this 4.3 gig folder does not show up in the normal osx folder -
  do I locate it so it can be trashed?
  I have more of your emails to reply to yet but think to just send this
  now because it is the biggest problem
  thanks so much again,
  ( I still run our family biz website on Pagemill 3.  I have installed a
  seagate 160 GB hard drive inside our Sawtooth, but am waiting on the time
  learn how to move over to it and upgrade to Tiger - as a handcraftsman in
  the sticks I'm a bit short on time to self learn puter stuff)

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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-15 Thread Tony Gamble

On 15-Dec-08, at 7:08 PM, D Stubbs wrote:

  I am confident this folder can be dumped ( thanks to you folks I  
 have made a ccc backup now)
 However this 4.3 gig folder does not show up in the normal osx  
 folder - how do I locate it so it can be trashed?
   I tried to trash it from Inventory X but it said I did not have  
   thanks, Del

You can show hidden files with this app:

To hide them again, use this app:

Both of these re-launch the Finder, so close any other open apps first.

  - Tony

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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-15 Thread Hunter Fuller

You can't rename a folder to . - it is definitely the root of the drive.

2008/12/15 D Stubbs
 For clarity, it may be that this is not the normal situation for the '.'
 root of the drive. That it was a folder accidently renamed by me instead
 (farbeit for me to know about roots of drives though)
 Below is what is listed in Disk Inventory X about this folder :

 Kind: folder (4)
 modified 6/16/06
 created: 9/12/03
 Permission: drwx..
 Path: /.
 Application: Disk Inventory X
 Format: HFS+
 Mount Point/
 Device: /dev/disk0s 10

 I tried to trash it from Inventory X but it said I did not have permission
 thanks, Del

 On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 8:22 PM, Hunter Fuller

 '.' indicates the root of the drive, i.e., open up the hard drive
 viewer and you are looking at '.' -- you can't delete that. You need
 some program that cleans temporary files, someone on the list maybe
 can suggest one?

 2008/12/15 D Stubbs
  Thankyou everyone!
  Thanks to Tony mentioning Inventory X - now I can see 6 gigs I dont need
  bloating space, wahoo!
  But for a little clarification...
  I am a blacksmith, not a puter xpert, so some of your sincere replies
  are a
  bit over my head, would it be helpful to have new members give a 1-10
  of their computer saviness? I'd say 2 or 3 for me.
  Through Inventory X I see a folder in my 10.3.9 partition that has no
  name than a 'period'.  thats all   [ . ]
  It has 4.3 gigs of duplicated user and administrator stuff - good grief.
  it must have happened a year back when I tried doing some updating after
  puter guru friend got too sick to come out  help anymore. I am
  this folder can be dumped ( thanks to you folks I have made a ccc backup
  However this 4.3 gig folder does not show up in the normal osx folder -
  do I locate it so it can be trashed?
  I have more of your emails to reply to yet but think to just send this
  now because it is the biggest problem
  thanks so much again,
  ( I still run our family biz website on Pagemill 3.  I have installed a
  seagate 160 GB hard drive inside our Sawtooth, but am waiting on the
  time to
  learn how to move over to it and upgrade to Tiger - as a handcraftsman
  the sticks I'm a bit short on time to self learn puter stuff)



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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-15 Thread Steve R

At 9:58 PM -0600 12/15/08, Hunter Fuller posted:
  You can't rename a folder to . - it is definitely the root of the drive.

Yes. You can rename a folder with the leading (.)  There is even an 
app that makes it easy to (.) and un(.) for those who want to add 
invisibility to files and folders they prefer nosy folk not casually 

Steve R
Reopen NAFTA. Reclaim our sovereignty.

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-15 Thread Clark Martin

Hunter Fuller wrote:
 You can't rename a folder to . - it is definitely the root of the drive.

/ is the root of the drive.  . represents the current directory. 
And no, you should not be able to rename/name something ..  But it 
might not be ., it might be .  or  ..

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway

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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-15 Thread Clark Martin

Steve R wrote:
 At 9:58 PM -0600 12/15/08, Hunter Fuller posted:
  You can't rename a folder to . - it is definitely the root of the drive.
 Yes. You can rename a folder with the leading (.)  There is even an 
 app that makes it easy to (.) and un(.) for those who want to add 
 invisibility to files and folders they prefer nosy folk not casually 

This file was called simply . which you can't name a file to.  Yes, 
you can add a . to the beginning of a filename but you can't make it 
just ..

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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