I've created:
class FwdMsgThenDisconnectCommand(AdHocCommand):
    commandnode = 'fwd-msd-disconnect'
    commandname = _('Forward unread message then disconnect')

    def isVisibleFor(samejid):
        Change status is visible only if the entity has the same bare jid
        return samejid

    def execute(self, request):
        account = self.connection.name
        # Forward messages
        events = gajim.events.get_events(account, types=['chat', 'normal'])
        j, resource = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(self.jid)
        for jid in events:
            for event in events[jid]:
                self.connection.send_message(j, event.parameters[0], '',
                        type_=event.type_, subject=event.parameters[1],
                        resource=resource, forward_from=jid,

        response, cmd = self.buildResponse(request, status = 'completed')
        cmd.addChild('note', {}, _('The status has been changed.'))

        # if going offline, we need to push response so it won't go into
        # queue and disappear
        self.connection.connection.send(response, now = True)

        # send new status
        gajim.interface.roster.send_status(self.connection.name, 'offline',
        return False    # finish the session

But when I test it, I only have the disconnect action, the events are not
forwarded first, what did I missed?
Geobert QUACH

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Yann Leboulanger <aste...@lagaule.org>wrote:

> On 04/15/2010 08:29 PM, Geobert Quach wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was wondering of it is possible to have a command that forward all
>> unread messages then disconnect the account. I know there two separate
>> commands to do so but when I need it, I disconnect 3 accounts so I need
>> to click a bunch of time before finishing it.
> Yes it is, and I don't think it's too difficult.
>  I'd have a look at adhoc_commands but I did not understand how I can
>> merge two commands as there is no static list
> This file is the client part, how to browse and use adhoc commands. The
> file yo're interested in is the one that exposes commands:
> src/common/commands.py
> --
> Yann
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