Dear experts, 

I’m trying to run Galaxy (version 18.05) jobs with Apache MESOS (version 
1.5.0). I configured a NFS between galaxy and mesos cluster nodes, thus sharing 
the directories /home/galaxy and /path/to/galaxy/database with the directories 
(citations, compiled_templates, files, ftp, home, job_working_directory, 
object_store_cache, tmp). 

Then I have changed the job_conf.xml accordingly: ( ). 

It works fine with my very simple test wrapper here:   

Then I enabled mulled containers in the galaxy.yml file in order to test the 
configuration using fastQC (version 0.72, owner devteam). 

In this case the job was correctly executed on the mesos node (using the 
container but the results were not 
linked in the history (please see the attached fig1). 


[fig1. history panel screenshot for fastQC job on chronos destination] 

You can have a look to the output here:   

I checked the docker run command on chronos and the working directory is 
located on /root/working.   

In order to check if the problems is related to my job_conf.xml configuration 
and not to the mulled containers i changed the job_conf.xml to run jobs locally 
( ) 

and i have run the same tool (fastQC 0.72). In this case everything was fine. 

Is my job_conf.xml configuration correct? 

I would also like to ask if it is possible to add more than one volume to the 
docker container run on MESOS in order to add the location for the reference 
data, located on my mesos slave node in /cvmfs. I tried to modify the 
job_conf.xml block in this way 

<param id="volumes">/export/galaxy/database/,/cvmfs/</param> 

but the job failed. The docker run command sent to chronos was indeed wrong: 
“-v /export/galaxy/database/,/cvmfs/:/export/galaxy/database/,/cvmfs/:rw “. 

This is probably due to the definition of the “volumes” field in the 

which, if I understand well, is allowing to use only one path. Did I miss 

Any suggestion and correction is, of course, more than welcome. 

Best regards, 

Pietro Mandreoli 

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