Re: [Gambas-user] Schlieszung des Gambas-Clubs

2017-04-05 Thread Christof Thalhofer
Am 04.04.2017 um 12:02 schrieb Tobias Boege:
> /This is a message to German Gambas users (and Ru Vuott), more specifically
> those of the Gambas-Club forum, but I'll include an English translation 
> below./
> #--#
> Hallo zusammen,
> der Gambas-Club ist seit gestern abend(?) abgeschaltet. Ich habe den
> Hosting-Vertrag Anfang des Jahres gekuendigt, aus primaer zwei Gruenden:
> (1) ich wollte spezifisch von diesem Anbieter weg und (2) es ist ein Forum
> fuer nicht viel mehr als 4 Personen geworden. Angesichts von (2) habe ich
> mich entschieden, die Domain nicht zu transferieren und laenger aufrecht
> zu erhalten, sondern die Sache zu beenden.

Das ist sehr schlecht. Es war eine gute Seite mit viel Hintergrundinfo.

Ich hätte gar kein Problem, das Forum zu hosten. Magst du dich mal bei
mir melden? Man müsste mal den Hoster ansprechen, wegen der Domain. Ich
hoffe, Ihr habt die Domain noch nicht aufgegeben.

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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Re: [Gambas-user] Schlieszung des Gambas-Clubs

2017-04-05 Thread Fabien Bodard
And there is alway the unperfect GambasForge

2017-04-05 14:44 GMT+02:00 Moviga Technologies :
>> The Spanish-speaking community invites you to participate in the forum in
>> Spanish:
>> (With google translator, we could understand ...)
> Same goes for for English speakers :)
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> Gambas-user mailing list

Fabien Bodard

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Re: [Gambas-user] Turn of certificate verification with gb.curl?

2017-04-05 Thread Moviga Technologies
Forget it, I found it below the .SSL property. The documentation was
blank, so missed it until the intellisense revealed it :)

Den 05.04.2017 19:36, skrev Moviga Technologies:

> Hello! 
> Is it possible to to turn off gb.curl's verification of the certificate?
> Like you would using the -k (or --insecure) option from the command
> line.
> --
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[Gambas-user] Turn of certificate verification with gb.curl?

2017-04-05 Thread Moviga Technologies

Is it possible to to turn off gb.curl's verification of the certificate?
Like you would using the -k (or --insecure) option from the command
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Re: [Gambas-user] Schlieszung des Gambas-Clubs

2017-04-05 Thread Moviga Technologies
> The Spanish-speaking community invites you to participate in the forum in
> Spanish:
> (With google translator, we could understand ...)

Same goes for for English speakers :) 
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Re: [Gambas-user] Schlieszung des Gambas-Clubs

2017-04-05 Thread Julio Sanchez
Hello  T. Boege:
I'm sorry for what happened with the German forum.  :(

The Spanish-speaking community invites you to participate in the forum in
(With google translator, we could understand ...)



2017-04-04 12:02 GMT+02:00 Tobias Boege :

> /This is a message to German Gambas users (and Ru Vuott), more specifically
> those of the Gambas-Club forum, but I'll include an English translation
> below./
> #---
> ---#
> Hallo zusammen,
> der Gambas-Club ist seit gestern abend(?) abgeschaltet. Ich habe den
> Hosting-Vertrag Anfang des Jahres gekuendigt, aus primaer zwei Gruenden:
> (1) ich wollte spezifisch von diesem Anbieter weg und (2) es ist ein Forum
> fuer nicht viel mehr als 4 Personen geworden. Angesichts von (2) habe ich
> mich entschieden, die Domain nicht zu transferieren und laenger aufrecht
> zu erhalten, sondern die Sache zu beenden.
> Nachdem ich diesen Gedanken lange Zeit vor mir herschob, habe ich die
> Domain
> dann Anfang 2017 gekuendigt. Die ploetzliche Abschaltung gestern war jedoch
> nicht in meinem Interesse. Tatsaechlich warte ich noch immer auf die mir
> versprochene Kuendigungsbestaetigung (in Briefform!). Da nun aber die
> Webseite nicht mehr erreichbar und das Admin-Panel nicht mehr zugaenglich
> sind, gehe ich davon aus, dass die Kuendigung bearbeitet wurde.
> Das letzte Backup der Foren-Datenbank, auf das ich Zugriff habe, ist vom
> 19. Februar 2017, unmittelbar vor meinem Urlaub und darauffolgend der
> letzten Pruefungsphase fuer das Wintersemester -- waehrend der ich im
> Maerz schlicht nicht daran gedacht habe, das Backup zu ziehen. Ich bin mir
> nicht sicher, ob es nuetzlich waere, die alten Beitraege irgendwo zum
> Download bzw. zum Durchsuchen durch eine Weboberflaeche anzubieten.
> Ich bin jedenfalls im Besitz der Daten bis zum 19. Februar, falls jemand
> Interesse daran hat.
> Das beendet die Laufzeit des, soweit ich weisz, einzigen deutschsprachigen
> Gambas-Forums,, dessen aeltester Beitrag, soweit ich sehe,
> am 12. Dezember 2005 verfasst wurde. Ich selbst bin 2008 durch meinen
> damaligen Informatiklehrer Hans Lehmann auf Gambas ueberhaupt und auch auf
> das Forum gebracht worden und vor allem am Anfang war es mir eine Hilfe
> beim Lernen meiner ersten Programmiersprache. Ich bedauere, dass ich die
> Nutzer das Forum nicht habe ordentlich verabschieden lassen koennen.
> Grusz,
> T. Boege
> #---
> ---#
> Hello all,
> the Gambas-Club was shut down yesterday evening(?). I terminated the
> hosting
> contract at the beginning of the year, for two primary reasons: (1) I
> wanted
> to get away from this specific hosting provider and (2) it has become a
> forum for not many more than 4 people. Given (2), I decided not to transfer
> and continue the domain but to close it.
> After delaying it for a long time, I terminated the domain at the beginning
> of 2017. The sudden disappearance of the site was not my intention though.
> In fact I'm still waiting for the promised contract termination
> confirmation
> (in the form of a letter!). But since the website is gone and I can't even
> access the admin panel of the provider, I take it that the termination form
> was indeed processed.
> The last backup of the forum database that I can access is from 19th Feb
> 2017,
> immediately before I went on vacation and, following that, had to prepare
> for the last exam of the Winter semester -- during that time, March, I
> simply forgot to make a backup. I'm not sure if it would be useful to offer
> the old posts for download or search through a website interface somewhere.
> In any case, I'm in possession of all the data until 19th Feb, if anyone
> has
> an interest in that.
> This concludes the life of the, to my knowledge, only German-speaking
> Gambas forum,, whose oldest post, as far as I can see, dates
> back to the 12th Dec 2005. I myself joined in 2008 when my Computer Science
> teacher at that time, Hans Lehmann, showed me Gambas and the forum.
> Especially in the beginning, it has been a help for me in learning my very
> first programming language. I regret that I wasn't able to let the users
> see the forum off properly.
> Regards,
> T. Boege
> --
> "There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
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Re: [Gambas-user] New component gb.rss to generate and parse RSS documents

2017-04-05 Thread Adrien Prokopowicz
Le Sun, 02 Apr 2017 18:07:26 +0200, Tobias Boege  a  

> Hello all,
> I wrote an RSS feed generator for one of my projects recently and could
> luckily complete also the parser before the new semester starts tomorrow.
> So you get a gb.rss component in the latest revision #8117.
> It should support all the things that are mentioned in the RSS 2.0
> specification here [1], but there are still some problems:
>   * The date conversion routines ignore timezones completely, because
> I have no clue about working with timezones in Gambas.
>   * The strings you give to Rss* objects are put into the XML file
> verbatim currently, which is not desirable if these strings
> are HTML or some other things that confuse an RSS (XML) parser.
> I guess those strings should be wrapped in a CDATA section.
> I'd be grateful for a routine that tells me when to use CDATA.
> The attached project demonstrates the feed generator part. It takes the
> output of "ps", for the lack of a better data source, and turns it into
> an RSS feed, which is then offered through gb.httpd. I tested the  
> resulting
> feed with newsbeuter. Just load the feed, start some new programs and  
> then
> reload the feed.
> @Adrien or Fabien: While playing around with the XmlReader, I noticed  
> some
> problems. I tried to fix them to the best of my ability in #8116, but as
> always it would be better if you looked through the matter again.
> Regards,
> Tobi
> [1]

Hi Tobias,

First, thanks for the fixes. :)
The only thing that bothers me a bit is throwing an error if no attribute
is found when using the _get method on XmlReader.Node.Attributes.
It is made so it behaves like a Gambas collection (as XML Attributes can
be seen as a simple key-value store), so I think it is better to just
return Null in that case.

Other than that, it all looks good to me, so thanks again. :)

For your escaping problem, the XmlWriter.Element() now escapes the value
parameter so it is always safe to pass any String (all the other methods
dealing with text content already do that, like XmlWriter.Text() or

Currently, you can check if a string needs serialization by actually
serializing it and comparing it to the original string :

 If XmlNode.Serialize(Value) = Value Then ' [...]

It's not optimal if you're dealing with very large strings, but it works.
However, if some elements of the RSS document are likely to contain large  
or some other markup, I think it's better performance-wise to just
always wrap their contents in a CDATA node, as their contents are not  

As a side node, all these problems with the XmlReader & Writer are  
starting to
annoy me quite a bit (as those are mostly regressions). I think I should  
back the unit testing library I wrote some time ago, and write some tests  
gb.xml locally at least.


Adrien Prokopowicz

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[Gambas-user] [Gambas Bug Tracker] Bug #1049: reader.Node.Attributes.Value --> Segmentation Fault(11)

2017-04-05 Thread bugtracker

Comment #2 by Adrien PROKOPOWICZ:

The bug was fixed in revision #8119.

Adrien PROKOPOWICZ changed the state of the bug to: Fixed.

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