Hi Lukas and all,

Ok, a number of people have addressed and pointed out a number of bugs
over the past week, and do to the USA Games list being down for
several days many of you were not informed of these. Let me answer
some of these questions one by one and explain what we have found out
about them.

Lukas wrote:

The s key to toggle the laser sight seems to have stopped working for me. Did
you intentionally remove this feature, Thomas, or is it a bug?

My reply:

This was most certainly a bug. This has presently been fixed in the
update I hope to post nest week which fixes a number of these issues.
This was detected over on the Audyssey list earlier this week and we
located and fixed the issue fairly quickly.

Lukas wrote:

Sometimes, when level 2 is being loaded and its cut scene played, I can already
hear the sounds of the item in the first room while the scene is still
playing. If
I interrupt it with escape, they keep playing smoothly.

My reply:

Hmmm...I wasn't aware of that bug, but thanks for reporting it. I'll
take a look into it.

Lukas wrote:

The g key to check my strength doesn't seem to work here if I am poisoned. As
soon as I take a potion and it starts healing me and removes the
poison, it works
fine again.

My reply:

Ok, that's a strange one. I'll take a look and see if I might find out
what is wrong here. This definitely should not be happening.

Lukas wrote:

As soon as another application's window receives focus, the game freezes on me.
This is quite annoying for me because sometimes windows just pop into
the foreground
without my control or intent.

My reply:

Yeah, we are working on that particular bug. What is happening there
is when we updated the G3D engine, the Windows engine, we changed the
way it processes Windows events, and ended up messing up how it
processes the window. If you alt+tab or lose focus to the app there is
no way to get it back and the game simply locks up or crashes. We are
going to restore things back to the way they were in beta 18, but
might take a couple of days. Never-the-less we have plans to fix this
and upload an updated beta sometime next week after the website is
completely restored to working order.


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