Hey all! I just joined the list and I wanted to tell you all about two cools 
MUDs I play, assuming you don't already know about them.

One is called Eternal Darkness. This game is best played in Pow Wow or VIP mud 
although any client will do. It's good to know a little about triggers too, 
just to make things easier but not a must and I'm sure people like myself will 
share their triggers.

You are allowed to spam skills and spells to get them better, and even bot on 
the training dummy. The only time you cannot play using bots is if you are 
gaining experience and even then you can if you are still at the computer and 
able to be contacted. I wouldn't recommend it though, a bit dangerous. Anyway 
though you can have up to three characters on at teh same time, share stuff 
with tem and group them, and have storage characters to save good equipment, 
but the storage ones should get to about level 170 so they can hold everything. 
Most players will sell you pre-made storage characters and you might find 
someone nice enough to give one away. That's rare though but there are some 
extremely helpful people on there and it isn't hard to get strong. You can 
remort up to 20 times, getting stronger each time and there are many zones that 
only remorted characters can handle. It's extremely fun. The most tedious part 
is rolling your stats at the beginning but it is worth it and
 that can be done with triggers too.

If anyone joins, I would recommend starting out as either TriKreen Monk or 
Halfling Ninja. Those are the two easiest classes to do as a newbie. Once you 
get used to the game, a channeller might be handy and triggers can be done to 
make them automatically cast in combat so you only have to monitor your tank 
character. You can even do autorecall triggers easily enough.

If interested iin this mud, they are really wanting more newbies. Be sure to 
join the newbie clan, Nemesis as it will help a lot and tell the clan leaders 
that Phailos sent you. They will know who I am.

The connection information is
Host: ed.wolfpaw.net
Port: 9700

The other game is called MozartMud. It doesn't have all the remort things, 
though I think you can once. After you have hit level 50 you can create another 
character with flaws or an underdark character, which puts you in the realm of 
the pkillers. the surface is not a PK area except on the rare occasion that the 
underdarkies are allowed to invade the realm. There are all sorts of skills and 
specialties and stuff to make it entertaining. it's a little harder to get 
strong on that game but the uptime is mad and there's lots of good donated eq. 
it is free for newbies to have things identified til level 10 so identify like 
mad. The people on this game are really nice and the immortals are extremely 
helpful and accomodating to us blindies. It's also an old game that has active 
imms still adding to it. Check it out at:

Host: mozartmud.com
Port: 23

Please tell the mozartmud immortals that zhuuraan referred you as I believe we 
will both be rewarded if you hang around.

Have fun and I hope you guys like these two games! If you need any help, send a 
tell or mail to zhuuraan or phailos on Eternal Darkness or zhuuraan on 

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