I'd like to add my 2 cents here.
Shaun. when seeing an alpha it's like getting the first chapter of a rough 
draft of what promises to be a good story. 
Believe me, if it's not a game for you then it's not a game for you. However 
based on your reasoning this does not seem 
to be a fair thing you are basing your decision on. I have not completed the 
level either and in fact usually die just 
after the first snake. I like this sort of challenge. Why get a game which you 
can beat within a few days? To me that 
seems like it would lose replay value but that is just me I guess.

Also, the main thing to remember is that not all the feature s of the game are 
working right or are even implimented so 
again, perhaps you are judging this game too soon.

If Tom were to be taking orders for the game he would have my order in by now.

* shaun everiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060625 08:58]:
> Well I can only get passed the first portal and I just don't get 
> anywhere, i die.
> This game is not for me I think.
> So I don't think I will buy it.
> Good sfx.

Hope is a waking dream.
                -- Aristotle
Raul A. Gallegos ... IliwSsmc

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