I've been playing Wii Sports Resort a lot lately and wanted to give you the 
heads up on it.

First of all, it's made by Nintendo apparently, or whoever did the original Wii 
Sports, and is just as accessible (or inaccessible, however you look at it.)
The package comes with a little box containing a tilt ball which knows 
precisely how you are holding your wrist, and other than the fact that you have 
to calibrate it from time to time this is an awesome addition.
The company has shamed itself though--they proved how badly they did on the 
first, (only five games,) by putting twelve games on this one.
Skydiving and Power cruising are, as far as I can tell, totally unplayable for 
a blind person.  Sword play is hard for obvious reasons, but still fun.  The 
computer is awfully easy to beat in dual mode.
The frisby games are very good if you have a sighted person telling you where 
the target is--eleven o'clock, etc.  In frisby golf, you have to point at the 
frisby you want, but each makes a different sound is panned from left to right, 
so knowing exactly which you are on before you click is easy as well.  Table 
tennis is easier to play than real tennis, believe it or not.  Cycling is fun, 
especially when you beat your sighted friends.  When you get out of breath, 
there is a sound effect to let you know, which is different for each player.
Golf and bowling are harder than ever, and now they have introduced 100-pin 
bowling.  You'll still do better with sighted help with both these games, but 
you may find yourself schooling your sighted friends easily with some practice.
My favorite game on there though is basketball.  You can dribble, pass, and 
make baskets easily, ranging from a 3-point shot to a slam dunk, and it often 
tells you how many points you or the other player got that round and whether 
the game was tied.
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