OK, my messages  are coming through from the pc but not the IPhone.
Anyway, I asked my son for tips on Erncon. Here's what I learned.
Your ship points where the stick points. For example, your stick is pointing straight up and you hear a ship. There's no 3d sound yet, so you have to test if it's in front or behind. you point your stick east, and the ship moves off to the left. That means the ship was in front of you. Point it in front and start shooting and you'll be close. You can't hear where the gems are, but you can certainly hear where the asteroids explode and follow the sound if you're fast. You'll still be no match for a sighted player, but can definitely do it without too much difficulty. As I said, my high score is 104 points. I definitely encourage you to play this game and contact the developer about 3d positioning and enemy ships and gems making sound as I have done. Also, the elite light fighter is helpful but not extremely so, as it only earns you about 20 extra poihnts per game. It fires homing missiles, but you still have to be aimed in the target's general direction to hit it. Just remember, your ship doesn't turn when you move the stick, but rather follows it. Point the stick southwest and it faces southwest and travels in a straight line. Much less confusing and more accessible than we even thought. The way I play is to simply go southwest and southeast, treating it like a side scroller. Then, after a while, I go northwest and northeast, and there seem to be boundaries you can't go past. When you fire your boosters, they pan as you move so you can hear the direction you're traveling in. If there is no panning when their should be you've hit an asteroid or wall. Fire a shot and see what happens. The only thing I don't know how to do yet is add friends and allies. This is the best accessible arcade game for the iPhone I've played yet, with Karateka a close second.

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