Hi all
ON the one hand it is  sad that dan is leaving the gaming community but on the 
other hand its kind of him to make his games available for free.
Here is some impressions that might be helpfull to damion if he decides to  
work on super deekout.
Its very easy to actually cheet in the game and it spoils everything. At the 
start of level1 if you press s you get an amount of oil slicks and  it also 
sometimes happens that more than one special item is available to pick up.
the oil slicks is only suppose to show  up once you have picked up the 
experiment pieces in the descending order.
and only one special item is  suppose to  show up for each 3 coins you pick up. 
It happened that  the moment i pressed s at the start of  level1 there was 3 
special items beeping to pick up.
the keystrokes that activates cheet codes should  not  have such easy 
keystrokes. People are only suppose to be able to cheet if they got     a score 
of 2 million on normal. I'm only playing on easy. I only got as far as level6. 
Btw  i wonder if the game has a number of levels like trupenum and pipe or does 
it have unlimited levels like light cars.  the reason why i pressed s: i just 
wanted to hear what  sound the game will play if there is  no special item of a 
super deekout should have a practice mode where you can practice picking up 
coins. pipe2 have a practice mode where you fit pipes without enemies.  It took 
me much time to get used to the concept of picking up coins and enemies makes 
it difficult to  practice picking  up coins. Once I have a bit of practice in 
picking up coins without the thread of enemies  I will be more ready for the 
robot. Sometimes i battle to hear when a coin is centered. 
I'm very greatful that dan has made super deakout available for free. this is 
just suggestions in case damion decide to work on it. I just thought my 
impressions will help him.
for starters, it would mean  a lot if damion can set up a  score server for us 
to post our scores even if it means that we pay him a fee to be able to post 
scores because we can only post to the dan z server until june when the site is 
closing down. Is there anyone else who would be able to set up a score server? 
since damion plans to work on  super deakout he need to be the one who set up a 
 score server because the game is programmed to post scores to dan z games'  
server currently so to post to a diferent server would mean that that part 
should be adjusted in the source code. I doubt if its possible to post to 
another score server without instructing the game in the source code what the 
server is.   

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