I agree here as well, Thomas, and have just one more point to mention before I let this drop... I pretty much said all I had to say this morning. lol.

To clear up for Nicol's benefit and anyone else who might be wondering... although this is not strictly related to gaming.

Martial arts are not purely physical disciplines which consist of violent techniques. All martial arts, particularly Japanese arts, have a strong basis in honor, and spiritual development. As well as all this, they train mental skills such as body awareness, coordination, etc. Take Iaido, example. An art with the sword can teach so much more than how to cut someone down. You have to be constantly aware of your opponent's location, and what your body is doing. Especially the lattor. My sensei always tells us not to look. Feel with our body, our mind... of course, being totally blind... looking isn't an option anyway. But the slow, precise movements of the sword, are amazing to learn and an unspeakable experience. You can't know until you try it. But the most important aspect of Iaido is to develop a calm, disciplined and honorable spirit. To act calmly and rationally in a panicky situation, and to act honorably. If a problem comes up, start with the center and work your way through it... just like a sword form. All the cuts and movements start from the center of the body. This is just a small example of how martial arts is more than just flashy ways of fighting.

Now that I'm done rambling about that, back to gaming. But anyone who wants to know more or is curious... feel free to email me offlist.

PS: everything Tom and Charles have said about the bible being filled with violence is true, and a solid piece of proof that the fact that God is not as against violence as people would think...

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