filch passes the ravenclaw common room, and suddenly he stopped in
shock. dumbledor, headmaster of hogwarts, lies on the floor in the
ravenclaw common room, looking as  if he is dead, his face cold and
pink. filch at once noticed waht happens. the ravenclaw ghost, the gray
lady, took all dumbledor's energy away from him. filch storms out of the
castle, roaring and making a very grunting noise. he furiously pounds on
hagrid's door. "hagrid, open this ruddy door or I will break it open."
"yeah yeah, commin, commin." the door slowly opens and hagrid's hairy
face appears in the door. "sorry, just gotten up from bed, feelin ratter
tired, what's the  mat  ter?" "sorry for being rude, hagrid, but I
urgently need your flying motor cycle, I need to see the minister of
magic, mister fudge rather urgently." "whats the matttter?" "I spotted a
rather unpleasant sceen. dumbledor lies unconscious on the floor in the
ravenclaw common  room." filch is not aware that sarah good, an intruder
into the hogwarts castle, changed into dumbledore with the polly juice
potion. "but whatts he dooin in the common room?" "maybe one of the
students sent him an owel that they forgot their homework in the common
room and he wants to get it and send it to  them, or maybe he just wants
to check if peeves haven't messed around in the common room, or maybe he
just wanted to look how the common room looks like. just paying it a
visit." "yeah, yeah, you can borrow me bike." "thanks, hagrid." filch
mounted the bike and its roaring sound filled the air. "do ya know where
the minister of magic's office is located?" "yes thanks." filch soared
into the air, and disappeared from sight. he landed in front of the
building where mister fudge is working. he approached the receptionist
counter. "urgently! is mister fudge available? I am here with terrifying
business." "yes, come through please." the receptionist , a small plumpt
witch  with bushy  hair, escorted filch into the elevator and into
mister fudge's office. "mister fudge, I have a guest for you, mister
argus filch, hogwarts caretaker." "ah, filch, nice to see you. its been
a long time since the 2 of us had a chat. pumpkin juice or tea for you?"
"pumpkin jjuice please." the plumpy witch put a goblet full of pumpkin
juice in front of filch. "so what's going on at hogwarts?" "cornelius, I
cannot stay long. I still have lots  of cleaning duties and reports to
write. I just want to tell you of something terrifying that happend."
"go ahead." "dumbledor visited the ravenclaw common room for some reason
and he was attacked by the grey lady,  she viciously took away all his
magical energy." mister fudge  almost tore his clothes out of terror.
"well, you can tell the grey lady she is no longer welcome in
hogwaarts." "really?" "yes, she must leave immediately!" "and how are we
going to expel her if she refuses to leave herself?" "well, dumbledor is
a great wizard, he defeated grindlewald, I am sure he will deal with the
grey lady once he got his magical energy back. I doubt that he is
dead.go to honey dukes and get him lots of honey dukes best chocolate.
maybe he will get all his magical energy back quickly." "thanks
cornelius, thanks a lot. have to go now. lots of work waiting for me, I
will tell the grey lady she is expelled., thanks for your time." "nice
seeing you, filch." filch went down the elevator, thanked the
receptionist, and mounted hagrid's bike and soared off." he quickly
popped in to hagrid's hut. "thanks lots, hagrid. here is your bike
back." "wats happened?" the gray lady is expelled for good." "glad ter
hear that." " 
who knows? maybe phil can alter the gray lady's behavior before she gets
expelled.I think he may need a time turner necklace.
I will send him one by owel post.
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