g_b Anyone to accompany me for the GB party

2007-05-04 Thread Joey t
  I am 23 years of age and i am keen on goin for the GB party at Karma on 
the 5th of May. There is just one problem and that is.. i stay in New Bombay 
and i have no company for travelling to and from the Karma party (especially 
while returing back).
  Anyone interested in joining me.. pls reply
  Thanks and Regards,
  A friend

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g_b When you are looking for a guy!

2007-05-04 Thread suhail khan
Are you seriously looking for a guy? If the answer is yes, means you are 
seriously looking for a guy then there are few things you need to keep in 
mind. However, if you feel the need to have someone in your life only when you 
are in a sad mood, and when you are happy you dont care, then it means that you 
are not seriously looking for a guy, you are seriously looking for a guy only 
when you feel almost the same need of having someone in your life both when you 
are happy and when you are sad.

There are few things which should be kept in mind when you are seriously 
looking for a guy.

Let us suppose that you had few past relationships which didnt materialize for 
one reason or the other, and you still feel for some of your Exs quite a bit, 
though you know that their coming back or you two getting together is not 
possible. At that point it is quite important that you start forgetting them, I 
know it is not easy but I think it is very important for you to have a 
clear-cut mindset about your Exs. By forgetting I dont mean no contacts I mean 
you should forget about them entering your life in one way or the other, though 
in reality you know its impossible.  By Exs I mean either those with whom it 
didnt work out when you both tried together or someone who went to someone else.

So now when you are looking for someone to enter your life, and you have found 
someone (new guy) with whom you are in the process of knowing each other better 
and you like him, you should keep few things in mind:

You have to completely forget your Exs, while you are conversing or chatting 
with the new guy. Many a times it happens that, when you are chatting with the 
new guy and you are quite prompt in responding, all of a sudden one of your Exs 
also comes online and now you are no more prompt in responding to the new guy, 
because someone for whom once you had a heart is now online, this according to 
me is wrong, because in that way your Ex is always going to be in between you 
and the new guy, which means its not a healthy relationship between you and the 
new guy, because the new guy would definitely feel that whenever his Ex comes 
online his replies become very direct and short.

By forgetting your Ex I dont mean that you stop talking to him and dont have 
any contacts with him, what I mean to say is that your replies should continue 
to be detailed to the new guy and short and direct to the Ex, you can chat in 
detail with your Ex once you and the new guy are done.

Because when you are looking for someone whom you want to enter your life, and 
you are still not able to figure out who is more important, the new guy or 
your Ex and other good gay friends if you are not able to draw a line on 
contacts with your Exs and good gay friends, and if they are very very nice 
compared to the new guy, then I wish that the new guy may never enter your life 
because he is not getting anything in return.

Because then it means that you dont understand the importance of a 
relationship. I know that your friends are very nice and your Ex is also a nice 
person, but if they are more nice than me, and if they are getting more time of 
yours than me, then I would say lets not continue any further, and remember 
that I left you not because I dont like you but because I think you still need 
time to understand what you want out of life and who is important to what 

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g_b Homeless Man

2007-05-04 Thread naughty confessions

  A man was walking down the street when he was accosted by a
particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless man who asked him for a
couple of dollars for dinner.

The man took out his wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked, If I
give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead of

No, I had to stop drinking years ago, the homeless man replied.

Will you use it to go fishing instead of buying food? the man asked.

No, I don't waste time fishing, the homeless man said. I need to
spend all my time trying to stay alive.

Will you spend this on greens fees at a golf course instead of food?
the man asked.

Are you NUTS! replied the homeless man. I haven't played golf in 20 years!

Will you spend the money on a woman in the red light district instead
of food? the man asked.

What disease would I get for ten lousy bucks? exclaimed the homeless man.

Well, said the man, I'm not going to give you the money. Instead,
I'm going to take you home for a terrific dinner cooked by my wife.

The homeless man was astounded. Won't your wife be furious with you
for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty

The man replied, That's okay. It's important for her to see what a
man looks like after he has given up beer, fishing, golf, and sex.

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2007-05-04 Thread naughty confessions

A man walks into his bosses' office livid with anger and complains:

All the other men in the office are suing you for sexual harassment. Since 
you haven't sexually harassed me, I'm suing you for discrimination. 
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g_b Gay Identification

2007-05-04 Thread naughty confessions
Gay Identification
A guy from the deep south comes to New York and he's amazed 
by the indoor plumbing. He's so intrigued by the way the toilets work that he 
goes to the Sewage Disposal Plant to check it out.

One of the inspectors shows him to the conveyor belt that carries all the bowel 
movements. As the piles of shit parade by them, the inspector says, You can 
tell by inspection who the assorted feces belong to. See that one? I'm sure 
it's the turd of a Mexican. See the pieces of taco shell, and the tomato seeds? 
And this next one is obviously the turd of a Chinaman or a Jap, see the fish 
eyes and the rice in it? And this next one is surely from a gay man.

The hick says, How can you tell?

The inspector says, It's dented on one end. 

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
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g_b London

2007-05-04 Thread excalibur explorer
  Hi there all,
Anyone knows where gay Indians hang out in London?

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