Re: Re: g_b Gay and Married - whats your take on it?

2007-09-11 Thread Manoj
Sluts OR whores --decide. Both r different and a  result of totally different 
reasons in nearly all cases.
  I am sure you are looking for the minority 5% --- If you decide to look and 
hunt in the other 95% and have a gr8 toned body and are good in bed pl do get 
in touch sweetheart --- we the 95% ( I for a sure sense) await you legs wide 
  Desperately urs

The Guy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One final word 

Every time such issue crops up gays love to ask married gays whether you can 
allow such freedom to your wife? It is not correct to connect two unconnected 
issues. Nobody questions the basic frame of the society where husband and wife 
are expected to remain loyal to each other. But gays are different. Almost all 
(may be 95%) gays have multi sex partners. Don't they? Accepted that they are 
not married. Do you allow your unmarried sister to have multi sex partners? 
This question is bound to hurt everyone. Then why ask? Lookng from moralistic 
angle, society does not grant you licence to have multi sex partners just 
because you are not married. Please hang this stupid question / argument.



  Perfectly written, I completely agree,  but I would only be surprised if only 
5% would agree because 95% of the gays are kind of sluts/whores (or you can 
call highly open minded and highly non-judgemental in their language) and these 
are very very integrated gays and if you say even one thing suggesting them 
that look you should not change bed partners like bed-sheets then they say 
you are judgemental and they are as well passing the judgment, and all of 
them are ready to attack, as they say Birds of a Feather Flock Together!



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Re: g_b SRK

2007-09-11 Thread nicky b
welll u must had heard wat SRK says abt the working wid some males dirctors, 
expt one?... u knw whos that One?...

The Guy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  SRK had looked far better in kaal item song than this, also in this 
om shanti om song, though the clothes and everything are good but still I dont 
find the song appealing, may be a different song (lyrics and music) would have 
made it better, kaal kaal mein hum tum karein dhamaal makes shahrukh look 
super hot as compared to this song from om shanti om, so karan johar is the 
better one to handle shahrukh as an item guy than farah khan i think.

nicky b [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
  Farha Khan talks about SRK Item number in ||Om Shanti Om ||
  (With English subtitles)
  SRK in his first LUX commercial
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Re: g_b Indiatimes Chat!

2007-09-11 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Dear Nicky,
  To the best of my knowledge and belief, the site STILL exists, except that it 
has gone pay! You now have to pay Indiatimes by cash, cheque or credit card 
(the rates are mentioned) and THEN you can connect.
  And they won't change this. Sorry buddy, tough luck if you wanted free or 
wanted to stay anonymous, like me!
  Nicky, other sites like outpersonals dot com at least allow you a free 
posting, even if you can not write to other members. You can write to other 
members IF you pay. BUT Indiatimes does not allow even that free posting by 
which OTHERS can connect to you.
  Regards to you, dear!

nicky b [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey guys and gals,
  We really need help frm Indiatimes web site, i just had loged in today after 
so many days... they use to hav gays and lebisian room for chating, n today i 
checked no such rooms there... can any body send them email and tell them to 
start that stuff again.

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g_b the New Yorker on Larry Craig

2007-09-11 Thread Vikram
From the New Yorker, one of the best comment pieces on the whole 
pathetic Larry Craig affair (the US Republican senator who got caught 
cruising for sex in a men's toilet). Hendrik Hertzberg draws an 
interesting parallel with Bayard Rustin, the great African American 
civil rights activist who was a pacifist inspired by Gandhi and also 
quite openly gay. 

Rustin was also caught in flagrante, and at a time when the 
consequences of being gay were far more serious now, but the there 
was a huge difference in how he was treated nu his civil rights 
colleagues, and how he treated the incident himself. Despite his case 
taking place so many years ago, he and his colleagues had a level of 
maturity that Craig and the Republicans are incredibly far from:

...Disorderly conduct, the misdemeanor to which Craig pleaded 
guilty, requires proof of offensive, obscene, abusive, boisterous or 
noisy conduct or offensive, obscene, or abusive language tending 
reasonably to arouse alarm, anger or resentment. His real 
misdemeanor is to be a conflicted, closeted homosexual who is driven 
to seek furtive (though consensual) sex by sending coded signals in 
public toilets. The real offense, the real obscenity, is that even a 
jurisdiction as enlightened as the Twin Cities still feels free to 
devote police resources to compounding the unhappiness of such 

Last week, Craig suggested that he might not resign after all, and 
moved to reverse his guilty plea. If he succeeds, the resulting 
trial, whatever its outcome, might help discourage the kind of 
treatment to which he has been subjected. Bayard Rustin would 
appreciate the irony of a Republican senator engaging in a sort of 
unconscious civil disobedience. Rustin's biographer Jervis Anderson 
wrote a decade ago that his openness about his gay lifestyle sprang 
from a feeling that he was entitled to be whatever he was, even at a 
time in America when homosexuality was prosecuted as a crime. That 
time is not quite finished, but perhaps Larry Craig, despite himself, 
will help bring it a little closer to its inevitable end. #9830;

g_b Bollywood boys shake their booty

2007-09-11 Thread gay_bombay moderator
*Bollywood boys shake their booty
*11 Sep 2007,  hrs IST,MADHU DAIHTOTA ,TNN
 Save javascript:showdivlayer('2356254','t','close');
 Write to Editor javascript:callwriter()
[image: /photo.cms?msid=2356297]
 EYE CANDY: Dino Morea

The King Khan is now going a step further and baring his six-pack abs in a
special item song in his forthcoming film Om Shanti Om. Sure seems like a
new trend in Bollywood.

Watch out Rakhi Sawant, Mallika Sherawat and Shilpa Shetty — you'll soon
have tough competition. Hot bod Dino Morea has just been signed for an item
song in a forthcoming film, while Shah Rukh has already proved to be a
sizzler in Kaal .

The King Khan is now going a step further and baring his six-pack abs in a
special item song in his forthcoming film Om Shanti Om. Sure seems like a
new trend in Bollywood.

It's a unique phenomenon, which is why it has become popular with the
audience, says actor-filmmaker Sajid Khan. He adds, Besides, the audience
had never associated men with item songs because they've always been about
girls in glam clothes and exposure.

So today when you see heroes making a special appearance in a film, it's a
welcome change, he adds. Sajid recently had SRK making a special appearance
in a song sequence in Heyy Babyy along with Akshay Kumar and Ritiesh
Deshmukh; the song, Mast Kalandhar, became a huge hit. I'd like to believe
that SRK's presence made a difference to my film, he says.

Director Anurag Basu says the trend of using item boys will become a bigger
phenomenon because it has worked well in the past. When the promos of Shah
Rukh dancing with Aishwarya in Shakti were played on TV, they became a rage
and people watched the film only for that song,says Anurag.

He adds that the mindset of the audience is changing and they're open to new
ideas. There's a big female audience out there too. So why do we rope in a
Rakhi or Mallika only to please the male population? In that sense, I'm
happy about heroes being cast as item boys, says the director.

It would be really interesting to have item boys. I cashed in on the trend
long ago by casting Sudeep in the song Sutha Mutha in Tuntaata and Darshan
in Mona Lisa, says Indrajit Lankesh. Why should boys have all the fun?
It's only they who get to drool over the girls all the time. I think the
girls need to hoot and whistle too, says Indrajit.

The filmmaker also lists some criteria for a good item boy. He has to be a
popular face and also have good dancing skills. And who would he pick? In
Kannada, Puneet Rajkumar because he's an amazing dancer and in Hindi it
would be SRK or Hrithik Roshan, he says.

Ask Prajwal Devraj if he'll ever accept an item number and he says, Of
course I would. I love dancing. And like all other men who've made an
impression with their songs, I'd be more than happy if I could steal the
show with just a song. And would he ever bare all like SRK in OSO? No way,
I'm not comfy with exposure, says Prajwal.



2007-09-11 Thread RAJEEV
Hi Ravi,
Man why are you in madras, Why not bombay, I
would have not left you even after the grave,lol. 

Jokes apart, I have come a long way, when I read post
like your for example or when I entract with guys from
Bombay, who write like you, I really feel great,but my
joy is short lived. Relationship are a great deal of
work, sacrifice and understanding and compromise,which
is hard to achieve,more power to you in these regards.

Luck can be man-made also.

--- manu nehru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Ravi,
   I wish you luck and I mean it from the bottom of
 my heart.
 Ravi Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Friends,

   Hi. I am an Indian National residing in Madras. I
 am single - GAY, 32yrs, 5ft 10inch of height, weigh
 63kgs and fair. I will reveal my name when we start
 interacting. I am a Post Graduate and a self reliant
 TILL THE GRAVE. Thanks for reading and looking
 forward to interact with like minded people. Bye.

   Yours Lovingly.
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g_b GayBombay Anniversary Trek to Sudhagad on Sunday 23 September 2007

2007-09-11 Thread GayBombay Events
GayBombay Anniversary Trek to Sudhagad on Sunday 23 September 2007

Gay men have never been afraid of challenges. Be it cruising the hunk your eyes 
happen to fall upon in the train, or fighting the archaic Section 377. 


On the occasion of its 9th Anniversary, GB invites you to take on another 
challenge, a fun challenge of conquering the Sahayadris! Challenge to shed the 
comfort and security of your home, challenge to venture beyond the blue ranges 
on the horizon to discover new valleys, forests, rivers and high mountains. So 
buckle up, strap on your hats, and get ready for adventure - take on the 
challenge of trekking to Fort Sudhagad.


Sudhagad is situated near a village called Pachapur near Pali in Raigad 
District of Maharashtra. The height of this fort is around 2030 feet and is 
well fortified by steep cliffs. Due to its qualities Sudhagad was actually 
proposed to Shivaji to make it his Capital. Shivaji surveyed Sudhagad, but 
chose Raigad because of its central location. Sudhagad like Raigad is a huge 


An easy trek leads to Mahadarwaja, Pant Sachivwada, Takmak Tok (Echo Point), 
Bhoraidevi Temple, Shiv Temple etc. There also are lakes on the top of 


The monsoons is the best time to trek Sudhagad, as the whole region offers a 
spectacular view with picturesque surroundings. From the top, other forts like 
Sarasgad, Korigad, Dhangad, Taila-Baila can be seen.


Never Trekked earlier? Worried about falling off the cliff? Relax! This trek 
according to trekking standards is designated as 'Easy'. We are also 
accompanied by 5 professional trek guides and trainers who have travelled far 
and wide in the Sahyadris and the Himalayas, for over 10 years. This treks is 
organised in a way that you get the real trekking experience'. At the end of 
the trek every queen can claim to have done the 'Man' thing. 


Due to logistical limitations imposed by the trek guides and trainers, this 
trek is strictly open to the first 50 who register and pay. Guys from Thane, 
Pune, Nasik, Raigad and Ratnagiri Districts can also join us. 


We shall depart Dadar Station on a semi luxury bus parked outside Swaminarayan 
Temple, Dadar Station (East) at sharp 7:00 am. The bus shall take the Sion - 
Panvel Highway unto MGM College, Kamothe. Than by the Mumbai Pune Expressway to 
take the Khopoli exit and than to Pachapur.


Breakfast shall be served en route to Pachapur, Lunch atop Fort Sudhagad and 
evening tea and snacks at the Base Camp. 


We shall on our way back take a brief halt at the famous Pali - Ballaleshwar 
Temple, which is one of the Ashtavinayaks. We shall return to Mumbai by 8:30 pm.

Rs. 500.00 per head

The charges include:
1. Transport to Base Camp and Back
2. Veg. Breakfast
3. Veg. Lunch
4.Tea and Snacks in the evening
5. Professional trekking guidance and advice
6. Trek safety equipment wherever necessary.
7. First Aid if necessary


Registration  Payments:
To join this trek you need to register your name and pay in advance. To 
Register send an email to Jayesh at @ or events @ or call us on the Picnic Infoline: 9867734639

To pay catch us at the following venues:

1. GayBombay Bar Nite on Friday 14 September 2007 between 9:00 pm and 1:30 am 
at Zouk, Andheri

2. GayBombay Anniversary Film Fest on Sunday 16 September 2007 between 1:30 pm 
and 7:00 pm at National College Auditorium, Bandra

Things to do:
1. Carry the following things with you on the trek Cap, Knapsack (preferable 
water proof), Plastic Sheet/Bag to line your rucksack Special Medication or 
Food if you need any, Biscuits (as a light snack), Water (2-3 litres), A plate, 
mug, and spoon, Change of clothes and Towel (must as you will need to change), 
Walking shoes or Good Floaters (No Chappals or Formal Shoes), Rain Gear (No 
Umbrellas please, they will be blown away if we encounter strong winds). 
Binoculars and Cameras if you are interested.

2. GB, as a support group, has created this comfort/safe space for gays. Many 
people at the event may be newbies (those still coming to terms with their 
sexuality and/or those who have mustered the courage to come to such an event 
for the first time). We request you to be sensitive to the comfort levels of 
others and to behave and dress accordingly.

3. You have to be above the age of 18 to attend this event

Things not to do:
1. Wear jeans or body hugging attire that will restrict full movement of your 
body (Track bottoms or light cotton trousers is better option)
2. Litter the place. 
3. Indulge in hanky-panky.

4. Deface or damage any monument by writing or scribbling on them.

5. Consume intoxicating items before or during the trek.

Suggested Reading


2007-09-11 Thread nilesh zaveri
  i relaly admire of ur urge for the life long partner
  i required for the same

 Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download.

g_b need help..

2007-09-11 Thread Irfan Shah
Hi all,
  Am I allowed to send personal message? For e.g ... if I am looking out for a 
person of my choice, can I give ad for the same?



ps:  no secually explicit  message allowed