g_b Interesting question I saw on Yahoo answers-Dont you hate those bi curious guys?

2008-01-28 Thread lgbtindiagroup
Dont you hate those bi curious guys?
I mean they play with your sentiments. Theres a guy who keeps flirting 
me, he has a gf, he even kisses me on the lips, but then he wont reply 
to my sms;'s etc, when he sees me he hugs me, kiss me etc. I am really 
sexy , I could have any gay guy I would like, why cant I get that guy 
out of my head? Its really annoying any good advice on how to get 
over him? its really frustrating. thanks , many kisses from Greece.
8 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer. 

g_b Gay men protest blood bank policies

2008-01-28 Thread javed abbas
Gay men protest blood bank policies
  Published: Jan. 24, 2008 at 7:18 AM

SEATTLE, Jan. 24 (UPI) -- The gay community has accused Seattle blood banks of 
discriminating against the majority of gay and bi-sexual men who wish to donate 

Last week's announcement by the Puget Sound Blood Center that blood stock 
levels were dangerously low was met with frustration from those who claim the 
center's rigid constraints reject approximately 6 percent of its attempted 
donors, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported Wednesday.

They won't take our blood. They think we're disease carriers, a man said.

Men who claim to have had any sexual contact with a member of their sex since 
1977 are automatically put on a deferral list and banned from donating blood. 

The Food and Drug Administration said the procedure is designed to shield the. 
blood reserve from HIV. 

Opponents to the strict donor requirements reportedly claim a more careful 
selection of those rejected could avoid such broad disqualifications.

  © United Press International. All Rights Reserved.

 Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online. Click here.

g_b UK patients to get new HIV drug

2008-01-28 Thread gay_bombay moderator
   UK patients to get new HIV drug
   [image: HIV particle] HIV can become resistant to treatment
*The first in a new class of HIV drugs has become available in the UK.*

It means doctors will have a further treatment option for patients who have
built up resistance to existing drugs.

Raltegravir is an integrase inhibitor, which works by blocking an enzyme
essential for HIV to be able to replicate itself.

An estimated 73,000 people live with HIV in the UK. Raltegravir will be
reserved for those who have stopped responding to other treatment.

Resistance to HIV medication is becoming increasingly common - more than one
in 10 UK patients with HIV has some level of resistance to at least one drug
before they have even begun therapy, research has shown.

A clinical trial of Raltegravir published last year found it to be effective
in patients who had been taking regular antiretroviral HIV drugs for about
10 years.

*The more ways we have to attack the virus, the more chance we have of
successfully managing the disease*
 Dr Mark Nelson, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Treatment for HIV is helping people to live longer but, in the UK, one of
the biggest challenges is the threat of resistance.

Integrase is one of three HIV enzymes the virus uses to multiply.

It inserts viral genes into the DNA of the host cell, effectively making it
a factory for producing more of the virus.

Without this, the virus cannot multiply and infect other cells as easily,
reducing the amount of virus present in the blood.


Dr Mark Nelson, director of HIV services, at Chelsea and Westminster
Hospital, London, said the drug would be used in a small proportion of
patients as part of a combination of drugs.

HIV is a clever virus which adapts and mutates quickly, producing drug
resistant strains of the virus.

The more ways we have to attack the virus, the more chance we have of
successfully managing the disease.

But we've got to be smart about how we use these new drugs - we don't want
to repeat past mistakes where resistance arose from using single therapies.

Roger Pebody, treatment advisor at the Terrence Higgins Trust, said the drug
would be useful for as many as 10% of people currently on treatment.

This is excellent news for people who are resistant to other HIV drugs.

A combination of drugs is used to stop HIV at different stages of the
process of entering and destroying the body's immune cells.

If someone becomes resistant to any of their drugs, their treatment needs
to be changed, and drugs which work in innovative ways can make a real

Professor David Back, an expert in pharmacology at the University of
Liverpool said the drug would be extremely useful in some patients.

Patients are remaining healthy for an extended period of time and there is
a percentage who will fail therapy.

He added that, if patients became resistant to one drug within a class, they
could be resistant to others within that class even if they had never taken
them before.

It provides another option.


g_b The GayBombay Sunday Meet on 03 February 2008 in Bandra

2008-01-28 Thread GayBombay Events
The GayBombay Sunday Meet on 03 February 2008 in Bandra
Time: 5:30PM - 6:00PM.
Venue: JATC (Just Around The Corner), Bandra.
(We may then move to another venue close by for an informal chat).
At Bandra Station, on the WEST side, take a rickshaw to Turner Road;
at Turner Road take a right at Tawaa Restaurant (you will see ICICI
Bank on your left after the turn). Keep going straight for about two
minutes; you will see the big blue signboard of 'JUST AROUND THE
CORNER' on the left.
Note :

1. Ensure that you get to JATC before 6:00 pm - in case the evening
carries over to another gay-friendly place close by.

2. You have to be above the age of 18 to attend this event.

3. GB as a support group, has created this comfort/safe space for
gays, many of whom may be newbies (those still coming to terms with
their sexuality and who have mustered courage to come for such a
meeting for the first time). So we request you to be sensitive to the
comfort levels of others attending the meeting and behave and dress

4. To identify the group look out for someone wearing a BLACK cap.

This event is organised by: http://www.gaybombay.org
Right of admission reserved.

g_b hi all age friends

2008-01-28 Thread raju45
hi, iam male age 38 i like all age friends pls mail me 

g_b Resistant Bacteria, Football Players and Gay Men

2008-01-28 Thread naughty confessions
  Resistant Bacteria, Football Players and Gay Men
January 28, 2008,  6:38 am 
  Recent media reports about a new strain of resistant bacteria among men in 
San Francisco angered national gay rights groups concerned that the reports 
would create hysteria and a backlash against gay men. The university 
researchers who first announced the problem even issued an apology, saying 
their press release about the original study “contained some information that 
could be interpreted as misleading.”
  Football players are at risk for infections from drug-resistant bacteria. 
(Credit: Julie Jacobson/Associated Press)
  Now, the online magazine Salon.com has weighed in on the controversy. In a 
humorous essay, the magazine makes a serious point — it’s not just gay men who 
are at risk for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, a 
potentially fatal bacterial infection that killed two schoolchildren last fall. 
  The article starts by quoting a 2005 study in The New England Journal of 
Medicine. According to the medical journal, MRSA affects men who had “frequent 
contact” with others and “often did not shower before using communal 
whirlpools.” The article blames factors such as “compromised skin” and “close 
skin-to-skin contact.'’
  But then Salon delivers the punchline.
When it comes to spreading the bacteria, it is not homosexuals we have to 
worry about….The medical researchers were not studying gays, they were studying 
the St. Louis Rams. That is correct: football players; in particular, 
  The article goes on to quote the New England Journal report. 
In our investigation, infection occurred only among linemen and 
linebackers, and not among those in backfield positions, probably because of 
the frequent contact among linemen during practice and games….All MRSA skin 
abscesses developed at sites of turf burns.
  The magazine points out that “all football people are not that clean.'’ The 
New England Journal researchers “observed a lack of regular access to hand 
hygiene for trainers who provided wound care; skipping of showers by players 
before the use of communal whirlpools; and sharing of towels — all factors that 
might facilitate the transmission of infection in this setting.” 
  While it is true that clusters of MRSA have been identified among men who 
have sex with men, it has also been found in areas where people share close 
quarters, such as military barracks and prisons. Athletes also are at risk. In 
1998, The Archives of Internal Medicine published a report on MRSA among high 
school wrestlers. Last fall, The Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine published 
a report calling MRSA “the latest sports epidemic.” According to that report:
Clusters of cases in various athletic teams, particularly contact sports, 
have been reported since 1993 in the United States and more recently in Canada. 
Community-associated MRSA infections are not limited to North America, and all 
athletes are considered high risk. Skin-to-skin contact appears to be the 
primary mode of transmission.
  This doesn’t mean athletes should panic about MRSA; nor should gay men or 
anybody else for that matter. The bottom line is that everyone needs to pay 
attention to hygiene, wash hands often, limit the sharing of personal items and 
seek medical attention when a blemish or pimple seems to get worse quickly. 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

g_b HI guys

2008-01-28 Thread ZOHEB WALIA
Hi guys
  wud luv 2 join nyone going 2 the boat party on sat, pls message me if anyone 
wud b willing to add me to their group[ or just let me go along with him, 
  thnks a million
  abt myself, my profile on manjam is called zohebwalia

 Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online. Click here.

g_b Mumbai launches Second line HIV drugs for testing

2008-01-28 Thread gay_bombay moderator
 Mumbai launches Second line HIV drugs for testing New Delhi, Fri, 25 Jan
2008 NI Wire

Mumbai based J J hospital has announced to begin the process the second line
HIV drugs testing over 5 those persons who have developed the resistance
against the first line of drugs. These drugs were given to them from last
two years through Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) after identifying as HIV+

Unn health minister on World AIDS Day had announced to begin the testing
process of second line drugs soon in the country.

   -   E-mail Article http://www.newstrackindia.com/email.action
   -   Printer Friendly http://www.newstrackindia.com/printnews/2200
   -   Text-Size   javascript:decreaseFontSize();

J J hospital will the first to begin this process in the country while 10
others hospitals in India including Maulana Azad Medical College (Delhi),
PGI (Chandigarh) and ART centres in Kolkata, Manipur and Nagaland have also
been recommended to begin this process by April 2008.

Eighteen patients have been screened and five of them were reviewed by the
panel, said Dr. B B Rewari, National Programme Officer (ART), National AIDS
Control Organisation, NACO in Mumbai. They have been given the seven tablet
regime for the second line of drugs, he added.

Explaining the selecting criteria, Dr. Rewari said that those CD4 count had
fell below the baseline after a high or persistently remains less than 100
was eligible, besides those who developed opportunistic infections and whose
viral load count was 1,000 copies/ml.

The requirement of introducing this became necessary after observing the
NACO reports, which says that despite of very good adherence levels, nearly
3 to 5 percent of patients gain resistance against antiretroviral drugs
within nearly three years after beginning the treatment.

As much as 3,000 out of 1.2 lakh marked HIV+ patients are getting treatment
through ART and have gained resistance against first line of ART drugs, NACO

NACO has decided to add 21 first line drug resistant patients every week in
Mumbai and Chennai to cover currently 3,000 patients.

All of them will be put on second-line by December 2008, said Dr. Rewari.

The price of this second line drug therapy is very expensive against the
first line. It is nearly Rs.8,000 per months as against Rs. 8,000 per year
of first line therapy. Bill and Melinda Gates foundation will provide these
drugs informed Rewari.

Software tycoon, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Gates had organised a
co-foundation for providing free drugs to HIV patients in 2000.

We started work on the rollout more than two years ago with national
consultations on the need and feasibility of introducing second-line drugs
in view of the very high costs involved and building the capacities of
institutions and related laboratories on second-line drugs and tests, said
Dr Rewari.

NACO had began free Antiretroviral Therapy in 2004 from J J hospital and now
it has expanded its service to 137 ART centers in the 31 states
covering 1.2lakhs of HIV+ patients in which 20,000 are from


Re: g_b Heath Ledger

2008-01-28 Thread azhagi
Dear Vikram

The movie and the actors who are associated with OUR film Brokeback Moutain is 
very special to all of us.I am already saddened by the death of Heath 
ledger.But your writing has made me more sad. The way you write has recreated 
all those visuals in mind and kindled the very same emotions when I watched the 
movie few years ago. 



On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 Vikram wrote :
While I watch and love films like anyone else, I don't really invest
that much in films or actors. I certainly didn't think I had much
invested in Heath Ledger. He was good looking certainly, but I don't
go much for that blonde tall type (Jake Gyllenhaal was much more my
cup of tea) and I hadn't really watched most of his films.

And yet when I saw the news of his death on the front page of MidDay
I felt just awful. It was the tragedy of someone young and talented
dying, etc etc, sure, but I think this felt particularly bad just for
one reason. Actors, I know, should never be associated just with one
role, but when that role was Ennis del Maar in Brokeback Mountain and
when it was done just so unbelievably well as Ledger did it, then you
can't help yourself.

I mean there is acting and acting well and then something beyond, and
Ledger went that something beyond. Ennis was not an easy part,
because he was so much less an overtly dramatic character than Jack
Twist. Jack was extrovert and pushy and needy and he was the one who
really would keep coming and going in the film. Ennis was the one who
endured and he was who the film was really about.

But there was so little to work on. Ennis does not show his feelings
easily, he is buttoned down, laconic, shut away. And Ledger did all
that brilliantly. Towards the end of the film he was hardly speaking,
just mumbling, looking away and just conveying everything through the
increasing tautness and despair pervading every long inch of Ennis'

There are two scenes in particular. One the first parting, when he
says nothing to do Jack directly, but as soon as he is gone, stumbles
to a corner and starts retching in pure painful grief. But the one
scene for me which blew everything away, which has to be one of the
most painful scenes ever filmed was at the end with the shirts.

If you haven't seen the film I am not going to apologise for a
spoiler here because frankly you have no excuse for not seeing the
film. And if you have you will remember it. It is almost at the end,
after Jack has died, and Ennis pays a visit to Jack's parents for the
first time.

Jack's father is suspicious of him and not particularly friendly.
Jack's mother is, perhaps because she has some inkling of what Ennis
meant for him. She tells him to go to Jack's room and he does, and
looks around a bit aislessly until his eye is caught by a familiar
looking shirt in the cupboard.

Its one of his which went missing after that one summer on Brokeback
and which he thought lost. But he now realises that Jack took it and
when he picks it up, he sees something more. Jack has worked one of
his own shits into Ennis' shirt, back to back, sleeve inside sleeve,
so their shirts at least can have the togetherness that Jack and
Ennis never could.

And Ennis walks down after that with the shirts in his hand and the
expression on his face - the expression that comes despite him being
an expressionless man - is simply too much to bear. He wordlessly
indicates to Jack's mother that's he's taking the shirts, and she
nods and that's when you realise she knew. The scene is almost
wordless except for Jack's father muttering in the background but it
is utterly and totally heartbreaking. I am tearing up just
remembering it.

And that was what Ledger created and what we have to be grateful to
him for. In that performance and in that scene he showed two things
at once: that two men can really love each other and that the closet
can kill, both actually as in Jack's case and effectively as with
Ennis. Jack is killed by the closet, and by the secrective, dangerous
cruising it leads to. But Ennis is destroyed by the closet, and the
way it forces you to kill the most important part of your life.

Mid-Day's cover today referred to Ledger as having taken part in the
gay cowboy film, and I suppose you could see Brokeback that way.
Certainly the gay community owes the film, its director, writer and
actors for forcing a change in how the gay community is viewed. But
really in the end I think the film is less about being gay than about
being closeted and how it can kill you. For showing that so
incredibly, we will always have Hearth Ledger to thank. RIP.


PS: The outpouring of emotion on many gay sites shows I'm hardly
alone in feeling this. Towleroad has some really moving mails, so
check this link:


And among them are a couple of mails that remembered his performance
in the reviews that came out after Brokeback and a moving mail from
today by a well respected film writer. But 

g_b New file uploaded to gay_bombay

2008-01-28 Thread gay_bombay


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the gay_bombay 

  File: /Photo Album 
  Uploaded by : lgbtindiagroup [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Description : Photo Album 

You can access this file at the URL:

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:


lgbtindiagroup [EMAIL PROTECTED]

g_b Tuesday's Tune (molto agitato)

2008-01-28 Thread asfan
Guts or Balls?

 We've all heard about people having guts or balls. But do you really know 
the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed, the definition 
for each is listed below...

 GUTS - is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being met by
your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: Are you still cleaning, 
or are you flying somewhere?

 BALLS - is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of
perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass and
having the balls to say: You're next!

 I hope this clears up any confusion on the definitions.

Medically speaking, there is no difference in the outcome since both
ultimately result in death. 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

g_b GB’s Boat Party on Saturday Nite - 02 Fe bruary 2008

2008-01-28 Thread Dee

GB’s Boat Party on Saturday Nite - 02 February 2008


Its a www.gaybombay.org event


Venue: Gateway Of India - Gate No 2


Date: Saturday, 02 February 2008


Time: 9:30 pm - 1:30 am

Cover Charge: Rs 600 per person (As we will be on the boat no Credit

Cards please)


Picture this. It’s the Saturday night of the February day weekend. No work 
tomorrow and summer is well on the way. You’re cruising down the Gateway. Top 
house tunes fill the air, enlivening the vibrant crowd.
  Sound too good to be true? 
  Well . . . we can reveal that GB Parties are going to rock you for their Boat 
Party on Saturday 02 Feb 08.


After the rocking success of our earlier Boat Parties, GB brings you the

third party on the high seas. 


We have DJ Prem who has trained under the well known DJ Shiva and who will rock 
the party with his mind blowing music


The first launch to the party venue will take off from The Gateway at

9:30 pm and will return every half-hour to take the batches that

follow. The last launch trip will be at 12 midnight, but try and come

early to avoid disappointment.


For those who may be nervous because they can't swim, we've ar-ranged

for a couple of strong lifeguards who will fish out anybody fal-ling

into the water. The catering is by our very own Dio's, so expect great hors 
d'oeuvres and drinks.


Those who attended the earlier parties know the magic of a boat party.

Those who missed the lastone, here's your chance to find out what

all the buzz is about! Don't miss out on another big event from GB. 

Be there at the Gateway for our boat party!


Please remember that you have to be above the age of 21 to attend GB

parties. Please carry proof of age with you: a driving license, college 
identity card, etc.


The Cover Charge includes:


In-house DJ and a dance floor

Light snacks

4 small Drinks with mixers

4 Beer Pints, or 2 Bacardi Breezers/Mocktails or

4 Soft Drinks/Mineral Water.


Extra drinks will be sold at Rs 50/- to Rs 100/- per drink.

Dinner will not be served.


Some don'ts:

GB, as a support group, has created this comfort/safe space for gays.

Many people at the event may be newbies (those still coming to terms with 
their sexuality and/or those who have mustered the courage to come to such an 
event for the first time). We request you to be

Sensitive to the comfort levels of others and to behave and dress accordingly.


No dark rooms and no sex on the premises; if found indulging in any

hanky panky you shall be put on the next launch back


GB aims to create safe spaces for the community. Taking drugs or

having sex at GB events puts these spaces at risk. Please do not   do

these in GB spaces and if you see anyone doing them, please stop them or bring 
their behaviour to the notice of the organisers.


- A few dos:

Have a smashing time.

Carry your Alcoholic Drinks Permit.


This event is organized by: http://www.gaybombay.org.


Right of admission reserved.

Luv Dee
 Sent from Yahoo! #45; a smarter inbox.

g_b Out of closet: dancing to the beats of alternative sexuality queer no more

2008-01-28 Thread gay_bombay moderator
* Out of closet: dancing to the beats of alternative sexuality queer
no more  Font
Size -  
CLAIR MACDOUGALLPosted online: Tuesday , January 29, 2008 at 10:55:39
Updated: Monday , January 28, 2008 at 11:12:23
Editor http://www.expressindia.com/feedback.php Post
New Delhi, January 28* Something out of the ordinary is happening in a small
space in a pocket of central Delhi. Two women stand side by side holding
hands, and a middle-aged gay couple sit, one man resting in the lap of
another, behaving in a manner only vaguely socially permissible for
heterosexual couples in places like Lodhi Garden. But for tonight this space
is safe and it is theirs.

They wait for the performance to start. The disco music plays, the curtains
part, and out comes a lean, broad-shouldered man in cargo pants and a pink
satin halter neck top. With dusty pink fingernails to match. He mimes to the
tune, and his dance combines the provocative moves of a female stripper with
the athleticism of a male gymnast. The performance ends with a bang: a
showering of chocolate-flavoured condoms.

Welcome to the open-mic performance night — called Queer Café — held
recently by a queer collective called Nigah. Unconventional, yes, but this
is the third successive year that the annual event was held and it was
attended by more than fifty people, among them expats and members of Delhi's
queer community.

Nigah, a Delhi-based group, primarily uses the media to generate discussion
about queer issues, says Vikas, a member of the group. Last summer Nigah
also organised a 10-day QueerFest '07, the city's first such event.

Vikas says they prefer to be called queer, but what exactly does the word
mean? Vikas and fellow Nigah member Sanjay say queer means anything that
does not fit within the framework of heteronormativity, or dominant
sexuality and gender norms. It is very simple: in India sexuality and
issues of gender are a) not to be talked about, and b) envisioned as a
married male and female. They have kids and live in this house of
heteronormativity. Within the Indian context queer identities could
encompass non-mainstream gender and sexual identities such as gay, lesbian,
bi-sexual, transgender, and eunuchs.

*Act, to define their class *
During the event, performances were oriented towards challenging the
dominant heterosexual notions of gender and sexuality, Vikas says. The acts,
primarily in English, included lively drag shows, sultry gender-bending
dance numbers, comedic songs about sex changes, poetry and prose about
desire, and performances of Rufus Wainwright songs.

Among the highlights was a glamorously dressed male dancing to the song
'Mayya Mayya' (Guru). Another feature was a hilarious and witty song about
sex change called 'You Give Me Beaver'. But not all was glitz and glam.
Poetry and prose that explored gay passions and love, veiled desires, sexual
tension in boys' hostels and all that can only be couched in euphemism in
public life in India, was also read. An open mic was also made available to
anyone who wanted to tell their coming-out story.

The concept of using performance as a medium to express your queerness is
very important, because a lot of the time society tells us to stifle our
forms of expression and adhere to stereotypical norms of gender, says
Vikas. 'It is important for queer people to have a voice and to know that
their form of expression will be appreciated.

*(Names changed on request)*
