g_b Times Crest for July 2 anniversary

2011-07-02 Thread Vikram D
Today's edition of Times Crest, the Times of India's weekend paper, has a cover 
story and a bunch of other stories to mark the second anniversary of the Delhi 
High Court decision decriminalising homosexuality in India. Here's the link, I 
think the stories can be accessed over Facebook or by signing in (free). If 
anyone can't get access and wants the text, let me know,

Re: g_b Thank You All

2011-07-02 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Dear Critics of Aditya Bondopadhyay,
I do not know Aditya personally, I have never met him, I have only read his 
writings on this list and, if you gentlemen go through the archives, you will 
read that I too have been at the receiving end of fire and brimstone from Mr. 
But the fact remains that he is indeed a brilliant lawyer and superb in defence 
of gays and splendid in arguments of gay issues.
A sword has to be sharp, gentlemen. The head of a spear has to be sufficently 
pointed to kill. Otherwise, these are not weapons, just oarnaments.
I feel that, instead of driving this person away (not that he is going to be 
driven away by protests), it would be better to coax, to cajole, to persuade. 
Even hurling abuses is not going to work, he will lash out against anger with 
anger - as anyone including myself would.
It sometimes happens that all members on this list are not as highly educated, 
not as intelligent and not as mature; some are even just kids! I am fifty three 
and so eighteen year olds are kids for me!
Such people may get dissuaded and frightened away and so we could collectively 
request Shri Aditya to be more polite and considerate and maybe, just perhaps 
maybe, there is a chance that he will listen. We need an angry young man, who 
is angry against gay hostile and gay intolerant people, not against us!
At the same time, this person is an asset not worth losing!
And then there are the instances of people whose sentiments have been hurt by 
what he said about Gandhiji or Baba Ramdev. I had once been told, God does not 
need devotees, devotees need God. So also, if something is said about someone 
you respect, instead of being upset, you can take it that that person does not 
need you to defend him, he can defend himself and also you! And maybe you can 
ignore such comments instead of silencing those who make them!
This is a free and democratic country and the freedom of speech is granted to 
everyone and this gay bombay list also follows those time honoured traditions. 
Let us co-operate with the Moderator and allow all to say what they want to. 
Take what is worth taking and with a kind and gentle breath, blow the rest away!
Let us think it over!
With malice toward none,
Regards to all my readers and thank you, all of you, for reading.

--- On Fri, 1/7/11, Mike Morea handsomemo...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Mike Morea handsomemo...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: g_b Thank You All
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, 1 July, 2011, 7:22 PM


Another victim falls to Aditya's insensitivity and yes, I am particularly 
calling his name here.  He is too brash, lacks empathy and stupid most of times 
... as brilliant he is at times.

Moderator, how many more should quit this forum before any action is taken? 
Alan now, Mike previously (quit over Gandhiji's comments) ... This is as people 
have come out and said so. How many quit before or silently fearing the 
reprisal from AB, I do not know.

Do you want this forum to end up as one person's pet peeves ... wake up guys.


From: alan sus boy_alon...@yahoo.com
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, June 30, 2011 3:48:59 AM
Subject: g_b Thank You All


Dear all, 
sorry about talking about banning anyone, anyways i was on this site to convey 
messages to my boyfriend but he had unsubscribed long back, just was annoyed 
when aditya had written a long critisizing and mocking poem on how painful my 
life was without my boyfriend.
just want to say many guys come to this site, who are in state of joy, sorrow, 
suicidal and mental and confused too.. 
sharing a view always many atimes helps others to prevent from burning someone 
elses hands. and learning from someone's mistake or success.
Wish you guys all the very best and wish you all success in love, life  
And  i have found my lover back, so me too am unsubscribing from this group 
which is my next step... 
Goood bye and cheers

g_b how can i find my partner in city like indore for love

2011-07-02 Thread ashu
kindly suggest as a gay how can i find partner

g_b (unknown)

2011-07-02 Thread Sujit Bhandary
I'm quite surprised to see several people asking/demanding that Aditya should 
be removed from the group. Here's MY take on the issue:
First, I assume that those of us who are here on this forum are either 
gay/bi/lesbian etc. We are, I suppose, already used to derisive sniggers about 
our lifestyles already. So, I'd have expected members to have, by now, been 
fairly strong to be able to handle criticism or even insultive/abusive 
Next, Aditya has consistently maintained that this IS a free country and 
everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Even if you disagree with him he has 
supported YOUR RIGHT TO DISAGREE, hasn't he? Give him the same liberty? If you 
can't win an argument with him, you can still always IGNORE him?
So, let's all get on with whatever interests us. You don't like him, don't pay 
attention to what he says/writes - simple!
I've enjoyed reading his comments/posts more often than not - the few times 
I've felt that he's too offensive, I've skipped reading his views.

g_b Saturday Smilie

2011-07-02 Thread asfan

After experiencing the discomfort and embarrassment of a prostate test on 
the National Health Service, a guy decided to have his next test carried out
 while visiting in San Francisco 
where the beautiful nurses are more gentle and accommodating.

He lay naked on his side on the table, and the nurse began the examination.

Don't worry, at this stage of the procedure it's quite normal to get an 
erection, said the nurse.

I haven't got an erection, said the man.

No, but I have. replied the nurse.

Moral:  don't have this procedure done in San Francisco !

Re: g_b New York Legalises Same Sex Marriages - and in India....

2011-07-02 Thread svokh37
How about a conventionally married bisexual who has a sexual relationship with 
a man? Would that be considered adultery as well?

Personally, I feel that falls into a different category of sexual relationship 
completely, and would not qualify as adultery


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, Aditya Bondyopadhyay adit.bond@... wrote:

 Interesting point Sujit, and good that you raised them.
 In the distant haze of the future, when we do get to have same-sex
 marriage, whether the adultary laws apply to same-sex couples, would
 depend largely on how we obtain the right to marriage.
 In terms of legal strategies, there are two main ways of getting it.
 The first would be to ask the courts to declare that the special
 marriage act applies equally to same-sex marriage. In that event the
 associated legislations, including adultary may well get attracted,
 although the courts would have a hard time determining how to
 prosecute it since the law on adultary can only be invoked by an
 aggrieved husband against another man (married or otherwise) who's
 screwed his wife. The logic being that the wife is the property of the
 man, and the other man by screweing her has committed 'criminal
 trespass' on that property, i.e. illegally 'entered and irreparably
 damaged it'.
 It may be victorian, no matter what the Bombay Judge says, but the
 queer aspect will come about because in same-sex marriages, there will
 either be no wife to tresspass on, or no husband to be aggrieved.
 However if we get same sex-marriage by the 2nd route, i.e. by a
 legislation enacted by parliament, we may get a law that deals in
 advance with these issues, and therefore we may not get saddled with
 the adultary baggage.
 Aditya B
 On 6/25/11, sbdary sbdary@... wrote:
  It was just yesterday, I think, that a Mumbai High Court judge had held a
  man guilty of adultery, even though the sexual act (between a man and a
  woman) was between consenting adults. The judge reasoned, I believe quite
  correctly, that even though the act was between consenting adults, it was
  outside the institution of marriage. The judge also commented that it was
  high time for the crime (Adultery)to be amended to hold the woman guilty
  Is one to infer that had the protagonists in the case NOT been married,
  there would have been no crime - free and casual sex between consenting
  adults is legally acceptable, I suppose.
  Given this scenario, it made me wonder about the impact of legalising same
  sex marriages - if, at some point (hopefully in the near future) either the
  Parliament or the Supreme Court does de-criminalise same sex (Sec 379)
  liaisons, and, the next logical step of allowing same sex marriages... given
  my admittedly limited exposure to gay experiences, I still feel we may see a
  future of legalised same sex marriages but adultery would still be
 Sent from my mobile device
 Development Sector Consultant
 Advocate (Regd. No. F-218/192 of 1997, Bar Council of W.Bengal, India)
 Website: http://adityabondyopadhyay.webs.com/
 Notice to all recipients:
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 referred source available on the internet and accessible to the public.

g_b Re: [gb] Saturday Smilie

2011-07-02 Thread Manoj
U meant do it only in SF, rt?


g_b The Grey Areas Of Pink

2011-07-02 Thread moderator

The Grey Areas Of Pink

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-A http://www.expressindia.com/latest-news/the-grey-areas-of-pink/811796/
http://www.expressindia.com/latest-news/the-grey-areas-of-pink/811796/ +A

Express news service

Posted: Jul 02, 2011 at 0347 hrs IST


Deepak K, 25 Counselling Psychologist and Education Consultant Lives between
Mumbai and Ajmer'Adult, consensual homosexual sex is no longer illegal in
India. The Delhi High Court has just come out with this landmark judgment,'
this news blared on television screens two years back. I was sitting in
front of one in the one-horse town of Ajmer, Rajasthan. It was a day when
emotions ran high and things in my home changed forever. I was at my family
home with my boyfriend, who was, for all appearances, 'just a good friend'
for my parents. But my life changed after the Delhi High Court Judgment read
down Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code. Previously sexual intimacy
between consenting same sex adults was criminal. 

During the commercial break, I realised that my mother was sobbing in the
kitchen while cooking our meal. I tried speaking to her but she didn't say
anything then. Two years since, we've come out to her as a couple and she
has accepted us. 

Today queers find it easier to express themselves more confidently. There
are more books in stores, film screenings, discussions, cultural events and
freer parties. More importantly, it's become easier to do outreach work.
NGOs working on sexual and mental health of the LGBTI community no longer
find it hard to reach out to an invisible population in a 'legal and
righteous' way. My friend, Raj, an outreach worker in a NGO in Gujarat, once
said, 'Now I don't fear getting arrested while doing advocacy work or
distributing condoms to gays. The legal fight in the Supreme Court will
become easier when the cultural drive of awareness has picked up. Today, my
mother cares about my happiness, irrespective of what the government

Sonal M, 28, Photographer, Lives in Delhi 

'I was so heartbroken and disillusioned that I was ready to go back to
pretending I was not gay. I was willing to date men, even though the very
thought of it was depressing. Then I read about the change in Section 377 of
the IPC. I went to Jantar Mantar in Delhi for the celebrations and the
energy there just lifted my spirits. I joined in to shout slogans, wave the
rainbow flag and suddenly I felt I was no longer alone. So what if I had
broken up? I had friends around me who understood and were willing to help

I joined the Gaysi Family, a social networking site and international group
that has bloggers who share various concerns. They chat about issues ranging
from the anxieties of moving into a new job with a girlfriend and a cat, to
safe sex advice and Frequently Asked Questions about being queer or gay. 

It is self- affirming to have a community around, even if it is not always
wine and roses. We have our rifts and cliques and like every one else, make
our mistakes, but it sure beats the hell out of being alone and in the
closet. I have mustered up the courage to start dating a few women. Nothing
serious though. The next big step, is to come out to my parents. Who knows I
may do it today. 

As told to Georgina Maddox 




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g_b Queer and proud

2011-07-02 Thread moderator

Queer and proud

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-A http://www.expressindia.com/latest-news/queer-and-proud/811619/
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Afsha khan

Posted: Jul 02, 2011 at 0023 hrs IST



On the second anniversary of Section 377 being read down, queer groups
around Mumbai are gearing up to take their celebrations into the mainstream 

There was a time a few years ago, when Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and
Intersex (LGBTI) parties were limited to hole-in-the-wall places because big
clubs and pubs didn't want to risk trouble from political parties or police

But on the second anniversary of the reading down of Section 377 in the
Delhi High Court, LGBTI groups find themselves on the brink of creating
history with an array of events showcasing their talents to queer and
straight people in mainstream clubs in Mumbai. 

Celebrations within the LGBTI groups were never illegal, says Nakul,
founder of Salvation Star, an event management company that initiates queer
events like Khush Nights in Zenzi, Bandra and Pink Rupee Nights in Twister,
Khar. But mainstream clubs have always been afraid that political parties
or the police would come barging through and create trouble. Ever since the
Delhi High Court ruling, however, finding spaces for queer-friendly parties
has become less stressful. Things have gotten better and club owners have
become more generous with lending us space, said Nakul. 

The anniversary celebrations began in Zenzi, Bandra on July 1 with a segment
of Khush Nights, a queer friendly evening that is also open to straight
people. This will be followed by a colourful event called Q-Nights on July 2
in Blue Frog, an event initiated by Ma Faiza, the British-born DJ who has a
large fan base that comprises straight and LGBTI followers. The weekend will
conclude with Best Of Kashish in Zenzi on Sunday, where 13 award-winning
short films from the queer festival, like Elena Undone, will be screened.
Q-Nights will really raise the bar for all queer parties because it is a
showcase of the amount of talent in the community, she said, listing the
components of the evening, which will include musicians, comedians,
aerialists, a queer market and a drag king and queen contest. It is
historic because it is the first of it's kind to be done in a place as
mainstream as Blue Frog, she added. 

For many people classified as LGBTI, such events are very important in
raising awareness levels and members' confidence in the outside world. It's
like a group of people living in a dungeon, finally being allowed to come
out and breathe fresh air, said Deepak Kashyap, an educational consultant
and psychological counsellor who works with LGBTI people struggling with
their identities and orientation. All they can talk about is how beautiful
it is to express their sexuality. It is indeed great to be considered an
equal citizen, especially since we were considered criminals in the past,
he added. 

With these events, organisers of queer parties hope that more mainstream
places will approach them for special queer nights. We are real people,
with talent, intelligence and jobs. The precedent for us now is to raise the
bar on the level of content and entertainment we offer and hopefully more
clubs will come forward to host us, said Ma Faiza. 





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g_b Rainbow festivities

2011-07-02 Thread moderator
Rainbow festivities

Megha Mahindru
y , Hindustan Times
Mumbai, July 01, 2011

http://www.hindustantimes.com/images/email-icon.gif  Email to Author

First Published: 11:26 IST(1/7/2011)
Last Updated: 16:46 IST(1/7/2011)

As New Yorkers celebrate the legalisation of same-sex marriage, Mumbai too
has reasons to go pink this weekend. Rejoicing the second anniversary of the
landmark revision of Section 377, which decriminalised homosexuality in the
country, city clubs will host queer nights this weekend. For 

Jaymin and Nakul, founders of Salvation Star's Khush Nights, which have been
organising monthly parties for the community since 2007, it's taken a long
time to bring the pink currency to high-profile venues like Blue Frog and
Zenzi. Clubs are wary of hosting parties for the queer community, since
they do not want to be known as gay venues. So in the past, we have hosted
parties for the community at small bars and banquet halls, says Jaymin. 

gayStarting today, the eve of the legal U-turn, the LGBT merrymaking kick
off with Khush Nights, followed by a gay shindig on Saturday night. On
Sunday, the organisers will screen queer films. I've been working on the
idea of Q-nights for a year now. While I've been to LGBT parties, there
hasn't been one where gay artistes perform for their community. There's
always a lack of gay content. It's like celebrating a big fat Indian wedding
with a baaraat (entourage) of white people, says DJ Ma Faiza. 

On Saturday, she and other queer artistes will take to the stage at Blue
Frog, where they hope to colour the city in rainbow hues. She says, There's
immense talent. We have designers, stylists, musicians, artists and
filmmakers among our queer peers. This is the first time all of them will
come together. 

Other artistes performing will include Alisha Batth (one half of India's
lesbian band, Middle Sisters) and gay singer-songwriter Leon D'Souza.
Stand-up comics Nidhi and Shane will put up an act as Apphia K recites
poetry and drag queen Adam Pasha surprises audiences. The dress code is
cabaret and the 41-year-old DJ says, Those without feather boas for the
occasion, can pick up props from Party Hunterz, Azaad Bazaar and D Closet,
which will have stalls at the event. 

Despite the celebrations, Ma Faiza insists the country still has a long way
to go. I moved here 18 years ago as someone who was open about her
sexuality. So far, it hasn't been a problem holding hands with women in
public, probably because many confuse a six-foot, well-built person to be a
man. Often, I've been addressed as mister and been denied access to the
women's loo. It's frustrating. About the Saturday night party, she says,
Gay parties across the world are known to be outrageous, flamboyant, fun,
sexy and wild. The energy will be great. People should just come with an
open mind and heart. 

Queer weekend 

Salvation Star's Khush Nights: Groove to the music on the eve of July 2. 
Tonight at Zenzi, Bandra.

Q-Night: A host of LGBT artistes come together. There's everything from
music to standup comedy, poetry and shopping at Blue Frog on July 2. Entry
Rs. 500 

Best of Kashish: Watch the best of queer cinema with short-films selected
from this year's Mumbai International Queer Film Festival. At Zenzi, Bandra,
5 pm onwar




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