Re: g_b New York Legalises Same Sex Marriages - and in India....

2011-07-03 Thread Manoj
That's still adultery if you do it without the consent of your wife - being a 
bisexual is no excuse to cheat !

Re: g_b Re: From the NYT - My Ex-Gay Friend

2011-07-03 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay
I was a fan of Michael when he was with XY. I was pretty shocked to
hear of his 'conversion'. I have no doubt that the ex-gay movement is
evil. But there are a few things about Michael that I have to say.

1) I really appreceate the fact that he has not resorted to virulence
and to preaching violence.

On 6/22/11, Deep wrote:
 This Michael Glatze is one deluded and confused individual. He is
 glorifying the institution of the ex-gay movement which has caused a lot
 of damage to the lives of tens of thousands. He is equating
 heterosexuality with his idea of some demon god sitting  in high heavens
 dishing out curses for homosexuals. I have posted the terrible effects
 of the ex-gay movement on people's lives in other posts on this group.
 The problem is that Michael Glatze is not just concerned about which
 hole he puts his own c*^ but the holes and the c*^s of all his friends
 and countrymen. Since Michael Glatze can't legitimately go around
 examining the genitals of everyone and what they are doing with them he
 carries a holy book in his hand to give him credibility. In this way he
 is abusing the holy book.
 Love is an elusive thing for homosexuals and heterosexuals alike, and
 the only reason it seems to be more in heterosexuals is because of the
 way society is structured.

 Michael Glatze needs secular and legitimate psychiatric therapy to
 accept his sexual orientation (whatever it may be) and let other people
 accept theirs.
 Pratap this though provoking article is not to be digested since one
 is liable to get indigestion and food poisoning. You may think you are
 being very smart by posting this pseudo-intellectual article on this
 group but it's going to do a lot of damage to fragile minds who are
 coming to terms with their gay sexual orientation.
 I request the moderator to give a second thought before allowing such
 pernicious posts.
 --- In, Pratap mw1_2001@... wrote:

 This is a long but interesting even thought-provoking article.  The
 tremendous cultural differences should be taken into account when
 reading and digesting this article.\

 Published: June 16, 2011
 One Saturday afternoon last winter, I drove north on Route 85 through
 the rolling rangeland of southeastern Wyoming. I was headed to a small
 town north of Cheyenne to see an old friend and colleague named Michael
 Glatze. We worked together 12 years ago at XY, a San Francisco-based
 national magazine for young gay men, back when we were young gay men

 Though only a year removed from Dartmouth when he arrived at XY,
 Michael had seemingly read every gay book ever written. While I was busy
 trying to secure a boyfriend, he was busy contemplating queer theory,
 marching in gay rights rallies and urging young people to celebrate (not
 just accept) their same-sex attractions. Michael was devoted to helping
 gay youth, and he was particularly affected by the letters the magazine
 received regularly from teenagers who were rejected by their religious
 families. “Christian fundamentalists should burn in hell!â€
 he told me once, slamming his fist on his desk. I had never met anyone
 so sure of himself.

 Many young gay men looked up to him. He and his boyfriend at the time,
 Ben, who also worked at the magazine, made a handsome pair †but
 their appeal went deeper. On weekends we would go to raves together, and
 I would watch as gay boys gravitated toward the couple. Michael and Ben
 seemed unburdened (by shame, by self-doubt) and unapologetically pursued
 what the writer Paul Monette called the uniquely gay experience of
 “flagrant joy.† But unlike some of our friends who rode
 the flagrant joy train all the way to rehab, Michael and Ben rarely
 seemed out of control. There was a balance †a wisdom †to
 their quest for intense, authentic experience. Together they seemed to
 have figured out how to be young, gay and happy.

 I thought about those times as I pulled my rental car into the Wyoming
 town where Michael now lives. A lot had happened in the decade since we
 last saw each other: he and Ben started a new gay magazine (Young Gay
 America, or Y.G.A.); they traveled the country for a documentary about
 gay teenagers; and Michael was fast becoming the leading voice for gay
 youth until the day, in July 2007, when he announced that he was no
 longer gay.

 “Homosexuality came easy to me, because I was already
 weak,† he wrote in the opening line of an article for the
 far-right Web site, He went on to renounce his work
 at XY and Y.G.A. “Homosexuality, delivered to young minds, is by
 its very nature pornographic,† he claimed. In a second
 WorldNetDaily article a week later, he said that he was “repulsed
 to think about homosexuality† and that he was “going to do

g_b (unknown)

2011-07-03 Thread asfan
I have been on this gb list for eleven years now and have always admired 
Aditya's upholding gay rights.  I do admit that at times he is not very polite 
and at times quite boorish.  But, that does not mean he is to be sent into 
exile!!  This is a free country wherein everyone has a right to speak.  So, if 
you don't like what he writes, just use the 
delete button in the Inbox when you read his name.

Do not forget that he is an activist for OUR rights - how many of his detactors 
How many of us are doing what he is?  Don't be ungrateful.  Count your 


Re: g_b Re: [gb] Saturday Smilie

2011-07-03 Thread asfan
Well, SF is the gay US Mecca, isn't it?


--- On Sat, 2/7/11, Manoj wrote:

From: Manoj
Subject: g_b Re: [gb] Saturday Smilie
To: gb, g_b, gb
Date: Saturday, 2 July, 2011, 10:44 PM


U meant do it only in SF, rt?


From: asfan; 
Subject: [gb] Saturday Smilie 
Sent: Sat, Jul 2, 2011 2:40:25 PM 


After experiencing the discomfort and embarrassment of a prostate test on 
the National Health Service, a guy decided to have his next test carried out
 while visiting in San Francisco 
where the beautiful nurses are more gentle and accommodating.

He lay naked on his side on the table, and the nurse began the examination.

Don't worry, at this stage of the procedure it's quite normal to get an 
erection, said the nurse.

I haven't got an erection, said the man.

No, but I have. replied the nurse.

Moral:  don't have this procedure done in San Francisco !

Re: g_b Times Crest for July 2 anniversary

2011-07-03 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Doc, pls cut paste and post the crest articles. Cannot access them
with my limited computer skills.
Thanks and best,
Aditya B

On 7/2/11, Vikram D wrote:
 Today's edition of Times Crest, the Times of India's weekend paper, has a
 cover story and a bunch of other stories to mark the second anniversary of
 the Delhi High Court decision decriminalising homosexuality in India. Here's
 the link, I think the stories can be accessed over Facebook or by signing in
 (free). If anyone can't get access and wants the text, let me know,


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g_b Re: [gb] banish Aditya

2011-07-03 Thread Manoj
Oh no asfan

So what if he works for us!
So what that just says what he wants on a moderated group!
We have a right to shut up a person and banish him 
We can demand a right which is not practised by 90% of people- but we have a 
right to quell n tread on anyone we don#39;t like

This is democracy after all and the wish of a few ppl r important
Cholbe naa, cholbe naa, cholbe naa

Let#39;s listen to these closeted nameless ppl after all who knows and 
cares abt aditya the activist man!!!  

Re: g_b (unknown)

2011-07-03 Thread Mike Morea
You skipped  as long as it was not you the butt of his piercing comments 
then it is fine ... is that what it is? 

From: Sujit Bhandary
Sent: Sat, July 2, 2011 10:14:43 AM
Subject: g_b (unknown)

I'm quite surprised to see several people asking/demanding that Aditya should 
removed from the group. Here's MY take on the issue:
First, I assume that those of us who are here on this forum are either 
gay/bi/lesbian etc. We are, I suppose, already used to derisive sniggers about 
our lifestyles already. So, I'd have expected members to have, by now, been 
fairly strong to be able to handle criticism or even insultive/abusive 
Next, Aditya has consistently maintained that this IS a free country and 
everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Even if you disagree with him he has 
supported YOUR RIGHT TO DISAGREE, hasn't he? Give him the same liberty? If you 
can't win an argument with him, you can still always IGNORE him?
So, let's all get on with whatever interests us. You don't like him, don't pay 
attention to what he says/writes - simple!
I've enjoyed reading his comments/posts more often than not - the few times 
felt that he's too offensive, I've skipped reading his views.

Re: g_b Thank You All

2011-07-03 Thread Abrar Patel
Sometimes i also dont like adityas comment, but check alan did not leave bcoz 
of him. he says he found his lover back so leaving. so please do not blame 
aditya for him instead its good to know alans lover is back and he is happy. 
check his last lines.

On Fri, 01 Jul 2011 14:52 BST Mike Morea wrote:

Another victim falls to Aditya's insensitivity and yes, I am particularly 
calling his name here.  He is too brash, lacks empathy and stupid most of 
... as brilliant he is at times.

Moderator, how many more should quit this forum before any action is taken? 
now, Mike previously (quit over Gandhiji's comments) ... This is as people 
come out and said so. How many quit before or silently fearing the reprisal 
AB, I do not know.

Do you want this forum to end up as one person's pet peeves ... wake up guys.


From: alan sus
Sent: Thu, June 30, 2011 3:48:59 AM
Subject: g_b Thank You All

Dear all, 
sorry about talking about banning anyone, anyways i was on this site to convey 
messages to my boyfriend but he had unsubscribed long back, just was annoyed 
when aditya had written a long critisizing and mocking poem on how painful my 
life was without my boyfriend.
just want to say many guys come to this site, who are in state of joy, sorrow, 
suicidal and mental and confused too.. 

sharing a view always many atimes helps others to prevent from burning someone 
elses hands. and learning from someone's mistake or success.
Wish you guys all the very best and wish you all success in love, life  
And  i have found my lover back, so me too am unsubscribing from this group 
which is my next step... 

Goood bye and cheers 

Re: g_b New York Legalises Same Sex Marriages - and in India....

2011-07-03 Thread Mike Morea
Wow ... our mind and self serving morality  No matter what the nature of 
relationship is, adultery is adultery.

Sorry to blow your bubble buddy ..


From: svokh37
Sent: Sat, July 2, 2011 12:04:52 PM
Subject: Re: g_b New York Legalises Same Sex Marriages - and in India

How about a conventionally married bisexual who has a sexual relationship with 
man? Would that be considered adultery as well?

Personally, I feel that falls into a different category of sexual relationship 
completely, and would not qualify as adultery


--- In, Aditya Bondyopadhyay wrote:

 Interesting point Sujit, and good that you raised them.
 In the distant haze of the future, when we do get to have same-sex
 marriage, whether the adultary laws apply to same-sex couples, would
 depend largely on how we obtain the right to marriage.
 In terms of legal strategies, there are two main ways of getting it.
 The first would be to ask the courts to declare that the special
 marriage act applies equally to same-sex marriage. In that event the
 associated legislations, including adultary may well get attracted,
 although the courts would have a hard time determining how to
 prosecute it since the law on adultary can only be invoked by an
 aggrieved husband against another man (married or otherwise) who's
 screwed his wife. The logic being that the wife is the property of the
 man, and the other man by screweing her has committed 'criminal
 trespass' on that property, i.e. illegally 'entered and irreparably
 damaged it'.
 It may be victorian, no matter what the Bombay Judge says, but the
 queer aspect will come about because in same-sex marriages, there will
 either be no wife to tresspass on, or no husband to be aggrieved.
 However if we get same sex-marriage by the 2nd route, i.e. by a
 legislation enacted by parliament, we may get a law that deals in
 advance with these issues, and therefore we may not get saddled with
 the adultary baggage.
 Aditya B
 On 6/25/11, sbdary sbdary@... wrote:
  It was just yesterday, I think, that a Mumbai High Court judge had held a
  man guilty of adultery, even though the sexual act (between a man and a
  woman) was between consenting adults. The judge reasoned, I believe quite
  correctly, that even though the act was between consenting adults, it was
  outside the institution of marriage. The judge also commented that it was
  high time for the crime (Adultery)to be amended to hold the woman guilty
  Is one to infer that had the protagonists in the case NOT been married,
  there would have been no crime - free and casual sex between consenting
  adults is legally acceptable, I suppose.
  Given this scenario, it made me wonder about the impact of legalising same
  sex marriages - if, at some point (hopefully in the near future) either the
  Parliament or the Supreme Court does de-criminalise same sex (Sec 379)
  liaisons, and, the next logical step of allowing same sex marriages... given
  my admittedly limited exposure to gay experiences, I still feel we may see a
  future of legalised same sex marriages but adultery would still be
 Sent from my mobile device
 Development Sector Consultant
 Advocate (Regd. No. F-218/192 of 1997, Bar Council of W.Bengal, India)
 Notice to all recipients:
 Communication not intended for you but reaching you inadvertently needs to
 be treated as confidential and destroyed or deleted immediately. Use of such
 communication in a manner prejudicial to the interest of Aditya
 Bondyopadhyay and/or his principals, and/or his clients, and/or his agents
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 criminal nature.
 Aditya Bondyopadhyay and/or his principals, and/or his clients, and/or his
 agents respectively cannot be held liable or accountable for any and every
 communication reaching out through this email account that is an unaltered
 forward of another communication received by this email account, or a
 referred source available on the internet and accessible to the public.


g_b Throw Aditya B. out

2011-07-03 Thread Deep
How silly of you Sujit! OFCOURSE Aditya B. must be thrown out of this
group and every other!
After all the 15 parties battling it out in the SC at the moment for 377
have the best interests of the Nation at heart! Aditya B. and the
Lawyers' Collective certainly don't.
And how DARE Aditya B. live in a gay partnership for 10 sinful years
with a MAN. Such a heinous crime in this pious land of Neeraj Grover and
Just imagine, the poor broadcaster called TV9 which was left destitute
because Aditya B.'s organization made them pay for broadcasting lies
about gays in Hyderabad and Bengalooroo. So what if the gay men were
affected? They deserved it!
Haven't you read Aditya B. posted doses of reality for starry eyed young
gays hoping for their one true love of a lifetime? OFCOURSE such young
gays must be kept away from the reality. How sick of Aditya B. to post
Ofcourse you should ban Aditya B. from this group. And while you are at
it you should also ban other ids like asfan20 and gaymanproud31 from
this group as well. These guys post about gay rights regularly
An indignant and an aggrieved member of G_B.

--- In, Sujit Bhandary sbdary@... wrote:


 I'm quite surprised to see several people asking/demanding that Aditya
should be removed from the group. Here's MY take on the issue:

 First, I assume that those of us who are here on this forum are either
gay/bi/lesbian etc. We are, I suppose, already used to derisive sniggers
about our lifestyles already. So, I'd have expected members to have, by
now, been fairly strong to be able to handle criticism or even
insultive/abusive language.

 Next, Aditya has consistently maintained that this IS a free country
and everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Even if you disagree with
him he has supported YOUR RIGHT TO DISAGREE, hasn't he? Give him the
same liberty? If you can't win an argument with him, you can still
always IGNORE him?

 So, let's all get on with whatever interests us. You don't like him,
don't pay attention to what he says/writes - simple!

 I've enjoyed reading his comments/posts more often than not - the few
times I've felt that he's too offensive, I've skipped reading his views.


g_b I am headed for a perfect disaster in my life....

2011-07-03 Thread someoneforeverdear
I am headed for a perfect disaster in my life…which I can predict….I will end 
by committing suicide in distant future. I would like to make it clear it in 
the beginning itself that, this mail of mine is no attempt in hogging sympathy 
or a stint to become famous. I am already 33 and I cannot even think of a 
single two legged animal… that is known to me? Forget best or even good friend. 
My sis settled abroad and quite busy with her routine life. My parents are near 
70….relation with relative is merely there.

 I am in relationship since 3 years…but there is a quite an emotional gap. I 
will also set the record straight for my present partner, that he may have an 
objection on my declaring that he is emotionally distant from me. I would 
rather say that, its me who think so, that he is emotionally distant from me or 
I think, that he is selfish or disrespectful or simply gives a damn about my 
psychologically well being, which might not be the thought in his mind. 
Tragically he might give a damn about me but he is very conscious about what 
you all (practically strangers) think of him!

If my mother survives my father's death, I will live a few years more. But god 
forbids if my father survives my mother's death…I will commit suicide within a 
year. Though, I will end my life after my mother's death for certain. Marriage 
was never an option for me but so is fucking loneliness!!! I have 
theoretically, practically and even psychologically did, doing and will do for 
this relationship to work. I was expecting that I will be awarded by being 
referred to as the best partner that one can possibly have but instead I am 
being blamed for things which were, are and would be out of my control.
From my childhood...I saw the women of my house and practically everyone house 
being a victim of their male counterparts irrational, inhumane and utmost 
disrespectful and I made quite a fun of those who were self sufficient in 
continuing with their ordeal but today I am myself a voodoo doll.   I had 
promised myself, that I would not be a victim and I very courageously and 
indiscriminately advised everyone around me. But today I have not stood my own 
ground…It's a pain…I have lost my self-respect.

Today also I have very tiny some hope that I will get a deserving partner, why 
wouldn't I? I cook, I clean, I cheer, I care and cry for my partner love. But 
that tiny some is really worry some…What if I don't? I have survived this 
relationship by burning my self respect, at the cost of my deserving care and 
I just hope I get the deserving courage to take the first step, which would be 
my last step in ending my misery, because if I live, my misery would be 10 
folds more.