g_b Fw: Uganda: it happened

2012-12-20 Thread Samson D'Souza

Can anyone conform if this group is valid?

- Forwarded Message -
From: Shekhar Sen 
To: sam...@yahoo.com 
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 10:02 AM
Subject: FW: Uganda: it happened

Share as widely as you can!
Any idea if this group is genuine? I mean is it worthwhile swnding them a 
Bear hugs, in solidarity, and in love! ;)

Forwarded Message
From: i...@allout.org
To: shekharsen
Sent: Sat 15 Dec, 2012 9:38 AM IST
Subject: Uganda: it happened

Dear Shekhar,

BREAKING: Uganda's Parliament just closed without voting on the "Kill the Gays" 
bill. Your pressure built to an unstoppable force that made Uganda's 
politicians drop the bill way down the agenda – thank you. But they'll be back 
in just a month, and their first order of business could be passing the bill.

Now is the moment to fight back with everything we've got in Uganda – and 
everywhere anti-gay laws exist. We can already see the massive impact we've 
had, so now we're pulling out all the stops.

We have an amazing chance to fight back harder than ever, but we need your 
help. An All Out member has just pledged US$50,000 to turn the tide on anti-gay 
laws – but only if the rest of us are also willing to step up and pitch in too. 
If just 2,000 people make a gift to All Out in the next 5 days, it will trigger 
this incredible grant to strengthen our work around the world.

URGENT: Make a gift NOW to unlock this amazing resource to fight for love 


If you help meet the challenge in the next 5 days, your gift for equality – 
whether it's £5, $25 or €50 – will be worth more than $50,000. This challenge 
is not about how much any one person can afford, but how many of us can come 
together to fight for what's right. It's about showing that enough of us have 
the commitment and drive to get the job done.

Being an All Out member means you know the extraordinary power of thousands of 
small acts – whether it's clicks, calls or coins – coming together for a 
single, just purpose. More than 200,000 All Out members signed the petition to 
stop the "Kill the Gays" bill in less than a week. If just 2,000 of us make a 
gift in the next 5 days it will unlock the challenge grant to fight the bill 
and other anti-gay laws just like it – wherever it is needed most.

Fight back and make a real difference in one of the 76 countries where it's 
illegal to be gay – give today and ask your friends to join you too.


We know the nightmare won't stop at Uganda's borders. The "Kill the Gays" bill 
passing could also embolden homophobic government officials in other countries 
where LGBT lives are at stake. Nigeria has proposed a similarly draconian "Jail 
the Gays" bill – which could pass any day now. There are more than 5 people 
fighting for their freedom in Cameroon after being charged under the existing 
anti-gay laws. We need to stop these horrific laws in their tracks and erase 
those that already exist.

All Out is not funded by governments – so they can't control us. We're not 
funded by corporations – so they can't make us keep quiet. But that means we 
count on you when the stakes are high. That means we're counting on you right 

Make your gift now: 

Thank you,

Andre, Guillaume, Hayley, Jeremy, Joe, Kate, Leandro, Mike, Pablo, Sara, Tile, 
and Wesley

P.S. All Out members come from all walks of life, ages, and nationalities – and 
we know not everyone can make a financial contribution when doing so could put 
their very lives in danger. If you're fortunate enough to be in a position to 
donate for equality today, please consider making a gift for someone who can't.


And if you can't make a gift at this time, you can still help unlock the 
challenge: forward this email to help get the word out and activate your 
network to meet the goal. Every effort makes a huge difference.

*US$50,000 = € 38.238, £ 31.054, AR$ 242.475, R$ 105.060
Support All Out!
We don't take money from governments or corporations, so the only
people we have to listen to are our members. Our tiny team stretches   [1]Donate
every contribution to make them count.
  All Out is bringing people together in every corner of the planet and of
  every identity - lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender and all
  that’s between and beyond - to build a world in which everyone can live
  freely and be embraced for who they are.

  This is a campaign of Purpose Action, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization.

  Our mailing address is:
  Purpose Action
  224 Centre St
  New York, NY 10013

  Copyright (c) 2012 A

Re: g_b Fw: : Men verses women at the ATM machine

2012-12-20 Thread Samson D'Souza
love this

 From: ashwin shah 
To: "gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com" ; 
"gayahmeda...@yahoogroups.com" ; 
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 5:30 PM
Subject: g_b Fw: : Men verses women at the ATM machine



A  new sign in the Bank reads:

'Please  note that this Bank is installing new Drive-through ATM machines  
enabling customers to withdraw cash without leaving their  vehicles. 

Customers using this  new facility 
are requested to use the procedures  outlined below when accessing their 

After months of  careful research, MALE & FEMALE Procedures have been 
Please follow the Appropriate steps for your gender.' 


1...  Drive up to the ATM.

2.  LOWER your car window.

3.  Insert card into machine and 
enter  PIN.

4.  Enter
 amount of
 cash required. 

5. Retrieve card,  cash and receipt.

6.  Raise window. 

7. Drive off.. 


(Unfortunately,  most of this is true.!!)

1.  Drive up to ATM machine.

 Reverse and back
 up the required amount to align car window with the  machine. 

3. Put hand brake on, put the window down.

4. Find handbag, remove all contents on to  passenger seat to locate card. 

5. Tell person on  mobile phone you will call  them back and hang up. 

6. Attempt to insert  card into machine.

7. Open  car door to allow easier access to machine due to its excessive 
distance from the car.

8.  Insert card.

9.  Re-insert card the right way.

10. Dig through handbag to find diary with your PIN written on the inside back  

11. Enter PIN ...

12.  Press cancel and re-enter correct  PIN. 

13. Enter  amount of cash required.

14.  Check makeup in rear view mirror.

15.  Retrieve cash and receipt. 

16. Empty handbag  again to locate purse  and place cash inside.

17.  Write debit amount in cheque book and place receipt in back of it. 

18. Re-check makeup.

19.  Drive forward 2 feet.

20.  Reverse back to ATM machine.

21.  Retrieve card. 

22. Re-empty hand  bag, locate card holder, and place card into the slot  

23.  Give dirty look to irate male driver waiting behind you. 

24.  Restart stalled engine and drive  off.

25.  Redial person on mobile phone. 

26. Drive for 2 to 3  miles.

27.  Release Hand Brake. 




2012-12-20 Thread nirbokj
Sorry to miss this performance.
Gordon Micunis and Jay Kobrin ( from New York City)
In a message dated 12/20/2012 9:06:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
advocacy.humsa...@gmail.com writes:

[_Attachment(s)_ (mip://0944ffa8/default.html#TopText)  from The Humsafar  
Trust Advocacy Unit included below]  

23rd  December 2012, Sunday 
Show Timings-  8pm and 9:30pm 
Language:  Hindi 
Alternate  Initiatives presents “Ek Madhav Baug,” a Hindi play by the late 
celebrated  playwright Chetan Datar. “Ek Madhav Baug” is a pioneering 
Marathi language  play about homosexuality and acceptance of the gay community. 
A 70-minute  soliloquy, it has been translated into Hindi by Mona 
Ambegaonkar and Vivek  Anand, and is enacted by Mona Ambegaonkar. 

This poignant  play tells the story of a 21 year-old youth coming to terms 
with his  sexuality. The play is seen from the point of view of his mother 
who  discovers that her son is gay and through  his diary, relives his 
journey of discovery of his own sexuality. 

Ticketed  Performance at Mini Theatre, P.L. Deshpande Academy, - Ravindra 
Natya Mandir,  Prabhadevi - Mumbai, Maharashtra , on Sunday December 23rd, 
The play will be  presented in Hindi.

Ticket price:- Rs 300/-

Tickets  available at The "Ravindra Natya Mandir" Box office from 20th 
December  onward.

Why  you should experience Ek Madhav Baug this Sunday.

•  Hindustan Times
o  It is one of the most prominent and promising plays in India that openly 
 speaks of the issue of homosexuality. Acceptance and reconciliation of a  
different kind.
o  The audience remained speechless for sometime even after the performance 
was  over. The audience did react; it was applause.
o  The play deserves a presence in the mainstream forums since it speaks of 
the  universal love and affection between mother and son, irrespective of  

•  Times of India
o  Ek Madhav Baug is generally rega rded as one of the best Indian plays to 
 address homosexuality.
o  This play makes you look at people around you and say, ‘Why is their 
sexual  orientation interesting to me at all?’

•  Nagpur times
o  “When I saw this play a few years back, I was moved to tears because it 
talks  about the dilemma of a gay and his revelations to his mother”- Prince 
 Manvendra Singh

•  TNN
o  Though it is based on life, art can give an expression to unsaid 
feelings and  emotions that can make life easier. Perhaps, it was this power of 
that the  city’s LGBTQ community that wished to utilize when they organized 
a play  reading for EMB by renowned actress Mona Ambegaonkar.
o  “These types of events must happen throughout the nation as they prove 
to be  eye openers and give freedom to those who are overlooked in our 
society.” –  Prince Manvendra Singh

g_b Always kiss your children goodnight

2012-12-20 Thread dunno76
Always kiss your children goodnight, even if they're already asleep.  --
H. Jackson Brown Jr.
more great quotes by H. Jackson Brown Junior)

  [Photo: Always kiss your children goodnight, even if they're already
asleep. H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Read more great quotes by H. Jackson Brown Jr. at:

(Click image for the full picture)

More Love Quotes

Today at Symphony of Love

Blog Post: Always Kiss Your Children Goodnight

Donate your Smile today: Givesmiles.net is a mission to encourage
everyone to cheer each other up by donating pictures of a smiling faces
together with inspiring messages. It is the simplest form of charity and
it does not cost anything. A smile from you may brighten the day for
each other. We wish these photos will cheer up others and in the future
we may try other charity activities to turn these photos into funds to
help those in need. We are having our first Givesmiles@Cairns Australia
photo shooting event in the Esplanade from 8am to 6pm on 22 December 12,
however everyone is welcome to visit our web site www.givesmiles.net
  to donate your smiles on line.

Check this link out for more information: 


It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that
needed it, it can last a lifetime. - Steve Maraboli
more great quotes by Steve Maraboli)

  [Photo: It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to
someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime. - Steve Maraboli

Read more great quotes by Steve Maraboli at:

(Click image for the full picture)

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to
each other. - Mother Teresa
more great quotes by Mother Teresa)

  [Photo: If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we
belong to each other. - Mother Teresa

Read more great quotes by Mother Teresa at:

(Click image for the full picture)

A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. -
Max Lucado  
(read more great quotes by Max Lucado)

  [Photo: A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the
crowd. - Max Lucado

Read more great quotes by Max Lucado at:

(Click image for the full picture)

Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path,
but the lesson to be learned is always ours. - Melody Beattie
more great quotes by Melody Beattie)

  [Photo: Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along
our path, but the lesson to be learned is always ours. - Melody Beattie

Read more great quotes by Melody Beattie at:

(Click image for the full picture)

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget
what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Dr.
Maya Angelou
more great quotes by Dr. Maya Angelou)

  [Photo: I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will
forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them
feel. - Dr. Maya Angelou

Read more great quotes by Dr. Maya Angelou at:

(Click image for the full picture)

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appre

g_b OpEd "The Hindu": Rape and the crisis of Indian masculinity

2012-12-20 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay

Rape and the crisis of Indian masculinity

As women assert their identity and enter his bastions of power, the
traditional Indian male is reacting with violence

Even as the world remains shocked and horrified by the gunning down of 20
little children in Newtown, Connecticut, we need to turn some of that shock
and horror toward our own selves. The gang rape in the capital of a
paramedical student, who lies in critical condition in hospital, should
more than just outrage us. Rape is not simply about law and order, or about
deranged individuals. Nor is the problem going to be solved by more laws,
more police on our streets, more CCTV cameras on our buses or stiffer
sentences for rapists. The gang rapes that are occurring with alarming
regularity must compel us to reflect upon who we are as a society.

Just like the killing of young innocents is forcing Americans to address
the societal reasons for such violence and not just blame one individual,
Indians need to understand that gang rape is not just an aberration
committed by inhuman men. We need to address how we as a society are
implicated in producing such appalling levels of violence against women,
which is increasingly being tolerated and even normalised. As women enter
the work place and the public arena, their boldness and confidence seem to
trigger a sense of insecurity in a society where men are used to being in
charge. While it is impossible to reduce the issue of violence to one sole
cause, that is men, the fact remains that young men are the ones committing
these crimes. These include the 2003 gang rape of a 17-year-old Delhi
University student in Buddha Jayanti Park; the Dhaula Kuan gang rape in
2005 in a moving car of a student from Mizoram; and the 2010 gang rape of a
young BPO employee from the north-east.

We need to inquire why young Indian men are routinely committing gang rapes
in metropolitan cities against women who are just going about their daily
lives. What is the anger that motivates this level of violence? Is the
sight of a young smartly-dressed educated female professional generating a
sense of displacement in men? Over the past several decades, women’s rights
have proliferated and they are claiming their subjectivity, asserting their
identity as women as opposed to being someone’s wife, daughter or sister.
And with the opening up of the market, women are more visible in the
workplace. That they are entering male bastions of power has challenged the
sense of superiority and entitlement of the traditional Indian male.

This idea of a woman as a fully formed human subject remains a difficult
concept to embrace.

Even those who are ostensibly in favour of women’s rights such as the
National Commission of Women and the Department of Women and Child
Development, continue to refer to women as vulnerable objects and discuss
the issue of violence against women in highly protectionist language.

What is required at this stage is not more protection and security, but
education. The grooming of young men to have a feeling of entitlement by
Indian parents breeds a sense of masculinity and male privilege. Son
preference simultaneously erodes the possibility of respect for women, as
girls are seen as unwanted or burdensome. Such inequalities produce the
very hatred against women in the public arena that we are witnessing
throughout the country. When women do not cower or display their
vulnerability — thereby inviting the protection of the virile Indian male —
what follows is a sense of emasculation and aggrievement on the part of
these men.

More law — or calls for the death sentence — are not the answer to what is
a deeply ingrained societal problem.

More law will only serve to give a sense of something being done, when in
fact very little is being done. To confront the hatred that is now
manifesting itself in the most egregious ways is to move forward as a
society. We need to think about how we can handle women’s equality in ways
that are not perceived as threatening. That demands greater responsibility
on the part of parents as well as society not to raise sons in a way in
which they are indoctrinated with a sense of superiority and privilege.
There is also a need on the part of young men to be actively involved in
their schools and communities in advocating women’s equality rights.

While these seem like long-term solutions that will do little to help the
young woman who lies in a coma in Safdarjung hospital, law reform or
hanging the perpetrators will not solve the problem. Law reforms in the
area of rape have been taking place over three decades but they do not
appear to have arrested the appalling levels of violence to which Indian
women are subjected. It is time for us to recognise how we as a society are
implicated in producing the very individuals who are perpetrating such
heinous cri


2012-12-20 Thread The Humsafar Trust Advocacy Unit

* *

*23rd December 2012, Sunday*

*Show Timings- 8pm and 9:30pm*

*Language: Hindi*

* *

Alternate Initiatives presents “Ek Madhav Baug,” a Hindi play by the late
celebrated playwright Chetan Datar. “Ek Madhav Baug” is a pioneering
Marathi language play about homosexuality and acceptance of the gay
community. A 70-minute soliloquy, it has been translated into Hindi by Mona
Ambegaonkar and Vivek Anand, and is enacted by Mona Ambegaonkar.

 This poignant play tells the story of a 21 year-old youth coming to terms
with his sexuality. The play is seen from the point of view of his mother
who discovers that her son is gay and through his diary, relives his
journey of discovery of his own sexuality.

 Ticketed Performance at Mini Theatre, P.L. Deshpande Academy, - Ravindra
Natya Mandir, Prabhadevi - Mumbai, Maharashtra , on Sunday December 23rd,
The play will be presented in Hindi.

Ticket price:- Rs 300/-

Tickets available at The "Ravindra Natya Mandir" Box office from 20th
December onward.

Why you should experience Ek Madhav Baug this Sunday.

• Hindustan Times
o It is one of the most prominent and promising plays in India that openly
speaks of the issue of homosexuality. Acceptance and reconciliation of a
different kind.
o The audience remained speechless for sometime even after the performance
was over. The audience did react; it was applause.
o The play deserves a presence in the mainstream forums since it speaks of
the universal love and affection between mother and son, irrespective of

• Times of India
o Ek Madhav Baug is generally rega rded as one of the best Indian plays to
address homosexuality.
o This play makes you look at people around you and say, ‘Why is their
sexual orientation interesting to me at all?’

• Nagpur times
o “When I saw this play a few years back, I was moved to tears because it
talks about the dilemma of a gay and his revelations to his mother”- Prince
Manvendra Singh

o Though it is based on life, art can give an expression to unsaid feelings
and emotions that can make life easier. Perhaps, it was this power of art
that the city’s LGBTQ community that wished to utilize when they organized
a play reading for EMB by renowned actress Mona Ambegaonkar.
o “These types of events must happen throughout the nation as they prove to
be eye openers and give freedom to those who are overlooked in our
society.” – Prince Manvendra Singh

g_b The Gay Bombay meet at Thane on Sunday the 23rd Dec!

2012-12-20 Thread Manoj
Day& Date:
Sunday, 23 Dec 2012
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM. At the mall

Café Coffee Day, 
Korrum Mall,
Eastern Express Highway,
Thane (West).

Free entry to the meet
2013 beckons! Join us as we bid adieu to 2012 with the last meet for the year. 
Bitch about the year past, ring in the yuletide and ring in hopes for 2013.
And while you are at it, see what the others are up to for the hottest night of 
the year!
The Café Coffee Day at Korrum Mall, Thane, remains the place we gather at 
before proceeding to someone's place not far off for another round of chatar 
patar over snacks, catching up on each other’s lives or just bitch about 
nothing :-) We would be at the Cafe Coffee day for approx 30 min from 5.30pm
For those coming by trains: the place is just a 10 minute ride from the Station 
and you can ask for Korrum Mall, on Eastern Express Highway near Cadbury,
For those coming by road: On eastern Express Highway, Korrum Mall is a major 
landmark near Cadbury that you cannot miss.
For those coming by trains: the place is just a 10 minute auto rickshaw ride 
from the Station and you can ask for Korrum Mall, on Eastern Express Highway 
near Cadbury,
For those coming by road: On eastern Express Highway, Korrum Mall is a major 
landmark near Cadbury that you cannot miss.
Note :
1. Do get your friends along to help them gain access to a group especially if 
they are not netizens.
2. You do not have to be "out" to the world to attend. This is a discreet event 
being held as a clean, safe & social get-together of a non-sexual nature. 
Hardly any of those attending are "out" as such. 
3. You need to be at least 18 years of age to attend.
4. There may be many who will prefer being discreet or may be still be coming 
to terms with themselves hence a request that all be sensitive to this and act 
and dress accordingly.
5. To identify the group look out for someone wearing a black cap
6. You are requested to respect the neighbours in the premises and disperse 
after the meet is over and not hang around.

See you all on Sunday!

g_b Uganda: Pepe -vs- Ssempa on TV

2012-12-20 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay
This is a must watch. And I feel deep respect and pride for Pepe's courage
and quiet dignity.


- Aditya

Development Sector Consultant
Advocate (Regd. No. F-218/192 of 1997, Bar Council of W.Bengal, India)

Website: http://adityabondyopadhyay.webs.com/

Notice to all recipients:
Communication not intended for you but reaching you inadvertently needs to
be treated as confidential and destroyed or deleted immediately. Use of
such communication in a manner prejudicial to the interest of Aditya
Bondyopadhyay and/or his principals, and/or his clients, and/or his agents
respectively, may attract legal proceedings which may be of a civil or
criminal nature.

Aditya Bondyopadhyay and/or his principals, and/or his clients, and/or his
agents respectively cannot be held liable or accountable for any and every
communication reaching out through this email account that is an unaltered
forward of another communication received by this email account, or a
referred source available on the internet and accessible to the public.

g_b 20 most read books of 2012 as per Facebook

2012-12-20 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay
>From FacebookTrends: The most read books of 2012 - And I am floored by the
fact that old Harper Lee is holding strong in the mindless age where we
almost seem to be in the twilight of good-lit; where the likes of the
twilight saga comes up topsand what do I see in such a list "To kill a
Mockingbird" and "The great Gatsby". well FUCK YOU Twilightand FUCK
YOU Hunger Gameswhere will you be in 70 years time..??? Will even
'google' remember you then...!!??

And Love you Lee...Atticus Finch is immortal.. :))

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1) - Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2) - Suzanne Collins
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3) - Suzanne Collins
Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1) -E.L. James
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1) - J.K. Rowling
The Help - Kathryn Stockett
Twilight (Twilight, #1) - Stephenie Meyer
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen