Re: g_b remember sections 388 and 389 IPC

2014-11-27 Thread Bloot Fontaine [gay_bombay]
Aditya, you are brilliant!

 On Monday, 24 November 2014 12:12 PM, Vikram D 
[gay_bombay] wrote:

      When the Supreme Court upheld Section 377 one of the immediate reactions 
was that this was a shocking case of the court empowering blackmailers. 
Throughout its history S.377 - and similar laws across the world - has been 
used extremely successfully to extort money from gay men who are too scared of 
prosecution under the law to fight back.

This is exactly what we are now seeing. From across the country cases are 
coming of queer people being blackmailed or harassed by threat or sometimes the 
actual use of S.377. Just today I have heard the most startling case where a 
businessman gave Rs10 lakhs because he got a letter saying that the person 
sending it had video evidence of him having sex with other men.

One reaction that such stories sometimes get is that people who give in to 
blackmail deserve what they get - that (a) they should not have been stupid 
enough to get into the situation in the first place and (b) they should not 
give in, but call the blackmailer's bluff. Blackmail depends on the victim 
being afraid, and if you are not, it can't work.

But saying this doesn't allow for the extreme loneliness that drives people to 
take risks, and yes, stupid risks too at times. Yes, you should be careful who 
you pick up and where and what you do, but its always easier to say this in 
hindsight. And it is also easy to be courageous when its not happening to you. 
When you are the one who opens an email or letter and finds not just the threat 
of your privacy being exposed, but the knowledge that someone is malign enough 
to want to do it, you can feel the bottom falling out of your world.

This still does not mean one should give in to blackmail. It may be tempting to 
just give the money and hope it all goes away, but it never does. Blackmail is 
an addiction, and quite lucrative too, and blackmailers very often repeatedly 
keep coming back for more. And even if they don't the victim is always afraid 
that they, or someone else, will.

So if this situation happens to you, or to someone you know, the first thing to 
tell them is to find a way not to be afraid. If they have family from who they 
fear exposure, they should ask themselves one hard fact - in the long run will 
the family mind more that one of them is gay or that he is giving away Rs10 
lakhs, and probably even more over time. Whatever people might feel about 
homosexuality, they usually don't want to lose a lot of money!

The second thing to tell yourself, or them, is that S.377 is not easy to 
prosecute. This is why the police actually does not use it very much, but 
prefers to use the threat of it, or more easily implementable and vague laws 
like 'obscene conduct' in public or drinking without a permit (which is what 
most people who are arrested at parties are usually prosecuted under, which is 
why responsible party goers get permits, and party organisers arrange for them).

Proving S.377 without a doubt really requires a medical examination and this is 
not going to be easy to organise. Video evidence might count too - though of 
course there are all the arguments about video being tampered with which 
politicians routinely trot out! But this is one good argument not to record 
yourself having sex, however much this turns you on! At least one S.377 case 
which has been going on for a while involves recording that a husband made with 
his male lover which his wife got her hands on.

And finally, we actually have protection from the same source that threatens us 
- the Indian Penal Code. Buried away in IPC are two sections, S.388 and S.389 
which state that attempt to blackmail using sections of IPC as a threat, is as 
much of a crime as going against those sections of IPC! This perhaps recalls 
some residual wisdom among people, like Lord Macauley who drew up IPC, that the 
law can be misused and it is best to provide remedy against it.

This is what Sections 388 and 389 do, and they specifically mention S.377. 
S.388 says that whoever extorts money by putting someone in fear of being 
accused of a grave crime is liable to be punished severely, and S.389 says that 
whoever even threatens someone with a view to extortion, will be punished 
severely, and both of them end by saying and, if the offence be punishable 
under section 377 of this Code, may be punished with 1[imprison­ment for life].
It is really quite remarkable and worth reading:Section 388 in The Indian Penal 
CodeSection 389 in The Indian Penal Code
Somehow in drafting IPC, the framers did acknowledge that S.377 in particular 
was liable to be abused, and hence they tried to provide some protection. Of 
course, the best solution is not to prosecute people for consensual same sex 
relations, but at least this attempt at balance does exist.

The problem is that these are obscure sections of IPC and few 

Re: g_b pubic hair (झाँट के बाल )

2014-04-24 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Respected Sir,
I have had experience of both South and North Indian men. My experience is that 
if the hair on the head is curly, the hair below is curly irrespective of the 
man being South Indian or North Indian.

On Saturday, 19 April 2014 12:51 AM, Aditya Bondyopadhyay 

Is it true that the pubic hair (झाँट के बाल ) of South Indian Men is more curly 
(घुंगराले) than that of North Indian Men..!! I am very curious to find the 
truth…those with experience of both north and south Indian men, please 


Re: g_b Watch Imran Khan answer stupid questions about gay people Read more at:

2013-12-30 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Hilarious! Thanks for posting! And you need not post this reply if you find it 
irrelevant, Sir.

On Thursday, 26 December 2013 11:45 PM, wrote:

Watch Imran Khan answer stupid questions about gay people

India Today Online  New Delhi, December 26, 2013 | UPDATED 12:58 IST
The year 2013 was the year that the LGBT communities got a slap in the
face with a Supreme Court ruling that upheld section 377 and
criminalised gay sex.

What ensued was protests not just in India,
 but also abroad among the Indian LGBT communities. Many people took on
the ruling on social networking sites.

In the video Imran answers some very silly questions about gay people with a 
healthy dose of satire.

 the tirade against the Supreme Court's ruling, All India Bakchod, a
comedy podcast site, released a video on December 25 starring Bollywood

Imran answers questions such as 'I heard AIDS was invented by gay people, is it 

 the nearly 6-minute long video, titled Imran Khan vs Homophobia,
Imran takes care of some common misconceptions about gay people with
some extremely satirical answers.

Understandably enough, the questions are enough to make you laugh, but they 
leave Imran wondering.


 like why can't gay people like ... Un-gay? and I heard AIDS was
invented by gay people, is it true? and How do gay people have
coffee? and other misconceptions and vague ideas get put down with some
 typical Imran Khan expressions and satirical answers.

Read more at:

Re: g_b No full frontal nudity, non pornographic but erotic page.

2013-12-10 Thread Bloot Fontaine
It is not a group, it is a page with erotic photos. Please kindly continue 
further conversation, if any, in a private message so that others are not 
disturbed. This is also in deference to the wishes of our esteemed Moderator. 

On Friday, 6 December 2013 1:42 AM, vijay kumar wrote:

What is specific to this group
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

 From:  Bloot Fontaine;
Subject:  g_b No full frontal nudity, non pornographic but erotic page.
Sent:  Mon, Dec 2, 2013 5:19:38 PM

Searched and found Boy Homo page on FaceBook. Non pornographic, does not 
contain full frontal nudity but it does contain erotic images. Viewer 
discretion advised.

g_b No full frontal nudity, non pornographic but erotic page.

2013-12-03 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Searched and found Boy Homo page on FaceBook. Non pornographic, does not 
contain full frontal nudity but it does contain erotic images. Viewer 
discretion advised.

Re: g_b Why is it like this?

2013-11-05 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Manoj, These are all possiblities, not hard and fast rules. Again, what I write 
is not and cannot be final and binding and you have every right to differ! 
Right? And if you differ, I accept your different opinion. Okay? Chill. Happy 
Divali! Happy New Year!

On Sunday, 3 November 2013 11:57 PM, Manoj wrote:

Now, if he is a man with more female properties, he could be gay
So people like you, who are so normal that it would take the effort of having 
sex with you to know you are gay, are gay even if they have less of female 
Or the female properties are so focused in one part that they out weigh the 
other male property during sex and hence make the person gay?
And O M F G --- so if a  person is completely gay and a top, he would be a 
campy top as he has more of female qualities.
God save the Macho top.
A worried,

ps: cross posting
From: Bloot Fontaine
Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 12:21
Subject: Re: g_b Why is it like this?

Dear Rahul,
Yes, you are right. There IS a difference between girlish boys and gays. In my 
school, in class also, we had plenty of girlish boys who all grew up, got 
married and have children AND ARE STILL GIRLISH! And then we also had boys like 
me who always were normal BUT WERE ATTRACTED TO MEN! I am gay but if you met 
me, you would never believe it! Only those I have had sex with know the real me.
So this difference DOES exist and as you correctly said, you have to date both 
men and women and discover for yourself whether your are girlish but 
heterosexual or girlish and gay.
I think it is like this because I had read a report by Hite on Male Sexuality 
that children are born of both men and women and are the combination of both - 
mother and father. Now, if he
 is a man with more female properties, he could be gay.
 Conversely, if she is a woman with more manly qualities and knows karate - 
don't fight with her! Hahahahahaha!
All the best!

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 1:09 AM, Rahul Boob wrote:

From my childhood days, I remember behaving girlish, dancing on girly numbers 
and decorating dolls etc. Obviously I dont do all this now. Also, from the 
beginning, I have felt very uncomfortable in the company of boys. Dont know 
about now, as I have kept myself secluded. 
    Right now, My life has become very dull and I want to be with some guys and 
make friends and you know , enjoy, properly like other guys, but still this 
fact comes to my find, that like before, I would again feel uncomfortable , 
nervous and unhappy in boys' company.
    What is this that I am facing? How can I deal with it?
     I might be gay too, but I'll be confirmed about it only after I am 
confident about myself and have dated both boys  girls!


Re: g_b Why is it like this?

2013-10-31 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Dear Rahul,
Yes, you are right. There IS a difference between girlish boys and gays. In my 
school, in class also, we had plenty of girlish boys who all grew up, got 
married and have children AND ARE STILL GIRLISH! And then we also had boys like 
me who always were normal BUT WERE ATTRACTED TO MEN! I am gay but if you met 
me, you would never believe it! Only those I have had sex with know the real me.
So this difference DOES exist and as you correctly said, you have to date both 
men and women and discover for yourself whether your are girlish but 
heterosexual or girlish and gay.
I think it is like this because I had read a report by Hite on Male Sexuality 
that children are born of both men and women and are the combination of both - 
mother and father. Now, if he is a man with more female properties, he could be 
gay. Conversely, if she is a woman with more manly qualities and knows karate - 
don't fight with her! Hahahahahaha!
All the best!

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 1:09 AM, Rahul Boob wrote:

From my childhood days, I remember behaving girlish, dancing on girly numbers 
and decorating dolls etc. Obviously I dont do all this now. Also, from the 
beginning, I have felt very uncomfortable in the company of boys. Dont know 
about now, as I have kept myself secluded. 
    Right now, My life has become very dull and I want to be with some guys and 
make friends and you know , enjoy, properly like other guys, but still this 
fact comes to my find, that like before, I would again feel uncomfortable , 
nervous and unhappy in boys' company.
    What is this that I am facing? How can I deal with it?
     I might be gay too, but I'll be confirmed about it only after I am 
confident about myself and have dated both boys  girls!


Re: g_b SAFE or NOT SAFE?!

2013-10-31 Thread Bloot Fontaine
My advice would be that you remain anonymous. How do you know his account is 
not fake for sure? And if you know that, maybe you already also know whether he 
is trustworthy or not? And if you don't PLAY SAFE. Better be safe than sorry, 

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 1:06 AM, Rahul Boob wrote:

How safe is it to discuss about your sexuality with some gay guy you find on 
the net through some gay groups on facebook ? I know that the person's account 
is not fake for sure !!

Can he cause any kind of harm ? Or may be out your chat or something ?

I am NEW to all this. So kinda worried!

Re: g_b Pls sign the petition Rajya Sabha: Dismiss the Petition to Criminalize Possession of Pornography

2013-07-30 Thread Bloot Fontaine

Re: g_b Sad news

2013-05-31 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Sincerest condolences.

g_b Fw: Blut Fontaine sent you a video: Filipino (Pinoy) Bulge Attack

2013-05-26 Thread Bloot Fontaine

- Forwarded Message -
From: YouTube Service
Sent: Tuesday, 21 May 2013 6:07 PM
Subject: Blut Fontaine sent you a video: Filipino (Pinoy) Bulge Attack 

Blut Fontaine sent you a video: Filipino (Pinoy) Bulge Attack  

Blut Fontaine has shared a video with you on YouTube
Filipino (Pinoy) Bulge Attack  
by Mickel Rimbaud   
Those pinoy dudes love to show off what they've got! Includes a snippet of a 
pretty good example- itsy bitsy teeny weeny white bikinis that barely cover 
those bulges! This vid is a feast of filipino male beauty. Music is a classic 
of the '70's- Fleetwood Mac's Sugar Daddy. Asian dudes 18yo and over can get 
a free escort/masseur/model page at   
 Help center • Email options • Report spam 
 ©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066  

g_b Fwd: Funny SMS

2013-04-25 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Got this one this morning: Now our bowlers know the true meaning of the word 

g_b Howzzat! [1 Attachment]

2013-03-29 Thread Bloot Fontaine

Re: g_b Re: Have you ever asked your barber?

2013-01-17 Thread Bloot Fontaine
You're so funny, Aditya! Hey, from me, thanks for a hearty laugh!

 From: Ron Lussier
Sent: Friday, 11 January 2013 3:09 AM
Subject: Re: g_b Re: Have you ever asked your barber?

You're so silly, Aditya!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 7, 2013, at 3:43 PM, Aditya wrote:

GET RID OF..!!??? DID YU SAY 'GET RID OF' ..!!??

Do you not have any human empathy and compassion for wildlife..!!???

I'm informing Menaka Gandhi, so that she can come and get RID of YOU Mr Samson 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 7, 2013, at 3:37 PM, Samson D'Souza wrote:

Well dear friendnow you have given a way to another topic of debate to get rid of crabscrabs! thats the word used for pubic 

Earlier someone else Wrote:

I'm surprised though that some people seem to assume the only reason to do 
this is because you think smoother is sexier (and maybe more feminine, if 
that's the way you like it). 

But there's also a practical, if not exactly pleasant reason for shaving - 
those nasty little critters called pubic lice. Surely most people here have 
got them at some time, and had to resort to shaving and trying to find and 
pluck the creatures out (a boyfriend really helps here and it is something 
like a test of how close you are, because the plucking is intimate, but too 
painful to be erotic) and then dousing with something like Lindane? 


Re: g_b ToI and Mirror - Two versions of a murder

2013-01-04 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thank you for your response.

 From: Deep
Sent: Friday, 4 January 2013 12:49 AM
Subject: g_b ToI and Mirror - Two versions of a murder

Strange patronizing tone you have Mr. Fontaine. I, quite emphatically, don't 
know you from Adam and amn't your dear friend or even an acquaintance of 
yours. This is an LGBT discussion forum and hence my post on a gay murder. 

The world over speculation is rife when a sensational murder is reported. 
Obviously the actual investigations are left to law enforcement agencies. 

Incidentally, dear readers (lol) the murderer had tattooed the name of the 
guy he murdered across his chest - a subsequent news report mentions.


--- In, Bloot Fontaine  wrote:

 First, I think it wrong to play guessing games as to why one murdered 
 another. BUT, my dear friend, as you HAVE asked, I might as well play along, 
 though it does not serve any purpose. One reason PERHAPS might be that one of 
 the two wanted a one night stand with someone attractive. The second reason 
 is much more common, one wanted financial support from the other!
 Dear Readers, both my reasons are just merely guessing games and are not 
 based on any knowledge of facts whatsoever. Please kindly do NOT take it 
 there is even a grain of truth in my game, though of course, you are as 
 welcome to your guesses as I have been to mine.
 And now, dear Deep, what do YOU think?
 Hugs and thanks to all my readers! Hey, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!
  From: Deep 
 Sent: Wednesday, 26 December 2012 11:15 PM
 Subject: g_b ToI and Mirror - Two versions of a murder
 Here are two reports, one in the Mumbai edition of the Times of India 
 (December 26, 2012) and the other in Mumbai Mirror. 
 The report in ToI makes 21 year old Ryan Gomes as someone who forced himself 
 sexually on Alexander D'Souza and hence got stabbed by the later.
 The report in Mumbai Mirror openly mentions a gay relationship gone wrong. 
 (My question: Why would a gay man kill his partner for seeking sex?)
 Which of these two reports comes closest to the truth? Any opinions?
 -Message Truncated by Blut


Re: g_b ToI and Mirror - Two versions of a murder

2012-12-27 Thread Bloot Fontaine
First, I think it wrong to play guessing games as to why one murdered another. 
BUT, my dear friend, as you HAVE asked, I might as well play along, though it 
does not serve any purpose. One reason PERHAPS might be that one of the two 
wanted a one night stand with someone attractive. The second reason is much 
more common, one wanted financial support from the other!
Dear Readers, both my reasons are just merely guessing games and are not based 
on any knowledge of facts whatsoever. Please kindly do NOT take it there is 
even a grain of truth in my game, though of course, you are as welcome to your 
guesses as I have been to mine.
And now, dear Deep, what do YOU think?
Hugs and thanks to all my readers! Hey, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!

 From: Deep
Sent: Wednesday, 26 December 2012 11:15 PM
Subject: g_b ToI and Mirror - Two versions of a murder

Here are two reports, one in the Mumbai edition of the Times of India (December 
26, 2012) and the other in Mumbai Mirror. 

The report in ToI makes 21 year old Ryan Gomes as someone who forced himself 
sexually on Alexander D'Souza and hence got stabbed by the later.

The report in Mumbai Mirror openly mentions a gay relationship gone wrong. (My 
question: Why would a gay man kill his partner for seeking sex?)

Which of these two reports comes closest to the truth? Any opinions?

-Message Truncated by Blut

Re: g_b Sarve Bhavantu Sukhin

2012-12-22 Thread Bloot Fontaine
The T - shirt has nothing vulgar, I've seen worse! I see no reason why it 
should offend anyone. For that matter, I also see no reason for anyone to jump 
to conclusions! By this I mean that if there are people you know, who you don't 
want to reveal your sexuality to, and if you meet up with such people when 
wearing this T - shirt, I see no reason for them to get any bright ideas about 
your sexuality.
Frankly, TinTin, I've seen worse, much worse. They T-Shirts I've seen, I wonder 
how they can wear such T-Shirts and leave the house in the presence of their 
mothers and sisters! This is nothing compared to T-Shirts that say Needs Head 
(with headless three fingers pointing to penis) Pull chain below for instant 
flush The Man (Arrow pointing to face) The Legend (Arrow pointing to penis) 
and Soap for instant Hand Wash available here (with arrow pointing to penis).
If people can wear this in front of mothers, sisters, wives and daughters of 
their own and other people, your T-Shirt is actually saintly by comparison, my 
dear friend!

 From: Tintin Mumbai India
To: B G; gay_bombay 
Sent: Friday, 21 December 2012 4:54 PM
Subject: g_b Sarve Bhavantu Sukhin


Hello Guys,

I just came across with this T-shirt on one of the Online Clothing Store, Link is given below, specifically to the T-Shirt I am talking

The link says Sarve Bhavantu Sukhin and in addition it shows Symbols of
Hetero Pair (+  -), Male Homo Pair (+  +) and Lesbian Homo Pair (-  -).

I found it interesting, decent, discreet yet suggestive.

I would like to know if one would wear it on regular days? Not just in Gay
parties, not just on Parade Day?
Any Regular day...

What do you say?


--- Reuse Paper by Both Sided Printing 


Re: g_b The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men

2012-11-02 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Interesting. I have only known Indian men. Thank you for your global 
perspective. Wish you lots more luck! All the Best! Regards.

 From: Manoj
Sent: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: g_b The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men

I do not really agree to this generalization
Given the fact that many of indians will be having sex just to get off and 
after finding a release suddenly have a tidal wave of guilt/ shame/ wrong doing 
wash over this is not something way different than any other individuals in 
similar setups.
Over the last 2 years in US (and living in boystown at that), i have heard as 
may cases and complaints of (white )guys who will not kiss, make out or do 
anything other than the mere act of fucking and then disappear the moment they 
are done.
What you see in films and movies about the great western sexual prowess is most 
often than not just as true as the fact that our bollywood hero.
The act of experimenting and wanting to pleasure the other guy is something 
that is learned over a period of time when a person gets comfortable with 
himself/herself .
So we are looking at 2 impacts of the closeted and guilt ridden lives of many 
indian gay men and arriving at a spurious correlation is my strong belief.
Over my not -few-years of being around I have known men from different races (I 
hope my bf does not read/hold this against me :(  ) and i had a different view
Did i end up just lucky or you unlucky? In either case, it would hardly be a 
commentary on gay indian men

From: Bloot Fontaine
Sent: Tuesday, 30 October 2012, 11:07
Subject: Re: g_b The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men

Agree whole heartedly with the author. Found a lover EXACTLY like this from 
this group, tried very hard and tolerated him for THREE years. Glad to be rid 
of him when I finally came to my senses and realised how much I was being 
exploited in the name of love, including financial exploitation.
Hope Ashley Tellis' letter at least gets readers to think. All the Best and 
thank you, Ashley!

From: gaybombay
Sent: Tuesday, 30 October 2012 2:36 PM
Subject: g_b The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men

The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men By Ashley Tellis | Agency: DNA One of 
the best kept secrets about gay life in India is that almost all gay sex here 
is lousy. I have to report that I have never had decent sex here, and I don't 
think I ever will. Apart from the fact that Indians in general are lousy at sex 
and have all sorts of weird hang-ups about it, gay sex here has a particular 
set of sicknesses associated with it. So, Indian men who want to and do have 
gay sex also have no qualms about being disgusted by it and doing it badly. 
Culture legitimises that. Frequently, one comes across men online who will tell 
you that they don't kiss. They want to be sucked, they only want to f--- you 
and, increasingly, want to be rimmed too. They say this with no irony and no 
self-reflexivity whatsoever and actually get offended when you tell them to go 
find a dog or f--- a wall instead. Or when you tell them that something is 
wrong when they want you to lick
 their a--- but they won't lick your face. Or speak of how important kissing is 
to sex. `Tops' (by which is meant the most pathetic imitation of missionary 
heterosexual positions) don't suck, of course. They only want to be sucked. 
This is a given. Men on websites call themselves `pure tops'. They are really 
anxious that you come nowhere near their a--- and, of course, are not 
interested at all in examining that anxiety. They expect bottoms not only to be 
submissive and meek but have no penises, no orgasms, no needs, no sexual 
desires other than to fulfil the desires of the tops. Anal sex is a brutal 
affair and many of my gay friends have ruptured anuses, fissures, and damaged 
sphincters, and seem to take it as par for the course. High on alcohol, 
poppers, hash and other stuff, `bottoms' seem not to care about their own 
bodies, or indeed about sex as something pleasurable, gentle and meaningful. It 
is only about being stuffed and pounded and hence the
 need for all the external intoxicants. Tops, once they come, rush to the 
bathroom to wash and then rush out of the house without so much as a 
by-your-leave, let alone a goodbye kiss. All of a sudden they are disgusted by 
what they have done and want the hell out. It is just a matter of release, 
like they have pissed and now need to leave the pissoir. I have recently begun 
seeing a man who calls himself gay, claims to be interested in an emotional 
relationship with a man, and is looking for a monogamous partner. This is the 
e-mail I had to send him after our first attempt at sex: Dear

Re: g_b apologies

2012-11-02 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thanks for everything you are doing for us! We love you, Sir! And love means 
not having to say sorry!

 From: gaybombay
Sent: Friday, 2 November 2012 1:38 PM
Subject: g_b apologies


by mistake, i approved  porn/adult content email ( everyday they come in 
dozens). i apologies  for the mistake. i have deleted from the list.


Re: g_b The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men

2012-11-02 Thread Bloot Fontaine
I think you mean naive not knave? All the Best!

 From: uday krishnan
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2012 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: g_b The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men


I fully advocate the views of Ashley, and find that more and more of such breed 
are on the net, and many of them are so commercial in their approach that they 
prefer to have all these services rendered to them alone and nothing in 
return.  And it is an apathy to find that some of them have different rules 
with different people, of course its one's choice I do not mean to say that one 
should not use one's discretion, but are we so knave as a fraternity that we 
apply such discrimination ?

 From: gaybombay
Sent: Tuesday, 30 October 2012 2:36 PM
Subject: g_b The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men

The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men

By Ashley Tellis | Agency: DNA

One of the best kept secrets about gay life in India is that almost all gay sex 
here is lousy. I have to report that I have never had decent sex here, and I 
don't think I ever will. Apart from the fact that Indians in general are lousy 
at sex and have all sorts of weird hang-ups about it, gay sex here has a 
particular set of sicknesses associated with it. So, Indian men who want to and 
do have gay sex also have no qualms about being disgusted by it and doing it 
badly. Culture legitimises that.

Frequently, one comes across men online who will tell you that they don't kiss. 
They want to be sucked, they only want to f--- you and, increasingly, want to 
be rimmed too. They say this with no irony and no self-reflexivity whatsoever 
and actually get offended when you tell them to go find a dog or f--- a wall 
instead. Or when you tell them that something is wrong when they want you to 
lick their a--- but they won't lick your face. Or speak of how important 
kissing is to sex.

`Tops' (by which is meant the most pathetic imitation of missionary 
heterosexual positions) don't suck, of course. They only want to be sucked. 
This is a given. Men on websites call themselves `pure tops'. They are really 
anxious that you come nowhere near their a--- and, of course, are not 
interested at all in examining that anxiety. They expect bottoms not only to be 
submissive and meek but have no penises, no orgasms, no needs, no sexual 
desires other than to fulfil the desires of the tops.

Anal sex is a brutal affair and many of my gay friends have ruptured anuses, 
fissures, and damaged sphincters, and seem to take it as par for the course. 
High on alcohol, poppers, hash and other stuff, `bottoms' seem not to care 
about their own bodies, or indeed about sex as something pleasurable, gentle 
and meaningful. It is only about being stuffed and pounded and hence the need 
for all the external intoxicants.

Tops, once they come, rush to the bathroom to wash and then rush out of the 
house without so much as a by-your-leave, let alone a goodbye kiss. All of a 
sudden they are disgusted by what they have done and want the hell out. It is 
just a matter of release, like they have pissed and now need to leave the 

I have recently begun seeing a man who calls himself gay, claims to be 
interested in an emotional relationship with a man, and is looking for a 
monogamous partner. This is the e-mail I had to send him after our first 
attempt at sex:

Dear middle-class Indian man,
Before we take our relationship further (if you want to), I want to state that 
you have to change as a lover and become more responsive and more attentive to 
the person you are in bed with and might be in a relationship with. Here's an 
indication of how selfish you were in bed:

You came thrice and did not bother to ask me if I came even once.
You did not ask me what I like or what I find pleasurable.
You did not rim me but wanted to f--- me (which any lover attentive to his 
lover's needs would do).
You did not suck my c--- or even offer to masturbate me if you are not used to 
You did not kiss me enough, did not let me put my fingers in your mouth while I 
was sucking you.
You were only directed at your own needs — the need to get your c--- sucked, 
the need to f--- my a---.
Despite telling you that I am an anal virgin and you have to be slow and 
gentle, you were impatient, rough, thrusting and insensitive.

This is not the way to treat another human being in bed with you. The other 
person also has needs, desires, pleasures. You have to make an attempt to share 
bodies, and not just selfishly have your way. You are a typical, selfish and 
insensitive Indian man and that does not allow for a healthy, mutually 
respectful relationship.

Please reflect on all this if we have to have a future.


This is why I don't have sex for years sometimes and I'm still an anal virgin 
in my 

Re: g_b The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men

2012-10-31 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Agree whole heartedly with the author. Found a lover EXACTLY like this from 
this group, tried very hard and tolerated him for THREE years. Glad to be rid 
of him when I finally came to my senses and realised how much I was being 
exploited in the name of love, including financial exploitation.
Hope Ashley Tellis' letter at least gets readers to think. All the Best and 
thank you, Ashley!

 From: gaybombay
Sent: Tuesday, 30 October 2012 2:36 PM
Subject: g_b The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men

The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men

By Ashley Tellis | Agency: DNA

One of the best kept secrets about gay life in India is that almost all gay sex 
here is lousy. I have to report that I have never had decent sex here, and I 
don't think I ever will. Apart from the fact that Indians in general are lousy 
at sex and have all sorts of weird hang-ups about it, gay sex here has a 
particular set of sicknesses associated with it. So, Indian men who want to and 
do have gay sex also have no qualms about being disgusted by it and doing it 
badly. Culture legitimises that.

Frequently, one comes across men online who will tell you that they don't kiss. 
They want to be sucked, they only want to f--- you and, increasingly, want to 
be rimmed too. They say this with no irony and no self-reflexivity whatsoever 
and actually get offended when you tell them to go find a dog or f--- a wall 
instead. Or when you tell them that something is wrong when they want you to 
lick their a--- but they won't lick your face. Or speak of how important 
kissing is to sex.

`Tops' (by which is meant the most pathetic imitation of missionary 
heterosexual positions) don't suck, of course. They only want to be sucked. 
This is a given. Men on websites call themselves `pure tops'. They are really 
anxious that you come nowhere near their a--- and, of course, are not 
interested at all in examining that anxiety. They expect bottoms not only to be 
submissive and meek but have no penises, no orgasms, no needs, no sexual 
desires other than to fulfil the desires of the tops.

Anal sex is a brutal affair and many of my gay friends have ruptured anuses, 
fissures, and damaged sphincters, and seem to take it as par for the course. 
High on alcohol, poppers, hash and other stuff, `bottoms' seem not to care 
about their own bodies, or indeed about sex as something pleasurable, gentle 
and meaningful. It is only about being stuffed and pounded and hence the need 
for all the external intoxicants.

Tops, once they come, rush to the bathroom to wash and then rush out of the 
house without so much as a by-your-leave, let alone a goodbye kiss. All of a 
sudden they are disgusted by what they have done and want the hell out. It is 
just a matter of release, like they have pissed and now need to leave the 

I have recently begun seeing a man who calls himself gay, claims to be 
interested in an emotional relationship with a man, and is looking for a 
monogamous partner. This is the e-mail I had to send him after our first 
attempt at sex:

Dear middle-class Indian man,
Before we take our relationship further (if you want to), I want to state that 
you have to change as a lover and become more responsive and more attentive to 
the person you are in bed with and might be in a relationship with. Here's an 
indication of how selfish you were in bed:

You came thrice and did not bother to ask me if I came even once.
You did not ask me what I like or what I find pleasurable.
You did not rim me but wanted to f--- me (which any lover attentive to his 
lover's needs would do).
You did not suck my c--- or even offer to masturbate me if you are not used to 
You did not kiss me enough, did not let me put my fingers in your mouth while I 
was sucking you.
You were only directed at your own needs — the need to get your c--- sucked, 
the need to f--- my a---.
Despite telling you that I am an anal virgin and you have to be slow and 
gentle, you were impatient, rough, thrusting and insensitive.

This is not the way to treat another human being in bed with you. The other 
person also has needs, desires, pleasures. You have to make an attempt to share 
bodies, and not just selfishly have your way. You are a typical, selfish and 
insensitive Indian man and that does not allow for a healthy, mutually 
respectful relationship.

Please reflect on all this if we have to have a future.


This is why I don't have sex for years sometimes and I'm still an anal virgin 
in my forties. I hope lesbians and trannies are having better sex, but somehow 
I doubt it. Homophobia and Indian culture (let's not blame the Brits for our 
sickening conceptions of sex as dirty) have ruined our sex lives. That is where 
the revolution should start. When we refuse bad sex and fight for the right to 
good sex.


Re: g_b Prop-8 overturned; Gay marriage foes ask Supreme Court to uphold California ban

2012-08-15 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thank you very much. So nice of you to take the trouble!

 From: usjerzeeboy
Sent: Sunday, 12 August 2012 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: g_b Prop-8 overturned; Gay marriage foes ask Supreme Court to 
uphold California ban

Good Evening...
Please note that the actual sentence is, marriages are again not only 
allowed in California, (AND) addition for clarity's sake... the 
legitimacy of all the marriages solemnised before the Prop-8 vote are now 
confirmed.  The confusion is the result of the formatting of that particular 
section of text.
The sentence means that once again (as they were prior to Prop-8) gay marriages 
are legal and that any marriages performed before Prop-8 came into place are 
indeed leagl and valid.
Hope this explanation conveys the meaning you wanted to see.
A Reader in Singapore

From: Bloot Fontaine
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: g_b Prop-8 overturned; Gay marriage foes ask Supreme Court to 
uphold California ban

Respected Sir,
You write at the end of the first paragraph With this, gay marriages are 
again not only allowed! Possibly some slip of tongue? May I request you to 
please kindly take the trouble to re-write that sentence, conveying the 
meaning it should convey? Thanking you in anticipation, with apologies for the 

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Sent: Friday, 10 August 2012 1:29 AM
Subject: g_b Prop-8 overturned; Gay marriage foes ask Supreme Court to uphold 
California ban

Proposition 8, a measure that by ballot (popular vote) overturned the 
legislation allowing gay marriage in the sate of California, USA, has been 
struck down by the federal appeals court. With this, gay marriages are again 
not only allowed i
n California, the legitimacy of all the marriages solemnised before the Prop-8 
vote are now confirmed. 

But the brigade in opposition to gay marriage refuse to give up, and now 
propose to take the matter to the US Supreme Court.

The fight goes on..


Re: g_b Prop-8 overturned; Gay marriage foes ask Supreme Court to uphold California ban

2012-08-13 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Sorry! I think I misread in a hurry but the sentence seems to have broken up in 
the wrong place, in the middle of the word in. Okay, got it now.

 From: Bloot Fontaine
Sent: Friday, 10 August 2012 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: g_b Prop-8 overturned; Gay marriage foes ask Supreme Court to 
uphold California ban

Respected Sir,
You write at the end of the first paragraph With this, gay marriages are again 
not only allowed! Possibly some slip of tongue? May I request you to please 
kindly take the trouble to re-write that sentence, conveying the meaning it 
should convey? Thanking you in anticipation, with apologies for the trouble.

 From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Sent: Friday, 10 August 2012 1:29 AM
Subject: g_b Prop-8 overturned; Gay marriage foes ask Supreme Court to uphold 
California ban

Proposition 8, a measure that by ballot (popular vote) overturned the 
legislation allowing gay marriage in the sate of California, USA, has been 
struck down by the federal appeals court. With this, gay marriages are again 
not only allowed i
n California, the legitimacy of all the marriages solemnised before the Prop-8 
vote are now confirmed. 

But the brigade in opposition to gay marriage refuse to give up, and now 
propose to take the matter to the US Supreme Court.

The fight goes on..


Re: g_b Prop-8 overturned; Gay marriage foes ask Supreme Court to uphold California ban

2012-08-12 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Respected Sir,
You write at the end of the first paragraph With this, gay marriages are again 
not only allowed! Possibly some slip of tongue? May I request you to please 
kindly take the trouble to re-write that sentence, conveying the meaning it 
should convey? Thanking you in anticipation, with apologies for the trouble.

 From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Sent: Friday, 10 August 2012 1:29 AM
Subject: g_b Prop-8 overturned; Gay marriage foes ask Supreme Court to uphold 
California ban

Proposition 8, a measure that by ballot (popular vote) overturned the 
legislation allowing gay marriage in the sate of California, USA, has been 
struck down by the federal appeals court. With this, gay marriages are again 
not only allowed i
n California, the legitimacy of all the marriages solemnised before the Prop-8 
vote are now confirmed. 

But the brigade in opposition to gay marriage refuse to give up, and now 
propose to take the matter to the US Supreme Court.

The fight goes on..


Re: g_b party permits

2012-05-28 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Dear Mr. Tintin, The official place to procure a one day or any other permit 
in MUMBAI is near Old Customs House, Horniman Circle, Mumbai. I am really not 
sure how much a one day permit would cost, but it would be less than one 
hundred rupees. Please do keep necessary identification handy. Passport, 
driving licence, MTNL latest paid phone bill, Income Tax Permanent Account 
Number (P.A.N.) Card, Rent receipt, Voter Identity Card etc. are some of the 
documents accepted by the people issuing permits. I do not know what the exact 
name of the office is, but either others on this list will provide more 
valuable information in detail or you can check in some govt. office in that 
building or from people hanging about aimlessly outside. Ya, there are always 
people hanging about aimlessly everywhere in Mera Bharat Mahaan! Hahahahaha!

 From: Tintin Mumbai India
Sent: Sunday, 27 May 2012 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: g_b party permits

Just a serious query

Which are the places, other than officials, where one can get
temporary permits? One Day Permit?
and How much it costs?


On 5/25/12, Bloot Fontaine wrote:
 Sir, a few years ago, (say approximately five years ago) I could get a
 permit even from a wine shop without the queue etc. by paying double. I
 would go to a wine shop, pay six hundred rupees for three years and go away.
 As the shop was near my office, I went again on any Wednesday. That was the
 day the Excise Officer visited that particular wine shop. He would see me
 and give the permit right away.
 If you have the money, you can have the convenience of getting a permit
 through the wine shop, if this method is still prevalent. And yes, it is
 ENCOURAGING corruption. Sorry about that.

  From: Vikram D
 Sent: Wednesday, 23 May 2012 3:56 PM
 Subject: g_b party permits

 This report from the Times of India about the fall out from the rave party
 in Juhu today confirms what GB has been saying for a long time now, which is
 that if you are going regularly to parties it is best to get a permit.

 For those who don't know what this is, its a rather absurd document that
 originated in the days when prohibtion was taken seriously, but now is
 retained essentially as a money making racket for the excise department. It
 says that the person holding the permit is allowed to consume alcohol for
 health reasons - basically, saying that you are a licensed alcoholic!

 The permit is also used as a convenient way for the police to book people
 from parties. If they can't find any other way to book you, they can usually
 book you for not having a permit, since almost no one does. And the fact
 that you may not drink doesn't really make a difference, since they will
 argue you need to have a permit just to be in a place where alcohol is being

 Its an incredibly stupid and oppressive law, but this combined utility to
 excise and police means its not going to disappear anytime soon. So if you
 are going to parties regularly it is really best that you get one. You can
 get single day permits, and sometimes at GB we can arrange with restaurants
 to take care of this, but not all venues agree to do this, and in general
 its best that you have one (I carry mine with me all the time).

 Some big liquor shops will help you with this (usually the day permits), and
 if you're a member of a private club they often do this for members. If not
 you can go to any excise office and do it. You can get single, annual or
 lifetime permits and I think the latter cost around Rs1200/-, but if you can
 afford it, you should just do it. If a party does get raided and the police
 try booking people for not having permits, it might just help you to walk

 MUMBAI: The police have decided to invoke provisions of the Bombay
 Prohibition Act in the case of the Juhu rave. All those patrons proven to
 have consumed alcohol at the Sunday night party at Oakwood Premier Hotel
 will now be booked for drinking without permits. Further turning on the
 heat, the Juhu police have recommended the cancellation of the police
 licences granted to the hotel.

 Ninety-one partygoers were detained by the police from Oakwood on Sunday and
 sent to hospitals for collection of urine and blood samples. The tests will
 confirm how many of the people attending the party were drunk. Our officers
 are scrutinizing the reports and those found positive will be slapped with
 the Bombay Prohibition Act, said deputy commissioner of police Pratap
 Dighavkar on Tuesday.

 Under the act, any person who consumes alcohol without

Re: g_b party permits

2012-05-25 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Sir, a few years ago, (say approximately five years ago) I could get a permit 
even from a wine shop without the queue etc. by paying double. I would go to a 
wine shop, pay six hundred rupees for three years and go away. As the shop was 
near my office, I went again on any Wednesday. That was the day the Excise 
Officer visited that particular wine shop. He would see me and give the permit 
right away.
If you have the money, you can have the convenience of getting a permit through 
the wine shop, if this method is still prevalent. And yes, it is ENCOURAGING 
corruption. Sorry about that.

 From: Vikram D
Sent: Wednesday, 23 May 2012 3:56 PM
Subject: g_b party permits

This report from the Times of India about the fall out from the rave party in 
Juhu today confirms what GB has been saying for a long time now, which is that 
if you are going regularly to parties it is best to get a permit. 
For those who don't know what this is, its a rather absurd document that 
originated in the days when prohibtion was taken seriously, but now is retained 
essentially as a money making racket for the excise department. It says that 
the person holding the permit is allowed to consume alcohol for health reasons 
- basically, saying that you are a licensed alcoholic!  
The permit is also used as a convenient way for the police to book people from 
parties. If they can't find any other way to book you, they can usually book 
you for not having a permit, since almost no one does. And the fact that you 
may not drink doesn't really make a difference, since they will argue you need 
to have a permit just to be in a place where alcohol is being served. 
Its an incredibly stupid and oppressive law, but this combined utility to 
excise and police means its not going to disappear anytime soon. So if you are 
going to parties regularly it is really best that you get one. You can get 
single day permits, and sometimes at GB we can arrange with restaurants to take 
care of this, but not all venues agree to do this, and in general its best that 
you have one (I carry mine with me all the time). 
Some big liquor shops will help you with this (usually the day permits), and if 
you're a member of a private club they often do this for members. If not you 
can go to any excise office and do it. You can get single, annual or lifetime 
permits and I think the latter cost around Rs1200/-, but if you can afford it, 
you should just do it. If a party does get raided and the police try booking 
people for not having permits, it might just help you to walk away.
MUMBAI: The police have decided to invoke provisions of the Bombay Prohibition 
Act in the case of the Juhu rave. All those patrons proven to have consumed 
alcohol at the Sunday night party at Oakwood Premier Hotel will now be booked 
for drinking without permits. Further turning on the heat, the Juhu police have 
recommended the cancellation of the police licences granted to the hotel. 

Ninety-one partygoers were detained by the police from Oakwood on Sunday and 
sent to hospitals for collection of urine and blood samples. The tests will 
confirm how many of the people attending the party were drunk. Our officers are 
scrutinizing the reports and those found positive will be slapped with the 
Bombay Prohibition Act, said deputy commissioner of police Pratap Dighavkar on 

Under the act, any person who consumes alcohol without a valid permit is 
punishable under section 66 (1)(b) and can face imprisonment of up to six 
months and/or a fine of Rs 10,000. 

When the detainees were escorted to hospitals, they were asked to produce 
identity proof and liquor permits. But most of them did not have any permits, 
said Dighavkar. 


Re: g_b For Mother's Day

2012-05-13 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Superb! Thank you for sharing.

From: asfan
Sent: Saturday, 12 May 2012 6:39 AM
Subject: g_b For Mother's Day


 The young mother set her foot on the path of life. 
Is this the long way? she asked. And the guide said: 
Yes, and the way is hard. And you will be old before 
you reach the end of it. But the end will be better 
than the beginning.” But the young mother was happy, 
and she would not believe that anything could be 
better than these years. So she played with her 
children, and gathered flowers for them along the 
way, and bathed them in the clear streams; and the 
sun shone on them, and the young Mother cried, 
Nothing will ever be lovelier than this. 
Then the night came, and the storm, and the path was 
dark, and the children shook with fear and cold, and 
the mother drew them close and covered them with 
her mantle, and the children said, Mother, we are 
not afraid, for you are near, and no harm can come to us. 
And the morning came, and there was a hill ahead, 
and the children climbed and grew weary, and the 
mother was weary. But at all times she said to the 
children, A little patience and we are there. So 
the children climbed, and when they reached the 
top they said, Mother, we would not have done it 
without you. And the mother, when she lay down 
at night looked up at the stars and said, This is a 
better day than the last, for my children have 
learned fortitude in the face of hardness. 
Yesterday I gave them courage. Today, I have 
given them strength. 
And the next day came strange clouds which, 
darkened the earth, clouds of war and hate and 
evil, and the children groped and stumbled, and 
the mother said: “Look up. Lift your eyes to the 
light. And the children looked and saw above the 
clouds an everlasting glory! , and it guided them 
beyond the darkness. And that night the Mother 
said, This is the best day of all, for I have 
shown my children God. 
And the days went on, and the weeks and the 
months and the years, and the mother grew old 
and she was little and bent. But her children 
were tall and strong, and walked with courage. 
And when the way was rough, they lifted her, 
for she was as light as a feather; and at last 
they came to a hill, and beyond they could see 
a shining road and golden gates flung wide. 
And mother said: I have reached the end of 
my journey. And now I know the end is better 
than the beginning, for my children can walk 
alone, and their children after them. 
And the children said,  You will always walk 
with us, Mother, even when you have gone 
through the gates. And they stood and watched 
her as she went on alone, and the gates closed 
after her. And they said: We cannot see her, 
but she is with us still. A Mother like ours is 
more than a memory. She is a living presence. 

g_b Hooker in Las Vegas

2012-03-23 Thread Bloot Fontaine
A guy is walking the strip in Las Vegas and a fantastic-looking Vegas hooker 
catches his eye. He strikes up a conversation and eventually asks the hooker, 
How much do you charge? The Hooker replies, It starts at $500 for a 
hand-job. The guy says,$500 dollars! For a hand-job! Holy crap! No hand-job 
is worth that kind of money! 
The hooker says, Do you see that Denny's on the corner?
Do you see the Denny's about a block further down?
And beyond that, do you see that third Denny's?
Well, says the hooker, smiling invitingly, I own those..And I own them 
because I give a hand-job that's worth $500.
So the guy says, What the hell? You only live once.. I'll give it a try..
They retire to a nearby motel. A short time later, the guy is sitting on the 
bed realizing that he has just experienced the hand-job of a lifetime, worth 
every bit of $500. He is so amazed, he says, I suppose a blow-job is $1,000? 
The hooker replies, $1,500. I wouldn't pay that for a blow-job!
The hooker replies, Step over here to the window, big boy. Do you see that 
casino just across the street? I own that casino outright. And I own it because 
I give a blow-job that's worth every cent of $1,500.
The guy, basking in the afterglow of that terrific hand-job, decides to put off 
the new car for another year or so and says, Sign me up.
Ten minutes later, he is sitting on the bed more amazed than before.He can 
scarcely believe it but he feels he truly got his money's worth.
He decides to dip into the retirement savings for one glorious and 
unforgettable experience.
He asks the hooker, How much for some pussy?
The hooker says, Come over here to the window, I want to show you something. 
Do you see how the whole city of Las Vegas is laid out before us: All those 
beautiful lights, gambling palaces, and shows?Damn! the guy says, in awe, 
You own the whole city?
No, the hooker replies, but I would... if I had a pussy.

Re: g_b Need Help Please

2012-03-06 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Hi Style Me!
The true meaning of gay has changed. Originally, it meant happy. Today, it 
means sex with a person of the same sex. I am not sure if this is a 
dictionary definition.
The second question of tumne kitne logo ke saath sex kara hai is personal and 
I see no need to reply to it. You are welcome and free to debate further or 
avoid debating further, but please kindly grant your critics also the same 
liberty. It is for each person to decide for himself as to whether he wants to 
debate further with you or not and for how long.
Style Me, if you comprehend, you comprehend. If you don't, then no amount of 
discussion will change things and I see no point in endless discussions.
Subko sanmati de Bhagwan.

From: style me
Sent: Tuesday, 6 March 2012 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: g_b Need Help Please

Here everyone is teaching me a lesson of morality, but i want to know one 
thing, what is mean by gay?

Tell me the true meaning of gay.

After letting know answer of my question i will further continue this debate.

And also every one who read this massage tell me Ki tumne abhi tak kitne logo 
ke sath sex kara hai

--- On Sun, 3/4/12, Bloot Fontaine wrote:

From: Bloot Fontaine
Subject: Re: g_b Need Help Please
Date: Sunday, March 4, 2012, 10:11 PM

Dear Deep,
Someone posted on my FB wall something that is relevant to this sordid 
correspondence. If you succeeded in cheating someone, do not think that the 
other person is a fool. Realize that the person trusted you much more than you 
From: Deep
Sent: Sunday, 4 March 2012 12:53 PM
Subject: g_b Need Help Please

Mr. Style Me,
It is difficult for me to type Hindi words on an English keyboard but let me 
Mera cuteboy andheri1 ko diya hua jawaab ko parho aur samjho. Tum bisexual 
ho aur mai gay hoon. Hum dono ko upar vaale ne rachi hai. Mai tumhe isliye 
nahi dhikkaar raha hoon ke tum bisexual ho, balki isliye ki tum ek dagaabaaz, 
dhokebaaz aur gaddaar ho. Tum ek aurat ke jasbaaton se khel rahe ho. Tum apnee 
biwi ke tumpar viswaas ka faydaa utha rahe ho.

Kya tum apnee biwi ko paraaye mardon ke saath sone ke liye chorh doge? Kya tum 
use kahoge, Darling! mujhe woh mard bahut achcha lagtaa hai, mai to uske 
saath sone jaa raahaa hoon. Tum bhi aao naa, mazaa looto!. Kaho Style Me? Yeh 
suggestion kaisee lagee?

Tum bisexual ho, achcha hai - tumhaare dates milne ke chances dugne ho gaye. 
Lekin tumne shaadi kyon ki? Tumhe ek dagaabaaz hone ke liye mai katoo shabdon 
me dhikkaartaa hoon. 
I am sure you sleep around with gay men without telling them that you are 
actually married and bisexual. That, Style Me, is what also makes you a 
Deep--- In, style me style_me92@... wrote: 
Mujhko samaj me nahi aa raha hai ki aap log problem ka solution de rehe ho ya 
mere bare me comments de rehe ho. Koi bhi problem ka solution nahi de reha 
balki maine jo bat batai hai usko apne hisab se manipulate karke mujhko 
suggestion diye ja rehe hai. Mai deep se kahna chauga ki bahut sare log bi 
hote hai jo male aur female ke sath sex karte hai, to kya tumhare hisab se 
unko logo ko bhi apne bete aur beti ke sath sex karna chahiye, tumhare soch 
per taras aata hai. Kuch log ise bhi milege jo straight hote hai per sadi hone 
ke bad male to male sex karte hai to kya iska matlab ye to nahi hua ki wo bhi 
apne bete ya beti ke sath sex kare. Aur aakhir me mai ek bat kahuga ki kuch 
log straight hote hai, kuch gay aur kuch bi. Aur mai bi hu. Aur lagta hai ki 
deep tum cheep minded ho ki jo tum mere ko is tarah ka suggestion de rehe ho, 
tumhari bato se to lagta hai ki kisi bhi gay ko sadi
 nahi karni chahiye, aur agar karni pade to apni biwi ke sath sex na kare 
warna usko apne bete aur beti ke sath bhi sex karna padega.  --- On Thu, 
3/1/12, aaditya2106@... aaditya2106@... wrote:  From: aaditya2106@... 
aaditya2106@... Subject: Re: g_b Need Help Please To: Date: Thursday, March 1, 2012, 11:11 PM  
       I stand 
by what Deep said. And I think, though sarcastic, he made perfect sense. Would 
love to know if style me is up for all the suggestions made by Deep.  
AadiSent on my BlackBerry® from VodafoneFrom: cuteboy andheriguy1@... Sender: Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 20:50:36 -0800 (PST)To: 
gay_bombay@yahoogroups.comgay_bombay@yahoogroups.comReplyTo: Subject: Re: g_b Need Help Please     
 Deep aapne saari bharaas is gareeb per nikal diyahope u feeling better now
 From: Deep gaymanproud31@... To:  Sent: Friday, 
24 February 2012, 1:16 Subject: Re: g_b Need Help Please   
      Dear Style Me, While we debate morality in its 
various forms, you have

Re: g_b i m confused

2012-03-06 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thanks for a hearty laugh, first thing today son! Fun on the net is common in 
all countries, my dear! So long as you enjoy, you do not cheat anyone of money 
or break someone's heart, chatting and pretending to be a chick is cool, man, 
just cool! The net has always had the caution of Caveat Emptor or Buyers 
beware or Chat at your own risk.
You are not bad, son, you are just another little monkey! Hugs.

From: harrykrumpotter
Sent: Tuesday, 6 March 2012 4:02 PM
Subject: g_b i m confused

i don know whether i should share here or not
but i need to say few things to someone n get some relief,
i m a 21y old student,
i m bicurious,, i m afraid thinking about my parents if they come to know about 

i dont know whether it is getting really common in india or not,
and i have a bad habit, for which i feel very guilty but still cant control it,
i try to chat wit people in internet disguising as a girl,
i feel very bad about but cant control

i think i m very bad :(
pls help me to stop chatting like this

i m hoping to get few replies,
take care

Re: g_b [Mumbai Mirror] Sex pest and habitual wife-beater

2012-03-04 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Dear Deep,
I would opine that he deserves punishment BECAUSE HE USED FORCE. Had there been 
consent, punishment would be uncalled for. Like the old Hindi proverb says 
Miyan biwi raaji to kya karega kaazi!

From: Deep
Sent: Sunday, 4 March 2012 12:25 PM
Subject: g_b [Mumbai Mirror] Sex pest and habitual wife-beater

The more things change, the more they stay the same
- French novelist Alphonse Karr

Here's an article in today's edition of Mumbai Mirror which 
rightfully condemns Mr. Sandeep Chamadia for offenses like wife-beating, having 
forcible intercourse with her without her consent, etc. Yet the words 
unnatural sex stand out in the article. Sandeep has even been booked under 
section 377, among other sections. 

Should Sandeep be punished by the law because of he indulged in sodomy or all 
those other offenses? To the mind of the common man his unnaturalness will 
hold sway, perhaps with a conclusion like, these sodomizers are all the same - 

What do you think?



`He is a sex pest and habitual wife-beater'
Senior banker held after second wife files police complaint alleging that the 
porn addict abused her, forced her into having unnatural sex and filmed the 
entire act
by Bapu.Deedwania at timesgroup dot com 

Four years after a bitter divorce, Rita subscribed to a matrimony portal, 
looking for a new start. Through the web site, she seemed to have met the 
perfect partner in Sandeep R Chamadia – a divorcee whose wife cheated on him, 
and a successful banker working as operational risk manager with a leading 
bank. The couple tied the knot amid much fanfare on February 16, 2010. But 
Rita's dreams of a happily-ever-after came crashing down within days. 
The perfect husband, the 35-yearold has alleged, turned out to be a porn 
addict, who showed her obscene videos and forced her into performing unnatural 
sexual acts with him. The obscene acts were filmed and frequent dowry demands 
were made. All forms of resistance from her were dealt with physical and mental 
abuse, and threats of making the film public. 
On February 6, ten days before their second wedding anniversary, she had 
lodged a complaint against Chamadia with the Charkop police station. The police 
have arrested the banker and booked him under Section 377 of the Indian Penal 
Code (IPC) which deals with unnatural offences. After Chamadia's anticipatory 
bail plea was rejected by the Sessions Court in Dindoshi as well as Bombay High 
Court, the Borivali magistrate court on Saturday sent him to police custody. 
The Charkop resident has also been booked under IPC sections 498-A and 406 
(causing physical, verbal and mental abuse, and Prohibition of Dowry Act 
respectively), Rita's lawyers Prashant Parasurampuria and Milan Desai said. 
After the FIR was registered, Sandeep and his parents applied for 
anticipatory bail on the grounds that Rita is falsely accusing them and used to 
constantly nag him and his old parents. While the Dindoshi Sessions court 
allowed bail to his father, it rejected the plea of Sandeep and his mother, who 
has been accused of seeking dowry. Sandeep then went missing but was arrested 
on Friday afternoon, and a Borivili court sent him to police custody. 
Rita in her complaint (copy available with Mumbai Mirror) stated that Chamadia 
had lied to her about the cause of his first divorce. He had said that his 
first wife was involved with another guy. When he came to know the truth, they 
amicably parted ways. 
However two months ago, the complaint said, Rita met the parents of the 
first wife. They told me that Sandeep was a porn addict by nature and he used 
to forcefully perform explicit sex acts with their daughter too. He also 
tortured her physically and mentally when she refused. They had to pay him 
money for rescuing their daughter from this monster. He also started 
blackmailing her by threatening to upload a film if she refused. They said that 
they couldn't let their daughter suffer any longer and mutually settled the 
matter, Rita stated in her complaint. 
The complaint also stated that Rita's parents had given the Chamadia family 
Rs 4 lakh and valuables, including gold, worth Rs 27 lakh as dowry. Rita 
further alleged that after the wedding, her in-laws made additional demands of 
Rs 8 lakh as dowry, which were met by her parents. But even that wasn't enough. 
On February 2 , the complaint stated, Rita's in-laws threw her out of their 
Charkop residence, following which she filed a complaint with the Charkop 
police on February 6. 
Rita said that at first she lodged a complaint for mental and physical 
harassment in the matrimonial home because she `could not muster the courage' 
to give 

g_b O o o O

2012-02-25 Thread Bloot Fontaine
O o  o OTwo young guys appear in court after being arrested for smoking dope.
The judge says, You seem like nice young men, and I'd like to give you a 
second chance instead of jail time. I want you to go out this weekend and try 
to convince others of the evils of drug use. I'll see you back in court Monday.
On Monday, the judge asks the first guy, How did you do over the weekend?
Well, your honor, I persuaded 17 people to give up drugs forever.
Seventeen people? That's wonderful How did you do it?
I used a diagram, your honor. I drew two circles like this: O o. Then I told 
them that the big circle is your brain before drugs and the small circle is 
your brain after drugs.
That's admirable, says the judge. Then he turns to the second guy. And how 
did you do?
Well, your honor, I persuaded 156 people to give up drugs forever.
Wow! says the judge. 156 people! How did you manage to do that?
Well, I used a similar diagram, the guy says. I drew two circles like this: 
o O. Then I pointed to the little circle and said,
'This is your asshole before prison...

Re: g_b YouTube - Help required

2012-01-29 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Dear Karna,
I went to this site. Like you said, the clip did not play BUT they were showing 
other clips in the side bar and I chose one that linked me to Men dot com. The 
men site opened and the clip played and therefore I am inclined to think that 
clips on youporngay not playing seems to be some problem of the site, rather 
than a block by Mera Telephone Nahin Lagta (M.T.N.L.)! Wait for a day and if 
the problem persists, you could consider contacting the webmaster of your 
favourite site.

From: Karna Mehta
To: Joe Dcuze; 
Sent: Saturday, 28 January 2012 4:12 PM
Subject: g_b YouTube - Help required


Hi guys.

I have a problem on Youtube...

I used to watch gay clips by opening in the search bar of google.
Since two days the site opens but the clips do not

However I can watch hetrosexual clips by opening in the search bar of google. The
site opens and the clips play.

I have MTNL broadband connection. Has MTNL barred
gay sites?

Does anyone have an answer for me?

Thanks guys in advance for any help.

Get your own 800 number
Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more

Re: g_b 10 years, 21,000+ members, 35,257 posts.. Gay_Bombay Report Card

2012-01-03 Thread Bloot Fontaine

From: gaybombay
Sent: Tuesday, 3 January 2012 1:29 PM
Subject: g_b 10 years, 21,000+ members, 35,257 posts.. Gay_Bombay Report Card

New Year update

Gay_Bombay completed 10 years in 2011. 21,000+ members. 35,257 posts. Largest 
non adult LGBT Yahoo group in the globe. Thank you.


Re: g_b FW: Spanish man and Indian man trying to get married in Spain

2011-12-28 Thread Bloot Fontaine
The best advice on this subject would be the reply from some qualified advocate 
on the group, but maybe, perhaps, I might be able to help by suggesting a trick 
or two.
India is a diverse country and so divided, that it would be possible to play 
this trick and get away with it. Let us suppose your partner is from Assam, 
North India.
You COULD publish the news in some Tamilian newspaper in South India! You would 
have published the news in an Indian newspaper, some small time paper would 
publish it because they are getting money for the ad and they are not bothered 
about what happens in another country because you are getting married in Spain, 
not India and thereby you are not violating any Indian Law AND the South 
Indians would be least bothered about what is happening in Assam! Similarly, if 
he is Gujrati, you publish in some newspaper in Bengal! Those who know him will 
not see the news and those who do not know him will be too far away to take the 
trouble to make a trip just to harass him.
As for the parents, the reason they are asking is to make sure that he is not 
married in India. Well, maybe they will accept an affidavit filed by an 
advocate before a notary public or something but you need to check with an 
advocate on this.
Wish you both all the best!
Regards and God Bless!

Sent: Wednesday, 28 December 2011 12:32 AM
Subject: g_b FW: Spanish man and Indian man trying to get married in Spain


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: 27 December 2011 22:48
Subject: Spanish man and Indian man trying to get married in Spain


My name is Asier. I´m a Spanish living in Spain and my boyfriend is an Indian 
living in India, we met when I was living in India in 2009. Last year we 
decided to get married and started the process: it has taken us exactly one 
year to get all the documents we were asked, and last week I went to the 
council (or Civil Registry) in Barcelona to hand in the application and all the 
documents, validated with the Apostille de la Haye in India, and officially 
translated into Spanish, but they refused to take our application, saying that 
we now need to get two more
documents: my boyfriends parents signature for certification of his marital 
status and a proof of our marriage being published in two Indian newspapers 
everyday during one month. But the reality is that none of these is possible: 
the first one because his parents do not agree to this marriage and the second 
one because in India our marriage is not valid because of being two men, and 
therefore no Indian newspaper is going to announce our marriage in their 
marriages section. Moreover, I believe that if we gave Indian newspapers 
details about our marriage, they could use it to produce news criticizing it, 
and exposing my boyfriend to a dangerous situation (it has happened earlier 
this year that a tv channel in India exposed gay people publicly and they ended 
up trying to commit suicide due to social oppression).

I would like to mention that my boyfriend is 31 years old (he is and adult, and 
so am I); the reason why they ask for his parents signature is because I think 
there used to be a tradition in hindu and islamic marriages where both families 
used to sign for the wedding, but as far as I know that it is not a 
requirement, nowadays the Affidavit (Indian document that states marital status 
of the person who is going to get
marriage) is signed in front of a notary by the person who is going to get 
married (well I guess you know about all this), and we have got that, we 
actually had it done by a notary in India who is specialized in Affidavits.

Do you have any idea of what we can do?

Thank you very much
Asier Reguera

Re: g_b Gay African man burned alive

2011-12-14 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thank you for the clarification, Sir. Nice to have you on our group, so that 
the record can be set straight.

From: Sam Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, 13 December 2011 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: g_b Gay African man burned alive


Just to set the records straight, although it doesn't justify this inhumane act.

I'm Nigerian and understand the language this man is not being killed because 
he was gay. This video has nothing to do with LGBT , he is being burnt because 
he is an armed robber (a rapist and a murderer) not that it justifies their 
actions. Just get your facts straight

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Bloot Fontaine 

Shocking, disturbing, savage, cruel, inhuman, brutal . I will run out of 
words ... what people! And no one had the guts to stop this?!!

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Sent: Tuesday, 13 December 2011 10:05 AM
Subject: g_b Gay African man burned alive


CAUTION: Extremely gory and graphic video...see only if you have nerves of 

Wonder what the world is coming to, and where humanity is headed?

Aditya B

Re: g_b Gay African man burned alive

2011-12-12 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Shocking, disturbing, savage, cruel, inhuman, brutal . I will run out of 
words ... what people! And no one had the guts to stop this?!!

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Sent: Tuesday, 13 December 2011 10:05 AM
Subject: g_b Gay African man burned alive


CAUTION: Extremely gory and graphic video...see only if you have nerves of 

Wonder what the world is coming to, and where humanity is headed?

Aditya B

Re: g_b looking for marriage of convenience

2011-07-15 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Giving your real name, address, phone number to strangers is always dangerous, 
sonny! Next time, arrange a meeting. This advice is not with reference to any 
particular person.

--- On Wed, 13/7/11, Sameer Raj wrote:

From: Sameer Raj
Subject: Re: g_b looking for marriage of convenience
Date: Wednesday, 13 July, 2011, 2:40 PM


Hi everybody,

This girl priya, i contacted her once when she gave this advertisement. believe 
me she is all talks...
when i asked her that whether  i can get her contact number to discuss the 
proposal further. i gave her my number and then she just vanished.
do not believe her frnds...

From: priya arora
Sent: Tue, 12 July, 2011 3:44:59 AM
Subject: Re: g_b looking for marriage of convenience


--- exuse me if ya dun know mah problems den dun comment alright 

Re: g_b Dishonest, Cheating Hi prem

2011-07-09 Thread Bloot Fontaine
How can you be a "mad" cow if you give such sensible, correct advise? Yes, good advice, do follow it, dear Prem Chandran. Prem, you are also risking A.I.D.S. with this partner. Stay away and donate your surplus cash to Humsafar Trust instead, yar! They DO accept donations.--- On Fri, 8/7/11, mad cow wrote:
From: mad cow madc...@yahoo.comSubject: Re: g_b Dishonest, Cheating Hi premTo: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.comDate: Friday, 8 July, 2011, 6:16 PM

hi prem dont be fool anymore with him he will never ever improve and u r loosing ur time money and ur energy, it happendsame thing with me he was muslim boy slut basterd his name was Fahim i lost tremonds money bought him house and so on but he was never true to me he was a bigest lier so now iam no more with him just gave up, i came to know he was a bigest cheeter god forbid he will die with pain no matter were he is ,my dear prem just forget about him see that who loves u not u loves someone u must love but umust see that weather he loves u and keep limited spending on people, my dear u work hard and we spend on such sluts basterds plz foget him and tell him that he has taken loan from u and threat him that u will take him to police and fuck him or do one thing if he gets u once more take him to fuck and put bamboo in his ass and tear his ars dear dont worry we must do such things those who cheet take
 care.---Sponsored links: Rock Hard Erections. All New Formula Attacks the Root. Fast. 

From: prem chandran zulfy_2...@yahoo.comTo: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.comSent: Thu, July 7, 2011 2:22:57 PMSubject: g_b Dishonest, Cheating  Flirting Partner

I hv been keeping a relation with my Ex Bf for about 2 yrs. Helped him in financially for all his needs, such as Air Ticket, Mobiles, gold ring, Gold Chain, Hospital Exp,day to day expenses,Hard disk, Clothes, Jacket for interview etcas he was jobless  Sick. 
Only thing he was a lier throughout  still I accommodated. He was very adamant with his lies even though I exposed few times. Whenever I was in Mumbai he used to meet me 2 times a week , rest he used to give me all sort of excuses. But later I found-out he-used to go with others. Well I told him I wouldnt mind going wd others but tell me wd whom he goes. He used to swear upon his parents  Jesus Christ ( He is a Cristian boy) that since he started wd me never been wd any. It was a lie bcz I exposed his lie twice. He use to justify a lie with 1000 lies. Still i was very much accommodating to keep him happy. I knew he had lot of problems in his life. He was a hard core bottombeen with many even foreigners before becoming friendly wd me. He was living wd his relatives they used to take care of his daily food. Rest I was supporting. Hewas very good looking like a foreigner. Even though 24 yrs look like a boy of 20. Tall  fair.
 He had fetish for under wears used buy at least 4 every month. Waxing his legs  Chest n was proud of himself. When i'm away I used to send him 8-9000 rupees every month. 
When I was away he started working for a salary of 4000, as a trainee but used to up/down fr work by auto paying 80+80 every day, bcz of my after 4 month i landed back on Saturday  waited for him near to his place to give a surprise but that evening he never turned up. I called his number not responded  called him nxt day he swear ed to me that he reached home by 8.30pm.
Itold him I wouldn't mind if he had n with any, bcz he is a needy guy but tell me the truth. He started shouting on phone .I tried to calm him down but he was just accusing me with all sort of nonsense stating he will go2 police stating that I was using him and all.
The nxt day he wanted to justify that he reached his place in 30 min, call me near his work place and both of us travelled on same rick but never reached in 30 mins but he still he was justifying. So i walked out from there without any comments. 
Then started all threatening  all as I stopped helping him financially.Then he become very furious.
He had faulted his net payment and even though the con was discon in feb the bill continued  accrued to Rs.8500/- b4 I left in Jan I paid the bill on 4Jan  gave him the Receipt which he say he misplaced N accused me I never paid bcz of that net discon.Now he says he has only one Tension that is reliance's pending bill, which he expecting to settle if I want to ease his tension, but nothing 2 do wd me anymore.
I wanted to settle the bill, Made inquiry n called him, sms him for some details but he never replied or attended my calls.
Since no more funding, he started to travel by bus, which would cost him only Rs24 up/down instead of Rs.160/-
Most of the money I gave was through Bank Transfer  I hv all the copies.
I want to help him but he is very adamant that he doesn't need my help, he is poor, as long he 

Re: g_b India health minister: Gay sex is a disease

2011-07-05 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Ghulam Nabi Azad and all politicians are India's worst diseases, killing India 
with corruption. Parasites, all of them.

Re: g_b Thank You All

2011-07-02 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Dear Critics of Aditya Bondopadhyay,
I do not know Aditya personally, I have never met him, I have only read his 
writings on this list and, if you gentlemen go through the archives, you will 
read that I too have been at the receiving end of fire and brimstone from Mr. 
But the fact remains that he is indeed a brilliant lawyer and superb in defence 
of gays and splendid in arguments of gay issues.
A sword has to be sharp, gentlemen. The head of a spear has to be sufficently 
pointed to kill. Otherwise, these are not weapons, just oarnaments.
I feel that, instead of driving this person away (not that he is going to be 
driven away by protests), it would be better to coax, to cajole, to persuade. 
Even hurling abuses is not going to work, he will lash out against anger with 
anger - as anyone including myself would.
It sometimes happens that all members on this list are not as highly educated, 
not as intelligent and not as mature; some are even just kids! I am fifty three 
and so eighteen year olds are kids for me!
Such people may get dissuaded and frightened away and so we could collectively 
request Shri Aditya to be more polite and considerate and maybe, just perhaps 
maybe, there is a chance that he will listen. We need an angry young man, who 
is angry against gay hostile and gay intolerant people, not against us!
At the same time, this person is an asset not worth losing!
And then there are the instances of people whose sentiments have been hurt by 
what he said about Gandhiji or Baba Ramdev. I had once been told, God does not 
need devotees, devotees need God. So also, if something is said about someone 
you respect, instead of being upset, you can take it that that person does not 
need you to defend him, he can defend himself and also you! And maybe you can 
ignore such comments instead of silencing those who make them!
This is a free and democratic country and the freedom of speech is granted to 
everyone and this gay bombay list also follows those time honoured traditions. 
Let us co-operate with the Moderator and allow all to say what they want to. 
Take what is worth taking and with a kind and gentle breath, blow the rest away!
Let us think it over!
With malice toward none,
Regards to all my readers and thank you, all of you, for reading.

--- On Fri, 1/7/11, Mike Morea wrote:

From: Mike Morea
Subject: Re: g_b Thank You All
Date: Friday, 1 July, 2011, 7:22 PM


Another victim falls to Aditya's insensitivity and yes, I am particularly 
calling his name here.  He is too brash, lacks empathy and stupid most of times 
... as brilliant he is at times.

Moderator, how many more should quit this forum before any action is taken? 
Alan now, Mike previously (quit over Gandhiji's comments) ... This is as people 
have come out and said so. How many quit before or silently fearing the 
reprisal from AB, I do not know.

Do you want this forum to end up as one person's pet peeves ... wake up guys.


From: alan sus
Sent: Thu, June 30, 2011 3:48:59 AM
Subject: g_b Thank You All


Dear all, 
sorry about talking about banning anyone, anyways i was on this site to convey 
messages to my boyfriend but he had unsubscribed long back, just was annoyed 
when aditya had written a long critisizing and mocking poem on how painful my 
life was without my boyfriend.
just want to say many guys come to this site, who are in state of joy, sorrow, 
suicidal and mental and confused too.. 
sharing a view always many atimes helps others to prevent from burning someone 
elses hands. and learning from someone's mistake or success.
Wish you guys all the very best and wish you all success in love, life  
And  i have found my lover back, so me too am unsubscribing from this group 
which is my next step... 
Goood bye and cheers

Re: g_b This has NOTHING to do with LGBT - but is a general SAFETY WARNING

2011-05-17 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thank you!

--- On Mon, 16/5/11, sbdary wrote:

From: sbdary
Subject: g_b This has NOTHING to do with LGBT - but is a general SAFETY WARNING
Date: Monday, 16 May, 2011, 4:26 PM


Hi All,

I'm writing about a shocking episode that happened last Friday (13th May 2011) 
in Pune. This may be a good, useful lesson in safety for all of us to remember.

I was talking to someone I know, a person who is normally quite lively and 
chirpy but who sounded rather down and depressed this morning. This is the 
story that I heard, the reason behind the depression... 

a family firend had died due to burns sustained in the kitchen. The gas stove 
was on, cooking under process. The lady observed some cockroaches near the sink 
and grabbed a can of insect repellent and sprayed it. Near the gas stove, which 
was burning. There was an explosion and in no time the poor woman was covered 
in flames, sustained 65% burns. Her husband rushed in, tried to douse the 
flames and his clothes too caught fire. The husband is still in hospital, in 
the burns ward, still unaware that his wife has succumbed, dead on arrival.

I've been trying to gather some information on the inscet repellents such as 
Hit, Mortein etc. Are they flammable? I guess they are, and the 
nano-particles spread extremely rapidly. Did the poor lady realise the hazard 
involved? Obviously not! 

Spread the word around who knows?



2011-05-08 Thread Bloot Fontaine
I think Sid means EVERY train, yar! One particular compartment in EVERY train 
that leaves.

--- On Sat, 7/5/11, Reshma Mathur wrote:

From: Reshma Mathur
Date: Saturday, 7 May, 2011, 9:02 AM


let me know too, i will join this train too

From: Gibson Bist
Sent: Friday, 6 May 2011 5:16 PM


which train, Slow or fast , at what time it start from Chrch gt stn. wrote:

From: sid parkar
Date: Friday, May 6, 2011, 8:39 AM


There is a gay compartment in trains in Western railway. It is the first gents 
second class compartment on Churchgate side. Men look at each other understand 
what they want and come closer. I went once with a friend few years ago and we 
both had a surprisingly good experience.
--- On Fri, 6/5/11, Bloot Fontaine wrote:

From: Bloot Fontaine
Date: Friday, 6 May, 2011, 8:18


I think the idea is good, but you have put it on the mailing list and there is 
no guarantee about WHO reads this list. Gay Hostile people could also be 
reading this and could be ready to pick up people using this method, just to 
later blackmail, beat up, whatever. We read of bad experiences, don't we?
The idea is good, but needs caution. This is strictly my opinion and not the 
opinion of any other member of the group and also not the opinion of the group 
and I alone am responsible for my opinion.
Regards. --- On Thu, 5/5/11, Sameer Raj wrote:

From: Sameer Raj
Date: Thursday, 5 May, 2011, 2:57 PM


Frnds i need ur vomments on this idea,, would this work..

From: Sameer Raj
Sent: Wed, 4 May, 2011 5:15:00 PM

Hi everyone I thought if thei and think that this might makes our life easy if 
we want to find who is a gay among the crowd in the local train. i guess 
that we all have bluetooth in our mobiles... let all name it to  BOMBAY 
DOST so when anyone of us searches and he gets this simply he should write a 
note and send via bluetooth  everything like where eactly is he standing wat 
clothes is he wearing something like this 25 near door blue and black vasai so 
the other one would understand that he is 25 yrs of age standing near door and 
wearing  blue shirt and would get down at vasai the only thing is we need to 
change our buletooth device name to BOMBAY DOST if u think this might work and 
bring some enjoyment for us pls act also plz keep the name as BOMBAY DOST only. 
so each one of us would enjoy Regards Virarite


2011-05-06 Thread Bloot Fontaine
I think the idea is good, but you have put it on the mailing list and there is 
no guarantee about WHO reads this list. Gay Hostile people could also be 
reading this and could be ready to pick up people using this method, just to 
later blackmail, beat up, whatever. We read of bad experiences, don't we?
The idea is good, but needs caution. This is strictly my opinion and not the 
opinion of any other member of the group and also not the opinion of the group 
and I alone am responsible for my opinion.

--- On Thu, 5/5/11, Sameer Raj wrote:

From: Sameer Raj
Date: Thursday, 5 May, 2011, 2:57 PM


Frnds i need ur vomments on this idea,,
would this work..

From: Sameer Raj
Sent: Wed, 4 May, 2011 5:15:00 PM


Hi everyone 
I thought if thei and think that this might makes our life easy if we want to 
find who is a gay among the crowd in the local train.
i guess that we all have bluetooth in our mobiles...
let all name it to  BOMBAY DOST
so when anyone of us searches and he gets this simply he should write a note 
and send via bluetooth  
everything like where eactly is he standing wat clothes is he wearing
something like this
25 near door blue and black vasai
so the other one would understand that he is 25 yrs of age standing near door 
and wearing  blue shirt and would get down at vasai
the only thing is we need to change our buletooth device name to BOMBAY DOST
if u think this might work and bring some enjoyment for us pls act
also plz keep the name as BOMBAY DOST only.
so each one of us would enjoy



2011-05-06 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thanks for the tip!

--- On Fri, 6/5/11, sid parkar wrote:

From: sid parkar
Date: Friday, 6 May, 2011, 2:09 PM
=Message Truncated=

Re: g_b Swallowing Semen - A Query in Mumbai Mirror

2011-05-04 Thread Bloot Fontaine
I think the problem is psychological, Deep. This guy was a first timer from 
what he wrote and maybe he felt some humiliation? I have always found it 
tasteless, bland etc.
Though I would not know about unclean or diseased people. I just know, I like 
the taste.

--- On Tue, 3/5/11, Deep wrote:

From: Deep
Subject: g_b Swallowing Semen - A Query in Mumbai Mirror
Date: Tuesday, 3 May, 2011, 10:49 AM


Here's a query from a 27 year old, educated and proud to be gay man (BRAVO!). 
Cool reply from Dr. Mahinder Watsa in today's edition of Mumbai Mirror. The 
virgin says that His sperms were in large quantity and smelling very bad - he 
obviously refers to the quantity of semen of his 32 year old partner. 

My question is, how many of us feel that semen smells bad when we take it in 
our mouths? Does it smell bad only if the partner is either unclean or carries 
some sexually transmitted disease?




1 I am 27 years old, well educated and proud to say I am gay. I have a friend 
who is 34 years old and unmarried. I performed oral sex on him last night. It 
was the first time I indulged in sex with anybody. He exploded sperm in my 
mouth. Even after I removed it, a lot of thick sperms were left. I am sure lots 
have gone inside my mouth too. I have read it is safe but I just want to know 
from you if it is okay. His sperms were in large quantity and smelling very 
bad. He wants to do it without condoms. I hope you understand. 

Swallowing ejaculation fluid from a person you can trust will cause you no 
harm. Whether you should is your business. 

Re: g_b German man turns woman, Kashmiri lover refuses to marry

2011-05-04 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Hole. The censored word is hole. Regards.

--- On Tue, 3/5/11, akshay khanna wrote:

From: akshay khanna
Subject: Re: g_b German man turns woman, Kashmiri lover refuses to marry
Date: Tuesday, 3 May, 2011, 12:59 AM


a sad story, it is. what i cannot decipher is what the censored word **le is. 

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 8:03 AM, Aditya Bondyopadhyay 


The sex acts, if they happened, happened consensually, and outside the
jurisdiction of the Srinagar Court, or any other court in India for
that matter. If there is to be a prosecution for rape/sexual assault,
it has to be under the court and under laws of the place where it took
place, i.e. Germany. Neither 377 9=1 376 applies in this case.

A civil or tort action may lie, but that is a decision that the German
will have to take. Given the way/speed the judiciary functions, I can
safely say that if she does go for it, she will be pretty old by the
time a decision is taken.

Aditya B

On 5/2/11, wrote:
 German man turns woman, Kashmiri lover refuses to marry

 Sunday, 01 May 2011 11:19 Kashmir Monitor

 Srinagar: A close relative of a well known New Delhi based Kashmiri
 businessman has run into legal trouble after his lover from Germany moved a
 local court here seeking relief.

 According to sources the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Srinagar
 witnessed one of the strangest cases in recent times that has baffled the
 police and the judiciary alike.

 The story goes like this. A young man from Kashmir got closely involved with
 a man hailing from Germany. The two soon became very close and 'developed'
 homosexual relation. Over the period of time the two were 'together', the
 German 'beloved' gave numerous gifts to his Kashmiri lover running into
 lakhs of rupees.

 Such was the level of intimacy between the gay couple that the German wanted
 to marry the boy from Kashmir 'legally'. Perhaps informed that homosexuality
 was still a crime in India, the German then decided to do the unbelievable.

 Thinking that he could have a happy life with his Kashmiri boyfriend the
 German decided to go in for a sex change operation. The sex change operation
 is an extremely costly affair in European countries with average bill of
 over 1-2 million.

 The German claims that he spent around Rs.30 lacs on the surgery. Despite
 the costs and the risks, the German reportedly went in for the operation.
 The operation was successful and he came out of operation theater as a

 Thinking that now he (she) could marry her long time boyfriend, the German
 boy turned girl came all the way to Kashmir, only to get the shock of her
 life when the boyfriend refused to marry her.

 Shocked and numbed by the volte face the German has decided to fight back.
 She hired a lawyer in Srinagar to seek justice. In the petition filed before
 the CJM, the German has reportedly accused the Kashmiri boy of fraud
 cheating and even rape. But the counsel for the Kashmiri boy argued that
 basic petition was flawed as the sexuality of the German is not clear.

  I told the judge that it was a case of two *** les. If it is front **le
 then the case falls under section 376 o IPC and if it is the back **le then
 section 377 of IPC will apply. I told the judge to decide on which lines
 should I based my arguments on, said advocate Bilal Ahmed.

 He added that since the two were having a live in relationship, charges of
 rape do not apply and that the German should file a civil suit instead.

 According to sources the police too is confused as to on what lines should
 they file their case report. Considering the German was a man and now is a
 woman, we will wait for observations of the court, a police official said.


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Re: g_b Why i'm here

2011-04-15 Thread Bloot Fontaine
You are most welcome to be with us!

--- On Thu, 14/4/11, Carrera wrote:

From: Carrera
Subject: g_b Why i'm here
Date: Thursday, 14 April, 2011, 11:49 PM


Dear All,

I've joined the group recently and haven't gotten down to introducing myself. 
For those of you who don't know, I'm biologically female, identify as 
Gender-fluid, and 32yrs old.
I have a very strange predicament. I don't know if I rightly belong to this 
group, or for that matter, what kind of queer-identity I should ascribe to. I 
am bisexual but that's not why I'm here. 

I find myself extremely attracted to the concept of being gay. Not female-lesb. 
I mean male-gay. I feel like a gay boy in a woman's body most of the time.
This poses a bit of a problem as obviously no gay man would be able to 
reciprocate that!! Ideally I would like to eventually end up in an open r'ship 
with a bi-dude. But most bi-men DON'T TELL WOMEN they're bi !! Which takes me 
back to square one.

Anyway, I'm unsure of what my role here is, or whether I should pursue contact 
with people in GB and at GB events. I'm unsure of whether my presence at GB 
meets would be out of place at best or unwanted at worst.

Most of my friends are straight, and though that's fine with me, it leaves out 
a whole aspect of myself when I relate to them. I don't identify with lesbians 
at all !
What would you all suggest I do? I would really want to know what are your 
honest opinions in this situation, and whether you think it is awkward or 
alright for me to be here. 


Re: g_b Request Please Don't Give Up On Our Dog

2011-04-15 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Message forwarded to animal lovers I know. There is also a frantic search for 
one Karnit Anand Shah aged five! Sad! Maybe posting this too on FaceBook might 
help? (If not done already?)

Re: g_b Farooq Abdullah's comment

2011-04-15 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Kris you are absolutely correct. Men don't become gay because they cannot 
get women! What ideas some people have, yar!

--- On Thu, 14/4/11, Kris Bass wrote:

From: Kris Bass
Subject: g_b Farooq Abdullah's comment
To:, Gay Underscore, 
Gay India, LGBT-India Forum, Khush List
Date: Thursday, 14 April, 2011, 1:29 PM


Dear all,

Please check this story.

Sex ratio means men may have to turn gay: Farooq

Press Trust of India, Updated: April 14, 2011 13:07 IST

New Delhi:  Concerned over the growing uneven sex ratio in the
country, Union Minister Farooq Abdullah today said there will be a day
when men will have no girls to marry and they may have to turn

The day is not far when there will be no girls to marry and we'll all
become gays. That might happen, he said, while trying to drive home
the point that there should be no threat to girl child.

Addressing the 'India Water Forum 2011' in New Delhi, in the presence
of Vice-President Hamid Ansari and his cabinet colleague Salman
Khursheed, Abdullah said the number of males is growing and women are
getting eliminated.

Census 2011 report recently revealed a worrying trend in the child sex
ratio, indicating that a strong bias against the girl child still

In 2001, there were 927 female children aged 0-six years for every
1,000 male children of the same age. In 2011, this dropped to 914
females for every 1,000 males, according to the provisional results of
Census 2011.

Keeping in mind the kind of question that you have asked and the
person who you have mentioned and his talent and dignity, I would not
like to dignify it with a response, Congress spokesperson Manish
Tiwari said when asked about Abdullah's remarks.

He, at the same time, shared Abdullah's concerns about the declining
sex ratio saying it was a serious issue on which the society should

If the comment is not made with humor in mind, it seems uneducated and



Remember that if men were not meant to be sucked, their bodies
wouldn't have come with a nozzle! - A Gay

Re: g_b Guys wanting to get into a gay relationship

2011-04-02 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Light hearted replies, laugh them off guys, no offence meant from me to anyone 

--- On Thu, 31/3/11, superhit1977 wrote:

From: superhit1977
Subject: g_b Guys wanting to get into a gay relationship
Date: Thursday, 31 March, 2011, 4:07 PM


What is your say when the following categories of guys say that they want to 
enter a gay relationship:
**Married can they sail in two boats at the same timewherein 
the wife will always be the priority
REPLY: Jo mazaa hai daaru mein, woh nahin hai paani mein. Jo mazaa hai saali 
mein, woh nahin gharwaali mein!
**Guys who claim communication is the most important aspect of a relationship, 
but vanish from the relationship giving no explanations..jaise gadhe ke sar 
pe se singhh
REPLY: aati hai tu to welcome, jaati hai tu to bheed kam.
**Matured guys who claim they have seen a lot many monsoons than us and try to 
throw their weight around
REPLY: Diet and exercise regime?
**Confused guys  for whom life is nothing beyond saying...Dekhte hain aage kya 
REPLY: Tell them Forget aage kya hoga, check out peeche kya ho gaya you ch**t!
**Guys who date one guy but are still found on gay dating sites justifying that 
they are looking out for FRIENDS only
REPLY: Do likewise. What's the prob yar!
**Guys who are just hooked on to sexual preferences and nothing beyond and 
claim they r looking for a serious relationship.
REPLY: Maybe they ARE serious? About being just hooked on to sexual preferences 
and nothing beyond? So ask them WHAT they are serious about, man!
More smart ass replies, anyone? Go ahead, beat me! Anything for laffs!
People are fighting it out for our rights.but is that worth their efforts 
that will pay off.unless such guys exist
No offence against anybody.these are just the observations

Re: g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body builder, and the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of the mahatma

2011-04-02 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Aditya has read the BOOK, most of us have just read the review. That is a huge 
plus in Aditya's favour.

--- On Thu, 31/3/11, Aditya Bondyopadhyay wrote:

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Subject: Re: g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body builder, 
and the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of the 
Date: Thursday, 31 March, 2011, 3:39 PM


The point is, I just procured and read the book so that I can make up
my own mind. And this is what I find: we are all screaming because
some nitwit reviewer had to sell his/her copy and therefore came up
with what can safely be termed COMPLETE BULLSHIT. The book is nothing
that the review claims and there is no indication or even wording
about Gandhi's sexuality. It is a complete fabrication of a
sensationalist and partially deranged reviewer.

So this is what I suggest. Before you get into a frenzy aka shiv sena,
and start beating up the writer and burning libraries, please read the
book. And id you still have bile left, reserve the boot for the
reviewer for spreading canards, and withdraw it from the writer.


On 3/31/11, Mike Milton wrote:
 Perhaps the author needs some to boot him !!!

 Bloot, point here is not appreciating Gandhiji's principle ... for long we
 done that and have given up now too.

 Point here is, if someone writes a story about me, I think I expect people
 verify the veracity of the story before believing the same. We owe the same
 level of respect to Mahatma.

 Does any one his right mind think, if there was any truth to this story,
 would have destroyed Gandhi and would have taken full advantage of it.

 Let us think before passing mundane comments at least about a great soul.


 From: Bloot Fontaine
 Sent: Wed, March 30, 2011 1:33:14 AM
 Subject: Re: g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body
 and the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of the

 I am speaking from what I read in Mumbai Mirror. According to the author of
 book, he has discovered facts about Gandhiji's sexual life from letters
 written by Gandhi to Kallenbach. In such a case, instead of even discussing
 Gandhiji's sexuality, would it not be a lot more pertinent to admire and
 revere the honesty with which he preserved those letters so that his life
 openly be studied?
 Never mind what his sexuality was, he was truthful, honest, open and
 about any and everything! Otherwise, today we would not have known about
 and been able to criticise/praise etc.

 --- On Tue, 29/3/11, akshay khanna wrote:

From: akshay khanna
Subject: g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body builder,
the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of the
Date: Tuesday, 29 March, 2011, 6:26 PM

dear all,
below is one of several reviews of Joseph Lelyveld's book, 'Great Soul', on

which a ban is reportedly being planned in Maharashtra.
 . as though 'bisexual' were an insult. :) have not had a chance to read
book itself, but responses to the possibility that the father of the nation

might have had a strong, erotic/sexual attachment to a man are interesting.


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Development Sector Consultant
Advocate (Regd. No. F-218/192 of 1997, Bar Council of W.Bengal, India)


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Re: g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body builder, and the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of the mahatma

2011-03-31 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Yes, I agree with what you say. Thank you for your response.

--- On Thu, 31/3/11, Mike Milton wrote:

From: Mike Milton
Subject: Re: g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body builder, 
and the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of the 
Date: Thursday, 31 March, 2011, 2:54 AM


Perhaps the author needs some to boot him !!!

Bloot, point here is not appreciating Gandhiji's principle ... for long we have 
done that and have given up now too.

Point here is, if someone writes a story about me, I think I expect people to 
verify the veracity of the story before believing the same.  We owe the same 
level of respect to Mahatma.

Does any one his right mind think, if there was any truth to this story, 
British would have destroyed Gandhi and would have taken full advantage of it.

Let us think before passing mundane comments at least about a great soul.


From: Bloot Fontaine
Sent: Wed, March 30, 2011 1:33:14 AM
Subject: Re: g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body builder, 
and the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of the 


I am speaking from what I read in Mumbai Mirror. According to the author of the 
book, he has discovered facts about Gandhiji's sexual life from letters 
written by Gandhi to Kallenbach. In such a case, instead of even discussing 
Gandhiji's sexuality, would it not be a lot more pertinent to admire and even 
revere the honesty with which he preserved those letters so that his life could 
openly be studied?
Never mind what his sexuality was, he was truthful, honest, open and courageous 
about any and everything! Otherwise, today we would not have known about this 
and been able to criticise/praise etc.

--- On Tue, 29/3/11, akshay khanna wrote:

From: akshay khanna
Subject: g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body builder, and 
the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of the mahatma
Date: Tuesday, 29 March, 2011, 6:26 PM


dear all,
below is one of several reviews of Joseph Lelyveld's book, 'Great Soul', on 
which a ban is reportedly being planned in Maharashtra. 
 . as though 'bisexual' were an insult. :) have not had a chance to read the 
book itself, but responses to the possibility that the father of the nation 
might have had a strong, erotic/sexual attachment to a man are interesting. 


Re: g_b CNN - Anti-gay churchs right to protest at military funerals is upheld

2011-03-30 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Well said. Who appointed them spokesmen for God anyway!

Re: g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body builder, and the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of the mahatma

2011-03-30 Thread Bloot Fontaine
I am speaking from what I read in Mumbai Mirror. According to the author of the 
book, he has discovered facts about Gandhiji's sexual life from letters 
written by Gandhi to Kallenbach. In such a case, instead of even discussing 
Gandhiji's sexuality, would it not be a lot more pertinent to admire and even 
revere the honesty with which he preserved those letters so that his life could 
openly be studied?
Never mind what his sexuality was, he was truthful, honest, open and courageous 
about any and everything! Otherwise, today we would not have known about this 
and been able to criticise/praise etc.

--- On Tue, 29/3/11, akshay khanna wrote:

From: akshay khanna
Subject: g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body builder, and 
the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of the mahatma
Date: Tuesday, 29 March, 2011, 6:26 PM


dear all,
below is one of several reviews of Joseph Lelyveld's book, 'Great Soul', on 
which a ban is reportedly being planned in Maharashtra. 
 . as though 'bisexual' were an insult. :) have not had a chance to read the 
book itself, but responses to the possibility that the father of the nation 
might have had a strong, erotic/sexual attachment to a man are interesting. 


Re: g_b Happy to report victory in the TV9 matter

2011-03-24 Thread Bloot Fontaine

--- On Thu, 24/3/11, Aditya Bondyopadhyay wrote:

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Subject: g_b Happy to report victory in the TV9 matter
Date: Thursday, 24 March, 2011, 8:53 AM


Dear Friends,
As I had reported earlier, TV9 had aired a Telegu language news feature where 
they had taken profiles, pictures, and  phone numbers from the gay dating site 
Planet Romeo, and revealed them on prime time. They had also called up some of 
he guys and asked them leading questions on their sexual practices under the 
pretense of being another user and prospective date from planet Romeo.
My organisation, Adhikaar had at that time sent a legal notice to TV9 
detailing the violations that they have committed under the NBA guidelines and 
asked for an apology. Wide publicity was given in both the media and in forums 
like Facebook and on the internet to this notice. The community mobilised and 
held protests against TV9 offices in many cities including Delhi, Bangalore, 
Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Kolkata. 

TV9 had an allowed period of 7 days within which they were to have responded to 
the notice sent to them from Adhikaar. They failed and/or neglected to do so. 
We had therefore set a deadline of end March to file a complaint before The 
News Broadcasting Standards Authority against TV9. It now transpires that after 
the publicity that was given to the matter post our notice and protests against 
TV9, the The News Broadcasting Standards Authority took suo-moto cognizance of 
the matter and sent a notice to TV9. It thereafter proceeded against TV9 and 
has now censured TV9 to pay a fine of Rs.1,00,000 and broadcast an apology in 
prime time both in English and in Telugu. 

NBA has determined that TV9 has violated the following codes of ethics and 
broadcasting standards by publishing the story “Gay culture rampant in 
Clause 5: Sex and Nudity
Clause 6: Privacy
Clause 9: Sting operations

View the news of the order at :

It is a victory for the community and and we all should celebrate. But at the 
same time we all should now also become more vigilant that no such violation is 
done by any other media house in the future, and if they do, we protest and we 
bring bring it to the notice of the NBSA. 3 cheers to all who worked and 
protested. We came together as a community and we won. Congratulations..!!

Best to all,
Aditya Bondyopadhyay

Re: g_b Navroze Mubarak

2011-03-21 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Wishing you too a Very Happy Jamshedi Navroze!

Re: g_b Monday's Midnight Melody

2011-03-01 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Lovely! Thanks to both of you (1) Asfan and (2) Deep!

Re: g_b Re: [gb] Wednesday's woe

2011-02-07 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thank you. So nice of you to take the trouble. Really appreciate it. Thanks 

--- On Fri, 4/2/11, Tintin Mumbai India wrote:

From: Tintin Mumbai India
Subject: Re: g_b Re: [gb] Wednesday's woe
Date: Friday, 4 February, 2011, 12:02 PM


Just for Info...Orgasm and Sperms do not have any relation...
A guy with NO SPERMS can attain very good orgasm, early, normal or delayed...
SPERMS are not also related to the quantity and/or thickness of sticky creamy 
liquid, coming out at the time of Orgasm (known as Cum) or before that (Known 
as Pre-cum).
Most of the times, Pre-cum is very dilute, but still contain SPERMS (incase the 
guy has his SPERM COUNT Regular).

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Bloot Fontaine 


Imagine what an itsy bitsy teensy weensy orgasm you would have with just one 
sperm yar! Regards!

--- On Wed, 2/2/11, Sanjay Lulla wrote:

From: Sanjay Lulla
Subject: g_b Re: [gb] Wednesday's woe
To:, G_B
Date: Wednesday, 2 February, 2011, 10:48 AM


why are a million sperms produced when only one is necessary for conceiving? 
They are masculine they wont ask for directions and accidentally only one hits 
 little prince-Sanjay N Lulla 

From: asfan
Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 6:48:22 AM
Subject: [gb] Wednesday's woe


What do men and sperm have in common?

They both have a one-in-a-million chance of becoming a human being.

--- Reuse Paper by Both Sided Printing 

Re: g_b Re: [gb] Wednesday's woe

2011-02-03 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Imagine what an itsy bitsy teensy weensy orgasm you would have with just one 
sperm yar! Regards!

--- On Wed, 2/2/11, Sanjay Lulla wrote:

From: Sanjay Lulla
Subject: g_b Re: [gb] Wednesday's woe
To:, G_B
Date: Wednesday, 2 February, 2011, 10:48 AM


why are a million sperms produced when only one is necessary for conceiving? 
They are masculine they wont ask for directions and accidentally only one hits 
 little prince-Sanjay N Lulla 

From: asfan
Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 6:48:22 AM
Subject: [gb] Wednesday's woe


What do men and sperm have in common?

They both have a one-in-a-million chance of becoming a human being.

Re: g_b Homosexuals Seek Greater Acceptance in India

2011-02-03 Thread Bloot Fontaine
You fishing for hilarious answers dahling? Just give him an electric shock up 
the you-know-where, yar! Hahahahahahahaha!

--- On Wed, 2/2/11, wrote:

Subject: Re: g_b Homosexuals Seek Greater Acceptance in India
Date: Wednesday, 2 February, 2011, 8:07 AM


Should we attempt at a dialogue with doctors or individuals like Narula? And 

What does this forum think?


Sent via BlackBerry®

Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 00:19:21 +0530
Subject: g_b Homosexuals Seek Greater Acceptance in India


Homosexuals Seek Greater Acceptance in India
Rebecca Byerly | New Delhi, India  January 31, 2011 

Photo: VOA - R. Byerly 
Some gays have felt more comfortable 'coming out' about their sexuality since 
the Delhi High Court decriminalized consensual homosexual activity in 2009
Gay rights activists in India are seeking broader acceptance for homosexual 
men, lesbians and transgenders that goes beyond legal protection against 
criminal prosecution.  But change is slow to come. It was just in July 2009, 
when the Delhi High Court repealed Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, the 
law that made same sex activity illegal in India. 

Homosexual men, lesbians and transgenders in New Delhi are marching to the beat 
of a new era. Since the Delhi High Court decriminalized consensual homosexual 
activity between adults, some gays have felt more comfortable coming out 
about their sexuality and attending functions like this gay pride parade in New 
Delhi late last year.  

For Sambhav Sharma, the repeal of the law gave him the courage to tell his 
grandmother that he is gay. To show their support, family members joined him in 
the parade. This is the consequence of Article 377. Because of that, I was 
able to convince my family to come down here and celebrate my 'Azadi,' my 
freedom, he said.
Many gay men and women in India are not as comfortable as Sharma acknowledging 
their sexuality.  In a conservative society like India, homosexuality is still 
widely taboo. That is why these parade participants wear masks to hide their 

Anjali Gopalan is the founder and executive director of the Naz Foundation, a 
non-profit organization that works on HIV/AIDS and sexual health issues in New 
Delhi.  I think the battle now is the battle for rights.  The battle has to be 
for the right to marriage, the right to adopt, the right to inherit - rights 
which citizens of this country take for granted. And when I say citizens of 
this country, obviously the people who are taking it for granted is the 
heterosexual community because gay people don't have these rights.  That's the 
long battle now.

Gopalan says that even in metropolitian areas, some parents think they can 
change their homosexual children - make them heterosexual - with electric shock 
treatments. Others believe homosexuality can be cured in some way.

That is what teacher Rajendra Narula believes. He attended a recent event in 
Delhi called Gay Rights are Human Rights.  I think it's possible to treat 
homosexuality. It's just a matter of taking some hormones or counseling and 
it's absolutely correctable, he said.

Gopalan says Narula and others who consider homosexuality an illness, or wrong, 
need to be taught that is not true. And both she and Sharma say as India 
develops they hope the government will give more rights to homosexuals.

This is just the beginning. Everywhere we want our legal rights.  That can be 
achieved by the recognition that the government will give us. And it will 
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Re: g_b Underwear

2011-01-02 Thread Bloot Fontaine
I got an ad from I checked it out for interesting underwear for 
men and women. All of you interested in underwear and jock straps etc. , do 
check it out. Hope you guys like it, I did. Slightly expensive considering it 
is only underwear, but the sort they are selling would be, yar!
Regards and Happy New Year to all!

--- On Sun, 2/1/11, Riyaaz Sai wrote:

From: Riyaaz Sai
Subject: g_b Underwear
Date: Sunday, 2 January, 2011, 5:01 AM


Hi everybody. Do underwears come in satin, silk or any other soft cloth? If yes 
where can I get them in Navi mumbai or Mumbai?

Re: g_b Drawing on his research on happiness, Csikszentmihalyi has three general pieces of advice:

2010-09-07 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thanks. Just trying to pronounce that name makes me laugh so hard I am happy!

Re: g_b sikh gays

2010-09-01 Thread Bloot Fontaine

Dear Mr. Moderator,
In response to your query, I do not know about other people but I have a Sikh 
Life Partner. We get along fine, or else we would not be Life Partners.
just a curious q. why do a fair majority of gays don't like bearded sikhs?
i have seen many sikh gays hesitantly say But i am sikh with turban and beard
is that a big no-no in gay world?
just wondering


Re: g_b Unity in Diversity

2010-07-30 Thread Bloot Fontaine
This is probably why our leaders love to advertise our nation as Unity in 
Diversity but, as experience shows, the unity is very fragile. Each state 
feels neglected, each community wants its own separate state and selfish 
politicians generate and use such feelings to divide and rule, forgetting that 
the next batch who rule us may be much much worse than the British and that we 
may bitterly repent losing our precious freedom!

--- On Thu, 29/7/10, Sanjay Lulla wrote:

From: Sanjay Lulla
Subject: Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay
Date: Thursday, 29 July, 2010, 9:15 PM


I experience some kind of rebelion in the so claled hindi belt, people speak 
bhojpuri, awadhi maithili kumano ghadwali etc etc and they have began to 
quesiton why is Khadi Boli being thrust down on them. Like in the South they 
single you out as Hindi wala.
Has anyone faced this? Its not an LGBT issue we all like and want to speak in 
English but where is the naitonal identity?
 little prince-Sanjay N Lulla 

Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay

2010-07-29 Thread Bloot Fontaine
confused geography that a true progeny can take, not to speak of the
spelling 'jerzee' itself, (creating an 'oh zee..!!' moment for all and

The third part 'boy' is clearly aspirational, for someone with Mr
white's depth cannot be such a green-horn. I shall not comment on this
except maybe to point out the
 safety that the boy finds in the bosom
of mother English, for I shall know he has grown up when I see him
make a similar attempt with being amiable to Odiya, Bangla, and Hindi,
as I have been to step-mom English. I do wish him growth and hope he
steps out of his linguistic cocoon to embrace these other linguistic
gems and that this for him does not remain forever 'better never than

Mr. Bondyopadhyay

On 7/27/10, Bloot Fontaine blutfontaine@ in wrote:
 Moderator, please, please, please, do keep posting these verbal jousts.
 Hilarious! Congrats to both true gentlemen with an excellent command over

 --- On Tue, 27/7/10, usjerzeeboy usjerzeeboy@ wrote:

 From: usjerzeeboy usjerzeeboy@
 Subject: Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay
 To: gay_bom...@yahoogro
 Date: Tuesday, 27 July, 2010, 2:26 AM

 Dear Aditya Bondyopadhyay,

 Mr. White is also mighty pleased that you have found pleasure in his

 Mr. White is also mighty please that Mr. Bondyopadhyay concedes his
 mistake...a beginning maybe, but it is always better late than never.

 Regrettably, Mr. Bondyopadhyay, the subject title Judgmental Mr.

 was added after the fact by a person(s).  It  was inappropriate to say the

 someone to credit me with words that I did not commit to print.  Should you
 doubt my word, I would be happy to forward the original email.

 Mr. White is at a loss to understand what Mr. Bondyopadhyay is attempting to
 convey when he states, intentional use of caveatful terminology. ..
 Mr. White is well aware of what a caveat is ( a warning, a caution or
 admonition), he was, after gleaning through various dictionaries, unable to
 locate a reference to caveatful.

 Ostensibly, English may not be Mr. Bondyopadhyay' s mother tongue and as
 the grammatical error can be excused.

 While Mr. Bondyopadhyay' s grammatical error may be forgiven (actually
 congratulations are offered
 as Mr. Bondyopadhyay works to augment his

 and use of the English language...a beginning maybe, but always better late
 never), the question begging to be asked is what was Mr. Bondyopadhyay

 warning us, the readers of his two liner, of ?  Perhaps Mr. Bondyopadhyay
 exercising his civic duty and wanted to alert us to reinforcing stereotypes
 perhaps or God forbid, something heinous like a less than rational

 Perhaps Mr. Bondyopadhyay should stay clear of the rhetoric and concentrate
 that which he knows best.  That, Mr. Bondyopadhyay, remains your secret
 and yours alone

 and Mr. White will leave you alone to savor those secrets  (my humblest
 apologies as I took the liberty of correcting some of the

 morphological errors).

 Best Regards, yours sincerely,
 Ray White

 i gave the subject heading.. i feltthe writer's email implied that...
 regards moderator

  _ _ __
 From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay adit.b...@gmail. com
 To: gay_bom...@yahoogro
 Sent: Sun, July 25, 2010 3:08:45 AM
 Subject: Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay

 Dear Ray White,

 Mr Bondyopadhyay is mighty pleased that his two liner has helped you wonder
 much. A beginning maybe, but its always better late than never. To wonder is

 Bondyopadhyay concedes his mistake in thinking that the name of the GB
 is Let's Scream and not the name of the venue. That mistake was pointed
 out by
 another two liner and was well taken. And having acknowledged that, Mr.
 Bondyopadhyay wholeheartedly agrees, stemming as it does from his limited
 experience in such spaces, that there can be no better or more apt name for
 disco than Let's Scream. Mr. Bondyopadhyay' s numb eardrums that lasted 3
 post the last such experience is a mighty testament to that.

 As to Mr. Bondyopadhyay being judgmental, in spite of Mr Bondyopadhyay' s
 intentional use of caveatful terminology like 'stereotype' et al, that
 your wonder and your alone...and Mr. Bondyopadhyay leaves your alone to
 them at your wonderful best.

 Wonderfully yours,

 On 25 July 2010 08:36, usjerzeeboy usjerzeeboy@ wrote:

I wonder why Mr. Bondyopadhyay thinks Let's Scream is the name of the Gay
party.  The information in the message clearly states that...Let' s Scream
 is an
uber cool disco...

I wonder why Mr. Bondyopadhyay is concerned with the indivindual who first
coined the names for the Gay Bombay parties...I mean aren't they ALL GB
held at various venues?

I wonder if Mr. Bondypadhyay realizes that by using the word

Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay

2010-07-29 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Ah! Thank you, Sir! Most humbly, I stand corrected!

--- On Thu, 29/7/10, asfan wrote:

From: asfan
Subject: Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay
Date: Thursday, 29 July, 2010, 12:05 PM



  Dear Bloot,
Jerseys are not T-Shirts but woolen sweaters.
Incidentally, there in NO national language of India.  Only two OFFICIAL 
languages - Hindi and English!


--- On Wed, 28/7/10, Bloot Fontaine blutfontaine@ in wrote:

From: Bloot Fontaine blutfontaine@ in
Subject: Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay
To: gay_bom...@yahoogro
Date: Wednesday, 28 July, 2010, 5:15 PM


New Jersey in the US is spelt Jersey so far as I know, could be wrong, and T 
- Shirts used to be called jersies when I was a school kid - I am 52 now! As 
for the rest of your mail, thanks for a hearty laugh, Aditya! Thank you very 
much, thanks a million! Count me in your fan following.






Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay

2010-07-28 Thread Bloot Fontaine
New Jersey in the US is spelt Jersey so far as I know, could be wrong, and T 
- Shirts used to be called jersies when I was a school kid - I am 52 now! As 
for the rest of your mail, thanks for a hearty laugh, Aditya! Thank you very 
much, thanks a million! Count me in your fan following.

--- On Wed, 28/7/10, Aditya Bondyopadhyay wrote:

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Subject: Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay
Date: Wednesday, 28 July, 2010, 8:51 AM

You have just comitted the faus pas of the list's history. Equating
the two gentlemen on the score of English is patently flawed.

Mr. Bondyopadhyay was born with what can safely be termed as a
bastardised linguistic legacy. While his mother and father tongues are
Odiya and Bangla respectively, his entire education has been in what
is claimed to be the national language of India, i.e. Hindi, a laguage
that he loves but refuses to accord the 'national' status to, for
reasons that are another thesis altogether much beyond the scope of
this correspondence.

English certainly is Mr. Bonyopadhyay's step-mother tongue, and a
testament to his amiable nature that he can be reasonable in handling
it, although the chinks in his English armour are clearly obvious to
the likes of Mr. White, the real progenies of the language.

Real progenies of course enjoy their added advantage. One can after
all take liberties with mom that one most likely will not with
step-mom. So for example, a Mr. White can patronise an email name like

Comprised of three distinct parts, the 'us' obviously signifies a
nationality, of a country whose waning economic, political, and
military influences is ever perfectly counter balanced by its
inexhaustable desire for hegemony in every sphere, including English
of course.

The 'jerzee' part is where the real liberties lie. If Jerzee is a real
place in that great nation of hegemons, I take back everything I am
about to commit to print hereafter. Only, it just does not show up in
my geography references, which makes me think it is the liberty
induced take on 'Jersy'. There is such a place there, but with a
prefix 'New' added to the name (isn't everything there 'new' and
lacking in history..!?) which Mr. White can conveniently (or
intentinally, do take your pick) discard. The 'Jersy' that is not
'new' just happens to be across the pond from the 'new' Jersy, and is
credited with providing the 'holy cows' that sustain the world's diary
industry. So its avoidance is exactly the kind of liberty with
confused geography that a true progeny can take, not to speak of the
spelling 'jerzee' itself, (creating an 'oh zee..!!' moment for all and

The third part 'boy' is clearly aspirational, for someone with Mr
white's depth cannot be such a green-horn. I shall not comment on this
except maybe to point out the safety that the boy finds in the bosom
of mother English, for I shall know he has grown up when I see him
make a similar attempt with being amiable to Odiya, Bangla, and Hindi,
as I have been to step-mom English. I do wish him growth and hope he
steps out of his linguistic cocoon to embrace these other linguistic
gems and that this for him does not remain forever 'better never than

Mr. Bondyopadhyay

On 7/27/10, Bloot Fontaine wrote:
 Moderator, please, please, please, do keep posting these verbal jousts.
 Hilarious! Congrats to both true gentlemen with an excellent command over

 --- On Tue, 27/7/10, usjerzeeboy wrote:

 From: usjerzeeboy
 Subject: Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay
 Date: Tuesday, 27 July, 2010, 2:26 AM

 Dear Aditya Bondyopadhyay,

 Mr. White is also mighty pleased that you have found pleasure in his

 Mr. White is also mighty please that Mr. Bondyopadhyay concedes his
 mistake...a beginning maybe, but it is always better late than never.

 Regrettably, Mr. Bondyopadhyay, the subject title Judgmental Mr.
 was added after the fact by a person(s).  It  was inappropriate to say the

 someone to credit me with words that I did not commit to print.  Should you
 doubt my word, I would be happy to forward the original email.

 Mr. White is at a loss to understand what Mr. Bondyopadhyay is attempting to
 convey when he states, intentional use of caveatful terminology...
 Mr. White is well aware of what a caveat is ( a warning, a caution or
 admonition), he was, after gleaning through various dictionaries, unable to
 locate a reference to caveatful.

 Ostensibly, English may not be Mr. Bondyopadhyay's mother tongue and as
 the grammatical error can be excused.

 While Mr. Bondyopadhyay's grammatical error may be forgiven (actually
 congratulations are offered as Mr. Bondyopadhyay works to augment his

 and use of the English language

Re: g_b Latest from Manavendra: India's 1st gay mag

2010-07-27 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Sir, no offence meant to any individual, but I have printed copies of Bombay 
Dost with me, which date back to my college days twenty five years ago! Would 
not Shri Ashokji Row Kavi justly take credit for India's first gay magazine, 
whether in print or not as of now?
My Respects to His Excellency Prince Manavendraji too!

--- On Mon, 26/7/10, wrote:

Subject: g_b Latest from Manavendra: India's 1st gay mag
Date: Monday, 26 July, 2010, 12:56 AM


Latest from Manavendra: India's 1st gay mag
Yogesh Pareek, TNN, Jul 23, 2010, 10.29pm IST
BHARUCH: Gay prince of Rajpipla Manavendra Singh Gohil will soon publish and 
edit India's first magazine for gays called Fun', which will highlight gay 
lifestyle. The magazine will talk about everything from gay fashion, to gadgets 
and gizmo that gays like, to health and sexuality and other issues relating to 
men who like men. 

Following the legalisation of consensual sex between two adult men, I noticed 
that many departmental stores opened separate stores for gays, Gohil told TOI. 
In this atmosphere, I felt the need to have a magazine for gays, said 

The magazine will be launched on July 26 at Goa with actress Celina Jaitley. 
The cover will have a shirtless photograph of upcoming model Rehan Khan. 

Interestingly, Fun will be printed in small town Rajpipla, Manavendra's home. 
As I am getting older, I want to give more time to writing on gay rights and 
lifestyle. Fun will give me the ideal opportunity. 

The prince is working on a number of other projects as well, including an old 
people's home exclusively for homosexuals and a hospice a final destination for 
AIDS patients on the death bed for both straight and gay people. 
Email: modera...@gaybombay .in
E Groups:

http://groups. group/gay_ bombay

http://groups. group/Gaybombay

http://groups. group/GayIndia

Public archives at http://www.mail- gay_bombay% 40yahoogroups. 
com/maillist. html

Rss feed: http://www.mail- gay_bombay@ yahoogroups. com/maillist. 

GB Internet Radio at http://www.gaybomba

Web Sites:

www.gaybombay. in

www.gayindia. org


http://www.orkut. Profile?uid= 1508491863247082 4129


http://gaybombay. blogspot. com

http://gaybombay. wordpress. com


http://twitter. com/gaybombay

http://twitter. com/gayindia


http://www.facebook .com/gaybombay

http://www.facebook .com/gayindia

Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay

2010-07-27 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Moderator, please, please, please, do keep posting these verbal jousts. 
Hilarious! Congrats to both true gentlemen with an excellent command over 

--- On Tue, 27/7/10, usjerzeeboy wrote:

From: usjerzeeboy
Subject: Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay
Date: Tuesday, 27 July, 2010, 2:26 AM


Dear Aditya Bondyopadhyay,

Mr. White is also mighty pleased that you have found pleasure in his musings. 

Mr. White is also mighty please that Mr. Bondyopadhyay concedes his 
mistake...a beginning maybe, but it is always better late than never.

Regrettably, Mr. Bondyopadhyay, the subject title Judgmental Mr. Bondyopadhyay 
was added after the fact by a person(s).  It  was inappropriate to say the 

someone to credit me with words that I did not commit to print.  Should you 
doubt my word, I would be happy to forward the original email.

Mr. White is at a loss to understand what Mr. Bondyopadhyay is attempting to 
convey when he states, intentional use of caveatful terminology...    While 
Mr. White is well aware of what a caveat is ( a warning, a caution or 
admonition), he was, after gleaning through various dictionaries, unable to 
locate a reference to caveatful.  

Ostensibly, English may not be Mr. Bondyopadhyay's mother tongue and as such, 
the grammatical error can be excused.  

While Mr. Bondyopadhyay's grammatical error may be forgiven (actually 
congratulations are offered as Mr. Bondyopadhyay works to augment his 

and use of the English language...a beginning maybe, but always better late 
never), the question begging to be asked is what was Mr. Bondyopadhyay 

warning us, the readers of his two liner, of ?  Perhaps Mr. Bondyopadhyay was 
exercising his civic duty and wanted to alert us to reinforcing stereotypes 
perhaps or God forbid, something heinous like a less than rational hysterical 

Perhaps Mr. Bondyopadhyay should stay clear of the rhetoric and concentrate on 
that which he knows best.  That, Mr. Bondyopadhyay, remains your secret 
and yours alone 

and Mr. White will leave you alone to savor those secrets  (my humblest 
apologies as I took the liberty of correcting some of the morphological errors).

Best Regards, yours sincerely,
Ray White

i gave the subject heading.. i feltthe writer's email implied that...
regards moderator

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Sent: Sun, July 25, 2010 3:08:45 AM
Subject: Re: g_b GB Party- Judgmental Mr Bondyopadhyay

Dear Ray White, 

Mr Bondyopadhyay is mighty pleased that his two liner has helped you wonder so 
much. A beginning maybe, but its always better late than never. To wonder is 

Mr Bondyopadhyay concedes his mistake in thinking that the name of the GB party 
is Let's Scream and not the name of the venue. That mistake was pointed out 
another two liner and was well taken. And having acknowledged that, Mr. 
Bondyopadhyay wholeheartedly agrees, stemming as it does from his limited 
experience in such spaces, that there can be no better or more apt name for a 
disco than Let's Scream. Mr. Bondyopadhyay's numb eardrums that lasted 3 days 
post the last such experience is a mighty testament to that.

As to Mr. Bondyopadhyay being judgmental, in spite of Mr Bondyopadhyay's 
intentional use of caveatful terminology like 'stereotype' et al, that remains 
your wonder and your alone...and Mr. Bondyopadhyay leaves your alone to savor 
them at your wonderful best.

Wonderfully yours,
Mr Bondyopadhyay

On 25 July 2010 08:36, usjerzeeboy usjerzeeboy@ wrote:

I wonder why Mr. Bondyopadhyay thinks Let's Scream is the name of the Gay 
party.  The information in the message clearly states that...Let's Scream is 
uber cool disco...

I wonder why Mr. Bondyopadhyay is concerned with the indivindual who first 
coined the names for the Gay Bombay parties...I mean aren't they ALL GB 
held at various venues?  

I wonder if Mr. Bondypadhyay realizes that by using the word orginally implies 
that the name for the GB parties have changed.  My notifications still appear 
G B Party at and then the relevant information.  What has changed?

I wonder why Mr. Bondyopadhyay thinks this is an unusual name for a disco...I 
mean I see the possibly connections between a disco and the name Scream.

I wonder why Mr. Bondyopadhyay thinks advertising this event with the name of 
the venue will somehow reinforce the stereotype of the less than rational 
hysterical gay queen?  I mean if the group doesn't advertise the name of the 
venue, how will one know where the party is?  If a different venue is chosen, 
will different stereotypes somehow be reinforced?

I wonder why Mr. Bondypadhyay feels the need to make value judgments on the 
stereotype of a gay queen such as less than rational and hysterical?  I know 

Re: g_b 365 days minus 377:.

2010-06-30 Thread Bloot Fontaine
The song is Aaj kal TERE MERE pyaar ke charche har zubaan par not hamare 
pyaar ke charche.
Another good song would be the Manoj Kumar song Bus yahi apradh main har bar 
karta hoon, aadmi hoon aadmi se pyaar karta hoon!
Love to all!

--- On Wed, 30/6/10, gay_bombay moderator wrote:

From: gay_bombay moderator
Subject: g_b 365 days minus 377:.
Date: Wednesday, 30 June, 2010, 12:26 PM


365 days minus 377: gay community says this calls for celebration

Georgina Maddox Posted: Tue Jun 29 2010, 03:49 hrs New Delhi: 

 A song from a 1968 Shammi Kapoor caper, tweaked to serve the queer cause, will 
be the anthem for the gay community as it celebrates the first anniversary of 
the Delhi High Court ruling that overturned Section 377 of the Indian Penal 
Code criminalising homosexuality. 
“Aaj kal hamare pyaar ke charche har zubaan par, sabko malum hai aur sabko 
khabar ho gayee...” will be the chant on the streets on July 2 as lesbians, 
gays, bisexuals and transgenders celebrate the judgment that gave them 
breathing space in Delhi — and hope for greater freedom across the country. 
-Message Truncated-

Re: g_b Dont Judge anyone-please this is no spam

2010-04-28 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Will Power. Not all can muster up the requisite will power. See how many die 
smoking, drinking etc., even though they know it is killing them? Like that. 
That is the difficulty. I know because I quit smoking and God! I know how tough 
that was! Hahahahahahaha!

--- On Tue, 27/4/10, Sanjay Lulla wrote:

From: Sanjay Lulla
Subject: Re: g_b Dont Judge anyone-please this is no spam
Date: Tuesday, 27 April, 2010, 11:36 AM


if one does not want to then it is not possible of course :-) anything requires 
 little prince-Sanjay N Lulla 

From: Bloot Fontaine blutfontaine@ in
To: gay_bom...@yahoogro
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 5:18:22 PM
Subject: Re: g_b Dont Judge anyone-please this is no spam


It's not easy. The concept is excellent, but actual practice ...

--- On Sun, 25/4/10, Aditya Bondyopadhyay adit.b...@gmail. com wrote:

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay adit.b...@gmail. com
Subject: Re: g_b Dont Judge anyone-please this is no spam
To: gay_bom...@yahoogro
Date: Sunday, 25 April, 2010, 2:03 PM


One person people should invariable judge is their own selves. And this should 
be unbiased and fairly critically done.

On 25 April 2010 12:33, Sanjay Lulla sanjay_lulla2000@ wrote:


People often judge others and decide to put them in categories 'good' 'bad'. We 
our self as gay persons often feel that we are targeted and are judged and 
categorized as a bad unhealthy person by others. This brings about guilt, grief 
and sorrow in our self but don't worry, no one has a power to judge or 
categories us or anyone. Everyone is a valid and authorized recipient of love 
affection and compassion. Do not see yourself through the eyes of others, THEY 
may be at fault.
I am sharing a small poem forwarded to me by a friend
I was shocked, confused, bewildered 
 As I entered Heaven's door,
 Not by the beauty of it all, 
  Nor the lights or its decor. 
 But it was the folks in Heaven 
  Who made me sputter and gasp-- 
 The thieves, the liars, the sinners, 
  The alcoholics and the trash. 
 There stood the kid from seventh grade 
  Who swiped my lunch money twice. 
 Next to him was my old neighbor 
  Who never said anything nice. 
 Herb, who I always thought 
  Was rotting away in hell, 
 Was sitting pretty on cloud nine, 
  Looking incredibly well. 
 I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal? 
  I would love to hear Your take. 
 How'd all these sinners get up here? 
  God must've made a mistake. 
 'And why is everyone so quiet, 
  So sombre - give me a clue.' 
 'Hush, child,' He said, 'they're all in shock. 
  No one thought they'd be seeing you here..' 
 Remember...Just going to place of worship doesn't make you a 
 Religious/virtuous person any more than standing in your garage makes you a 

 little prince-Sanjay N Lulla 

Development Sector Consultant
Advocate (Regd. No. F-218/192 of 1997, Bar Council of W.Bengal, India)

Website: http://adityabondyo padhyay.webs. com/
 = = ==
Notice to all recipients:
Communication not intended for you but reaching you inadvertently needs to be 
treated as confidential and destroyed or deleted immediately. Use of such 
communication in a manner prejudicial to the interest of Aditya Bondyopadhyay 
and/or his principles, and/or his clients, and/or his agents respectively, may 
attract legal proceedings which may be of a civil or criminal nature.

Aditya Bondyopadhyay and/or his principles, and/or his clients, and/or his 
agents respectively cannot be held liable or accountable for any and every 
communication reaching out through this email account that is an unaltered 
forward of another communication received by this email account, or a referred 
source available on the internet and accessible to the public.


Re: g_b Dont Judge anyone-please this is no spam

2010-04-26 Thread Bloot Fontaine
It's not easy. The concept is excellent, but actual practice ...

--- On Sun, 25/4/10, Aditya Bondyopadhyay wrote:

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay
Subject: Re: g_b Dont Judge anyone-please this is no spam
Date: Sunday, 25 April, 2010, 2:03 PM


One person people should invariable judge is their own selves. And this should 
be unbiased and fairly critically done.

On 25 April 2010 12:33, Sanjay Lulla sanjay_lulla2000@ wrote:


People often judge others and decide to put them in categories 'good' 'bad'. We 
our self as gay persons often feel that we are targeted and are judged and 
categorized as a bad unhealthy person by others. This brings about guilt, grief 
and sorrow in our self but don't worry, no one has a power to judge or 
categories us or anyone. Everyone is a valid and authorized recipient of love 
affection and compassion. Do not see yourself through the eyes of others, THEY 
may be at fault.
I am sharing a small poem forwarded to me by a friend
I was shocked, confused, bewildered 
 As I entered Heaven's door,
 Not by the beauty of it all, 
  Nor the lights or its decor. 
 But it was the folks in Heaven 
  Who made me sputter and gasp-- 
 The thieves, the liars, the sinners, 
  The alcoholics and the trash. 
 There stood the kid from seventh grade 
  Who swiped my lunch money twice. 
 Next to him was my old neighbor 
  Who never said anything nice. 
 Herb, who I always thought 
  Was rotting away in hell, 
 Was sitting pretty on cloud nine, 
  Looking incredibly well. 
 I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal? 
  I would love to hear Your take. 
 How'd all these sinners get up here? 
  God must've made a mistake. 
 'And why is everyone so quiet, 
  So sombre - give me a clue.' 
 'Hush, child,' He said, 'they're all in shock. 
  No one thought they'd be seeing you here..' 
 Remember...Just going to place of worship doesn't make you a 
 Religious/virtuous person any more than standing in your garage makes you a 

 little prince-Sanjay N Lulla 

Development Sector Consultant
Advocate (Regd. No. F-218/192 of 1997, Bar Council of W.Bengal, India)

Website: http://adityabondyo padhyay.webs. com/
 = = ==
Notice to all recipients:
Communication not intended for you but reaching you inadvertently needs to be 
treated as confidential and destroyed or deleted immediately. Use of such 
communication in a manner prejudicial to the interest of Aditya Bondyopadhyay 
and/or his principles, and/or his clients, and/or his agents respectively, may 
attract legal proceedings which may be of a civil or criminal nature.

Aditya Bondyopadhyay and/or his principles, and/or his clients, and/or his 
agents respectively cannot be held liable or accountable for any and every 
communication reaching out through this email account that is an unaltered 
forward of another communication received by this email account, or a referred 
source available on the internet and accessible to the public.

Re: g_b usinjg office computer... help me

2010-03-19 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Use the office computer ONLY for office work, not for anything else, not even 
if it is not vulgarity and not even to write personal correspondence as you are 
liable to disciplinary action on the grounds of misusing the office facilities 
for personal purposes. Do not use the office computers, not even to ask your 97 
year old aunt in America (or wherever) how she is - that is a breach of 
conduct. If you HAVE to use the computer, apply for permission and get it in 
writing from the boss himself. Otherwise, do not use the computer.
By the way, this applies to EVERYTHING official. Do not use the office 
letterhead paper, the envelopes, the postage stamps, the franking machine 
.. anything. Okay?
Let there be a clear cut demarkation between office and personal, specially as 
you are under observation and a marked man now.
Alternatively, switch to another organisation where playing games on the office 
computer in lunch time is so cool that you can even beat the boss at chess. But 
in this organisation, behave or quit. Before you are flung out in disgrace. 
From your letters, it is obvious that your current workplace is strict and 
disciplined (and congrats to them about that - that is how an office should be).
Regards and God Bless.

--- On Thu, 18/3/10, Ran Raj wrote:

From: Ran Raj
Subject: g_b usinjg office computer... help me
Date: Thursday, 18 March, 2010, 11:44 AM



hi to all ,
pl help me with this problem .i work in a office we have 30 computer for all 
departments , we work on net work online,
i have  a senior he is such that he spyies detects me all time , these days he 
reads all my word documents where i write mails in advance to my frnds ,family 
, in my word document so when i work in store he comes to my system and read 
them or just see the name of document then may be he reads it online or som RAR 
-network server my document name thing came in hyperlink if u right klik  u 
have hyperlink option where we can see 
recently browse web page, recent file ,recent documents once i klik it and saw 
my documents name ther as i didnt open so i got suspect on him as he alone 
comes and my ststem is shared with these 2 seniors and also there is a 
printer,with scanner on network with
so i doubt hthat he has done some settings in system where my documents are 
saved as i used to read all these stories saved here 
so pl help me what i do :
1.should i write my mails in word for mailing or not
2 if in internet options -tools - delete all history with cookies then is there 
any chance of finding my mails through main network server or not do tell me safe way to browse i.e mails an d read these stories 
4. a s he sees my documents all time to see its name and ,ther is scannes so is 
it possible to copy my mails or these photos which i see  by making some 
settings or not pl tell me help me ,
 i saw him reading my personal letter to my family in my document i preten to 
be unknown but i know he is spying on me 
pl help me 

- Forwarded Message 
From: Sanjay Lulla sanjay_lulla2000@
Sent: Tue, March 16, 2010 10:11:23 AM
Subject: [hg4] Happy New year


Wishing all the Sindhis, Marathis, Kanagadis and Kashmiri members a very happy 
Cheti Chand, Gudi Padva, Ugadi and a Navreh.
May this first day of the New year mark New beginings for you.
God bless with love and lakhs and lakhs of good wishes
Wihout Wax yours
 little prince-Sanjay N Lulla 





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Re: g_b problem

2010-03-10 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Dear Ran Raj,
Such people are there in every office. My only advice is: In office, do office 
work from the office computer. Do personal work from home or from a Cyber Cafe. 
Or find a boyfriend who will let you use his computer free of charge and is 
someone you can trust.



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Re: g_b can we help her?

2010-02-25 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Try the Sathya Sai Hospital at Bangalore. I have heard that it is a free 
hospital for all ailments and that it is super speciality and doing very 
humanitarian work.
The patient will be taken care of free of charge. Those attending with her will 
have to bear their own expenses. This means that you have to travel there on 
your own money, stay and eat on your own money and return on your own money BUT 
all hospitalisation, medicines and surgery, care before and after operation 
etc. will all be free for the patient.
The Brahma Kumaris at Andheri West are also doing very good humanitarian 
service. Outside Andheri West Station. That is also a hospital.
You can get more information on such institutes from the web or go to Andheri 
West for Brahma Kumaris and to Andheri East near Holy Spirit Hospital to Satya 
Sai Temple for more information.
All the Best and God Bless!

--- On Wed, 24/2/10, Manish T wrote:

From: Manish T
Subject: g_b can we help her?
Date: Wednesday, 24 February, 2010, 7:21 PM


this is mandar
m physiotherapist
i have a patient with Dawn syndrome
she is 2yr old cute little angel with VSD which has to be operated soon
but her parents can not afford the expences for surgery
so if anyone knows the way to get help plz let me know as soon as possible
can we help her

The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

  Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!

Re: g_b happy birthday aditya

2010-02-20 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Yes, I agree. Thanks, Sanjay, for telling us that today is Aditya's birthday. 

--- On Sat, 20/2/10, Sanjay Lulla wrote:

From: Sanjay Lulla
Subject: g_b happy birthday aditya
Date: Saturday, 20 February, 2010, 1:07 PM



  Let us take a moment to wish Aditya Bandopadhya a very happy birthday.

Love him, hate him u cant ignore him and cnt do without him. Heres wishing him 
all the best.





  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: g_b Re: Indian cocks are smaller than the rest

2010-01-02 Thread Bloot Fontaine
LEFTOVER CHEESE?! Did he want a dick smiling for a photograph! Hahahahaha! 
Takes all types to make a world! Thanks for a hearty laugh! Now I have heard it 
all! Thanks again!

--- On Fri, 1/1/10, Sanjay Lulla wrote:

From: Sanjay Lulla
Subject: Re: g_b Re: Indian cocks are smaller than the rest
Date: Friday, 1 January, 2010, 10:19 PM



  Oh dear! Isnt it much ado over nothing?

Yes mention of such things does make the threads exciting. But I beg thee, 
please tell, what purpose does all these surveys serve? Each one to his own 
preference. A certain Mr. once disclosed to me that he prefers a dick with 
leftover cheese so he wldnt mind a teeny wienie as long as the cheese is there. 
So leave it at that.



  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

RE: g_b Re: Indian cocks are smaller than the rest

2010-01-01 Thread Bloot Fontaine
When my driver and I made love for the first time, I complimented him on his 
size, bigger than mine. He told me that the bigger the organ, the poorer the 
man and the smaller the organ, the richer the man!
I had read in the Readers' Digest that when one argues with a fool, there are 
two fools talking and so I did not argue with him on this. But I could not help 
rolling in laughter. And then there was no need to argue. He understood that he 
had spoken like a fool. But the beliefs people can have! God!



  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

RE: g_b Delhi Archbishop demands repeal of court ruling on homosexuality

2009-12-13 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Many are also doing it for cheap popularity - publicity stunt. They should 
stick to wardrobe malfunctions instead, yar!

--- On Sun, 13/12/09, Adrian wrote:

From: Adrian
Subject: RE: g_b Delhi Archbishop demands repeal of court ruling on 
Date: Sunday, 13 December, 2009, 2:23 AM


. I tell ya …these catholic righteous hypocrites. Boy
Lovers lol hahah 

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: g_b URGENT New Year party feedback required

2009-12-03 Thread Bloot Fontaine
My opinion is that Aham's suggestion is excellent and worth implementing - far 
from stupid! Congrats, Aham!

--- On Wed, 2/12/09, Aham wrote:

From: Aham
Subject: Re: g_b URGENT New Year party feedback required
Cc: Vikram Doctor
Date: Wednesday, 2 December, 2009, 3:33 PM


Hi Vikram and Dee, 

I am not a party person, i spend my new year watching filmstars gyrating their 
kamars to chamiya numbers on TV. 

2300 is a lot of money, but then even 1800 would be... it depends on which 
party we are comparing this party with..  Subjective che... 

People who spend at parties will spend at parties, Irrespective of what the 
charge is. And Wallah! this is new year yaar. Special events come with special 
exotic price. 

And 2300 is with Unlimited Food and Daaru... and most of our party hoppers on 
new year want to get sloshed without having to weigh their wallets after every 

So  feel the deal is super sexy though keemti. 

 This year, it is much different, it is the first new year party after S377 
wala verdict. So we can expect a lot of shoo shaa and fanfare this year. The 
karma people might be just capitalizing on this. may be. 

Karma is a known venue. so people will connect to it. And yes, trying a new 
venue on new years would definitely be a bad idea... 

Aur ek baat, with the risk of sounding stupid, i have a proposal to make. 

How about charging Rs. 100 more.. (2300 or 2400 doesnt make much of a 
difference.. or does it?) and donating that extra amount to some non gay 
charitable cause.  Like say.. fulfilling dying  wishes of children from make a 
wish foundation.. or say sponsoring x number of children ka education for a 
year or so.. 

I feel it will be an extremely positive vibe that we will send out to the world 
/ the media et al. with this act. 

or with that amount..  could also contribute to co own  Onir's film I Am Omar 
which is based on section 377... Given that GB is associated with it anyways? 

Just a thought i shared.. may be stupid. 

Smiles :)

--- On Tue, 12/1/09, vgd67 vg...@yahoo. wrote:

From: vgd67 vg...@yahoo.
Subject: g_b URGENT New Year party feedback required
To: gay_bom...@yahoogro
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 3:19 PM


Hi everyone, I'm emailing this in my capacity as one of the GB party 
organisers, and we need some URGENT feedback about the New Year's Party. As so 
many of you know, this has been GB's way of both ending and starting the year 
with a blast, and we're hoping to do so again this year. 

Every year we've seen the numbers at the party rise - I think last year we 
touched 600. A lot of these are people who come from out of town for the party, 
though we've noticed that as the evening goes on, quite a lot of locals who 
were planning their own parties, can't resist dropping by as well! Its the one 
time of the year we can party till 4 am and everyone wants to take advantage of 

We've had parties at a number of venues, with some memorable ones, not always 
for the best reasons - yes, the name of a place called Chat Masala is burned in 
my mind, for the almost total chaos of that night. Its the one time we've been 
caught between people inside complaining it was too packed, and others outside 
begging to be let in, no matter how packed it was. Total chaos, though I'm sure 
it was fun for some... 

For the last few years we've stuck to our regular party venue of Karma/Liquid 
Lounge at Girgaum Chowpatty, since we've found it large enough (we take over 
the whole ground floor), reasonably accessible (near Charni Road train 
station), quite well laid out, and acceptable service and food and alcohol. And 
the prices, while unavoidably higher for New Year's, have been substantially 
lower than most other New Year Parties (we've had straight people trying to 
crash since its been such a good deal!)

We would like to stick with Karma, since if one thing Chat Masala taught us is 
that best not to try new places on New Year's. But there's been a change of 
management at Karma and the new team is approaching it as they would New Years 
anywhere else - which is simply a venue's best change to make money all year 
long. In the last few years, as this habit of going out to party has grown, the 
importance of New Year's as a moneyspinner for a venue has just increased 

So the new team at Karma is just looking at it this way, which I suppose I 
can't object to, but its still a bit tough for us. They started off 
negotiations this year at a really high price, and while Dee has managed to 
bargain them down, and make sure they stick to the usual unlimited alcohol and 
dinner deal, its still working out quite high, Last year, entry (unlimited 
booze, till 4 am, etc etc) was was Rs1800. This year it looks like the best we 
can do is around Rs2300 - a a straight Rs500 up over last year. 

Re: g_b Call to boycott HSBC Bank for Homophobia: In Solidarity with Pratap Paikary

2009-09-05 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Very sad. My unstinted support to Pratap Patrick Paikaray who regularly wishes 
me on Divali, 1st Jan and many other festive days despite the fact that we have 
never ever met. A very warm hearted, kind and loving individual. All please do 
support him in any which way you can, your support is not for the wrong person.
Blut Fontaine.

--- On Sat, 5/9/09, ravi iyer wrote:

From: ravi iyer
Subject: Re: g_b Call to boycott HSBC Bank for Homophobia: In Solidarity with 
Pratap  Paikary
To:, Sogi
Date: Saturday, 5 September, 2009, 4:32 PM


  can some of the media people in this group, or friends of us 
if they are in the media  not highlight this ? an article in the newspaper ? 
show them that pratap is not alone, and they cannot get away with these cheap 
From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay adit.b...@gmail. com
To: Sogi sogi-l...@arc- international. net
Sent: Friday, 4 September,
 2009 10:19:34 PM
Subject: g_b Call to boycott HSBC Bank for Homophobia: In Solidarity with 
Pratap  Paikary


  Dear all,
Please read the horrible way in which HSBC Bank has treated Pratap Paikary, an 
openly gay individual from Bangalore who has been active in various activist 
efforts in India as well. The full course of correspondence is pasted below. It 
is shameful that an international bank that claims to be the world's local bank 
catering to every individual's needs, would stoop to these cheal and disgusting 
levels against a person, merely because of his homosexuality. It is now not in 
any doubt that this bank suffers from almost incurable homophobia. 

As a concerned individual and as an activst who has fought against homophobia 
in all spehere that it exhibits itself, I send out this appeal to all of you to 
boycott HSBC Bank. Please hit back where it hurts the bank most, deny them the 
privilege to handle your money.

Here is what you can do:
Close your savings and current accounts with the HSBC bank and move it to 
another bank that knows how to respect LGBTI persons
If you have taken loans from HSBC, please renegotiate these loans with another 
bank and move it to them.
Return your HSBC Credit cards
Do not let HSBC manage your assets or your investment portfolio.
I am sure if you have anyother form of dealings with HSBC you would also agree 
to close them and move themto other more civilised banks. 
Please spread this request to all your LGBTI networks and groups, and to all 
supporters, so that HSBC learns that a persons sexuality is his business and 
not theirs. So that they learn that respect is a local trait everywhere and the 
world's local bank needs to show it to individuals.

Best regards,
Aditya Bondyopadhyay
From: Tristan Tadhgh O'Legion tristantadhgholegio

Dear Mike,
It has come to my attention that in addition to spying on my phone and 
following me around, the Asian hierarchy of HSBC [in particular, Ms Naina Lal 
Kidwai, Head of HSBC India, Ms Sonal Davé, COO of HSBC India and Mr Rumi 
Contractor, Head of HSBC GR] has now descended to bribing or otherwise coercing 
prospective employers not to hire me [having already had some success in this 
regard with my (former) friends and lawyers]. Needless to say, this is illegal 
in addition to being unethical and flies in the face of the bank's stated 
concern for my wellbeing [as elaborated upon by Mr G Ahluwalia] and the 
relieving letter wishing me 'success in my future endeavours'. It is admittedly 
ingenuously homophobic. I also suffered an unfortunate accident yesterday which 
I survived [but not without significant injury]: I would like to believe that 
the bank had nothing to do with it. However, you may come to find that buying 
the entire
 judicial and legal system in this country [not to mention my extended family 
and the national media] is going to be a somewhat tenuous proposition even for 
Europe's largest bank [and the world's richest]. I do not believe that any of 
this has either your authorisation or your consent. Please arrange to have this 
harassment stopped STAT [as in yesterday if that is possible].   

Yours sincerely,
Pratap Patrick Paikaray 
[Bengalūru, South India].
-- Forwarded message --
From: Tristan Tadhgh O'Legion tristantadhgholegio
Date: Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:36 PM
Subject: Continuing harassment [Fwd: CONSVMMΛTVM EST: Endgame: No access to 
Compliance Disclosure Telephone Line/HGHQ/HSBC now, at least not from my 
workstation! !!]

To: MichaelGeoghegan@
Dear Mike,
Two months back on 26th June, '09, Mr Gaurav Ahluwalia [SVP, HR, HSBC India] 
offered me financial assistance [read bribe] to the tune of approximately five 
lakh Indian Rupees [on behalf of Ms NL Kidwai  Mr Rumi Contractor] to 
'resign', an offer I was happy to accept. I had presumed that this would stop 

Re: g_b Happy New Year

2009-08-18 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Hi Asfan!
Wishing you too a Very Happy Pateti and Navroze Mubarak!

--- On Tue, 18/8/09, asfan wrote:

From: asfan
Subject: g_b Happy New Year
Date: Tuesday, 18 August, 2009, 6:05 AM


  Wishing all Zoroastrian Bawajis, Iranis and the whole wide 
world a happy Pateti (18th - the last day of the outgoing year) and Naoroze 
Mubarak (19th - the New Year). Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year.
A few years ago while posting these greetings I had expressed the wish that 377 
be relegated to the limbo.  Well, it has nearly happened and if the Supreme 
Court, in its wisdom, does the needful it would be wonderful.  My kudos once 
again to all responsible for it.


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  Looking for local information? Find it on Yahoo! Local

Re: g_b Fwd: ECOSOC resolution on AIDS: mentions Action Framework....!!?? [1...

2009-07-28 Thread Bloot Fontaine
He has the right not to agree! And I will respect his right not to agree! Right?

--- On Mon, 27/7/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: g_b Fwd: ECOSOC resolution on AIDS: mentions Action  
Framework.!!?? [1...
Date: Monday, 27 July, 2009, 8:13 PM



I agree with you...but he may not agree with our definition..

In a message dated 7/27/2009 7:18:32 P.M. India Standard Time, 
blutfontaine@ in writes:

  To my mind, dear, he would just be being a businessman! 
Selling a commodity like all businessmen, do, even if the commodity is 

--- On Sat, 25/7/09, myonepe...@aol. com 
myonepe...@aol. com wrote:

  myonepe...@aol. com myonepe...@aol. com
  Re: g_b Fwd: ECOSOC resolution on AIDS: mentions Action 
  Framework... .!!?? [1...
Date: Saturday, 25 July, 2009, 9:33 

  Would a married manwith children...who comes to Bangalore... 
  puts on dresses like a have sex with men to make money 
  to support his family in AP... be an MSM or a TG??
  In a message dated 7/25/2009 6:29:45 P.M. India Standard Time, 
  adit.b...@gmail. com writes:
Hi Elisabeth, I do not have a lexicon. TG is the short of 
Transgender, which is the term used in both the Universal Access 
Doc, as well as the ECOSOC resolution. I am using their term here 
all its import and meaning without imputing my own..
Aditya B


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Re: g_b Fwd: ECOSOC resolution on AIDS: mentions Action Framework....!!?? [1...

2009-07-27 Thread Bloot Fontaine
To my mind, dear, he would just be being a businessman! Selling a commodity 
like all businessmen, do, even if the commodity is HIMSELF!

--- On Sat, 25/7/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: g_b Fwd: ECOSOC resolution on AIDS: mentions Action 
Framework.!!?? [1...
Date: Saturday, 25 July, 2009, 9:33 PM


Would a married man...with children...who comes to Bangalore... puts on dresses 
like a have sex with men to make money to support his family in 
AP... be an MSM or a TG??

In a message dated 7/25/2009 6:29:45 P.M. India Standard Time, adit.b...@gmail. 
com writes:

Hi Elisabeth, I do not have a lexicon. TG is the short of Transgender, which is 
the term used in both the Universal Access Doc, as well as the ECOSOC 
resolution. I am using their term here in all its import and meaning 
without imputing my own..
Aditya B

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Re: g_b any skin specialist in mumbai

2009-07-22 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Why don't you just look up a Yellow Pages, dear? I stay in Girgaon
area, but, if I was you, I would merely check out Tata Press Yellow
Pages or something!

Try the following numbers:-

B2B Yellow Pages Mumbai's JUST DIAL: 3999 

Forbes Yellow Pages 4545 4545

Citizen's Yellow Pages 6777 

Infomedia Yellow Pages 4141 4141 (which formerly was Tata Press Yellow Pages 
until Infomedia took it over)

and finally MTNL's website advertised on their telephone directory: 

Hope this helps!

Regards and God Bless!

--- On Tue, 21/7/09, vishal shah wrote:

From: vishal shah
Subject: g_b any skin specialist in mumbai
Date: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 3:37 PM


  dear members,
  I wanna consult skin problem with doctor. Near by my area i 
have all ladies with whom i am not comfortable. pls any of u or yours doctor 
especially in thane or vashi near by pls get their details.
thanks and regards
anil seth

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Re: g_b Baba Ramdev May Face Criminal Action Under Section 509 IPC

2009-07-21 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Serves him right.


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Re: g_b Breaking News--Homosexuality Can Be Cured!

2009-07-06 Thread Bloot Fontaine
I had read a critic write that Doordarshan is much more funny when it is 
inadvertently funny. The same applies to this esteemed His Holiness Baba 
Ramdev, who seems to prefer talking through his hole.

--- On Sat, 4/7/09, wrote:

Subject: g_b Breaking News--Homosexuality Can Be Cured!
To:, gay_bombaygroup, GayAhmedabad, GayBangalore, GayBombay, 
gay-bombay, GayBombay Blogger, gaybombaygroup, gay-bombaygroup, Gaybombayonline, Gaycalcutta,, GayChennai, GayChennaiYahooGroup, GayDelhi, 
GayIndia, Gayindiagroup, GayMumbai, 
GayMumbai, gb-group, LGBTIndia, 
lgbt-india, time84x...@post. wordpress. com
Date: Saturday, 4 July, 2009, 11:13 PM


Reacting to the
Delhi High Court judgment,  Baba Ramdev says homosexuality can be cured ,, all
you have to do is some yoga...  

Jai Ho Ramdev
Mahraj.. You have claimed a cure for HIV, Cancer and now you say Gays are
sick... and some asanas can cure them of their disease.. Run Baba
Ramdev run.. Patent your revolutionary findings! 



Email: modera...@gaybombay .in 


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Re: g_b Re: [GB] A suggestion

2009-04-14 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thank you for an excellent suggestion, Mr. Asfan!
Thank you, Mr. Vivek, for the email id. I was unaware of the helpline and I am 
sure there are others like me, who will benefit by knowing that it exists. 

--- On Tue, 14/4/09, Shatrughna Phadke wrote:

From: Shatrughna Phadke
Subject: Re: g_b Re: [GB] A suggestion
Date: Tuesday, 14 April, 2009, 1:34 PM

thanks Asfan and others its a really good suggetion. 
I am sure you will get good response to this.
--- Shatru

--- On Mon, 13/4/09, Vivek R Anand avive...@gmail. com wrote:

From: Vivek R Anand avive...@gmail. com
Subject: g_b Re: [GB] A suggestion
To: gaybom...@yahoogrou
Cc: gay_bom...@yahoogro
Date: Monday, 13 April, 2009, 6:20 PM

If anyone desires to seek professional support you can always write to 
qs_...@hotmail. com
This email help line is accessed by gay friendly pshycologist, pshciatrist, 
professionally qualified counsellors, doctors and an advocate to provide legal 

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 4:43 PM, asfan asfa...@yahoo. com wrote:

Dear Moderators,
Very often there are requests from group members for help with their problems, 
resulting in a plethora of suggestions from other members.  Though well-meant, 
most of these suggestions are either inane or reflect on the immaturity of the 
“helpers” themselves. Many of those offering suggestions seem to be very young 
themselves.  If taken seriously, they may do more harm than good.
I would suggest that the gb and g_b group monitors set up panels of 
psychiatrists, counsellors, doctors, etc., and that such requests be forwarded 
to the respective person/s directly for an answer.  The question and the answer 
can be then posted on the group site ( like an agony aunt/uncle column).  No 
more discussion should be allowed on the matter to prevent any misunderstanding 
to occur.
I have suggested this as I feel (very seriously) that quite a bit of 
harm/confusion may befall the member of the group who has the problem if the 
current state of affairs prevails. I do hope that my appeal is taken in the 
right spirit it is meant to be.
Many thanks,

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Re: g_b child abuse

2009-04-08 Thread Bloot Fontaine
What enrages me most is when I hear of someone who has forced himself upon a 
girl or boy who has no knowledge of what is happening and left that girl or boy 
with grevious injuries or with such a mental trauma that that boy or girl can 
no longer live a normal life.
A different, sick or perverted sexuality then becomes an outlet for the victim, 
and not his choice.
As Asfan said, all forms of paedophilia are wrong, this is the worst. You are 
lucky to have had one of the better forms of paedophilia, but surely, you would 
condemn those who have caused untold suffering and misery?

--- On Wed, 8/4/09, mad cow wrote:

From: mad cow
Subject: Re: g_b child abuse
Date: Wednesday, 8 April, 2009, 10:09 AM

hi to all readers, its nice to read all msgs about child abuse as far as i know 
i was molested by a 55 year old man in my boarding at that time i was 13 year 
old boy, and belive me he was that first person with whom i had sex and even 
today i miss him a lot. he is no more in this world but many a time i still 
think of him now iam 50, i never regreted having sex with him becoz he was 
s caring and loving person and at that time i was in need of 
support in the boarding and he was the person who gave me support like father 
and a lover , so i will never regret about it but i still feel about him i want 
give hi in return i want to suport him now becoz iam well enough to do but he 
is no more in this world GOD KEEP HIM REST IN PEACE. thas all i can say .
   Iam msging this mail becoz when i read all theese mail here some time it 
hurts to read becoz most of the people here they just abuse those guys who had 
sex with minor boys, i dont think most of the adults are bad its all depend 
what kind of person we get so plz think before u abuse to adults.I NEVER 
to all.


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Re: g_b child abuse

2009-04-06 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Nice to know. BUT, this is not what happens to everybody. It IS necessary to 
safeguard the interests of those who can be cruelly abused - or used AGAINST 
their wishes, WITHOUT their knowledge and/or consent.
Would you not agree, Mehrdadji?

--- On Mon, 6/4/09, mehrdad forouhar wrote:

From: mehrdad forouhar
Subject: g_b child abuse
Date: Monday, 6 April, 2009, 1:34 PM

hi..i as an adult now ,have experienced child abuse when i was about 10yrs old 
but it was not so horrible for me at that time and now also i have not any bad 
feeling about it and i know so many guys that has had sex with other men when 
thery were minor and they also
feels good about my case ii wsa my uncle who approched me for fondlig 
and then sex
and now i also sse him but he is married and we never talk abouti it...i also 
have sex with
guys now,,and i never feels bad about my childhood... .

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Re: g_b Harish's story and child abuse--A suggestion

2009-04-04 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Dear Shatru Lovely,
Your suggestion is excellent, but the problem remains in putting it into 
practice. I have been reading often enough in newspapers about the protests 
from conservative parents when the school attempts to intoduce sex education as 
a subject in the curriculum for the year!
Now, if the teachers cannot teach sex education in schools, if even textbooks 
teaching sex education are taboo, we have a long way to go before we reach the 
stage where your good hearted and excellent suggestions can be implemented!
Till then, it is every parent for his/her children and God for all!

--- On Fri, 3/4/09, shatru_lovely wrote:

From: shatru_lovely
Subject: g_b Harish's story and child abuse--A suggestion
Date: Friday, 3 April, 2009, 8:34 PM

Like Harish, there may be many in this community who might have suffered from 
child abuse in their early age of puberty. 

My suggestion is, such victims should form a group and visit schools, colleges, 
play ground etc. and educate students as to what is child abuse and how they 
should fight against it. Let them know whom to approach in such cases, let the 
child know that he is not alone. 

May be some NGO is already working in the same direction I am not sure but the 
efforts are not enough. 

I have observed that either a child is not at all educated or is over educated. 
Both are dangerous. 

Not only children's but parents also need to be educated. Following are some 
instructions I found on one site. 

Does your child know the meaning of sex abuse?

Did you know that one in three girls in the world is sexually abused before 
reaching the age of eighteen, and one in four before the age of fourteen? In 
the case of boys, one in six is sexually abused before the age of sixteen. 
Quite shocking, to say the least.
According to sociologist David Finkelhor, who has conducted a massive study on 
child sexual abuse in over 19 countries besides the United Statesand Canada, 
sex abuse percentages in most countries are comparable with North American 
research figures. The overall percentages range from 7% to 36% for girls and 3% 
to 29% for boys. Most of these studies found females to be abused at 1.5 to 3 
times more than boys. We can clearly see that sexual abuse is an international 
problem and not restricted to just a few countries in the world. 
In fact, after countries like Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand, countries 
like Nepal, India and Cambodia are facing an increasing number of paedophiles. 
A research carried out by Sakshi, a New Delhi-based non-governmental 
organization, says that 80% of Indian girls and women, belonging to all social 
classes, experience sexual abuse in their own families and friend circle. 
Majority of them prefer to remain silent. 
According to the State of Child Rights in India, incidences of child abuse are 
definitely on the rise especially since the nineties. 
It is quite shocking to know that 
- 66% sexual offenders know their victims. 
- 32% paedophiles have abused their own children. 
- 49% paedophiles are attracted to unstable children. 

Child sexual abuse is any sexual contact between a child and another person 
(from fondling to rape) with or without force. People who prefer sexual 
activity with a child are known as 'paedophiles' . 
It is important to remember that such offenders are completely 'responsible' 
and guilty in the abuse, even if they have taken the consent of the minor 
child. The consent of a child is not considered to be any consent at all.
It is imperative to note that family members or close neighbors or frustrated 
fellow mates can manipulate children. Little wonder that one out of every six 
abusers is a child. They can be homosexual or even heterosexual. Paedophiles 
are usually male and could come from almost any socio-economic background. 

1. Never scare a child about sexual abuse. Panic will beget panic. Your child 
may get overcautious about people. This will also affect the child's everyday 
vigour and spontaneity, which is the ultimate source of joy in a parent's life. 
But of course, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, teach him 
or her ground rules without injecting fear. 

2. Teach your children the names of the different parts of the body. Take this 
step further by specifying the private parts. Tell the child that these parts 
should not be touched by anyone, not even close friends. 

3. Your behaviour with your spouse can be a role model for the children. 
Therefore, until your children understand the importance of a healthy sexual 
relationship, do not display overt affection to your partner in front of the 
children. If the children ever touch your private parts, which most children 
playfully do in their very early years, be firm and tell them not to ever 
repeat it. A correct message should be conveyed with regard 

Re: g_b 'I was a victim of incest for 11 long years'

2009-04-02 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Congratulations to Harish for surviving this ordeal and emerging a stronger person! Congrats and all the best for a bright, successful and prosperous future. He should have one, after all he has been through and also all the best to him in finding true love!Regards and God Bless!--- On Tue, 31/3/09, Moderator wrote:From: Moderator modera...@gaybombay.inSubject: g_b 'I was a victim of incest for 11 long years'To:, "GayAhmedabad", "GayBangalore",, "GayBombayGroup",, "Gaycalcutta",, "GayChennai", "gaychennaigr...@yahoogroups. Com", "GayDelhi", "GayIndia", "GayIndiaGroup", "GayMumbai", "LGBTIndia" lgbtin...@googlegroups.comDate: Tuesday, 31 March, 2009, 9:02 PM

Hi all 


Posting the story of brave Harish who is a member of this group. Incidentally,
he was among the handful who had replied to my request on article that I was writing
in LGBT life post 26/11 attacks in Mumbai. May we have more courageous guys
like Harish in this world, and especially in the LGBT community. 







‘I was a victim of incest for 11 long years’  


Incited by the Mira Road incest-rape, Harish Iyer tells the
inspiring story of how he picked up the pieces after being sodomised since he
was just seven years old 


http://www.mumbaimi index.aspx? Page=articlesectname=News% 20-%20Citysectid=2contentid=200903272 0090327020450873 91e1728e 


By Malay Desai  

Posted On Friday, March 27, 2009 at 02:04:51 AM  



  Last week, just as an Austrian
  court sentenced monster dad Josef Fritzl to life for sequestering and raping
  his own daughter for 24 years, another horrific story emerged – the
  Mira Road rape and incest case. As all those who knew the victims hid in the
  shadows trying to comprehend how they failed to see what was going on, one
  man decided to come out of the dark and speak openly about the incest-rape he
  suffered as a child.
  Since he was just seven, Harish Iyer, now 29, was sodomised by his maternal
  uncle. “I remember when he started bathing me. I was initially
  unmindful, and so was my family. Who’d think there’s something
  fishy in an uncle giving a bath to his nephew? However, I started realising
  that something was wrong two-three months down, when the actual abuse
  began,” he recalls. 
  “The brutality assumed greater proportions as I grew up, entering my
  teens. Each invasion on my body was also one on my psyche. I soon started
  turning into a numb, lifeless being. The few times I summoned the courage to
  oppose, he threatened to kill me or have my parents killed. I was terrified
  and told no one about my suffering,” reveals Harish, who works as a
  creative manager at an event management company. 
  “I began living in my own shell, murmuring to imaginary friends,
  writing in a diary and crying my heart out, burying my head in my dog
  Jimmy’s paws. But I kept giving in, unable to say no… till I was
  18. Then one day, he pounced on me and I kicked him. That was all it took for
  him to stop for good. Looking back, I realised I should have given that kick
  much earlier.” 
  But this was far from the end: “When, I told my parents they were
  obviously shocked and in a fit of rage, my father accused me of having
  enjoyed the ordeal since I had not voiced my dissent. This completely changed
  our relationship, perhaps forever. 
  “I had just one friend and I had poured my heart out to him. But he
  turned on me and told everyone in college. Apart from frequent taunts and
  giggles, there was soon graffiti in the men’s loos with my name and
  number scribbled under the words ‘gay sex’. 
  “I had hit rock bottom and attempted suicide… but fortunately
  failed. I began to realise that survival was more challenging than escape.
  The only catalyst behind my positive thoughts was my dog, in whom I found
  unconditional love. He became my reason for being.” 
  The fact that everyone now knew about his reality only made him stronger and
  more outspoken. “Activism helped me channelise my frustration. Having a
  special bond for animals, I started writing to Maneka Gandhi, who heartily
  replied to each letter. Through various talks, blog activism and impulsive reactions
  such as the Sita Sena (an angry response to the Ram Sene), I vented my rage
  towards all stigmas in society.” 
  The persistent rape had taken a toll on Harish’s sexuality, but after a
  period of self-discovery, he learnt that he is naturally gay. And as for his
  uncle, though Harish never 

Re: g_b Please advice

2009-02-10 Thread Bloot Fontaine
I suppose you could try warning him that you will approach the college 
authorities. That should stop him without hurting his career and you will also 
sleep with a clear conscience. AND I THINK YOU ARE A VERY NICE PERSON! Not to 
have already approached the authorities and to ask advice here!
God Bless you, dear child!

--- On Sun, 8/2/09, shatru_lovely wrote:

From: shatru_lovely
Subject: g_b Please advice
Date: Sunday, 8 February, 2009, 10:10 PM

Hey to all my friends!!!

I am M18yr from Mumbai. I have observed that my teacher (M 25 to 30), 
keeps staring at me while teaching. Initially I found it odd but 
eventually I got used to it and started ignoring it. Yesterday he 
tried to kiss me in front of some of my friends. I don't mind him 
kissing me but he wants to do this in front of everybody. 

Now what do I do? Should I approach college authorities? 
I don't want to ruin his career. 

Please advice.

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Re: g_b Re: never encountered any such problems

2009-01-15 Thread Bloot Fontaine
I too have never ever encountered any problems with giving out my name or 
address or cell number, but I would NOT mock or ridicule anyone who warns us, 
out of goodwill for us. If someone is our wellwisher and gives us a friendly 
warning, we would do well to take it in the right spirit. If we disagree, there 
are always better ways of saying the same, rather than using words like 
naivee and stupid.

--- On Thu, 15/1/09, arya rez wrote:

From: arya rez
Subject: g_b Re: never encountered any such problems
Date: Thursday, 15 January, 2009, 2:25 AM

hey,never had any problems so far with giving out my cell or my address,so i 
dont know why this crap dose not happend to me,trust me if it happend to me the 
guy or guys who come to my place will be in for a big surprise,the beauty of 
these sites is that you can screen guys before you proceed further either that 
guys was naviee or stupid.

Subject: g_b from G4M website INDIAN MEMBERS PLEASE READ:

from G4M website

a guys4men member from Bangalore gave out his address to a stranger on this 
site, and ended up with people arriving at his door demanding money and 
threatening him - eventually they got a significant amount of money off him. 
please never give your personal details out on this site to someone you have 
never met. especially your home address - but even giving our your cellphone 
number to strangers is highly inadvisable. 
a better strategy is to exchange no personal information until you have met the 
person and are sure of his intentions. the best place for a first meeting is 
generally a park or a cafe where other members of the public can see you (in 
case of problems). 

phil (webmaster) 

global warming
we are workingto make 
carbon neutral 


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Re: g_b Tuesday's Thought

2008-12-30 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Asfan is the BEST!

--- On Mon, 29/12/08, asfan wrote:

From: asfan
Subject: g_b Tuesday's Thought
Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 7:29 PM

A customer walks into a pharmacy and asks the assistant for an anal deodorant. 
The assistant explains that they don't stock them.  The man insists that he 
bought his last one from this store.  The assistant passes the man on to the 
pharmacist who explains that the store has never stocked such an item.  The man 
explains that he bought his last one from this very store only weeks ago and 
had done so for several years. 
The pharmacist asks the man to bring in his last purchase and he would try to 
match the product.  The following day the man returns to the pharmacy and shows 
the deodorant to the pharmacist. 
The pharmacist asks why the customer thinks this is an anal deodorant when it 
is obviously of the underarm stick variety.  The customer explains that the 
instructions on the reverse state, Push up bottom to use. 

Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.

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Re: g_b Important Information

2008-12-06 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Thank you for the update, Sir!

--- On Fri, 5/12/08, Tat Twam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: g_b Important Information
Date: Friday, 5 December, 2008, 7:57 PM

The number 1090 does not seem to be valid across India. It seems to be valid 
only for Delhi. I searched google, and did not find any single official 
announcement about this number except for Delhi. So obviously this mail is 
incorrect. This is also corroborated by the Deccan Herald news:
See: http://www.deccanhe CONTENT/Oct32008 /state2008100293 322.asp
 - - - - - - 
- - - - - ---

Alert mail proves a big headache for helpline

From Sibanthi Padmanabha,DHNS, Mangalore: 

In the name of terror, pranksters seem to be taking people for a ride. The ones 
facing the music are those manning round-the clock toll free number for senior 

A mail is being circulated to netizens for the last two days. It reads Dear 
all, In case you come across any suspicious activity, any suspicious movement 
or have any information to tell to the Anti-Terror Squad, please take a note of 
the new all India toll-free terror helpline 1090. Your city's police or 
Anti-Terror Squad will take action as quickly as possible.

Toll- free

The mail also reminds that the number 1090 is valid all over India and it is 
toll-free, that can be dialled from mobile phones also. Moreover, the identity 
of the caller will be kept a secret, it assures.
In addition to this, it appeals- Let us make each and every citizen of India 
aware about this facility. Kindly forward this mail to as many as people 
possible. In fact, 1090 is helpline  launched by the State government in 2005 
in support of the elderly people in crisis.The Mangalore Police have sought the 
help of the cyber cell to trace the source of the mail. 

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:56 PM, lgbtindiagroup lgbtindiagroup@ 


In case you come across any suspicious activity, any suspicious movement
or have any information to tell to the Anti-Terror Squad (ATS),please 
take a
note of the new ALL INDIA TOLL-FREE Terror Help-line 1090. 
Your city's Police or Anti-Terror squad will take action as quickly as 
Remember that this single number 1090 is valid all over India
This is a toll free number and can be dialed from mobile phones also.
Moreover, the identity of the caller will be kept a secret.
Let us make each and every citizen of India aware about this facility.

Please forward this mail to as many people as possible, and tell 
individually also.

Never expect things to happen. struggle and Make them happen. --

- Preyas
For true friendship..

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Re: g_b 26/11

2008-12-03 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Yes, Sir! The Army WOULD INDEED be more disciplined, but the Army would be 
headed by only ONE man. Now, if that man went mad and power crazy, we have 
examples before us of Hitler and even of almost all the leaders of Pakistan who 
do not allow even an attempt at democracy to continue to fruition!
In our civilian setup, we replace one entire bunch of politicians with another 
and there is criticism and fault finding and embarassing one another, both, 
within the party itself as well as between two or more parties and the truth 
COMES OUT and someone has to go and is replacable and that exercises some 
control on those who claim to represent the people.
Ironically, it is these very controls and restrictions that act as fetters 
towards progress, but then they also act as barriers towards authoritarian 
Sir, I had read in a James Hadley Chase book (never did read any highbrow stuff 
- haha!) that there is no such thing as absolutely right and absolutely wrong 
in life, neither black, not white, it is all shades of grey!
So also, I am not confident of the democratic setup, but I shy at even a 
dictatorship and overall, I feel that democracy has an edge. Just my opinion, 
Regards and Respects.
If our eminent Moderator feels that this topic is not esentially gay, I would 
respect his wishes to discontinue this thread and Asfanji and I could discuss 
this one to one, if any further discussion is merited.
Respects to our Moderator also, and thanks.

--- On Tue, 2/12/08, asfan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: g_b 26/11
Date: Tuesday, 2 December, 2008, 5:03 PM

Thank you.  What I meant was that the army would be more disiplined and, 
HOPEFULLY, less corrupt than the politicians.
A lot is being said on this site about getting rid of the current netas.  But, 
the trouble is that the same rotten old tomatoes stand again and again election 
after election.  There are hardly any new faces.  And, of the new ones elected 
last time has anyone done anything worthwhile?  I am talking of the likes of 
Deora, Pilot, Gandhi etc. Of course, since they are dynastic descendants they 
have the family genes of indolence as far as public service is concerned. Where 
are the genuine public servants?  I feel like the old Greek philosopher who 
went at night with a lantern seeking an honest politician!

--- On Mon, 1/12/08, Bloot Fontaine blutfontaine@ in wrote:

From: Bloot Fontaine blutfontaine@ in
Subject: Re: g_b 26/11
Date: Monday, 1 December, 2008, 7:22 PM

Not sure that Army Rule WOULD be better. I remember the old saying, Power 
corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
But I appreciate your sentiments for a stronger India and respect you for the 
Jai Hind!

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Re: g_b 26/11

2008-12-01 Thread Bloot Fontaine
Not sure that Army Rule WOULD be better. I remember the old saying, Power 
corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
But I appreciate your sentiments for a stronger India and respect you for the 
Jai Hind!

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to

g_b Fwd: The Priest's Baby!

2008-11-26 Thread Bloot Fontaine
A woman starts dating a doctor. Before too long, she becomes pregnant and they 
don't know what to do. About nine months later, just about the time she is 
going to give birth, a priest goes into the hospital for a prostate gland 
The doctor says to the woman, I know what we'll do. After I've operated on the 
priest, I'll give the baby to him and tell him it was a miracle.
Do you think it will work? she asks the doctor. It's worth a try, he says.
So the doctor delivers the baby and then operates on the priest.
After the operation he goes in to the priest and says, Father, you're not 
going to believe this.
What? says the priest. What happened? You gave birth to a child.
But that's impossible!
I just did the operation, insists the doctor. It's a miracle! Here's your 
About fifteen years go by, and the priest realizes that he must tell his son 
the truth. One day he sits the boy down and says, Son, I have something to 
tell you. I'm not your father.
The son says, What do you mean, you're not my father?
The priest replies, I'm your mother. The archbishop is your father.

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