In a message dated 9/19/2008 11:01:39 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

The  scary bit is really the fact that we can not do much and/or choose not 
to do  much with younger teens because of that bogey of Gay=Pedophilia crap 
that we  all have had to live with and negotiate around. Even GB does not allow 
anyone  below 18.

Sad and True - Aditya B

Aditya -
If a person or organization takes all the proper precautions to safe guard  
the minor from sexual abuse...there are almost no cases of pedophilia..
But where people do a sloppy job of monitoring the counselors and is very easy for unfortunate situations to occur..
GB by putting the age limit at merely trying to cover its and  
yahoo's asses should they get sued...I am sure that many underaged people have  
contact with GB over the years..
The internet is almost impossible to make pedophilia safe...but if GB  wished 
to counsel and mentor young variant children in the real world....and do  it 
safely....all they would need to do is find the 'right' people to do the  
work...and to then put in place an exacting monitoring system to track the  
and adults to keep either from straying into unfortunate   situations..
Speak with the loony doctors, medical doctors, police and schools...and in  
no time flat I am sure you can put together a better youth program than Rainbow 
 Alley in Denver..
But remember do not be sloppy and only takes one unfortunate  
situation to sink the program..

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