So Chicago had its Pride march today like each year.
I thought i should dress a bit more sober --- i was gonna take the train ride 
into the city afterall.
But surprise--- the train looked like just out of a gay bar and no one had to 
be really closeted. Wearing a rainbow bra or a leather vest was as common as 
the daily morning suit to the workplace.
250 odd floats, thousands of people in the march and more cheering us on the 
But Chicagoans were up for a surprise --- one of the floats was blaring music 
they had not heard before i am sure.
It was Sheila and Munni and Dhak dhak ------  Bollywood !! 
Trikone marched under its banner for the first time and for more than 2 hours 
we were dancing and playing all Desi music.
The few choreographed steps got huge appreciation from the onlookers --- one as 
they liked the music (no one can dislike appadi pode !  ) , and two as they 
could see us much more knitted and together than many others.
The hard work ....and the very concept to have this ...... paid off as people 
cheered, and some even came and danced with us irrespective of not 
understanding a word.
We could see ppl point at us --"brown people" --- who were known to be IT nerds 
quietly going about their work till now, were also equally gay and lesbian and 
as much woven into the social fabric as others.
For me, having a group which speaks the same language as i do, where i can be 
myself more, share interests definitely helped to make me feel better than what 
the initial months in the country were trawlingbars and pubs and little else.
>From what i have interacted with the K and others, I am sure this is not where 
>Trikone will rest and i look forward to a lot more events happening.
For those of you who could/didnt make it --try it the next time and be sure you 
will love it :-)
Thanks Trikone for doing this and making it happen.

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