Bug ID: 114589
           Summary: missed optimization: losing bool range information
           Product: gcc
           Version: 13.1.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: c++
          Assignee: unassigned at gcc dot
          Reporter: barry.revzin at gmail dot com
  Target Milestone: ---

Consider the following example:

template <class T>
struct simple_optional {
    bool has_val;
    T val;

    auto begin() const -> T const* { return &val; }
    #ifdef SIMPLE
    auto end() const -> T const* { return &val + (has_val ? 1 : 0); }
    auto end() const -> T const* { return has_val ? &val + 1 : &val; }

void f(int);

void call_f(simple_optional<int> const& o) {   
    for (int i : o) {

This function should call f at most one time. With the SIMPLE implementation
that adds (has_val ? 1 : 0), or simply has_val, or static_cast<int>(has_val),
or any version thereof - gcc trunk -O3 still emits a loop:

call_f(simple_optional<int> const&):
        push    rbp
        push    rbx
        lea     rbx, [rdi+4]
        sub     rsp, 8
        movzx   edx, BYTE PTR [rdi]
        lea     rbp, [rbx+rdx*4]
        test    dl, dl
        je      .L1
        mov     edi, DWORD PTR [rbx]
        add     rbx, 4
        call    f(int)
        cmp     rbp, rbx
        jne     .L3
        add     rsp, 8
        pop     rbx
        pop     rbp

With the other approach, where end() explicitly returns either &val + 1 or
&val, gcc does not emit a loop:

call_f(simple_optional<int> const&):
        cmp     BYTE PTR [rdi], 0
        jne     .L4
        mov     edi, DWORD PTR [rdi+4]
        jmp     f(int)

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