This example will demonstrate 2 problems in mt_allocator.cc:

        typedef __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc<char> allocator_type;
        typedef __gnu_cxx::__pool_base::_Tune tune_type;

        allocator_type mt_char;
tune_type t(8, 40000, 8, (50000 - 4 * sizeof(void*)), 4096, 10, false);
        allocator_type::pointer pc = mt_char.allocate(40000);

First bug in __pool<..>::_M_initialize():
        Binmap_type __bin_max = _M_options._M_min_bin;  // not correct.
        size_t __bin_max = _M_options._M_min_bin; // correct.

Second bug in __pool<..>::_M_reserve_block():

while (--__block_count > 0) // not correct because __block_count may be equal 0(and size_t is unsigned)
        __c += __bin_size;
        __block->_M_next = reinterpret_cast<_Block_record*>(__c);
        __block = __block->_M_next;

  while (__block_count > 0) // correct
        __c += __bin_size;
        __block->_M_next = reinterpret_cast<_Block_record*>(__c);
        __block = __block->_M_next;
Best regards, dk.

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