An existing optimization substantially improves performance in the case
of checking for pattern matches where all possible matches are known to
start with the same character. Generalize this optimization to also
apply in the case of a case-insensitive comparison (so that there are
two possible initial characters to check for, e.g. 'z' and 'Z').

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk


        * libgnat/s-regpat.adb (Match): Handle the case where Self.First
        is not NUL (so we know the first character we are looking for),
        but case-insensitive matching has
        been specified.
        (Optimize): In the case of an EXACTF Op, set Self.First as is
        done in the EXACT case, except with the addition of a call to
diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-regpat.adb b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-regpat.adb
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-regpat.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-regpat.adb
@@ -3463,18 +3463,58 @@ package body System.Regpat is
       elsif Self.First /= ASCII.NUL then
-         --  We know what char it must start with
+         --  We know what char (modulo casing) it must start with
-         declare
-            Next_Try : Natural := Index (First_In_Data, Self.First);
+         if (Self.Flags and Case_Insensitive) = 0
+           or else Self.First not in 'a' .. 'z'
+         then
+            declare
+               Next_Try : Natural := Index (First_In_Data, Self.First);
+            begin
+               while Next_Try /= 0 loop
+                  Matched := Try (Next_Try);
+                  exit when Matched;
+                  Next_Try := Index (Next_Try + 1, Self.First);
+               end loop;
+            end;
+         else
+            declare
+               Uc_First : constant Character := To_Upper (Self.First);
+               function Case_Insensitive_Index
+                 (Start : Positive) return Natural;
+               --  Search for both Self.First and To_Upper (Self.First).
+               --  If both are nonzero, return the smaller one; if exactly
+               --  one is nonzero, return it; if both are zero, return zero.
+               ---------------------------
+               -- Case_Insenstive_Index --
+               ---------------------------
+               function Case_Insensitive_Index
+                 (Start : Positive) return Natural
+               is
+                  Lc_Index : constant Natural := Index (Start, Self.First);
+                  Uc_Index : constant Natural := Index (Start, Uc_First);
+               begin
+                  if Lc_Index = 0 then
+                     return Uc_Index;
+                  elsif Uc_Index = 0 then
+                     return Lc_Index;
+                  else
+                     return Natural'Min (Lc_Index, Uc_Index);
+                  end if;
+               end Case_Insensitive_Index;
-         begin
-            while Next_Try /= 0 loop
-               Matched := Try (Next_Try);
-               exit when Matched;
-               Next_Try := Index (Next_Try + 1, Self.First);
-            end loop;
-         end;
+               Next_Try : Natural := Case_Insensitive_Index (First_In_Data);
+            begin
+               while Next_Try /= 0 loop
+                  Matched := Try (Next_Try);
+                  exit when Matched;
+                  Next_Try := Case_Insensitive_Index (Next_Try + 1);
+               end loop;
+            end;
+         end if;
          --  Messy cases: try all locations (including for the empty string)
@@ -3634,6 +3674,9 @@ package body System.Regpat is
       if Program (Scan) = EXACT then
          Self.First := Program (String_Operand (Scan));
+      elsif Program (Scan) = EXACTF then
+         Self.First := To_Lower (Program (String_Operand (Scan)));
       elsif Program (Scan) = BOL
         or else Program (Scan) = SBOL
         or else Program (Scan) = MBOL

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