Re: [gdal-dev] gdalwarp integer overflow

2013-12-04 Thread Vincent Schut

On 12/03/2013 04:56 PM, Even Rouault wrote:


do you have many bands and what is their data type ? Because the check for
integer overflows does nSrcXSize * nSrcYSize * nWordSize *  nBandCount.
nSrcXSize * nSrcYSize by itself is 214 659 158. So it means that you have more
than 10 bands of Byte type, or other combinations of band number/data type that
cause the number to go over 2 billion.

I think the cause of the issue is the large over sampling you are attempting.
This requires to fetch an anourmous source area for a tinish target area. I
suggest you do gdalwarp in several times by using decreasing sizes. Perhaps just
an intermediate state will be necessary.

In the situation, the warping algorithm could also be smarter and realize that
in nearest neighbour resampling it doesn't need to fetch a source area but just
fetch individual source pixels. But that's a pretty unusual case (usually the
number of source pixels more or less matches the number of target pixels)


Even, thank you for this clear explanation. I'll try the 2-steps workaround.



I get the following error (integer overflow) when running gdalwarp on a
very large vrt to reproject to a very small tif:

gdalwarp -overwrite -t_srs epsg:4326 -te -180 -90 180 90 -ts 36 18 -r
near ${YEAR}/world_${YEAR}_sinu.vrt ${YEAR}/world_${YEAR}_ll_overview.tif
Creating output file that is 36P x 18L.
Processing input file 2013/world_2013_sinu.vrt.
Using internal nodata values (e.g. 0) for image 2013/world_2013_sinu.vrt.
Copying nodata values from source 2013/world_2013_sinu.vrt to
destination 2013/world_2013_ll_overview.tif.
0...10...20...30...40...50...60ERROR 1: Integer overflow :
nSrcXSize=22358, nSrcYSize=9601

I also tried -r average, which gives the same error.
Note that this might be a less than average usecase: I am running
gdalwarp on a vrt (built with gdalbuildvrt) of dimensions 172800, 33600
and sinusoidal projection, to create a tif with dimensions of 36, 18 (10
deg/pixel) and latlon wgs84 projection. This because ultimately I want
to create latlon tiles of 10x10 degrees, but want to avoid creating
empty tiles, so I'll use gdallocationinfo on the 36x18 tif to check if
this 10x10 degree square actually has data.

Any insights or tips on what could be wrong or how to debug/prevent this
are welcome (e.g. should I try some specific warpoptions?)

Thanks in advance,
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Re: [gdal-dev] Setting the noData flag in a GeoTIFF

2013-12-04 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Jukka,
Good point. In fact, that's one of the reasons I want to set the noData
flag. I figure when compressing hopefully the compressor will see that it
is noData and will treat it differently from the way it would an actual
value (which results in things like your mentioned 255,255,254) so I won't
get the white-border-effect. I guess I'll find out if/when I get to that


On 4 December 2013 06:58, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:

 Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules at writes:

  Hi Even,
  That worked great.
  It figures that I'd tried about 6 different permutations, including a few
 without -hidenodata; but none of them was the right one it seems.
  It's no problem recreating the tifs as they're small test tifs that takes
 a few seconds to process.
  Many thanks!Jonathan


 Be warned that the result may not be what you believe. You are compressing
 to jpeg and as a lossy method it does not store constant pixel values for
 the whole nodata area. If 255-255-255 pixels are nodata values you will get
 also pixels like 255-255-254 here and there and they will not be
 in applications. That may not be a problem for you if you combine
 rectangular images with full of data into a mosaic but if you warp images
 one by one into another projection so that they will get rotated and then
 want to use the warped images side by side you would see that the
 overlapping areas look bad.

 -Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [gdal-dev] Setting the noData flag in a GeoTIFF

2013-12-04 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules at writes:

 Hi Jukka,Good point. In fact, that's one of the reasons I want to set the
noData flag. I figure when compressing hopefully the compressor will see
that it is noData and will treat it differently from the way it would an
actual value (which results in things like your mentioned 255,255,254) so I
won't get the white-border-effect. I guess I'll find out if/when I get to
that point.


As far as I know GDAL does not do miracles. You cannot make a perfect result
with rotated images, noData value and jpeg compression if you warp first and
mosaic afterwards.  If you want to use jpeg compression, as I suppose you
do, turn the order and mosaic first - warp next. Build a virtual mosaic when
you still play in the world of the native projection and warp images to
target projection by using –projwin.  That way at least the images from the
middle parts of your site will be rectangular and without noData areas at
all in the target srs and you will have no issues with jpeg compression. You
will still get non-transparent pixels into the borders of your site but you
can create those images  without compression or with lossless LZW/deflate

You are anyways so well oriented in doing controlled tests that you will
probably do little experiments with your own data and mosaics of size 2x2 or
3x3 tiles before running huge batches.

However, if your originals don't have white borders of noData areas withing
the image area then you will not have them either after running your commands.

gdalbuildvrt -hidenodata -srcnodata 255 -vrtnodata 255 -input_file_list
tiff_list.txt 255.vrt

gdal_translate -of GTiff -co TILED=YES -co BIGTIFF=YES -co COMPRESS=JPEG 
PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR 255.vrt 255mask.tif

In this case using noData is not necessary either and may actually burn
holes into your images if there are some extremely light areas of dry, plain
terrain or the sun is reflecting from the water bodies and roofs of the
buildings etc.


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Re: [gdal-dev] How to get coordinates of original corners from warped image

2013-12-04 Thread Nick Ves
On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Lauri Kajan wrote:
 Hi all

 I have a set of aerial bird's view images and now I need to get extents of
 those images as polygons.
 I thought to add GCPs to images and possibly somehow to use the same
 transformation that is used when warping the images with perspective
 algorithm, to calculate coordinates for corners of the original images.

Get the coordinates from you projected Image then you can use the
cs2cs to re-projected those coordinates back to your original CRS

 Is this possible with python?

yes, you can use the pyproj lib



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[gdal-dev] VS2010-VS2013 s57

2013-12-04 Thread Dmitriy Baryshnikov


I have such error: the GDAL compiled with VS2010-VS2013 in s57 driver
loose all additional fields values. But the same code compiled with gcc
or previous VS works fine.
I found the root of problems here (ogr\ogrsf_frmts\s57\s57reader.cpp:932):

   const char *pszAcronym = poRegistrar-GetAttrAcronym(nAttrId);
   iField = poFeature-GetDefnRef()-GetFieldIndex(pszAcronym);

The pszAcronym always empty.

The problem comes from this function (ogr\ogrsf_frmts\s57\s57.h:140):

   const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )
{ return GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL :
   aoAttrInfos[i]-osAcronym; }

It seems to me that during execution this function I have |situation
when||c_str()|result becomes invalid (the|std::string|is destroyed or a
non-const member function of the string is called).

If I change function

   const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )
{ return GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL :
   aoAttrInfos[i]-osAcronym.c_str(); }

the problem gone.

So I need some confirmation/verification my ideas.
If I'm right, I can make changes to s57 driver.

Best regards,

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Re: [gdal-dev] VS2010-VS2013 s57

2013-12-04 Thread Frank Warmerdam

It is not clear to me why this should be necessary.  osAcronym is a long
lived std::string (well CPLString derived from std::string) living in the
registrars attribute list.  I assume the following method is used to
convert the CPLString to const char * which should amount to the same
thing you did.

operator const char* (void) const { return c_str(); }

Perhaps there is some subtle reason I don't see that the compiler is
creating a temporary std::string in between?

In any event, if you file a ticket I can apply this change upstream.  There
are other accessors on the same class that look like they could have
similar issues.

Best regards,

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Dmitriy Baryshnikov


 I have such error: the GDAL compiled with VS2010-VS2013 in s57 driver
 loose all additional fields values. But the same code compiled with gcc or
 previous VS works fine.
 I found the root of problems here (ogr\ogrsf_frmts\s57\s57reader.cpp:932):

 const char *pszAcronym = poRegistrar-GetAttrAcronym(nAttrId);
 iField = poFeature-GetDefnRef()-GetFieldIndex(pszAcronym);

  The pszAcronym always empty.

 The problem comes from this function (ogr\ogrsf_frmts\s57\s57.h:140):

 const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )
 { return GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL : aoAttrInfos[i]-osAcronym; }

 It seems to me that during execution this function I have situation when
 c_str() result becomes invalid (the std::string is destroyed or a
 non-const member function of the string is called).

 If I change function

 const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )
 { return GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL :
 aoAttrInfos[i]-osAcronym.c_str(); }

 the problem gone.

 So I need some confirmation/verification my ideas.
 If I'm right, I can make changes to s57 driver.

 Best regards,


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 gdal-dev mailing list

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Software Developer
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Re: [gdal-dev] VS2010-VS2013 s57

2013-12-04 Thread Dmitriy Baryshnikov

Hi Frank,

You quite right, what

   It is not clear to me why this should be necessary.  osAcronym is a
   long lived std::string (well CPLString derived from std::string)
   living in the registrars attribute list.  I assume the following
   method is used to convert the CPLString to const char * which
   should amount to the same thing you did.

but this is not helps, as c_str() method of std::string not return 
pointer, but construct new zero ended const char* managed by std::string 
(maybe this is specific to VS2010-VS2013). This const char* cleared 
after some call to std::string or CPLString and we got empty (cleared) 
const char *pszAcronym. I think the VS2010-VS2013 compiler do this in 
getter by index, operator const char* or the whole GetAttrInfo(i) == 
NULL ? NULL : aoAttrInfos[i]-osAcronym (maybe MS change the order 
parameter calculation or optimization). Maybe const (operator const 
char* (void) const) in non const (const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )) 
function VS2010-VS2013 specific behaviour.

OK, I fire the ticket. As I have committer rights, my I add changes, 
corresponding to the ticket?

Best regards,

05.12.2013 0:19, Frank Warmerdam пишет:


It is not clear to me why this should be necessary.  osAcronym is a 
long lived std::string (well CPLString derived from std::string) 
living in the registrars attribute list.  I assume the following 
method is used to convert the CPLString to const char * which should 
amount to the same thing you did.

operator const char* (void) const { return c_str(); }

Perhaps there is some subtle reason I don't see that the compiler is 
creating a temporary std::string in between?

In any event, if you file a ticket I can apply this change upstream. 
 There are other accessors on the same class that look like they could 
have similar issues.

Best regards,

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Dmitriy Baryshnikov wrote:


I have such error: the GDAL compiled with VS2010-VS2013 in s57
driver loose all additional fields values. But the same code
compiled with gcc or previous VS works fine.
I found the root of problems here

const char *pszAcronym = poRegistrar-GetAttrAcronym(nAttrId);
iField = poFeature-GetDefnRef()-GetFieldIndex(pszAcronym);

The pszAcronym always empty.

The problem comes from this function (ogr\ogrsf_frmts\s57\s57.h:140):

const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )
{ return GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL :
aoAttrInfos[i]-osAcronym; }

It seems to me that during execution this function I have
|situation when||c_str()|result becomes invalid
(the|std::string|is destroyed or a non-const member function of
the string is called).

If I change function

const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )
{ return GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL :
aoAttrInfos[i]-osAcronym.c_str(); }

the problem gone.

So I need some confirmation/verification my ideas.
If I'm right, I can make changes to s57 driver.

Best regards,

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gdal-dev mailing list

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |

and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Software Developer

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Re: [gdal-dev] VS2010-VS2013 s57

2013-12-04 Thread Even Rouault
Le mercredi 04 décembre 2013 22:15:58, Dmitriy Baryshnikov a écrit :
 Hi Frank,
 You quite right, what
 It is not clear to me why this should be necessary.  osAcronym is a
 long lived std::string (well CPLString derived from std::string)
 living in the registrars attribute list.  I assume the following
 method is used to convert the CPLString to const char * which
 should amount to the same thing you did.
 but this is not helps, as c_str() method of std::string not return
 pointer, but construct new zero ended const char* managed by std::string
 (maybe this is specific to VS2010-VS2013). This const char* cleared
 after some call to std::string or CPLString and we got empty (cleared)
 const char *pszAcronym. I think the VS2010-VS2013 compiler do this in
 getter by index, operator const char* or the whole GetAttrInfo(i) ==
 NULL ? NULL : aoAttrInfos[i]-osAcronym (maybe MS change the order
 parameter calculation or optimization). Maybe const (operator const
 char* (void) const) in non const (const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i ))
 function VS2010-VS2013 specific behaviour.
 OK, I fire the ticket. As I have committer rights, my I add changes,
 corresponding to the ticket?

Yes, Dmitriy, please commit your change (GetAttrName() would need the same 
change also). Hopefully, it will solve the failure on ogr_s57_6 that have been 
seen in
vc10-dev.txt since a few weeks and I couldn't understand.
And actually this must be related to one of my latest change in the S57 driver 
where I've restructured that area a bit to gain thread-safety.
I'm not sure if VS2010 is right or wrong in doing what it does, but if the 
.c_str() fix the issue, that's always good to have !


 Best regards,
 05.12.2013 0:19, Frank Warmerdam пишет:
  It is not clear to me why this should be necessary.  osAcronym is a
  long lived std::string (well CPLString derived from std::string)
  living in the registrars attribute list.  I assume the following
  method is used to convert the CPLString to const char * which should
  amount to the same thing you did.
  operator const char* (void) const { return c_str(); }
  Perhaps there is some subtle reason I don't see that the compiler is
  creating a temporary std::string in between?
  In any event, if you file a ticket I can apply this change upstream.
   There are other accessors on the same class that look like they could
  have similar issues.
  Best regards,
  On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Dmitriy Baryshnikov wrote:
  I have such error: the GDAL compiled with VS2010-VS2013 in s57
  driver loose all additional fields values. But the same code
  compiled with gcc or previous VS works fine.
  I found the root of problems here
  const char *pszAcronym = poRegistrar-GetAttrAcronym(nAttrId);
  iField = poFeature-GetDefnRef()-GetFieldIndex(pszAcronym);
  The pszAcronym always empty.
  The problem comes from this function (ogr\ogrsf_frmts\s57\s57.h:140):
  const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )
  { return GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL :
  aoAttrInfos[i]-osAcronym; }
  It seems to me that during execution this function I have
  |situation when||c_str()|result becomes invalid
  (the|std::string|is destroyed or a non-const member function of
  the string is called).
  If I change function
  const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )
  { return GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL :
  aoAttrInfos[i]-osAcronym.c_str(); }
  the problem gone.
  So I need some confirmation/verification my ideas.
  If I'm right, I can make changes to s57 driver.
  Best regards,
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