Hi all,

I'm having fun watching two gold-dust day gex in my sunroom, through
binoculars.  I'm not sure if they're fighting or attempting to mate and
one is not willing.  There's a lot of tail writhing, some chasing, a
little biting.  They do an interesting stance where one will turn
vertical, and raise up on one side so its back is to the other.  Also
arching the back, tail lifting, tail "sniffing".  And the funniest one,
sticking the tongue way out.  It's quite fascinating!  I get the feeling
of insults with most of this.  But it's a 12 x 24 room, with lots of
plants and hiding places, big enough for more than one little gecko I'd
think!  They will separate 4-6', but then pursue each other again,

I'd appreciate comments from those who have seen day geckos in the
wild.  I've never put two males together of course, so I've never seen
this stuff.  These are escapees from the nursery closet, but they're
about a year old.

HeartSong Sanctuary - Asian turtles, day geckos, and frogs
Global Gecko Association
gecko mailing list

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