*The authorities in Indonesia have locked up six of my friends, just for
peacefully supporting West Papua. Help me get them out.*
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[image: Defending human rights]
[image: 6 colourful and candid photos in a grid of the Papuan activists
imprisoned. &copy;Private]

Dear ,

I am writing to you because six of my friends in Jakarta are facing life

Dano (Anes) Tabuni, Charles Kosal, Ambrosius Mulait, Isay Wenda, Arina
Lokbere, and Surya Anta Ginting are *charged with ‘rebellion’ for
peacefully expressing their support for West Papua’s right to

Surya Anta Ginting is the first non-Papuan Indonesian ever charged with
‘rebellion’ for West Papua’s cause. He has been isolated in a poorly
ventilated cell, making it hard for him to sleep.

*His right ear is so badly infected that he’s experiencing intermittent
deafness. Dano Tabuni, Ambrosius Mulait, and Isay Wenda are also sick.*

The authorities are only allowing my friends access to their families and
lawyers twice a week for two hours each. They are each being held in
separate cells and are reportedly experiencing hallucinations and

*Please spare a moment to support my friends from afar and demand their

Let them know that you and I are with them, even though they are physically
alone in their cells right now and longing for sunlight and freedom.

Thank you for your solidarity,

[image: Veronica Koman, Indonesian human rights lawyer]

*PS.* My friends were arrested a few days before Indonesian police named me
as a suspect for my work on West Papua. Unlike my friends, I am lucky
enough to escape this harsh treatment and an unfair trial. *But I can’t
stay silent while they are locked up — please join me in demanding their
immediate release.

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the systems that enable injustice and abuses. *Make a regular donation
help power the movement for human rights.

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