Hi Jason,

I am trying to hit the start of the ROI for an application and then switch
to the Detailed CPU. For this, I wrote my version of the run function in
Simulation.py. I am able to successfully intercept the start of workbegin,
however I am unable to successfully CPUs.

*def run1(options, root, testsys, cpu_call):    cptdir = getcwd()
maxtick = m5.MaxTick    root.apply_config(options.param)    checkpoint_dir
= None    m5.instantiate(checkpoint_dir)    # the number of cpus    np =
options.num_cpus    switch_cpus = None    switch_cpus_1 = None
switch_cpus = [TimingSimpleCPU(switched_out=True,
cpu_id=(i))                   for i in xrange(np)]    switch_cpus_1 =
[DerivO3CPU(switched_out=True, cpu_id=(i))                    for i in
xrange(np)]    for i in xrange(np):        switch_cpus[i].system =
testsys        switch_cpus_1[i].system =  testsys
switch_cpus[i].workload = testsys.cpu[i].workload
switch_cpus_1[i].workload = testsys.cpu[i].workload
switch_cpus[i].clk_domain = testsys.cpu[i].clk_domain
switch_cpus_1[i].clk_domain = testsys.cpu[i].clk_domain
switch_cpus[i].isa = testsys.cpu[i].isa        switch_cpus_1[i].isa =
testsys.cpu[i].isa    while True:        exit_event = m5.simulate()
exit_cause = exit_event.getCause()        testsys.switch_cpus =
switch_cpus_1        # testsys.switch_cpus_1 = switch_cpus_1
switch_cpu_list = [(testsys.cpu[i], switch_cpus_1[i]) for i in
xrange(np)]       # switch_cpu_list_1 = [(testsys.cpu[i], switch_cpus_1[i])
for i in xrange(np)]        if exit_cause == "workbegin":
print("Switched CPUS @ tick on hitting ROI %s" % (m5.curTick()))
m5.switchCpus(testsys, switch_cpu_list)        elif exit_cause ==
"workend":            print("Reached ROI end")            break

The above is my function. It correctly captures the workbegin, however it
throws an error related to the new CPU it tried to switch to:

*  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>  File
<http://cs.wisc.edu/u/s/h/shyamm/gem5_2/src/python/m5/main.py>", line 438,
in main    exec(filecode, scope)  File "configs/example/se.py", line 274,
in <module>    Simulation.run1(options, root, system, FutureClass)  File
line 467, in run1    m5.switchCpus(testsys, switch_cpu_list)  File
<http://cs.wisc.edu/u/s/h/shyamm/gem5_2/src/python/m5/simulate.py>", line
275, in switchCpus    if not new_cpu.switchedOut():  File
<http://cs.wisc.edu/u/s/h/shyamm/gem5_2/src/python/m5/SimObject.py>", line
1204, in __getattr__    raise AttributeError(err_string)AttributeError:
object 'DerivO3CPU' has no attribute 'switchedOut'  (C++ object is not yet
constructed, so wrapped C++ methods are unavailable.)*

The python bind does happen in the BaseCPU.py file for switchedOut
function, I was unable to follow why this exception is still being thrown.
Anything I am missing Jason?

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