Hello Gabriel

I have now fixed the issue causing the error. It was related to incorrect 
generation of the bigCluster and littleCluster.
The HelloWorld program is now executing okay when configured to generate the 
bigCluster and littleCluster.

There is one anomaly I wanted to clarify:

1) Running the HelloWorld program, but CHI.py configured for no clusters, I get 
the following info when I add print statement for cntrl at line 224 in CHI.py.

The command used to run being:

./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/se_kirin_custom.py --ruby --topology=Pt2Pt 
--cpu-type=DerivO3CPU --num-cpus=4 --num-dirs=1 --num-l3caches=1 
--num-cpu-bigclust=1 --num-cpu-littleclust=3 --num-clusters=0 
--cpu-type-bigclust=DerivO3CPU --cpu-type-littleclust=DerivO3CPU 

CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu0.l1i
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu0.l1d
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu0.l2
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu1.l1i
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu1.l1d
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu1.l2
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu2.l1i
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu2.l1d
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu2.l2
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu3.l1i
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu3.l1d
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu3.l2
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.ruby.hnf.cntrl
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.ruby.snf.cntrl

As can be seen the L2 Caches for each CPU is private, as expected.

2) Running the HelloWorld program, but CHI.py configured for [bigCluster, 
littleCluster], I get the following info when I add print statement for cntrl 
at line 224 in CHI.py. The command used to run being

./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/se_kirin_custom.py --ruby --topology=Pt2Pt 
--cpu-type=DerivO3CPU --num-cpus=4 --num-dirs=1 --num-l3caches=1 
--num-cpu-bigclust=1 --num-cpu-littleclust=3 --num-clusters=2 
--cpu-type-bigclust=DerivO3CPU --cpu-type-littleclust=DerivO3CPU 

CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu0.l1i
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu0.l1d
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu1.l1i
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu1.l1d
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu2.l1i
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu2.l1d
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu0.l2
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu1.l2
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu2.l2
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu3.l1i
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu3.l1d
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu3.l2
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.ruby.hnf.cntrl
CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.ruby.snf.cntrl

In this case, littleCluster consists of CPU[2:0] and bigCluster consists of 
Now for CPU[2:0], the debug info being:

        CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu0.l2
              CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu1.l2
              CHI.py -- Cntrl is <orphan System>.cpu2.l2

Is this showing that the L2Cache is shared between CPU[2:0] or is it showing 
that each of CPU[0], CPU[1] and CPU[2] has a private L2Cache?

Similarly for CPU[3]'s L2 Cache.

Thanks in advance

Best regards
-----Original Message-----
From: Javed Osmany
Sent: 28 June 2021 12:58
To: gem5 users mailing list <gem5-users@gem5.org>
Cc: Gabriel Busnot <gabriel.bus...@arteris.com>; Javed Osmany 
Subject: RE: [gem5-users] Re: [Big, Little] clusters with CHI and SE mode

Hello Gabriel

Thank you for the pointer.

Best regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Gabriel Busnot via gem5-users [mailto:gem5-users@gem5.org]
Sent: 28 June 2021 12:49
To: gem5-users@gem5.org<mailto:gem5-users@gem5.org>
Cc: Gabriel Busnot 
Subject: [gem5-users] Re: [Big, Little] clusters with CHI and SE mode

Hi Javed,

This is an error from the dot file processing tool.
For some reason, likely a hard coded string buffer size, it does not support 
lines longer that 16384 lines.
Luckily, you don’t need it and can ignore this error.

The second error says that one of the parameters has no set value.
In your case, this is data_channel_size in Cache_Controller.
See CHI.py line 225 to see what you need to do.

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